Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Why Is Trump’s Approval Rating Going Up

How Do Americans View Bidens Handling Of The Pandemic And The Economy

Trumps approval rating is going up: Kellyanne Conway

Most Americans think Biden is handling the coronavirus pandemic far better than Trump. Sixty-two percent approve of how Biden has managed the U.S. response so far. Another 30 percent say they disapprove.

Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour

The publics approval of Bidens actions far exceeds that earned by Trumps leadership during the pandemic. His highest approval rating was 18 points lower, at 44 percent in March 2020, the same month the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic and Trump labeled it a public health emergency. From there, his approval on handling the pandemic dropped as low as 37 percent, recovering slightly to 39 percent by the time he left office in January.

But Americans have less faith in Bidens ability to heal the nations wounded economy compared to Trump. While 46 percent of U.S. adults approve of how Biden has managed the economy, another 41 percent do not approve. During Trumps last days in office, half of Americans said they approved of the former presidents handling of the economy, a sentiment thatTrump leveraged throughout his presidency and in his 2020 campaign for a second term.

Keanu Adams, 25, of Vacaville, California, said he voted for Biden and hopes the president recognizes the country needs more than public health and economic fixes right now.

The nation needs to uproot systemic problems to address what is really wrong, Adams said.

Trump’s Approval Rating Is Up Most Among Those Who Don’t Vote

Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN

Poll of the week: A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that President Donald Trump’s approval rating among all adults in 48%, while his disapproval rating is 46%.

What’s the point:

  • Age: Trump’s approval rating is up the most, 7 points, among voters under the age of 30 to 36%. It’s up the least, 2 points, among voters 65 years-old and older to 53%.
  • Education: Trump’s approval climbed 8 points to 52% among those with a high school education or less. It was up only 2 points to 32% among post-graduates.
  • Race: Trump’s approval rating is up 10 points among black and Hispanic Americans to 18% and 37% respectively. Trump’s approval rating is up a mere 3 points to 54% with white voters.

Ballotpedia’s Polling Index: Comparison Of Opinion Polling During The Trump And Biden Administrations

Cabinet White House staff Transition team
Policy positions

Weeks covered: 36

This page compares overall trends in opinion polling averages during the presidency of Joe Biden to those during the presidency of Donald Trump . Ballotpedia’s polling indexes are an average of polls that measure public sentiment on presidential job approval, congressional job approval, and satisfaction with the overall direction of the country.

Ballotpedia’s polling indexes are updated every weekday based on opinion polls released by qualifying sources. The most recent poll released by each qualifying source is included in the overall polling average. Polls are removed from the average when the same source releases a more recent poll or 30 days after the poll was last in the field, whichever occurred first. This page looks at these polling numbers on a week-over-week basis, starting with the first full workweek of the new president’s term. This means that the numbers on this page are all weekly averages of daily average poll results.

To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


  • President Biden’s overall approval average at this point in his term is 51.7%, 10.5 percentage points higher than President Trump’s average of 41.2% at this point in his term.
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    Why Has Bidens Approval Rating Gotten So Low So Quickly

    A FiveThirtyEight Chat

    Welcome to FiveThirtyEights politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.

    sarah : President Bidens approval ratings are underwater 49.2 percent disapprove of the job he is doing as president while 44.6 percent approve, according to FiveThirtyEights presidential approval tracker.1

    This has been true for a while now, too. Since Aug. 30, more Americans have disapproved of Biden than have approved of him.

    So, lets tackle Bidens declining approval rating in three parts. First, what do we know about why his approval rating has dipped? Second, how should we think about this current dip? That is, is it unusually large or actually pretty normal? And, finally, how much do presidents approval ratings matter, especially at this point in their presidency?

    OK, first up, why has Bidens approval rating dipped?

    Most Voters Give Biden Positive Marks For His Job Performance

    • 56% of voters approve of Bidens job performance, compared with 46% who approved of Donald Trumps work at a similar point in 2017.

