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How Many Votes Did Trump Get In 2016

What The Latest National Polls Say

US Election: Who voted for Donald Trump?

The latest national polls from Global Strategy Group, , show that Trumps approval ratings are in the negative on everything from the economy to the handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Forty-seven per cent of respondents disapproved of his handling of the economy, 57 per cent disapproved of his handling of the pandemic and 54 per cent disapproved of how he handled the protests stemming from George Floyds death.

Read more: Polling shows political engagement in the United States at a high as early voting begins

An Ipsos survey out of the U.S. , asked respondents, if the 2020 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for?

Thirty-eight per cent said Trump and 46.2 per cent said Biden. The age demographic that gave Trump the most support was aged 65 and over . Respondents aged 18-24 were more likely to favour Biden .

And the latest poll from The New York Times and Siena College shows Biden holding a nine-point lead over Trump.

Bidens campaign manager, Jen OMalley Dillon, recently warned supporters that despite the Democrats strong poll numbers, winning is still not set in stone.

There is still a long way to go in this campaign, on Oct. 14. We think this race is far closer than folks on this website think. Like a lot closer.

Conservative Political Action Conference

+/-0 3,007
Note: A “0%” finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to .

Clinton Won More Votes Trump Won The Election And It’s Not The First Time

Donald Trump passed 270 electoral college votes hours after polls closed, but Hillary Clinton emerged with more popular votes, and three days on, her lead is still growing. This is how that works, and when its happened before

The 2016 US presidential race will go down in history for many reasons as a truly extraordinary election.

Although the final vote tallies are not yet in, the indications are that Hillary Clinton will become the fifth presidential candidate to lose the election despite winning the popular vote.

For those of you not familiar with the intricacies of the US system of electing a president, its a two-step process. Each state is worth a set number of electoral college votes. In most states, the winner of the popular ballot gets all that states electoral college votes .

There are currently 538 available electoral college votes. The would-be president needs to secure 270 of these to win. At the time of writing Clinton was on track to lose by 74 electoral college votes , despite being ahead in the popular vote.

The last time the electoral applecart was upset in this fashion was in 2000. In controversial circumstances George W Bush took Florida, allowing him to reach the 270 vote target just. He secured 271 electoral college votes to Al Gores 266 .

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Republican National Convention 2016

The Republican National Committee announced on July 8, 2014, that Cleveland, Ohio, would be the host of the 2016 Republican National Convention. It was held from July 18-21, 2016.

RNC Rules Committee

See also: RNC Rules Committee, 2016

The generally-obscure Republican Rules Committee played a more prominent role than usual in the GOP’s 2016 nominating process as it grabbed headlines and took center stage in the fight between NeverTrump and pro-Trump Republicans. But what exactly is the Rules Committee? What does it do? Who can serve on it? And what was its impact on 2016?


  • The Rules Committee is responsible for crafting the official rules of the Republican Party, including the rules that govern the Republican National Convention. It is different from the RNC Standing Committee on Rules, which can be read about here.
  • The Rules Committee consists of 112 members with one male delegate and one female delegate from each state, territory, and Washington, D.C. They are elected at state conventions.
  • The rules package that the committee produced in July 2016 ultimately worked to the advantage of the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. It rejected a proposal to unbind the delegates, tightened up the rules on binding, and authorized the RNC to amend rules in between the 2016 and 2020 conventions.
  • Rule 40

    This page examines the effect of Rule 40 of the Rules of the Republican Party on the party’s 2016 presidential nomination process.


    United States Presidential Election Of 2016

    US election 2016: How many electoral votes did Trump and Clinton get ...


    Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.


    Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

    United States Presidential Election of 2016, American presidential election held on November 8, 2016, in which Republican Donald Trump lost the popular vote to DemocratHillary Clinton by more than 2.8 million votes but won 30 states and the decisive electoral college with 304 electoral votes to Clintons 227 and thus became the 45th president of the United States.

