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How Many People Voted For Donald Trump In 2016

Will 2020 Set A New Record For Voter Turnout

US Election: Who voted for Donald Trump?

While the ballots are still being counted, more Americans are expected to have voted in 2020 than in any presidential election in history. This is due, in part, to the enthusiasm shown during early voting. The Washington Postreported that at least 101.9 million people voted through mail-in ballots or at early polling stations in their states. That’s 73 percent of the total votes cast in 2016.

Additionally, Biden has already received more votes than any presidential candidate in history, with more than 69.5 million ballots cast in his favor as of Wednesday morning, Nov. 4. While it’s still too early to predict an outcome, the number of votes shows that in spite of all of the challenges 2020 has presented, citizens wanted their voices heard.

Libertarian National Convention 2016

The Libertarian National Convention was held May 26-30, 2016, in Orlando, Florida.

Libertarian debates

  • A Libertarian Party presidential primary debate was filmed on March 29, 2016, and Part 1 aired on the Fox Business Network on April 1, 2016, at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Part 2 of the debate aired at 9 p.m. on April 8, 2016. The debate was moderated by John Stossel and aired on the Stossel show. Word of the debate first appeared on Gary Johnsons official campaign Tumblr page on February 16, 2016. Political commentator Austin Petersen, Gary Johnson, and John McAfee participated.
  • In an interview with The New York Times that ran on March 22, 2016, Gary Johnson discussed the Commission on Presidential Debates‘ 15 percent polling requirement for third party candidate participation. Johnson said, There is no way that a third party wins the presidency without being in the presidential debate. The contention is on our part that if youre on the ballot in enough states to mathematically be elected, then you should be included in the presidential debate.

Is Voting Compulsory In The Us

No, nobody in the US is required by law to vote in any local, state, or presidential election.

According to the US Constitution, voting is a right and a privilege – but not compulsory.

Some of the first countries that introduced mandatory voting laws were Belgium in 1892, Argentina in 1914 and Australia in 1924, according to IDEA.

Some citizens do not have the right to vote including those under 18 and felons in some states.

Also despite being US citizens, people living in Puerto Rico do not have a vote as their island is not a state of the US.

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Broke The Voting Record Here’s How 2020 Is Doing So Far

With ballots still being counted in the 2020 election, you may be wondering how voter turnout compares to that of the last presidential election. In 2016, after then-Republican-nominee Donald Trump ran against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, the United States Election Project announced that nearly 139 million citizens cast their ballots for their chosen candidate. By the sheer number, that’s not a bad turnout! In fact, 2016 set a record for the all-time highest number of voters in US history. However, Business Insider reported that this number still only represented about 60 percent of the country’s eligible voters.

Now, it’s safe to say the 2020 election has been, at best, wild. Trump is running for reelection, challenged by former Vice President Joe Biden. Trump and Biden are accompanied on their respective tickets by Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris. Voters have had to navigate a global pandemic, cringeworthy debates, and divergent views from the nominees on virtually every topic in order to cast their ballots. So, how has all this chaos affected voter turnout? Did it reignite the fire to participate in civic duty?

Timeline Of The 2016 United States Presidential Election

Trump will get more GOP primary votes than anyone in history (because ...

The following is a timeline of major events leading up to, during, and after the 2016 United States presidential election. The election was the 58th quadrennialUnited States presidential election, held on November 8, 2016. The presidential primaries and caucuses were held between February 1 and June 14, 2016, staggered among the 50 states, Washington, D.C., and U.S. territories. The U.S. Congress certified the electoral result on January 6, 2017, and the new President and Vice President were inaugurated on January 20, 2017.

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Hispanic And Latino Americans

Trump’s popularity among Hispanic and Latino Americans was low according to polling data a nationwide survey conducted in February 2016 showed that some 80 percent of Hispanic voters had an unfavorable view of Trump , more than double the percentage of any other Republican candidate. These low rankings are attributed to Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Alarm at Trump’s rise prompted an increase in the number of eligible Latino immigrants who have chosen to naturalize to vote against him. Despite his poor national standing with Hispanic and Latino Americans, he had constantly garnered higher numbers from them than each of his Republican rivals, along with other minority groups. At the same time, Trump received pockets of Hispanic support, winning around 45 percent of the Hispanic Republican vote in the Nevada Republican caucuses , and receiving some support among Cuban Americans in Florida. Despite expectations of low Latino support, Trump received about 29% of the Hispanic vote, slightly more than Romney received in 2012.

Support For Fringe Or Conspiracy Theories

During his campaign, Trump frequently gave voice to fringe or conspiracy theories. Professor Joseph Uscinski, the co-author of American Conspiracy Theories, writes that Trump made “unabashed” and “deft and almost daily use of … conspiracy narratives” on the campaign trail. According to political writer Steve Benen, unlike past political leaders, Trump did not keep fringe theories and their supporters at arm’s length.

Trump, for example, promoted the discredited belief that vaccines can cause autism unless administered according to a lengthened schedule. He also alluded to the unfounded notion that President Obama is secretly a Muslim, for example stating that Obama might have attended a particular funeral “if it were held in a Mosque” and saying that “some people” think a Muslim already had been elected president. Trump also speculated that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia‘s death by natural causes, was in truth caused by murder.

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Notable Expressions Phrases And Statements

  • Basket of deplorables: A controversial phrase coined by Hillary Clinton to describe half of those who support Trump.
  • “I’m with her”: Clinton’s unofficial campaign slogan .
  • “What, like with a cloth or something?”: Said by Hillary Clinton in response to being asked whether she “wipedher emails during an August 2015 press conference.
  • “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?”: Question asked by Hillary Clinton during a video address to the Laborers’ International Union of North America on September 21, 2016, which was then turned into an opposition ad by the Trump campaign.
  • “When they go low, we go high”: Said by then-first lady Michelle Obama during her Democratic conventionspeech. This was later inverted by Eric Holder.
  • “Feel the Bern”: A phrase chanted by supporters of the Bernie Sanderscampaign which was officially adopted by his campaign.

