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How To Call President Trump

Jamie Raskin Unloads On Gop Congressman For Obsessing Over Poor Schmuck Ray Epps

Donald Trump calls President Biden an ‘enemy of the state’ – BBC News

Thursday 22 September 2022 21:15John Bowden

Rep Thomas Massie, a darling of the far right, was pressing Mr Raskin on a long-debunked tale about Ray Epps, a man whom Trump supporters have latched onto as a supposed government agent who they claim provoked others to violence during the attack. The conspiracy has allowed many on the far right, including Mr Massie, to shift blame from their own actions leading up to the riot.

He’s just trying to survive and he’s on your side. You don’t have many voters left you might want to try to hang on to them without demonising and vilifying your own people, Mr Raskin told his Republican rival.

Read more in The Independent:

Appeals Court Says Doj Can Use Classified Documents In Criminal Probe Of Trump

Thursday 22 September 2022 15:15Oliver O’Connell

A three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has reversed a Florida federal judges order which effectively barred the Department of Justice from using classified documents found at former president Donald Trumps Palm Beach home to further a criminal investigation into him and his associates.

Andrew Feinberg reports on Wednesday nights ruling.

Trump Promises To Deport ‘millions’ If Reelected


Former president Donald Trump said that he would deport millions of immigrants if he were re-elected in 2024.

During an interview with Fox News, when the host Sean Hannity asked him if you were to win and became president how long do you believe you could get things back to where you had it when you left? the former president said: Very quickly, except for one thing: millions of people are in our country now that shouldnt be here. Many of them are prisoners, criminals.

When the host asked him would you deport them? he responded: The bad ones I would deport. Millions and millions of people have… theyre poisoning our country. Theyre poisoning Id like to be nice about it.

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When In Doubt Or Backed Into A Corner Reach For An Old Classic

Thursday 22 September 2022 17:45Oliver O’Connell

Truly one of the most bizarre moments of the Sean Hannity interview with Donald Trump was when the former president said this:

Theres also a lot of speculation because of what they did, the severity of the FBI coming and raiding Mar-a-Lago. Were they looking for the Hillary Clinton emails that were deleted but they are around someplace? They may have thought that it was in there!

Combined with his claim that he could declassify documents just by thinking about them, it really is quite staggering that anyone could say such things while keeping a straight face.

Trump Doubles Down On Calls To Donate Directly To Him

Angry Trump Hires Famously Wrong Pollster To Call CNN Fake

Former President Trump doubled down on his calls for Republicans to donate to his leadership PAC rather than the GOP amid a growing feud over the partys use of his name and likeness in its fundraising.

In a statement put out by Save America, Trumps PAC, the former president berated RINOs and fools while maintaining he supports the Republican Party. Its the latest escalation in the fundraising dispute that began over the weekend.

I fully support the Republican Party and important GOP Committees, but I do not support RINOs and fools, and it is not their right to use my likeness or image to raise funds, Trump said, using the acronym for Republicans in name only.

So much money is being raised and completely wasted by people that do not have the GOPs best interests in mind. If you donate to our Save America PAC at, you are helping the America First movement and doing it right. We will WIN, and we will WIN BIG! Our Country is being destroyed by the Democrats! he added.

The statement was the latest indication that Trump has no intention of appeasing the Republican National Committee after it brushed off a cease-and-desist letter from his lawyers demanding it stop referencing Trump in its fundraising and merchandising.

However, Trump in part made his personal fortune off of leasing his name and has been protective in his public and private lives of how other individuals and bodies used his name to benefit other candidates.

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Nick Clegg Will Make The Call On Trumps Potential Facebook Reinstatement

Thursday 22 September 2022 19:00Oliver O’Connell

Meta executive Nick Clegg says he will make the final call on whether to reinstate Donald Trumps account when his suspension from the social media platform runs out next year.

Mr Clegg, the companys head of Global Affairs, told an event in Washington DC that allowing the one-term president to potentially return to Facebook is a decision I oversee and I drive.

Graeme Massie reports.

Five Key Takeaways From New Yorks $250m Lawsuit Against Trump And What It Means For 2024

11:15John Bowden

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a massive civil suit on Wednesday accusing Donald Trump and his adult children of artificially inflating the value of multiple business entities. The suit seeks to bar them from doing business in New York state, where the family made their bones for decades.

The extent and the detail of Mr Trumps actions, with the assistance of Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, were not known until now.

Eric Garcia breaks down the main takeaways from this new effort by state officials in New York to make Mr Trump answer for longstanding allegations of fraud.

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Trump Made Satellite Image Threat To Taliban Co

13:55Gino Spocchia

Donald Tump has alleged that during his negotiations with the Taliban as US president he used a satellite image of a Taliban leaders house to threaten the terrorist group.

The small but eye-opening detail came in a wide-ranging interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News this week.

