Thursday, July 25, 2024

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What Happened To Donald Trump

Trump Impeachment Trial: Live Updates

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House Democratic managers stressed in their presentation how close a mob of Trump supporters got to Pence, and that some rioters had yelled, “Hang Mike Pence.” Managers’ reconstructed timeline of the events also included Trump’s tweets throughout Jan. 6.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the lead impeachment manager, was first to respond to Romney’s question. He noted the events of Jan. 6 were broadcast on live television and on the radio, saying Trump had to know that the rioters had already breached the building and were armed with weapons, and that the police were outnumbered.

“Here are the facts that are not in dispute,” Raskin said. “Donald Trump had not taken any measures to send help to the overwhelmed Capitol police. As president, when you see all of this going on and the people around you are imploring you to do something, and your vice president is there, why wouldn’t you do it?”

Raskin also noted remarks by Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, who has told reporters that he spoke to Trump over the phone as the mob began ransacking the Capitol. During their brief conversation, Tuberville said he told the former president that Pence had been evacuated from the chamber moments earlier.

“Sen. Tuberville specifically said that he told the president, ‘Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go,’ ” Raskin said.

That conversation took place shortly after 2 p.m., Raskin noted.

What About The Capitol Riot

Right now, there’s at least one case Mr Trump is facing following the violence in Washington DC on January 6.

Democratic congressman Bennie Thompson has used a provision of the Ku Klux Klan Act to sue Mr Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani for conspiring to incite the riot.

The law was originally passed in a response to KKK violence at the time, and prohibits violence or intimidation meant to prevent Congress from carrying out its constitutional duties.

The January riot happened during the Senate’s certification process of President Joe Biden.

Jason Miller, an adviser for Mr Trump, said in a statement at the time that Mr Trump did not organise the rally that preceded the riot and “did not incite or conspire to incite any violence at the Capitol on January 6th”.

But this isn’t the only case or investigation into what happened this year.

The Justice Department is also looking into the riot.

They have said they don’t anticipate laying charges against Mr Trump, but added their work was ongoing.

And President Biden’s attorney-general nominee, Merrick Garland, said the investigation would be his first priority and vowed the department would remain politically independent.

He promised to provide prosecutors with whatever resources they need to bring charges in the cases.

Early Career And Congressional Campaigns

After graduating from law school in 1986, Pence was an attorney in private practice. In 1988, Pence ran for Congress against incumbent , but lost. He ran against Sharp again in 1990, quitting his job in order to work full-time in the campaign, but once again was unsuccessful. During the race, Pence used “political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees and car payments for his wife”. While the spending was not illegal at the time, it reportedly undermined his campaign.

During the 1990 campaign, Pence ran a television advertisement in which an actor, dressed in a robe and headdress and speaking in a thick Middle Eastern accent, thanked his opponent, Sharp, for doing nothing to wean the United States off imported oil as chairman of a House subcommittee on energy and power. In response to criticism, Pence’s campaign responded that the advertisement was not about Arabs rather, it concerned Sharp’s lack of leadership. In 1991, Pence wrote an essay, “Confessions of a Negative Campaigner”, published in the Indiana Policy Review, in which he apologized for running negative ads against Sharp. Pence vowed to refrain from using insulting speech or running ads that belittle his adversaries. Also taking place in 1991, he became the president of the , a self-described and a member of the , a position he held until 1993.

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Ross Perot’s 1992 Presidential Election Campaign

The party grew out of ‘s efforts in the , whererunning as an independenthe became the first non-major party candidate since 1912 to have been considered viable enough to win the presidency. Perot received attention for focusing on fiscal issues such as the and government reform issues such as , , and lobbying reform and issues on trade. A large part of his following was grounded in the belief he was addressing vital problems largely ignored by the two major parties.

A Gallup poll showed Perot with a slim lead, but on July 19 he suspended his campaign, accusing Republican operatives of threatening to sabotage his daughter’s wedding. He was accused by of being a “quitter” in a well-publicized cover-page article. After resuming his campaign on October 1, Perot was dogged by the “quitter” moniker and other allegations concerning his character. On Election Day many voters were confused as to whether Perot was actually still a candidate. He ended up receiving about 18.9 percent of the popular vote, a record level of popularity not seen in an independent candidacy since former President ran on the “Bull Moose” ticket in 1912. He continued being politically involved after the election, turning his campaign organization into a lobbying group. One of his primary goals was the defeat of the during this period.

What Happened At Trump’s Party Before The Capitol Riots

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Donald Trump Jr shared a video of his dad, the President, getting himself hyped up to address supporters hours before the Capitol Hill riots.

The livestreamed footage shows Donald Trump, Ivanka and brother Eric as they get ready to go on stage for the Save America March on January 6, 2021.

At the start of the clip, a smiling Donald Trump Jr says, I think were T-minus a couple of seconds here, guys, so check it out, tune in, if youre livestreaming.

The video shows the president standing in a white tent watching a TV screen as members of his family talk and dance to Laura Branigans 1982 hit Gloria in a party-like atmosphere.

