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How Do You Tweet Donald Trump

Donald Trump Twitter Archive And Stats

Do You Follow Donald Trump on Twitter?

Trumps latest tweets are always on TV, imagine all the news that are based just on his tweets. Well, Donald Trump has shared almost 47K original tweets since 2009. We do not count the RTs he makes, just the original tweets he has written and sent. Donald Trump original tweets are 46,919tweets divided in:

  • 30,572 text tweets: tweets containing only text
  • 3,624 replies: tweets where he replies to other users
  • 12,906 links or images

Sticking To The Script

Trump most commonly tweeted about the government, media and corporate institutions, which often became fodder for news coverage. The media often framed the tweets as attacks and counter-punching. But in a closer read, they were not merely responses to criticism or bad news. They regularly described something, the way a narrator would.

But his recasting of reality through his own lens may have also played a role in Trumps downfall. All the attacks, all the twisting of information, all the fear, may have worn out just enough people in key states to ensure his defeat.

When that defeat struck, Trumps storytelling framework did not change: It escalated and multiplied, consuming everything and everyone who did not blatantly support what many have called the Big Lie that the election was rigged against him:

  • Jan. 3, 2021: I spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger yesterday about Fulton County and voter fraud in Georgia. He was unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the ballots under table scam, ballot destruction, out of state voters, dead voters, and more. He has no clue!
  • Jan. 6, 2021: Mike Pence didnt have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

How To Get Donald Trump To Follow You On Twitter

Donald Trump loves to tweet, as witnessed by the fact that he has more than 28,000 tweets to his name, . And people love his tweets, since he has, at last count and rising, 4.33 million followers.

And yet he follows only 44 other Twitter accounts. Even by a politicians standards, Trumps ratio of follower to following is a bit lopsided. True, Jeb Bush has only 322,000 Twitter followers, but at least he follows 192. As for Hillary Clinton, she beats Trump slightly on the follower front , but she follows 289, which is HUUUUGGGEEE compared to Trumps 44 follows.

So, how do you get Donald Trump to follow you? Be a wise seer on international affairs? A policy analyst steeped in budgetary lore? Perhaps a veteran legislator with decades of bill-passing experience?

Here are seven tips on how to make the list.

  • Be a relative. Trump follows his wife, , his two sons, and , and his daughter, , who describes herself first and foremost as American wife.

  • Be on Fox News. Yes, despite Trumps constant feuding with the network, he follows Bill OReilly, Greta Van Susteren, Eric Bolling, Geraldo Rivera, and FOX & Friends.

  • Be opposite FOX & Friends in the morning. Trump also follows Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough.

  • Be Trumps lawyer and sometime spokesperson. Do you think bills Trump for the time he tweets . . .

  • Twitter content

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    Gemar Gunakan Twitter Ini Tweet

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  • Sebuah ilustrasi foto menunjukkan akun Twitter Presiden AS Donald Trump yang diblokir pada ponsel cerdas di White House, Washington, AS, 8 Januari 2021. witter mencatat, pada 8 Januari, Trump mengunggah cuitan “75.000.000 Patriot Amerika yang hebat yang memilih saya, AMERICA FIRST, dan MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, akan memiliki GIANT VOICE di masa depan. Mereka tidak akan dihormati atau diperlakukan tidak adil dengan cara, bentuk, atau bentuk apa pun!!!” REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

    TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Presiden Amerika Donald Trump nyaris tidak bisa dipisahkan dari Twitter. Platform media sosial tersebut kerap menjadi alat pilihannya untuk menyerang lawan politik hingga mengumumkan kebijakan penting. Di sisi lain, sebagai Presiden Amerika, Twitter memberinya hak istimewa untuk men-tweet sesuka hati dia tanpa harus khawatir akan dihapus.

