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What Is President Trump’s Iq

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President Donald Trump Says His IQ Higher Than Rex Tillerson’s | Morning Joe | MSNBC

He always used to say that he had a very high IQ, Res added, recalling her decade-plus working alongside him.

Trumps black-and-white view of intelligence was formed long before psychologists embraced a more nuanced definition of the term. In 1983, for example, developmental psychologist Howard Gardner put forward his theory of multiple intelligences, which stressed that people learn in many different ways and suggested IQ tests were too narrow.

Measuring someones intelligence is not simply a matter of taking one test with a sharpened No. 2 pencil. Donald Trump came of age before that whole notion, for sure, Blair said. Hes still thinking in terms of that No. 2 pencil.

Recently, however, IQ measurement has found increasing resonance among alt-right and white supremacist groups, who have linked IQ and race to argue for limits on immigration from certain ethnic groups.

President Donald Trump graduated in 1968 from the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School. | Rusty Kennedy/AP Photo

Trump, who attended the Wharton School of business at the University of Pennsylvania, has an affinity for people who graduated from prestigious universities.

He warmed up to his former staff secretary, Rob Porter, once he learned that Porter attended Harvard University and was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, according to two people familiar with the matter. This guy is so smart, hed sometimes tell other staffers of Porter. He was a Rhodes Scholar!

Mensa Reveals What An Iq Test Could Look Like For Trump Tillerson

President Trump’s attack on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has Mensa saying “it would be fun” to have them take one of their IQ tests.

Mensa’s response comes on the heels of Mr. Trump saying in an interview published Tuesday that he’s smarter than the top member of his Cabinet as he was reacting to a report that Tillerson previously called the commander in chief a “moron.”

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win,” Mr. Trump told Forbes.

On Tuesday, the high IQ society Mensa offered to administer the test. Charles Brown, the communications director for the group, joined CBSN’s Elaine Quijano so she could try to answer the type of questions that would be asked.

Brown and Quijano walked through one of the questions on CBSN’s “Red & Blue” show, and CBS News has obtained two more questions:

“I’m looking at the answer … that’s not what I came up with …” Quijano said about question one and added, “See this is the difficulty of live television Charles … it’s forcing me to think in a way that is just completely foreign to me.”

Brown mentioned that some of the questions to be eligible for Mensa may seem fairly easy, but you may need to answer 80 questions in 30 minutes.

Brown said neither the State Department nor the White House took up Mensa’s offer directly.

“The president is allowed to joke,” Nauert said, and Tillerson is “more than fine with that.”

Who Were The Smartest Presidents

“I don’t recall ever coming across a list of presidents and their IQs,” says Dr Barbara A Perry, director of presidential studies at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center.

“But you can easily find a list of presidents inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in their universities.”

Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa honours “the best and brightest liberal arts and sciences undergraduates from 286 top schools across the nation”.

Of the 44 presidents, 17 have been Phi Beta Kappa members. Bill Clinton, George H W Bush, and Jimmy Carter were the most recent.

Dr Perry puts forward, among others, Herbert Hoover , Woodrow Wilson , and William H Taft .

And, although a president’s IQ has never been confirmed, in 2006 the University of California estimated that John Quincy Adams was the most intelligent of all presidents.

She also says that intelligence is only part of what makes a good president.

“It was the Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who famously said Franklin Delano Roosevelt had ‘a second class intellect but a first class temperament’.

“Roosevelt was re-elected in ’36 by two-thirds of the electorate.”

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Does Old Age Affect Iq

Many have thought Biden unfit to function as the POTUS, mainly due to his age. But what they fail to realize is that age doesnt affect IQ. Only brain injury or surgery gone wrong can affect cognitive functioning on multiple parameters to lower ones IQ. The fear that dementia could be the reason behind Bidens blunted wits and social awkwardness may be true. But dementia mainly affects memory, not IQ.

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Donald Trumps IQ is Not 73

Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure,it’s not your fault

Donald J. Trump May 9, 2013

I heard poorly rated speaks badly of me . Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

Donald J. Trump

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All The Us Presidents Ranked By Iq

An intelligence quotient test is a series of standardized tests used to gauge and assess a person’s intelligence. While most people will never take a formal IQ test, high IQs have nevertheless always been a topic of public interest.

In recent history, US president IQs have been the subject of debate and discussion. This is in part due to Donald Trump’s perpetual tweeting about his high IQ during the controversial election cycle of 2016. This led people to wonder who the smartest and dumbest presidents were throughout history.

A president’s IQ is rarely made public, and many United States presidents were born before the modern IQ test was invented. Nevertheless, many psychological studies have provided educated guesses of presidential IQ based on a variety of factors. When it comes to IQ scores, a score over 140 is considered genius level.