United States Presidential Election

This Democrat voted for Trump. Hear what he’d say to Trump now
2016 United States presidential election
46.1% 48.2%


President before election

The tone of the general election campaign was widely characterized as divisive and negative. Trump faced controversy over his views on race and immigration, incidents of violence against protestors at his rallies, and numerous sexual misconduct allegations including the Access Hollywood tape. Clinton’s popularity and public image were tarnished by concerns about her ethics and trustworthiness, and a controversy and subsequent FBI investigation regarding her improper use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state, which received more media coverage than any other topic during the campaign.

Clinton led in almost every nationwide and swing-state poll, with some predictive models giving Clinton over a 90 percent chance of winning. On Election Day, Trump over-performed his polls, winning several key swing-states, while losing the popular vote by 2.87 million votes. Trump received the majority in the Electoral College and won upset victories in the pivotal Rust Belt region. Ultimately, Trump received 304 electoral votes and Clinton 227, as two faithless electors defected from Trump and five from Clinton. Trump was the first president with neither prior public service nor military experience.

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How Many People Voted In The 2020 Us Presidential Election

  • 3:40 ET, Nov 4 2020
  • Invalid Date,

A RECORD number of Americans voted early in the 2020 presidential election, but turnout has not always been so highin previous ballots.

Here we look at how voter turnout changed over the past few years.

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Allegations Of Promoting Voter Intimidation

In the weeks before the election, Trump urged his supporters to volunteer as poll watchers on Election Day, saying they were needed to guard against “voter fraud” and a “rigged” outcome. The rhetoric was seen as a call to intimidate minority voters or challenge their credentials to prevent them from voting.

Democratic Party officials sued Trump in Arizona, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania, accusing him of voter intimidation, in violation of the 1965 Voters Rights Act and the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act, with his calls for supporters to monitor polling stations in minority neighborhoods. The Ohio Democratic Party wrote in a legal filing, “Trump has sought to advance his campaign’s goal of ‘voter suppression’ by using the loudest microphone in the nation to implore his supporters to engage in unlawful intimidation,” Other lawsuits used similar language. A separate lawsuit in New Jersey accuses the Republican National Committee of cooperating with Trump’s “ballot security” activities, which the RNC is prohibited from doing by a 1982 consent decree.

A federal District Court judge in Nevada ordered Trump campaigners to make available any training materials they provided for “poll watchers, poll observers, exit pollsters or any other similarly tasked individuals.” A District Court judge in Pennsylvania denied a request by the state Republican Party to allow poll watching by people from outside the immediate area, which is forbidden by the state election code.

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Demographic And Political Profiles Of Clinton And Trump Voters

As the pattern of the votes implies, the coalitions that supported the two major party nominees were very different demographically. These differences mirror the broad changes in the compositions of the two parties: The Republican and Democratic coalitions are more dissimilar demographically than at any point in the past two decades.

In 2016, a 61% majority of those who said they voted for Clinton were women, while Trump voters were more evenly divided between men and women. Whites constituted nearly nine-in-ten of Trumps supporters, compared with a smaller majority who voted for Clinton. Clintons voters also were younger than Trumps on average .

Among Clinton voters, 43% were college graduates, compared with 29% of Trump voters. And while non-college whites made up a majority of Trumps voters , they constituted only about a quarter of Clintons .

About a third of Clinton voters lived in urban areas, versus just 12% among Trump voters. By contrast, 35% of Trump voters said they were from a rural area among Clinton voters, 19% lived in a rural community.

Fox News And Megyn Kelly

How Many People Voted In The 2016 Election? Donald Trump Attracted A ...

Trump was one of ten candidates in the main Fox News debate on August 6, 2015. Bret Baier questioned Trump about Obamacare,Chris Wallace asked him about Mexican illegal immigrants, and Megyn Kelly asked about how he would respond to the Clinton campaign saying that he was waging a “war on women“. Trump replied, “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.”

In a later interview with Don Lemon on CNN Tonight, Trump said that Kelly is a “lightweight” and had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her … wherever.” Trump tweeted that his remark referred to Kelly’s nose but was interpreted by critics as a reference to menstruation. Trump retained his first place standing after the debate, with an NBC News poll showing him at 23 percent support and a Reuters/Ipsos poll at 24 percent, followed by Ted Cruz at 13 percent and Ben Carson at 11 percent.

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Donald Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump for President 2016
Presumptive nominee: May 4, 2016Official nominee: July 19, 2016Won election: November 9, 2016Inaugurated: January 20, 2017
Ben Carson Jeff Sessions Corey Lewandowski Roger Stone Sam Nunberg Paul Manafort Rick Gates Michael Caputo Carter Page
Slogan The Silent Majority Stands with TrumpTrump Digs Coal
This article is part of a series about

The 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump was formally launched on June 16, 2015, at Trump Tower in New York City. Trump was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election, having won the most state primaries, caucuses, and delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention. He chose Mike Pence, the sitting governor of Indiana, as his vice presidential running mate. On November 8, 2016, Trump and Pence were elected president and vice president of the United States. Trump’s populist positions in opposition to illegal immigration and various trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, earned him support especially among voters who were male, white,blue-collar, working class, and those without college degrees.

On January 6, 2017, the United States government’s intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 United States elections against the campaign of Hillary Clinton and in support of Trump. As president, Trump repeatedly rejected the conclusions of the U.S. intelligence agencies.

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