Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Which News Channel Supports Trump

How Fox News Covered Jan 6 Hearingdonald Trump ‘exonerated’

Historian Victor Davis Hanson on why he supports Trump

America’s top television networks on Thursday turned prime time over to a gripping account of former President Donald Trump‘s actions during the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitolwith one prominent exception.

The top-rated news network, Fox News Channel, stuck with its own lineup of commentators. Sean Hannity denounced the “show trial” elsewhere on TV just as he was featured in it, with the House’s January 6 committee examining his tweets to Trump administration figures.

Hannity aired a soundless snippet of committee members entering the hearing room as part of a lengthy monologue condemning the proceedings.

That was all Fox News Channel viewers saw of the hearing.

“It’s really just a cheap, selectively edited political ad,” Hannity told his viewers.

Meanwhile, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC aired the second prime-time hearing, focusing on Trump’s real-time response to the riot. The committee said it was the last hearing until September.

“This very much sounded like a closing argument, certainly of this chapter of their investigation, and it was profound,” ABC News anchor David Muir said.

About 20 million people watched the first prime-time hearing on June 9, the Nielsen Company said. Generally, reaching that big an audience in mid-July would be a long shot, as it is the least-watched television month of the year.

Oan Seemed To Surpass Fox News On Its Preference For Trump’s Messaging As It Continued To Broadcast His Appearances In Full Through His Presidency

Robert Herring Sr. makes a point to announce on Twitter the live and uninterrupted broadcasts that have included special counsel Robert Mueller’s hearing, Trump’s 2020 election announcement, and appearances in cities devastated by mass shootings.

Though the directive could be read as an order to curry as much favor as possible for Trump, Charles Herring told the Guardian in 2019 that the move had nothing to do with the president’s politics, but was merely “a function of the news.”

“We’re the only network that I know of that will carry the president’s speech in its entirety and, regardless of who’s the president,” the younger Herring told the outlet. “I really don’t care who the president is: left-leaning, right-leaning, you like him, you hate him, it just seems like that’s a function of the news.”

Trump Has In Turn Touted The Network By Tweeting Out Quotes From Reports He Likes As He Does With Fox News Thereby Boosting The Network’s Name Recognition As A Conservative Power Player

Herring told the Post in 2017 that “It’s not our family’s mission to determine the news.”

However, the network appeared to broadcast exaggerated and false stories throughout its reporting, which became more noticeable as Trump ramped up his public support while in office.

Part of his parroting the network has resulted in him flatly tweeting conspiracy theories that had been reported as fact by OAN. One such example came in April 2019, when Trump tweeted an OAN headline repeating a claim by Larry Johnson, a former CIA officer featured on the network who Vox reported has been known to traffic in baseless conspiracy theories about Democrats.

Donald J. Trump

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More Coverage Of Fox News

In reporting this book on the Republican Party, I spoke with the former president several times, and we discussed media coverage that debunked his unfounded claims about the 2020 election.

A lot of people dont want that, Mr. Trump told me in an interview about a month after President Bidens inauguration, referring to critical if accurate news reports about his behavior. They dont want to hear negativity toward me.

What Happened To Maria Bartiromo The Trump Election Fraud Story Has The Tv News Biz Asking

Trump Just Started Work On " Trump TV"  News Channel, Gave Up On Winning

Trumps repeatedly discredited attempt to overturn the November results has been given continued sustenance by the Fox News star.

Fox News has been the most-watched cable news channel for 19 consecutive years, thanks to its effective positioning as a right-leaning alternative to other TV news outlets. As the rest of the traditional TV business declined in 2020, the channels audience grew. Fox News became the most-watched network in all of cable TV, according to Nielsen.

The network expected an audience falloff once Trump lost the White House, as it had seen viewers tune out after Barack Obama, a Democrat, defeated his Republican opponents in 2008 and 2012.

But Trump remained the main story in the weeks after the 2020 election with his unfounded charges of voter fraud, leading to the insurrection at the Capitol by pro-Trump rioters that killed five people, followed by the second impeachment trial. Depressed Trump supporters tuned out of Fox News during coverage of those events, while the ratings for MSNBC and CNN surged as viewers who dont habitually watch cable news were tuning in.

Fox News has managed to ride out ratings fluctuations in the past, but it took longer this time. The network has ranked first in viewers since Bidens inauguration, although it still trails CNN in the 25 to 54 age group important to advertisers.

Murdoch also tried to counter the notion that Fox News has veered too far to one end of the political spectrum.

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Has The Love Affair Between Trump And Fox News Gone Sour

The rightwing channel has not covered its former sweetheart with its regular fervour could a billion-dollar lawsuit be why?