    Hari ini, hak-hak istimewa itu hilang. memutuskan untuk menghukum Donald Trump. Akun pribadi dan kampanyenya, @realDonaldTrump dan @TeamTrump, diblokir permanen. Twitter menganggap Donald Trump telah menyalahgunakan platformnya menyusul peristiwa kerusuhan US Capitol pada Rabu kemarin.

    Dikenal mentweet minimal 18 kali per hari dengan total jumlah tweet di kisaran 26 ribu, berikut beberapa tweet kontroversial dan unik Donald Trump yang dikumpulkan Tempo:

    Kementerian Kehakiman membantah pernyataan Donald Trump. Mereka berkata, tidak ada bukti penyadapan telah terjadi.


    Now Lets Talk On What United State President Did To Win 2016 Election

    Do you think Trump

    I dont need to tell you when Donald Trump was born, how he went to school and how he got Degrees. You know we dont need all this on Social media. Though Trump was very Brilliant back in school according to what I read.

    What I want to tell you is how Donald Trump used social media in winning 2016 USA Election without any stress and how you can make use of that social media advantage especially when its free.

    Donald Trump is very active on social media. And he has used that to gain many likes and followers on facebook and twitter. I dont need to tell you that, those two social media are the best and easy way to reach people especially for politician.

    Trump tweet every day, even every hour and many of his campaign statements were controversial or false, generating much free media coverage.

    When he became the president he said Without the tweets, I wouldnt be here, I dont have to go to the fake media. The question you should ask yourself is who are fake media?

    When Clinton was busy doing Radio, Television and Newspaper campaign, Trump was busy engaging people on social media that is why he said I think that social media has more power than the money they spent, and I think maybe to a certain extent, I proved that

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    Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist

    Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump may have failed to disavow the Ku Klux Klan in late February, but hell have you know he is not racist. In fact, he claims to be the least racist person that you have ever met, and last summer he pulled out the old standby about not having a racist bone in his body.

    But he hasnt given us a lot of reason to believe that. In fact, despite Trumps protests to the contrary, he has a long history of saying and doing racist things. Its not really surprising that hes won the support and praise of the countrys white supremacists.

    Heres a running list of some of the most glaringly racist things associated with Trump. Were sure well be adding to it soon.

    He Attacked Muslim Gold Star Parents

    Trumps retaliation against the parents of a Muslim U.S. Army officer who died while serving in the Iraq War was a clear low point in a campaign full of hateful rhetoric.

    Khizr Khan, the father of the late Army Captain Humayun Khan, spoke out against Trumps bigoted rhetoric and disregard for civil liberties at the Democratic National Convention on July 28. It quickly became the most memorable moment of the convention.

    Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution? Khan asked Trump before pulling a copy of the document from his jacket pocket and holding it up. I will gladly lend you my copy, he declared.

    Khans wife Ghazala Khan, who wears a Muslim head scarf, stood at his side during the speech but did not speak.

    In response to the devastating speech, Trump seized on Ghazala Khans silence to insinuate that she was forbidden from speaking due to the couples Islamic faith.

    If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasnt allowed to have anything to say. You tell me, Trump said in an interview with ABC News that first appeared on July 30.

    Ghazala Khan explained in an op-ed in the Washington Post the following day that she could not speak because of grief over her son.

    Walking onto the convention stage, with a huge picture of my son behind me, I could hardly control myself. What mother could? she wrote. Donald Trump has children whom he loves. Does he really need to wonder why I did not speak?

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    He Trashed Native Americans Too

    In 1993, when Trump wanted to open a casino in Bridgeport, Connecticut, that would compete with one owned by the Mashantucket Pequot Nation, a local Native American tribe, he told the House subcommittee on Native American Affairs that they dont look like Indians to me… They dont look like Indians to Indians.

    Trump then elaborated on those remarks, which were unearthed last year in the Hartford Courant, by saying the mafia had infiltrated Indian casinos.

    Donald Trump Uses Potus Account To Accuse Twitter Of ‘banning Free Speech’ After Being Barred From The Platform

    Twitter ‘doing all it can’ to make President Trump ‘lose the election’

    Twitter temporarily blocked Mr Trump’s account on Wednesday following the siege of the US Capitol by his supporters.