Mr Trump said he gave Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar a satellite image of his home as a veiled warning amid talks with the designated terrorist group which eventually led to the withdrawn from, and take-over of, Afghanistan.

Gino Spocchia has more:

The 20 Properties In Trumps Alleged Fraud Scheme

“DON’T TALK TO ME” President Trump shuts down CNN reporter, calls FAKE NEWS

Thursday 22 September 2022 19:15Oliver O’Connell

Donald Trumps real estate empire engaged in an astounding level of fraud and deceptive business practises over more than a decade, during which the former president and his associates grossly and fraudulently inflated the value of his properties to obtain tax, loan and insurance incentives while boosting his financial ambitions, according to New York Attorney General Letitia James in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday.

The Independents Alex Woodward combed through the 222-page document. These are the properties and assets that the office of the attorney general alleges were central to a fraudulent scheme orchestrated by Mr Trump and his business allies.

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Why We Refer To The President As Mr

In February 2019, Scott Pelley sought to clarify any confusion as to why 60 Minutes referred to the President as “Mr. Trump.” Below is the transcript from that segment.

Some viewers objected to last Sunday’s story “Investigating the President” in which we referred to President Trump as “Mr. Trump.”

As longtime CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller wrote on several occasions over his decades covering the White House, “No disrespect is intended, just the opposite It is CBS News practice to refer to the president and former presidents on second reference with the honorific ‘Mister.’ Everyone else in the political universe is referred to only by their last names.”

That goes for Putin and Pelosi, Pence and Pompeo. After identifying President Trump, we use “Mr. Trump,” or “Mr. Bush,” or “Mr. Obama,” on second reference as a sign of respect for the office.

‘thank You President Trump’: New Campaign Ad Urges Supporters To Call Hotline To Show Appreciation

In an unorthodox move, President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign released a new ad asking viewers to “let President Trump know that we appreciate what he’s doing for America.”

The president’s 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale claims “President Trump has achieved more during his time in office than any president in history.” He goes on to urge supporters to call the Commander in Chief to thank him for his achievements.

The one-minute campaign spot is loaded with blue collar workers, the American flag and various clips of Trump. Parscale says the economy is “booming” and unemployment is at a “historic low.”

First 2020 ad? This Trump ad, featuring his campaign manager @parscale, just aired on CNN. It’s a minute long and asks viewers to call an 800 number to leave a thank you message for POTUS. I called the number and it leads to a fundraising appeal

Yashar Ali ????

Midway through the ad, several smiling “supporters” thank the president.

A video of the ad was tweeted by journalist Yashar Ali Monday night and quickly gained traction, with 300,000 views as of Tuesday night. Ali said the ad ran on CNN, though it’s unclear whether the spot was broadcast locally or nationwide.

Hotline callers are asked to state their name and leave a brief message to thank Trump. They are then prompted to donate to the president’s reelection campaign.

The number is 1-800-684-3043.

First published on December 19, 2018 / 3:57 PM

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Icymi: Trump Lawyers Ordered To Say Whether They Believe Fbi Planted Evidence


The Brooklyn federal judge in charge of reviewing the 11,000 documents which the FBI seized from former president Donald Trumps home during an 8 August search has ordered the ex-presidents legal team to say whether they believe agents planted evidence to incriminate the former president.

Read the full story by Andrew Feinberg here:

Book Reveals Bizarre Business Practices At Trump Organization Including Once Getting Paid With Gold Bars

Donald Trumps awkward phone call with Mexicos president as they ...


A forthcoming book by a New York Times journalist, Maggie Haberman, claims that Donald Trumps unusual business practices include once being paid with gold bars, CNN reported.

Habermans book, Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America, will be released on 4 October.

According to the book excerpts seen by CNN, Mr Trump told aides that he didnt know what to do with the gold bars once they had been delivered. He ultimately directed a senior official from the Trump Organization to wheel the bars up to his apartment in Trump Tower.

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Trump Flinging Paper Towels At Puerto Rico Residents Resurfaces As Biden Pledges Full Support After Hurricane

Thursday 22 September 2022 22:15John Bowden

Donald Trump tossing paper towels into a crowd of Puerto Rico residents in October 2017 resurfaced on social media overnight Wednesday as President Joe Biden pledged full support for the island, which was once again struck by a natural disaster.

Twitter users were quick to contrast the Democratic presidents response with the resistance to aiding the island that some conservatives showed during the Trump administration as well at the ex-presidents own tone deaf photo op during which he threw rolls of paper towels at waiting residents.

Read more from Gustaf Kilander:

Three Key Questions Ginni Thomas Must Answer In January 6 Panel Interview

04:15John Bowden

Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is set to give unprecedented testimony to the Jan 6 panel regarding her role in the effort to overturn the 2020 election.