    The tumultuous, abrasive 2016 campaign defied established political norms. Clintons campaign featured superior organization and fund-raisingand almost every election-eve poll pointed to a comfortable victory for herbut Trumps anti-Washington appeal to white working-class voters outside major cities in pivotal manufacturing states proved to be the key factor in what several publications called the most stunning upset in American history. The election of an outsider with no political job experience represented a major repudiation of business as usual by both parties in Washington, D.C.

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    Vs 201: How Trump’s Win And Clinton’s Votes Stack Up To Romney And Obama

    Last week, election results from all states were finally certified. While most headlines focused on Hillary Clintons 2.8 million popular votes lead over Donald Trump, the results also debunked claims that had been circulating over the past few weeks.

    Visualization by Hamdan Azhar

    Contrary to earlyreports, Trump ended up receiving two million more votes than Mitt Romney did in 2012. Meanwhile, Clinton fell short of Obamas 2012 popular vote totals by about 70,000. Third party candidates surged from 2.2 million votes in 2012 to just over 7.8 million in 2016.

    Visualization by Hamdan Azhar

    Final results also reveal that despite early claims of historically low turnout, the number of raw votes cast in the 2016 presidential election – 136,628,459 – is actually the highest total ever. Even while adjusting for the voting eligible population, Professor Michael McDonald of the University of Florida estimates this election had a voter turnout rate of 58.9%. While this is lower than the 61.6% turnout in 2008 , its still significantly higher than the 56% estimated by pundits immediately after the election.

    Visualization by Hamdan Azhar

    Visualization by Hamdan Azhar

    The flip side is that Clinton matched Obamas performance in 17 states , but she fell behind in six midwest states: Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio.

    Visualization by Hamdan Azhar

    Libertarian National Convention 2016

    The Libertarian National Convention was held May 26-30, 2016, in Orlando, Florida.

    Libertarian debates

    • A Libertarian Party presidential primary debate was filmed on March 29, 2016, and Part 1 aired on the Fox Business Network on April 1, 2016, at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Part 2 of the debate aired at 9 p.m. on April 8, 2016. The debate was moderated by John Stossel and aired on the Stossel show. Word of the debate first appeared on Gary Johnsons official campaign Tumblr page on February 16, 2016. Political commentator Austin Petersen, Gary Johnson, and John McAfee participated.
    • In an interview with The New York Times that ran on March 22, 2016, Gary Johnson discussed the Commission on Presidential Debates‘ 15 percent polling requirement for third party candidate participation. Johnson said, There is no way that a third party wins the presidency without being in the presidential debate. The contention is on our part that if youre on the ballot in enough states to mathematically be elected, then you should be included in the presidential debate.

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    Hillary Clinton Officially Wins Popular Vote By Nearly 29 Million

    Hillary Clinton has officially won the popular vote.

    & #151 — The now officially-certified votes from the 2016 presidential race show that Hillary Clinton surpassed Donald Trump in the national popular vote by nearly 2.9 million votes.

    According to vote tallies from The Associated Press, Clinton amassed 65,844,610 votes across all 50 states and Washington D.C., 48.2 percent of all votes cast. Trump received 62,979,636 votes, 46.1 percent of all votes cast.

    The Associated Press announced today that all votes had officially been certified.

    Clinton had 2,864,974 votes more than Trump, the largest popular vote margin of any losing presidential candidate in U.S. history, according to the AP.

    Trump won the presidency by clinching 304 electoral votes, well over the minimum 270 needed. Clinton won 227 electoral votes.

    Clinton is the fifth presidential candidate in history to win the popular vote and lose the Electoral College.

    The only other time this has happened this century was in 2000, when Democrat Al Gore came up short in the Electoral College but won the popular vote by 540,000 more votes than George W. Bush, the AP reported.

    Stories Chosen For You

    Biden could get ’10 million more votes than Trump, and still lose’

    “A massive manhunt is underway for 26-year-old Austin Patrick Hall, a convicted felon who has been arrested on 46 criminal charges since he was 17,” Carol Robinson reported for the Birmingham News. “District Attorney Michael Jackson said the Bibb County Sheriffs deputies were chasing a male in a stolen vehicle when the suspect got out and fired shots, striking both deputies.”

