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How To Send A Tweet To Donald Trump

Us: Donald Trump Seeks Twitter Account Reinstatement In Court

How (And Why) Donald Trump Tweets

The former US president has requested that a judge force the social media giant to restore his account. Several platforms banned Donald Trump after his supporters stormed the US Capitol building in January.

Trump was banned from Twitter on January 8, two days after his supporters broke into the US Capitol building

Former US President Donald Trump asked a Florida judge on Friday to force the social media platform Twitter to restore his account.

The company banned the then-president following the deadly riot at the US Capitol on January 6.

Trump filed his request for an injunction against Twitter in the US District Court for the Southern District Florida, close to his Mar-a-Lago home.

The filing argued that the social media giant had been “coerced by members of the United States Congress.”

Twitter “exercises a degree of power and control over political discourse in this country that is immeasurable, historically unprecedented, and profoundly dangerous to open democratic debate,” Trump’s lawyers added.

The filing also pointed to the fact that the Taliban have been allowed to tweet about their victories in Afghanistan.

Sharing Of Violent Far

Trump has been criticized for his practice of retweeting or copying material from social media accounts posting antisemitic, racist, or false information, such as claims exaggerating the number of crimes committed by black people.

During campaign

PolitiFact singled out as particularly obviously false an image retweeted by Trump that claimed that 81% of white murder victims are killed by black people. Politifact noted that, besides being a five-fold exaggeration, the claim was sourced to the non-existent “Crime Statistics Bureau, San Francisco” it later highlighted this retweet when awarding its 2015 “Lie of the Year” badge to Trump’s entire presidential campaign. The fake statistics were first posted by a neo-Nazi Twitter account.

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The clip appeared on pro-Trump subreddit, /r/The Donald, about four days earlier, and was created by a Reddit account which had previously posted racist, antisemitic and bigoted content. A White House official later denied that the video came from Reddit the official declined “to respond to questions about where the president obtained the clip.” As of December 20,2017, the tweet had been retweeted over 330,000 times, making it Trump’s most retweeted post.

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Twitter Suspends Trump Permanently After Inciting Mob

About two hours after his ban, Trump did turn to the official @POTUS account, railing against Twitter, Democrats, and the Radical Left, in a series of tweets that were quickly deleted. A Twitter spokesperson said, As weve said, using another account to try to evade a suspension is against our rules. We have taken steps to enforce this with regard to recent Tweets from the .

In the blog post, Twitter cited Trumps two most recent tweets as an explanation for the permanent suspension.

In the first one, Trump wrote: The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!

In the next, he tweeted, To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.

Taken together, the company determined, they were likely to inspire others to replicate the violent acts that took place on January 6, 2021, and that there are multiple indicators that they are being received and understood as encouragement to do so.

The suspension drew immediate praise from Democratic politicians.

“Thank you @twitter for taking this action,” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., tweeted. “We must come together as a country to heal and find a common path forward.”

Republican politicians and Trump loyalists pushed back on the decision.

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Rnc Defends Use Of Trumps Name In Its Fundraising

Former President Donald Trump addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference on Feb. 28 in Orlando, Fla.

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WASHINGTON The Republican National Committee is defending its right to use former President Donald Trumps name in fundraising appeals after he demanded they put an end to the practice.

In a Monday letter to Trump attorney Alex Cannon, RNC chief counsel J. Justin Riemer said the committee has every right to refer to public figures as it engages in core, First Amendment-protected political speech and said it will continue to do so in pursuit of these common goals.

But he maintained that Trump had also reaffirmed to the chair of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel, over the weekend that he approves of the RNCs current use of his name in fundraising and other materials, including for our upcoming donor retreat event at Palm Beach at which we look forward to him participating.

Trump responded to the letter with a statement that put that agreement in doubt. No more money for RINOS, or Republican in name only, he stated. They do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base they will never lead us to Greatness. He instead again urged his supporters to send their contributions directly to his own Save America PAC by using his personal website, adding, We will bring it all back stronger than ever before!

Despite the letters, the RNC and others have continued to fundraise off of Trumps name.

Pascale Ferrier Has Been Charged With Threatening To Kill And Injure Us President

Trump tweets send stinging message to countless Americans

A United States federal prosecutor says his office is working on a plea deal that could be offered to a Quebec woman accused last year of sending poison to former president Donald Trump.

Pascale Ferrier made a brief appearance in a Washington D.C. court this morning by video conference, and her case is due to return to court Nov. 10.

Prosecutor Michael Friedman told the court he has discussed a plea deal with other Justice Department officials and has outlined the general contours of a potential offer to Ferrier’s defence lawyer.