He turns the camera to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, calling him an actual fighter.

Trump Jr.s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, dances to the music and encourages Trump supporters to have the courage to do the right thing fight.

The President appears to holding a red Make America Great Again hat as he and others watch multiple screens in the white tent as their Save America March got under way on the streets.

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Woodward And Bernstein On The Case

But the Watergate scandal was far from over. Two journalists at the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward , kept digging deeper and deeper into the connections between the five burglars who had broken into the hotel and the White House. Woodward received information from a secret source known as “Deep Throat” that the journalists used for their investigative reports.

The Watergate scandal

Nixon Versus The Press

The Nixon administration wasn’t happy about the stories and launched a campaign against the Washington Post. Spokesmen for Nixon attacked the newspaper viciously in statements, claiming it was waging a personal war against the president. But the Post’s stories started to stick and spurred action, despite the administration’s claims that they were filled with lies.

The Watergate scandal

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‘the Footage Is Horrific’: Senators React To Gripping New Video Of Capitol Riot

The video demonstrated how close rioters came to then-Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress. And the impeachment managers argued that the video showed clearly that the mob of pro-Trump supporters was there for the president, and many believed they were there at the president’s behest.

The impeachment managers, however, made a broader case than Trump’s comments on Jan. 6. They argued that Trump laid the groundwork for false grievance on the part of his supporters with two months of baseless claims of widespread election fraud that cost him the electionand years, in fact, of tolerating, condoning and encouraging violence.

Watch Live: Senate To Consider Witnesses In Trump Impeachment Trial

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As recently as Jan. 13, when the House impeached Trump, McConnell told his GOP colleagues he “had not made a final decision” about how he would vote in the Senate trial.

The Kentucky Republican harshly criticized Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 riot, noting: “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.”

Still, he voted twice to say the Senate did not have the authority to try a former president.

Bruce Castor, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, is pictured on a break in the third day of the Trump’s impeachment trial at the Capitol.hide caption

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Bruce Castor, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump, is pictured on a break in the third day of the Trump’s impeachment trial at the Capitol.

Special coverage of the trial has ended.

The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump of the charge of inciting an insurrection on Saturday.

The Senate voted to allow witnesses earlier Saturday, only to reverse course just a few hours later, avoiding what could have turned into days or even weeks of further proceedings.

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Social Media Executive Order

Known for his frequent use of Twitter to promote his agenda and attack critics, Trump came under fire in May 2020 for retweeting claims that former congressman turned MSNBC host Joe Scarborough had killed one of the staffers. Around that time, the president delivered a series of tweets alleging that mail-in voting would lead to widespread fraud, prompting Twitter to add fact-checking links to two of his posts.

After accusing the social media platform of trying to censor him and “interfering” in the 2020 election, Trump signed an executive order that called for new regulations under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to remove statutory liability protections and cut federal funding for Twitter, Facebook and other tech companies that engage in censorship and political conduct.

Donald Trump’s Competitive Advantage

mind was an accelerated rate of growth. Part of Donald Trumps plan includes reducing tax brackets from the current seven to three with rates of 12, 25, and 33 percent. He expects a 4 percent GDP growth, which is not beyond the ability of the US economy to achieve. Sen. Hillary Clinton wants a faster rate of

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An Attack On The Capitol

In the weeks following the 2020 election, Trump refused to concede to Biden, declaring that he had won the election even though he and his legal team could not offer any evidence to back up his claims. On January 6, 2021, while Congress was in a joint session to count the electoral votes, a mob of violent protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol to prevent Congress from declaring victory for Biden. The mob consisted of people who believed Trumps false claims that he had won the election. Five people, including a U.S. Capitol police officer, died during the riots.

Many people believed that Trump encouraged his followers to overrun the Capitol because of remarks he had made on social media and at rallies, including one just before the attack happened. Because of that, the U.S. government moved to impeach Trump for the second time during his presidency to charge him with incitement of insurrection. He was officially impeached by the House of Representatives on January 13, 2021, this time with 10 Republicans joining Democrats to charge him. He is the only U.S. president ever to be impeached twice.

Russian Hacking In The 2016 Election

What happened when Donald Trump sent begging letters to ...

Throughout the 2016 presidential election, Trump vehemently denied allegations he had a relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and was tied to the hacking of the DNC emails.

In January 2017, a U.S. intelligence report prepared by the CIA, FBI and NSA concluded that Putin had ordered a campaign to influence the U.S. election. Russias goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” the report said.

Prior to the release of the report, President-elect Trump had cast doubt on Russian interference and the intelligence communitys assessment. Trump received an intelligence briefing on the matter, and in his first press conference as president-elect on January 11, he acknowledged Russias interference.

However, in subsequent comments he again refused to condemn Russia for such activity, notably saying on multiple occasions that he believed Putin’s denials.

In March 2018, the Trump administration formally acknowledged the charges by issuing sanctions on 19 Russians for interference in the 2016 presidential election and alleged cyberattacks. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin delivered the announcement, with the president remaining silent on the matter.

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