Research indicates most presidents fall somewhere around 130, but that doesn’t mean America has never had a genius in the Oval Office. There are outliers on either side, with many presidents’ IQs being higher or lower than average. If you’re curious to learn where our presidents rank in terms of intellectual prowess, browse the list below.

  • Birthplace: Braintree, Massachusetts, United States of America

    Presidency: 6

What To We Know About Donald Trump’s Iq

This has been a matter of some debate, but we’ll give it a go.

There’s no evidence he’s ever actually taken a formal IQ test, but we can fudge a guess from his education and achievements.

Several articles have estimated his IQ at around 156, which would make him smarter than 99.98% of the population.

This article was based on Trump being a graduate of the prestigious Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Ohso He’s Not So Smart After All

Let’s not go overboard. Not being a Wharton MBA graduate doesn’t automatically make Trump a dummy. University of Pennsylvania is a highly regarded, Ivy League school.

But Trump has never released his High School or College Transcripts, so it’s impossible to tell how he got in to the school or got on while he was there.

He didn’t make the ‘Dean’s List’ – a list of students recognised for academic achievement. And he didn’t graduate with any kind of honours.

A classmate told the Daily News: “He was not first in the class. He was not known on campus for any reason at all. I have no memory of him whatsoever.”

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President Trump Finally Releases The Results Of His Iq Test

Stephen Found Trump’s IQ Test Results

Friday, 18 September 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – – President Trump has finally released the results of his IQ test, after promising to do so for several months.

He revealed the results on his favorite Fox News show “Fox & Friends”. Trump was grinning from ear-to-ear as he told co-host Brian Kllmeade that his IQ is 403.

The president quickly told Brian that, just as he’s been saying for years, he is not only the smartest person in the United States, but also in the entire world.

Co-host Steve Doocy asked him if the test results were certified.

POTUS became a bit upset, and replied that the tests are as certified as the Presidential Executive Order he is going to issue requiring him to reveal his income tax returns for the past 20 years.

Ainsley Earhardt chimed in and said that she, for one, knew that the IQ results were as accurate as the time on the Big Ben clock in London.

Trump smiled and told her that if he was not practicing self-distancing, he would give her the biggest most passionate hug that she has ever had.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

Do you dream of being a comedy news writer?

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Smart Move What Trump’s Iq Contest Would Really Show

12 October 2017

After Secretary of State Rex Tillerson allegedly called President Donald Trump a moron back in July, the president boasted that he would score higher on an IQ test than Tillerson. But that may not mean as much as the president would like to think.

In a recent interview with Forbes, Trump said of Tillerson’s alleged insult, “I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win.”

But what do IQ tests really measure? Are they a valid metric for intelligence?

For some, the answer is fairly clear. “In my view, ‘intelligence’ is easy to define: It is that quality measured by performance on a well-standardized intelligence test,” Robert Bilder, a psychologist at UCLA who researches cognition and psychopathology, told Live Science.

But intelligence testing, even intelligence as a concept, is the focus of a constant debate that raises more questions than it answers.

The IQ, or the intelligence quotient, is a measure of a person’s mental age divided by their actual age, multiplied by 100. So, a person who is exactly as “mentally old” as one might expect for that individual’s chronological age would score a perfectly average 100. People who deviate from that score in either direction are considered to be of above- or below-average intelligence. These scores can change with age and can fluctuate from one testing session to another, according to researchers.

Donald Trumps Iq Makes Him Smartest President

AdvertisementsSummary of eRumor:President Donald Trumps IQ of 156 places him in the 99.99 percentile of intelligence nationally, and it makes him the most intelligent president ever.The Truth:Theres no way to prove or disprove claims that President Donald Trumps IQ makes him the smartest president ever, or smarter than 99.99 percent of the population.Donald Trumps IQ has long been a topic of conversation, particularly because Trump has made reference to his high IQ numerous times on Twitter and on the presidential campaign trail:, while Trump has talked frequently about his high IQ, he has never made any specific claims about his IQ, or released aptitude testing to confirm those claims. Instead, Trump has pointed to his business record and the fact that he attended the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania to support claims about his high IQ.During the 2016 presidential campaign in 2015, claims began circulating that based on Whartons admission requirements, Trumps IQ was 156, making him smarter than 99.99 percent of the population . The claim appears to have started with a slide created by Gary Forbes, an online Trump booster about which little is known, in 2015:

Trump Transferred to Penn from Fordham

Penns SAT Requirements Dont Support Trump IQ Claims

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