Ferrier has been charged with threatening to kill and injure the U.S. president, sending threats through the mail and violating biological weapons prohibitions in relation to a letter containing the poison ricin that was mailed to the White House.

She also faces 16 federal charges in Texas related to letters containing ricin that were sent to law enforcement officials in that state.

David Bos, a public defender representing Ferrier, said the charges in Texas would also be part of plea negotiations.

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How To Contact Donald Trump

So, how does one contact Donald Trump? By next year, the answer would be through the White House. For now, you can contact Donald Trump h through his personal Twitter account that he so famously uses. You can also drop by at the Trump International Tower and take a chance that you may encounter the man there. If you want to talk about business, contacting him through his primary business number at 832-2000 or sending him a fax message at 935-0141, are your best options. This is also your best bet if you want to apply for a job with his company.

Visiting his website and leaving a message through the contact form is another means of getting in touch with Donald Trump. And an open letter was once sent to through this contact medium by the Christian Science Monitor, so that should be an effective option.

Writing a writer and sending it the old-fashioned could also work. Send you to letter to Donald Trump . Then add: c/o The Trump Organization with address, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022 USA. It is important to make sure that your letter is professionally written in clear handwriting and error-free. Of course, if snail mail is possible, email is also a good way to contact Donald Trump. You can send your email to If you know anyone who knows Donald Trump personally, a personal introduction would be nice. You can also

Trump Proposed Sending Americans With Covid To Guantnamo Book Claims

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In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump advocated shipping Americans who contracted Covid-19 abroad to Guantánamo Bay.

The stunning revelation is contained in a new book, Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administrations Response to the Pandemic That Changed History, by Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta, two Washington Post reporters. The Post excerpts on Monday.

According to the paper, at a meeting in the White House Situation Room in February last year, before the onset of the pandemic in which more than 600,000 have now died in the US, Trump asked aides: Dont we have an island that we own? What about Guantánamo?

Trump also reportedly said: We import goods. We are not going to import a virus.

The reporters write that aides blocked the idea when Trump brought it up again.

The US holds Guantánamo Bay on a disputed long lease from Cuba. The prison there is used to house terrorism suspects without trial and in extremely harsh conditions and since the 9/11 attacks has been a magnet for condemnation from human rights groups.

In 2019, the book A Warning by Anonymous later revealed to be Miles Taylor, a former homeland security official reported that Trump suggested sending immigrants to the base in Cuba.

Trump also reportedly said it was gross incompetence to let CDC develop a test.

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Social Media Use By Donald Trump

This article is part of a series about

Donald Trump‘s use of social media attracted attention worldwide since he joined in May 2009. Over nearly twelve years, Trump tweeted around 57,000 times, including about 8,000 times during the 2016 election campaign and over 25,000 times during his presidency. White House said that the tweets should be considered official statements. When Twitter permanently banned Trump from the platform in January 2021 during the final days of his term, his handle @realDonaldTrump had over 88.9 million followers.

For most of Trump’s presidency, his account on Twitter, where he often posted controversial and false statements, remained unmoderated in the name of “public interest”. An investigation by The New York Times published November 2, 2019, found that, during his time in office, Trump retweeted at least 145 accounts that “have pushed conspiracy or fringe content, including more than two dozen that have since been suspended.” On July 16, 2019, the House of Representatives voted mostly along party lines to censure him for “racist comments” he had tweeted two days previously. Trump also spread misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.

In May 2021, Trump launched “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump”, a site where he posted short tweet-like announcements it was shut down after less than a month amidst reports that it had failed to attract significant traffic.

Other Suspensions Of Donald Trump By Social Media Companies

Donald Trump blames Mike Pence in tweet for refusing to accept or reject votes

The move by Twitter follows the temporary suspension of Trumps and YouTube channel, and the permanent suspension of unofficial Reddit pages set up by his supporters. Apple has given Parlera Twitter alternative favored by the right-winga 24-hour ultimatum to better moderate the content posted by its users or face a ban from the Apple App Store. Google suspended the Parler app from the Google Play store.

All of the companies note that the president and his supporters have violated their platforms polices by making posts that promote or coordinate violence.

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Donald Trumps Tweets Have Now Disappeared From Twitter

The suspension means that Trumps tens of thousands of prior tweets are out of public view on Twitter. Retweets of the presidents messages are gone from the forwarding users timelines, and quote tweets are replaced with the message This Tweet is unavailable.

The ability to navigate other users likes, retweets, and quotes of the presidents tweets is gone, as is the ability to see, in one place, all replies to anything he has tweeted.

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