Her involvement in the pro-Trump scheme has cast a massive shadow on the work of the Supreme Court, which already faced historic concerns about its legitimacy from the American public.

There are several questions that Ms Thomas is in a unique position to answer, both regarding her own activities as well as those of White House staff in the weeks leading up to the attack as well as the day of January 6 itself.

Read more from John Bowden:

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Mike Lindell Under Investigation Over Identity Theft And Damage To Computer Connected To Voting Machine

Thursday 22 September 2022 23:45John Bowden

Mike Lindells efforts to aid Donald Trump and the campaign to overturn the 2020 election may have finally gotten him into trouble.

NBC News reported on Wednesday that the hybrid pillow vendor and political operative is under federal investigation for a number of serious crimes related to his efforts to prove that widespread voter fraud or other election-related shenanigans cost Donald Trump the election in 2020.

Read more from John Bowden:

Trump Lawyers Ordered To Say Whether They Believe Fbi Planted Evidence

Biden calls Trump, supporters âthreat to this countryâ?

Thursday 22 September 2022 23:15John Bowden

The Brooklyn federal judge in charge of reviewing the 11,000 documents which the FBI seized from former president Donald Trumps home during an 8 August search has ordered the ex-presidents legal team to declare one way or the other whether they believe agents planted evidence to incriminate the former president.

The baseless accusations have floated for weeks, shared by the president himself and his closest allies. Theyve sparked conspiracies among his fans of a FBI-led political campaign to destroy Mr Trump, and led to an increase in violent threats targeting the agency.

In an order released on Thursday, the special master called for by Mr Trumps team gave those attorneys until 30 September to say whether any of the items on the 11-page inventory provided by the department are described incorrectly.

Read more in The Independent:

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Republicans Try To Vote Down Bill To Make It Harder To Overthrow Election

09:15John Bowden

More than 200 Republicans in the US House of Representatives on Thursday voted down a bill aimed at preventing Congress from interfering in the election certification process, a clear show of fealty to the de facto leader of their party who asked them to do so just two years ago.

Republican Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming co-sponsored the legislation with Democratic Representative Zoe Lofgren. Both members sit on the House select committee to investigate riot at the US Capitol on January 6. It passed, thanks to the chambers Democratic majority. Companion legislation in the Senate also has some bipartisan support.

But only 11 Republicans voted to pass the final legislation in the House.

Read more from The Independents Eric Garcia:

The Phone Call Was Disclosed By Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney Who Said The Matter Had Been Referred To The Justice Department

Former president Donald Trump attempted to call a member of the White House support staff who has been in talks with the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, according to people with knowledge of the attempt at contact.

Trumps call was to a member of his support staff who worked with former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson in some capacity and can corroborate aspects of her testimony, according to these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters. The attempt at contact was considered unusual because this staffer had not spoken with the former president for some time.

The call from Trump to the staffer, who is still in public service, was revealed Tuesday by committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney at the end of the committees seventh hearing.

After our last hearing, President Trump tried to call a witness in our investigation, Cheney said. A witness you have not yet seen in these hearings. That person declined to answer or respond to President Trumps call and instead alerted their lawyer to the call.

Their lawyer alerted us and this committee has supplied that information to the Department of Justice, Cheney added, without identifying the witness.

CNN first reported the role of the staffer. A Trump spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Radical Left Running National Archives According To Former President

Thursday 22 September 2022 18:45Oliver O’Connell

Former president Donald Trump has said that the National Archives and Records Administration is run by a radical left group.

The former presidents comments came during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday night.

You know, Nara is a radical left group of people running that thing and when you send documents over there, I would say theres a very good chance a lot of those documents will never be seen again, he added.

However, he did not elaborate on what he meant by the statement.

The Politics Of The Chinese Virus

A defensive Trump calls a Cabinet meeting and uses it to boast, deflect ...

Casting the virus foreign was not a simple rhetorical flourish. According to the database website Factbase, the president used the expression Chinese virus more than 20 times between March 16 and March 30. The deliberateness of the wording was made clear when a photographer captured the script of his speech wherein Trump had crossed out the word Corona and replaced it with Chinese.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused China of putting the world at risk for its lack of transparency, even scrapping a joint G7 statement after its members refused to refer to the virus as the Wuhan virus.

Secretary Pompeo had a point. By early February, there was already strong evidence of a Chinese cover-up and repression of whistle-blowers , later confirmed by more investigations . Yet rather than criticize China, President Trump heaped praise on the Chinese response, especially following his phone conversations with Chinas leader Xi Jinping for whom the president said he had great respect and who, he claimed, was doing a good job , a professional job , loves his country and is extremely capable, working hard and professionally . This, even when he was asked about how he can legitimately believe the Chinese communiste regime .

This is when the president started using the expression Chinese virus. When faced with accusations of racism, he dismissed its impact on Asian Americans, saying:

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