    Saturday 9 January 2021 17:05, UK

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    Donald Trump has accused Twitter of “banning free speech” in a tweet from the POTUS account, hours after he was banned from the platform.

    The Twitter Safety account posted shortly afterwards, saying: “After close review of recent Tweets from the account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

    It comes after Mr Trump was similarly banned from Facebook and Instagram following riots at the US Capitol on Wednesday.

    The president’s son, Donald Trump Jnr, posted a video on Facebook attacking the decision, saying it’s “the kinda stuff” that would make Chinese communist ruler Chairman Mao “really proud”.

    “So if you guys haven’t noticed yet, Twitter permanently banned my father from its platform, so to speak, you know, it’s not a platform they can pretend it’s an open platform but obviously it’s not. I guess, someone told me, because he wasn’t gonna attend Joe Biden’s inauguration. I’m not sure what’s offensive about that but I guess they were just looking for any excuse.”

    He goes on for 10 minutes and 54 seconds, and in the comments section he asks people to go to his website and join the mailing list so they can “stay connected”.

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    As President Trump Tweets And Deletes The Historical Record Takes Shape

    President Trump’s Twitter feed had more than 66 million followers as of October 2019. J. David Ake/APhide caption

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    President Trump’s Twitter feed had more than 66 million followers as of October 2019.

    President Trump made a high-profile, short-lived typo this past weekend when he referred to Defense Secretary Mark Esper as “Mark Esperanto” in a tweet that was deleted after an hour.

    Trump has made unprecedented use of Twitter from the Oval Office and regularly uses it to share thoughts and announcements on politics and diplomacy. For many experts, his penchant for deletion is cause for concern: Under the 1978 Presidential Records Act, Trump’s electronic communications are considered public property, and living history.

    Trump has spoken about the power of Twitter and the political importance of his tweets. He told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson in 2017 that he might not have been elected without the platform and viewed it as an effective means of communication as president.

    “My use of social media is not Presidential it’s MODERN DAY PRESIDENTIAL,” he tweeted in July 2017.

    The president’s tweets are an important window into his communications with other politicians, his supporters and the public, said Dan Mahaffee, senior vice president and director of policy at the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress.

    He Called Supporters Who Beat Up A Homeless Latino Man Passionate

    Trumps racial incitement has already inspired hate crimes. Two brothers arrested in Boston last summer for beating up a homeless Latino man cited Trumps anti-immigrant message when explaining why they did it.

    Donald Trump was right all these illegals need to be deported, one of the men reportedly told police officers.

    Trump did not even bother to distance himself from them. Instead, he suggested that the men were well-intentioned and had simply gotten carried away.

    I will say that people who are following me are very passionate, Trump said. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.

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    The Most Special Tweeter Until He Wasnt

    The media that began the Trump presidency wondering if he would stop tweeting after the inauguration is ending that presidency with conversations about the meaning of his ban from the platform, which was effected late last week. That conversation is accompanied by a near-industry-wide effort by tech companies to sever ties with the president, his office and his campaign.

    The central story is simple enough. Twitter was always able to ban Mr. Trump. He broke rules that Twitter says it enforces for its users rules that Twitter made in the first place. Twitter had repeatedly admitted that this was bad but, like Facebook, not to ban him, citing the public interest .

    Then, after the Capitol siege, Twitter made a new case. The reasons the company offered for the ban and the reasons that have been suggested by others for keeping him around can be summed up as follows: He is the president. Likewise for the ban: Soon he will not be president. Twitter allowed him to break rules and then one day it didnt.

    In its official statement about the ban, not just to its own rules, but to the outside world, suggesting an imminent risk of further violence.

    Twitter elaborated on this thinking in an update in which it said it had banned more than 70,000 other accounts for sharing harmful QAnon-associated content at scale.

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