    • 91% of Democrats approve of Biden versus 83% of Republicans who said the same of Trump at this time four years ago.

    • 52% of voters hold favorable views of Vice President Kamala Harris, up 2 points from pre-inauguration polling, while 40% view her unfavorably, down 3 points over that time frame.

    As the nation faces a pandemic, a weakened economy and political unrest that began under his predecessor, Joe Biden is enjoying a honeymoon with its voters.

    Morning Consult Political Intelligence tracking conducted during the 46th presidents first few days in office shows 56 percent of voters approve of his job performance, while 34 percent disapprove. Bidens approval rating is 4 percentage points higher than the 52 percent who approved of former President Donald Trump in an early from Morning Consult and Politico his best-ever showing during his presidency and it looks even stronger compared to polling conducted at a similar point four years ago, when 46 percent approved of Trumps initial work.

    The Jan. 22-24 poll of more than 11,000 registered voters, which has a 1-point margin of error, came after Bidens Jan. 20 inaugural address that focused on bridging Americas political divide received a warm reception from most voters, including those of the opposition party.

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    Roughly Half Of Americans Approve Of What Biden Has Done So Far

    About half of Americans 49 percent said they approve of how Biden has served as president so far, less than two months into his presidency, according to the latest poll. But as was the case with his predecessor, whose last year in office was marred by the pandemic, much of that support comes from people who identify as members of his own party. Among Democrats, Bidens approval rating was 87 percent. But only 11 percent of Republicans and43 percent of independents said they approved of the president.

    Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour

    Another 42 percent of Americans disapprove of what Biden has done so far as president, including 81 percent of Republicans and 43 percent of independents.

    Still, Biden currently has a higher job approval rating than former President Donald Trump ever reached during his four years in the White House, according to Marist polling data. And support for Biden seems to be growing. In this latest poll, 52 percent of Americans said they had a favorable impression of him. Thats up from 41 percent in October 2019 in the midst of Trumps first impeachment. Since then, Biden has inched up in favorability.

    Republicans in Congress face steeper job disapproval, with 64 percent of Americans saying they do not like what they are seeing, an increase of 6 percentage points over January 2019, including 38 percent of Republicans and 85 percent of Democrats.

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    “Certainly, there’s no bounce it’s very minimal,” Miringoff said. “It’s all playing out depending on the filter people have. The partisan split is as wide as can be. I don’t think it’s something that reflects a president who is about to break 50% for the first time.”

    Historical rally-around-the-flag bounces

    Partisanship did not begin in the Trump era.

    Its sharp rise appears to have taken hold during the Obama years. That’s evident by how little former President Barack Obama’s approval fluctuated once his honeymoon period was over and legislation aimed at combating the Great Recession was passed.

    According to data from the Gallup Presidential Job Approval Center, George W. Bush after 9/11 and before the Iraq War, George H.W. Bush before the Gulf War, Ronald Reagan during the Grenada military action and the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon, and Jimmy Carter at the outset of the Iran hostage crisis all saw much bigger rally-around-the flag approval bounces than either Trump or Obama.

    – Obamaand the Great Recession

    Then-President Barack Obama announces the death of Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011.

    At the beginning of Obama’s presidency, the country was largely behind him, and his approval rating, per Gallup, was in the 60s.

    That came down with the partisan fight over the health care bill and languished in the 40s until it hit 50% again with an improving economy by January 2011. His biggest bounce about 8 percentage points came with the killing of Osama bin Laden.

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    The Sample And Margin Of Error

    Pollsters cant realistically contact every American adult throughout the country and ask their opinion on a given issue. Instead, they try to contact a representative sampleusually anywhere between 1,000 and 2,000 individualsthat accurately represents the countrys population as a whole. Pollsters, with the help of statisticians, demographers, and data experts, use a variety of techniques to create a representative sample. This typically involves using probability formulas and algorithms to ensure random sampling and to increase the likelihood of contacting an accurate cross-section of the U.S. adult population. Some pollsters also create panels of respondents that they believe reflect the actual population and poll them repeatedly over a span of time. These polls are usually called tracking polls. Oftentimes, pollsters weigh their respondents to account for various demographic measurements. For example, a pollster might weigh more heavily the responses from a specific demographic group if that group was poorly represented in the random sample in relation to the countrys estimated demographic composition. The same might be done if a group appears to be overrepresented.

