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Is Donald Trump Being Impeached

Drafted Articles Of Impeachment

President Donald Trump is the first to be impeached twice

Within hours of the Capitol attack, members of Congress began to call for the impeachment of Donald Trump as president. Several representatives began the process of independently drafting various articles of impeachment. Of these attempts, the first to become public were those of Representative Ilhan Omar ” rel=”nofollow”> DMN-5) who drafted and introduced articles of impeachment against Trump.

Representative David Cicilline ” rel=”nofollow”> DRI-1) separately drafted an article of impeachment. The text was obtained by CNN on January 8. On Twitter, Cicilline acknowledged the coauthorship of Ted Lieu and Jamie Raskin, and said that “more than 110” members had signed on to this article. “Article I: Incitement of Insurrection” accuses Trump of having “willfully made statements that encouragedand foreseeably resulted inimminent lawless action at the Capitol”. As a result of incitement by Trump, “a mob unlawfully breached the Capitol” and “engaged in violent, deadly, destructive, and seditious acts”. On January 10, it was announced that the bill had gathered 210 cosponsors in the House.

First Impeachment Of Donald Trump

First impeachment of Donald Trump
Members of House of Representatives vote on two articles of impeachment
Accused Donald Trump, President of the United States
Outcome Acquitted by the U.S. Senate, remained in the office of President of the United States
Voting in the U.S. Senate
Accusation Article I Abuse of power
Votes in favor
Accusation Article II Obstruction of Congress
Votes in favor
A request by U.S. President Donald Trump to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate Joe Biden and his son sparked the scandal.

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the first time by the House of Representatives of the 116th United States Congress on December 18, 2019. The House adopted two articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Senate acquitted Trump of these charges on February 5, 2020.

Two days after the acquittal, Trump fired two witnesses who had testified about his conduct in the impeachment inquiry: Ambassador Gordon Sondland and Alexander Vindman, together with Vindman’s twin brother Yevgeny.

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Hearings before the House Intelligence Committee featured testimony from current and former administration officials who said that the president had been turned against Ukraine by his “hand grenade” of a lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and that they were never given a reason to freeze the aid to Ukraine. The money was released on Sept. 11 amid bipartisan pushback from Congress.

The president maintained that a summary of his July 25 phone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy showed that their talk was “perfect.” Democrats said the summary showed him pressuring the head of a country reliant on U.S. aid to help him politically.

Trump is the third president to be impeached in the nation’s 243-year history.

The two previous impeachments were also led by House Republicans. Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 in part for replacing a Cabinet member without the advice and consent of the Senate. Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 for perjury and obstruction of justice for lying under oath about an extramarital affair.

Clinton apologized for his conduct before he was impeached, something that Trump, who was then in private business, said was a mistake. Trump told Chris Matthews in 1998 that Clinton should not have cooperated with the investigation and should never have said he was sorry.

Johnson and Clinton were acquitted in the Senate, where a two-thirds vote is required for conviction and removal from office.

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What Does It Mean That Trumps Been Impeached

For the president, nothing happens if he or she is impeached. Impeachment by the House alone does not remove a president from office or do anything in particular to him. All a House impeachment vote does is turn the matter over to the people who will really decide what happens the members of the United States Senate.

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The team around Trump has hollowed out, without any plan for combating the impeachment effort. Trump leaned on Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina to push Republican senators, while chief of staff Mark Meadows called some of his former colleagues on the Hill.

Trump watched much of Wednesday’s proceedings on TV from the White House residence and his private dining area off the Oval Office.

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Article Of Impeachment Introduced

Wikisource has original text related to this article:Article of Impeachment against Donald J. Trump

On January 11, 2021, U.S. Representatives David Cicilline, along with Jamie Raskin and Ted Lieu, introduced an article of impeachment against Trump, charging Trump with “incitement of insurrection” in urging his supporters to march on the Capitol building. The article contended that Trump made several statements that “encouragedand foreseeably resulted inlawless action” that interfered with Congress’ constitutional duty to certify the election. It argued that by his actions, Trump “threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government”, doing so in a way that rendered him “a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution” if he were allowed to complete his term. By the time it was introduced, 218 of the 222 House Democrats had signed on as cosponsors, assuring its passage. Trump was impeached in a vote on January 13, 2021 ten Republicans, including House Republican Conference chairwoman Liz Cheney, joined all of the Democrats in supporting the article.

What Were The Accusations Against The President

In 2019, the House adopted two articles of impeachment against Trump, abuse of power and obstruction of justice.

The House alleged that Trump had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 US presidential election to help his re-election bid.

Lawmakers also claimed the president obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony.

The inquiry also reported that Trump withheld $391million in military aid, and an invitation to the White House to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Joe Biden.

The inquiry reported that Trump prompted a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election.

A call between Trump and Zelensky on July 25, 2019 was particularly important – whistleblower Alexander Vindman was a participant in the call and later informed Congress.

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Trump Impeached On Jan 13

A week after a group of pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol building, U.S. President Donald Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives.


Protesters gather at the base of the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 12 in Washington, D.C. The group called on Congress to impeach and remove Trump.

Whats the point?

Trump will no longer be the U.S. president as of Jan. 20, so whats the point of impeaching him now?

Wednesdays impeachment documents said that Trump would remain a threat to national security, democracy and the constitution if allowed to remain in office.

Those in favour of impeachment said Trump did a terrible thing and that he needed to face consequences for it so that future U.S. presidents dont use Trumps bad behaviour to justify their own.

Others said that Trumps threat to national security and democracy could continue into the future, and that a second impeachment could be a step along the way to barring Trump from running again.

Still, some disagreed.