For years, Donald Trump and Fox News were smitten.

The former president would call into the rightwing news channel seemingly whenever he liked. Fox News hosts pumped up every Trump utterance. Trump watched the channel religiously, and in 2019 alone he sent 657 tweets in response to Fox News or Fox Business programs.

Since then, however, things appear to have changed. Trump, as the New York Times has pointed out, has not been interviewed on Fox News for more than 100 days.

A recent Trump speech was largely ignored by the network, and in a sign that Fox News has recognized alternative Republican presidential candidates are available, a Mike Pence address was broadcast live, in its entirety.

With the news channel embroiled in a billion-dollar lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems over its claims the voting machine company tampered with the 2020 election, Trumps continuing lies about election fraud seem to have rattled Rupert Murdoch, the media titan who owns Fox News.

Two of Murdochs newspapers, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal, published scathing editorials on Trump in July, the former calling the twice-impeached 45th president unworthy to be this countrys chief executive again and the latter branding Trump The President Who Stood Still on January 6.

There are other people in the audience that they care about.

Dynamic Shifts Between Fox News Donald Trump

Former President Trump while in office could usually turn to Fox News for comfort. There were differences from time to time, and Trump made headlines occasionally by going after personalities on Fox most famously Megyn Kelly during a 2015 GOP presidential primary debate.

But for the most part, Trump, a rabid cable news follower, could tune in to find Fox News star hosts heaping praise on him and his administration while lambasting his critics and political enemies.

Trump still has his supporters on the network, but the dynamic between a former president openly flirting with another run for the White House and Rupert Murdochs top media asset is definitely changing.

For one thing, Fox is more focused on President Biden, a subject of relentless prime-time attacks, than Trump, and the network didnt air Trumps speech this week in Washington, D.C., even as it did air a portion of an earlier address Tuesday by former Vice President Mike Pence.

Trumps superpower is getting all the coverage. Thats not happening anymore. Fox is not covering him 24 hours a day, said Daniel Cassino, a media expert who wrote a 2016 book about the networks influence over American politics. So it seems that is leading to frustration that hes not dominating Fox the way he did before.

Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial, The Wall Street Journals editorial board wrote last week. Mr. Trump utterly failed his.

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Trump Is Angry That Fox News Is Ignoring Him And Focusing On Other Potential 2024 Candidates Report Says

  • Former President Donald Trump hasn’t appeared on Fox News in 100 days.

  • According to The New York Times, he’d rather have negative coverage than be ignored.

  • Trump has reportedly complained to aides that Sean Hannity, a longtime friend, is also overlooking him, per the NYT.

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly angry that Fox News is no longer putting him front and center in its coverage, according to The New York Times.

The Times reported that it would be more than 100 days since the former president was last interviewed by the network.

Fox News, which Trump appeared on around eight times more than any other TV channel during his presidency, is instead focusing on other potential candidates for the Republican nomination in 2024, per the newspaper.

Instead of broadcasting a Fox News aired a Laura Ingraham interview with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, The Times said.

A live broadcast of Trump’s event with conservatives in Washington earlier this week was ignored by Fox News for a live speech by former Vice President Mike Pence.

According to The Times, which cited two people who have spoken to the former president recently, Trump is angrier about being ignored than he would be if Fox News were to cover him negatively.

Trump has recently complained to aides that Sean Hannity, who he was once friends with, also seems to be overlooking him, per The Times.

As Insider previously reported, Fox News is inching towards a post-Trump era.

Read the original article on Business Insider

No Distinction Between Trump Campaign And Fox Stars

Glenn Beck reveals how he grew to support Trump

“When we get power back, it’s time to hold everyone accountable the military leadership, the civilian leadership, the civil service, those in Congress who have abused their power all of them have to be held accountable,” said Fox’s Laura Ingraham. “All of them.”

No distinction there either between the “we” of the Trump campaign and Fox’s biggest stars. Guests included Stephen Miller, Trump’s former chief domestic policy adviser.

Just past midnight this morning, on the first news program handling the story, anchor Shannon Bream broke down the story with three legal analysts. One, University of California at Berkeley law professor John Yoo, was considered a firebrand conservative as a senior Justice Department official under then President George W. Bush. Another, Mike Davis, served Bush in the Justice Department and clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. The third, John Iannarelli, is a former senior FBI agent who has spoken at conservative gatherings.

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Russian State Tv Calls For Trump Support And To Not Be Shy About It

A pundit on Russian state television called on Russians and their government to declare openly their political support for Donald Trump in an eye-opening moment that comes as Mr Trump and his wing of the GOP have taken a softer stance towards Moscow amid the invasion of Ukraine.