    The newspaper reported at least one deputy is in critical condition.

    Hall, a white male, stands 5’9″ and weighs 169 lbs.

    \u201c\u201d carol robinson 1656550729

    “More than 100 law enforcement officers from at least 17 agencies are currently searching for Austin Patrick Hall. He is considered a serious threat to the public,” Robinson reported.

    A prayer vigil was held Wednesday evening:

    Donald Trump took to his Truth Social alternative to Twitter to complain about the investigation being conducted by the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    The Department of Justice was “blindsided” by Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony as the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

    On May 19, the same newspaper reported DOJ had requested interview transcripts from the select committee.

    On June 16, committee member Zoe Lofgren told Raw Story they would be turning over evidence and transcripts.

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    Trump Got 10 Million More Votes This Election Where Did They Come From

    Whether horrified or galvanized by Donald Trumps rhetoric, the presidential election saw a motivated and divided America. Voters who wanted to Make America Great Again came out in droves to the polls, hoping to beat Joe Bidens message of unity. And while they were ultimately unsuccessful, we can learn a lot from looking at who showed up to vote.

    This election had more voters than ever before: Two-thirds of eligible Americans turned out to vote in 2020, with nearly 160 million voters casting ballots 22 million more than in 2016, and the highest proportion of Americans exercising their right to vote since 1900. At the time of publication, Biden has received over 79.3 million votes, while Trump has gotten nearly 73.5 million. While a motivated Democratic Party expected to see a huge surge in votes, what was perhaps most surprising was the additional 10.1 million people who voted for Trump this year than in 2016. After Trump completely mishandled a national pandemic, spewed daily nonsense on Twitter, and literally caged children, who exactly were these 10 million new voters choosing Trump to continue leading the country?

    Unfortunately, we have a lot of good candidates who their message gets overshadowed by millions of dollars of the Republican message that just literally doesnt even use their own words, Rep. Tony Cardenas of California, who is running to lead the DCCC, told NPR. And those are the kinds of tactics that were having to combat.

    Full List Of Declared Candidates

    Federal Election Commission filed candidates
    +/-6 399
    Note: A “0%” finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to .

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    United States Presidential Election In Washington

    The 2016 United States presidential election in Washington took place on November 8, 2016 as part of the 2016 United States presidential election. Washington was won by Hillary Clinton, who won the state with 52.54% of the vote over Donald Trump‘s 36.83%, a margin of 15.71%. All of the state’s 12 electoral votes were assigned to Clinton, though four defected. Trump prevailed in the presidential election nationally.

    In the presidential primaries, Washington voters chose Republican Party’s nominee the Democratic Party used the caucus system, and Green Party nominee was chosen in a convention.

    The Electoral Vote Count From 2016 To 2020 Basically Flipped

    Trump Is Right  Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 ...

    Following the end of President Barack Obama’s two terms in the White House, Clinton matched up against a surprisingly resilient Republican nominee: Trump.

    Trump emerged victorious on election night in 2016, flipping Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Florida into Republican territory.

    The original electoral count after the 2016 election was 306 votes for Trump and 232 for Clinton. The final count, however, is different as Trump lost two votes and Clinton lost five due to faithless electors, bringing the end total to 304 electoral votes for Trump and 227 for Clinton.

    Trump’s chance for reelection in 2020 was soured by Biden, who amassed an inverse of 2016’s original electoral college results and won 306 votes to Trump’s 232.

    To win, Biden flipped Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, and Nebraska’s 1st Congressional District. Biden is the first Democrat to flip Georgia since President Bill Clinton in 1992 and the first to win in Arizona since 1996.

    In both the 2016 and 2020 elections, Trump lost the popular vote. Clinton won nearly 3 million more votes than he did, and Biden is on track to win nearly 6 million more votes than Trump.

    Biden has already won more votes than any presidential candidate in US history.

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