    Trump Approval Rating Hits All

    Trump Somehow Winning Over Voters

    President Trumps approval rating hit an all-time high in a Gallup survey released on Friday, with 49 percent of respondents approving of his performance versus 47 percent disapproving.

    The results continue a wide swing in polling for Trump, who garnered a 43 percent approval rating two weeks ago.

    Most of the variation in Trumps recent job approval rating is among independents, Gallupsaid. In the current poll, 47% of independents approve of the job he is doing as president, the highest Gallup has measured for the group to date. 93% of Republicans and 8% of Democrats approve of the job Trump is doing.

    However, RealClearPolitics polling averages place the president at 44.3 percent approval versus 50.6 percent disapproval as of Friday. Averages of general election polls give Trump 42.1 percent to Joe Bidens 47.4 percent.

    Last week officials including Trump-campaign manager Brad Parscale, adviser Jared Kushner, and Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel presented the president with internal campaign polls showing him falling behind Biden in key swing states, the Washington Post reported. Advisers showed Trump the polls as part of an effort to convince him to stop or scale back his presence in the daily White House coronavirus briefings.

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    Trumps Pandemic Approval Ratings Rise For The First Time New National Study Finds

    For the first time since April, President Donald J. Trumps approval ratings for his handling of the coronavirus appear to have stopped falling and even rose slightly, suggesting he has turned a corner for the time being, according to new findings by researchers from Northeastern, Harvard, Northwestern and Rutgers.

    The presidents pandemic approval numbers have hovered in the low 30s since the researchers began tracking them earlier in the year. But the sixth in a rolling series of national surveys taken Aug. 7-26 showed a slight uptick to 35 percent.

    It is more than a statistical anomaly because he was definitely going down every month before this, says David Lazer, university distinguished professor of political science and computer and information sciences at Northeastern, and one of the researchers who conducted the study.

    We can say with confidence that he did not go down and that given the size of our sample, he probably did go up slightly.

    David Lazer is university distinguished professor of political science and computer and information sciences with joint appointments in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern. Photo by Adam Glanzman/Northeastern University

    Florida has more than 646,000 cases and nearly 12,000 deaths, according to thelatest information.

    Further findings show mixed political news for Democrats and Republicans.

    Trump’s Approval Rating Holding Steady At 43 Percent With 55 Percent Disapproving

    The same poll found that 35 percent of voters including 74 percent of Republicans but just 30 percent of independents and 3 percent of Democrats believe President-elect Joe Biden did not win the election legitimately.

    Sixty-one percent of all voters but just 21 percent of Republicans say Biden did win legitimately.

    While a record 10 House Republicans broke ranks to vote for Trump’s impeachment last week, his approval rating among Republicans shows few signs that GOP voters are widely disillusioned with him.

    Almost 9 in 10 Republicans 87 percent give Trump a thumbs-up, compared with 89 percent who said the same before the November election.

    And even for the half of Republicans who say they prioritize the GOP in general over allegiance to Trump, his high approval remains unmoved by recent events.

    Among Republicans who say their primary loyalty is to Trump over the party, 98 percent approve of his performance. For those who say they prioritize the party over the president, his approval still stands at 81 percent virtually unchanged from October.

    In the NBC News survey, nearly a third of GOP voters surveyed 28 percent said Trump’s words and actions related to the violence at the Capitol reinforced their vote for Trump.

    Just 5 percent said they now regretted their support for him, and two-thirds 66 percent said their feelings had not changed.

    An additional 9 percent say Trump is “not as good as most.”

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