The comments made by Igor Korotchenko, a pundit and editor-in-chief of National Defense, came during a panel discussion on Russias Channel 1 News, a state-run broadcaster. They were highlighted first by Julia Davis, founder of Russia Media Monitor.

We should support Trump and not be shy about it, he said. We should support US politicians, like Trump, and other healthy conservative European powers who advocate for the normalisation of relations between Russia and the West.

Mr Trump infamously advocated for just that while he was president and appeared alongside the nations leader, Vladimir Putin, at a joint press conference in which he cast doubt on the findings of his own intelligence agencies in regards to Russian interference in US political elections.

Ironically, while Mr Trump was in the White House, Mr Korotchenko was not his biggest fan. In 2019, he even suggested that Mr Trump had an inferiority complex towards eastern powers like China and Russia that often display military might through parades and other demonstrations.

Meanwhile on Russian state TV: “We should support Trump and not be shy about it.”

Julia Davis

One America News Network

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One America News Network , also known as One America News , is a far-right, pro-Trump cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., that launched on July 4, 2013. The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.

The company said in 2019 OANN was available in 35 million homes and that its audience ranged from 150,000 to as large as 500,000, though that year Nielsen Media Research estimated its viewership to be about 14,000. By July 2022, the network was available only to few hundred thousand people who subscribed to smaller cable providers.

In October 2021. Robert Herring Sr. testified in court that the network was created at the urging of executives of AT& T, which through its subsidiary DirecTV has since been the source of up to 90% of the network’s revenues.

The network’s prime-time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the “greatest supporters” of Donald Trump. Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts. The channel is known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.

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Russia State Tv Considering Reinstalling Trump As President

A Russian state television host suggested that Russia is weighing whether to “reinstall” former President Donald Trump “again” as the United States’ leader in a future election.

State television Olga Skabeeva host alleged in the clip that Trump “promised” the other day to “destroy the Russian Federation, to destroy Putin’s hegemony, as he put it,” according to an English translation provided by Julia Davis, a columnist for The Daily Beast.

Alexander Kamkin, who was identified as a political scientist, responded: “That is excellent, if Trump becomes the president, we will know his geopolitical goals.” But Skabeeva interjected that Russia will “have to think whether to reinstall him again as the American president,” adding that the country has not “decided yet.”

Newsweek was not able to locate any instances in which Trump recently, or ever, promised to destroy Russia and “Putin’s hegemony.”

When Trump first ran for president in 2016 and won against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, Russia was accused of meddling in the vote in Trump’s favor. The U.S. intelligence community concluded that Russia did, in fact, meddle in the election, an assessment that was backed up by a bipartisan Senate report.

Video: Russian state TV host says they will have to consider if they want to ‘reinstall Trump as president’

Conspiracy Theory About David Hogg


In February 2018, one of the hosts on OANN tweeted a conspiracy theory that David Hogg, a 17-year-old survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, had been coached to speak against Trump by, and was “running cover” for, his retired FBI agent father.Donald Trump Jr. “liked” the OANN host’s tweet. The younger Hogg responded, describing the conspiracy theory to BuzzFeed News as “immature, rude, and inhuman.”

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Unsubstantiated Claims About Ammar Campa

During the mid-term campaign for the , OANN ran a segment claiming that Democratic congressional candidate Ammar Campa-Najjar‘s father “praised the deaths” of members of the Israeli Olympic team in the 1972 Munich massacre. The Washington Post fact-checker noted that there was no attribution to this statement in the OANN segment. An OANN commentator also claimed that groups connected to the Muslim Brotherhood donated to Campa-Najjar’s campaign. The Washington Post fact-checker said it “couldn’t find evidence of this after searching Campa-Najjar’s filings with the Federal Election Commission.” Nevertheless, the OANN segment was used in attack ads by Campa-Najjar’s Republican opponent Duncan D. Hunter to support the false suggestion that Campa-Najjar was tied to terrorism. Hunter won in the general election.

Conspiracy Theorist Jack Posobiec

Far-right conspiracy theoristJack Posobiec was employed by OANN as a political correspondent from 2018 to 2021. Posobiec was a prominent proponent of the Pizzagate and murder of Seth Rich conspiracy theories.

In September 2018, Posobiec interviewed a pro-Hitler online poster known as Microchip on OANN without indicating that person’s affiliations, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC said the two men had worked together in spreading disinformation for several years, including the false claims propagated in Pizzagate. In 2020, during the George Floyd protests in Buffalo, New York, Posobiec falsely reported and promoted another unsubstantiated conspiracy theory regarding pipe bombs.

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