They said that impeachment this close to the end of Trumps term as president was unnecessary and would only increase tension and division in the country.

What happens next?

First, lets review how the U.S. Congress is structured.

The majority of the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump on Wednesday.

That group included 10 Republicans, who belong to the same political party as Trump.

But the process doesn’t end there.

Could takes weeks or months

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US President Donald Trump impeached – BBC News

“Those 43 who voted to acquit the president did so because they were afraid of him, because they were more interested in party and in power than they were in our country and in duty to their Senate oath,” she added.

Plaskett said Trump “will be forever tarnished” by the impeachment.

“I think it leaves him for all history our children and my grandchildren will see in history that this was the most despicable despot attempting to become a fascist ruler over a country that was founded in democracy,” she said.

President Biden said the attack on the Capitol “has reminded us that democracy is fragile.” Above, Biden speaks during a visit Thursday to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Evan Vucci/APhide caption

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President Biden said the attack on the Capitol “has reminded us that democracy is fragile.” Above, Biden speaks during a visit Thursday to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.

President Biden responded to the Senate’s acquittal of Donald Trump on Saturday by reminding Americans that truth must be defended, saying the impeachment of the former president was a stark illustration of the danger posed to democracy by lies, misinformation and extremism.

And Biden said that although Trump was acquitted, his actions in the lead-up to the Jan. 6 insurrection were not “in dispute.”

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Impeachment Came After 2 Months Of President’s False Election Claims And Last Week’s Capitol Riot

U.S. President Donald Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives for a historic second time Wednesday, charged with “incitement of insurrection” over the deadly mob siege of the Capitol in a swift and stunning collapse of his final days in office.

With the Capitol secured by armed National Guard troops inside and out, the House voted 232-197 to impeach Trump. The proceedings moved at lightning speed, with lawmakers voting just one week after violent pro-Trump loyalists stormed the U.S. Capitol, egged on by the president’s calls for them to “fight like hell” against the election results.

Ten Republicans fled Trump, joining Democrats who said he needed to be held accountable and warned ominously of a “clear and present danger” if Congress should leave him unchecked before Democrat Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20.

It was the most bipartisan presidential impeachment in modern times, more so than Bill Clinton’s impeachment in 1998.

The Capitol insurrection stunned and angered lawmakers, who were sent scrambling for safety as the mob descended, and it revealed the fragility of the nation’s history of peaceful transfers of power.

WATCH | Trump impeached for 2nd time:

Donald Trump Becomes The First Us President To Be Impeached Twice

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump was impeached by the U.S. House for a historic second time Wednesday, charged with incitement of insurrection over the deadly mob siege of the Capitol in a swift and stunning collapse of his final days in office.

With the Capitol secured by armed National Guard troops inside and out, the House voted 232-197 to impeach Trump. The proceedings moved at lightning speed, with lawmakers voting just one week after violent pro-Trump loyalists stormed the U.S. Capitol, egged on by the presidents calls for them to fight like hell against the election results.

Ten Republicans fled Trump, joining Democrats who said he needed to be held accountable and warned ominously of a clear and present danger if Congress should leave him unchecked before Democrat Joe Bidens inauguration Jan. 20.

Trump is the only U.S. president to be twice impeached.

The Capitol insurrection stunned and angered lawmakers, who were sent scrambling for safety as the mob descended, and it revealed the fragility of the nations history of peaceful transfers of power. The riot also forced a reckoning among some Republicans, who have stood by Trump throughout his presidency and largely allowed him to spread false attacks against the integrity of the 2020 election.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi invoked Abraham Lincoln and the Bible, imploring lawmakers to uphold their oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

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Donald Trump Has Officially Been Impeached Again

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to be impeached twice. In a historic vote, at least 232 Representatives voted in favor of impeachment, including 10 Republicans, making it the most bipartisan impeachment vote in U.S. history. In all, 197 members of Congress all Republicans voted against impeachment, and 5 people abstained from voting.

The current charge for the impeachment resolution against Trump is singular: incitement of insurrection. This vote comes just one week after Trump galvanized his supporters who violently attacked the Capitol in an attempted coup. Following the attack, Trump did not denounce the attackers and instead said that he loves them.

In the following days, the president was banned from all major social networking platforms, while several members of Congress called on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th amendment and remove him from office immediately. Pence was given 24 hours to decide whether or not he would do so, and officially declined the option on Wednesday, telling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that he did not believe that such a course of action is in the best interest of our Nation or consistent with our Constitution. This led Pelosi to take the impeachment resolution to the House floor on Wednesday.

Hopefully, the bipartisan support in the House of Representatives for Trumps impeachment means that there will be similar support in the Senate this time around.

House Votes To Impeach Trump

Impeachment process: What

The Democratic-led House of Representatives charged President Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

By Nicholas Fandos and Michael D. Shear

WASHINGTON The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, making him the third president in history to be charged with committing high crimes and misdemeanors and face removal by the Senate.

On a day of constitutional consequence and raging partisan tension, the votes on the two articles of impeachment fell largely along party lines, after a bitter debate that stretched into the evening and reflected the deep polarization gripping American politics in the Trump era.

Only two Democrats opposed the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of corruptly using the levers of government to solicit election assistance from Ukraine in the form of investigations to discredit his Democratic political rivals. Republicans were united in opposition. It passed 230 to 197, with Speaker Nancy Pelosi gaveling the vote to a close from the House rostrum.

On the second charge, obstruction of Congress, a third Democrat joined Republicans in opposition. The vote was 229 to 198.

On Wednesday, Democrats characterized his impeachment as an urgent action to stop a corrupt president whose misdeeds had unfolded in plain view from damaging the United States any further.

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