Saturday, July 20, 2024

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How To Support Trump 2020

American Heartland: The Shock Of Being Left Behind

Voter support for Trump spikes after FBI raid: Poll

In 2017, when Adam Jadhav returned to his old home town of Henry, Illinois , his research found some of the maladies described by Lenz and Chatman. Some people longed for better days gone by. Some younger men were seething because they no longer had a place in the local economy.

But in an article published recently in the Journal of Rural Studies, he described something more subtle: a quiet despair in farm country.

Not so long ago, Henry was an economic hub in central Illinois. There were healthy family farms, and industries associated with the farms Caterpillar Inc. machinery factories, tire factories. And the town was 99% white, which allowed an unchallenged racism. Jadhav was harassed because his father, the United Methodist minister, was an Indian immigrant.

In recent decades, change has swept through Henry like a prairie storm. The economy has devolved. Opportunity, wealth and people especially young people have fled to bigger cities. Shops have closed. Churches have closed. And the people left behind mourn for whats been lost.

When Donald Trump ran in 2016, Jadhav said, the slogan Make America Great Again found an audience. Its not that Trump was popular to many, Jadhav said, he seemed a horribly flawed candidate. Still, Trump spoke to their values and insecurities, and Hillary Clinton didnt.

What comes next, now that Trump has lost? Jadhav is of two minds.

Liz Cheney Says She Regrets Voting For Trump In 2020

Rep. Liz Cheney , who was ousted Wednesday as the third-highest ranking House Republican, told ABC’s “This Week” that she regrets voting for former President Trump in 2020, although she could never have supported Biden.

Why it matters: Cheney, voted out of House Republican leadership over her repeated condemnation of Trump and his unfounded claims of election fraud, plans to challenge the former president for ideological dominance of the GOP.

Key exchange:

KARL: “I mean, how could you not regret that vote, given what’s happened?”

CHENEY: “Yeah. I mean, look, I was never going to support Joe Biden, and I do regret the vote. I think that it was a vote based on policy, based on, sort of, substance and what I know in terms of the kinds of policies he put forward that were good for the country, but that I I think it is fair to say I regret the vote.”

KARL: “If the Republican Party nominates Donald Trump in 2024, could you stay in a Republican Party that decides that he should be the nominee again?”

CHENEY: “I will do everything that I can to make sure he’s not the nominee and, you know, everything necessary to make sure that he never gets anywhere close to the Oval Office again.”

KARL: “But would you remain in the party if he were the nominee?”

CHENEY: “I will not support him and will do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Was I Stupid Was I Blind

When a popular leader continually employs division and misinformation to promote his goals, loyalists can drift from democratic standards and from fact-based reality.

Chatman, the Berkeley Haas leadership expert, trained as a social psychologist. Research, she said, has shown that people can be persuaded by the stories that leaders tell. If a leader makes an appealing promise, people will remain loyal, even if the leader doesnt deliver.

Trump, Chatman explained, has framed a narrative that says, Im the turnaround guy. Im going to drain the swamp. Im going to blow Washington up. And so anyone who was disaffected about government, which turns out to have been a lot of people, likes that narrative.

How far does that influence extend?

Exhibit A: QAnon is a bizarre conspiracy cult united in the belief that Trump is defending the world against a vast network of Satanic pedophiles including Democrats, Hollywood stars and others in the deep state who are attempting to traffic in children and generally to threaten freedom. Trump has welcomed QAnon support and sometimes retweets their communications.

One recent poll found that 56% of Republicans now believe that the improbable QAnon conspiracies are somewhat or entirely true. Only 4% of Democrats agree.

Its much easier and more cognitively consistent to stay in and say, Oh, the media, the Democrats, theyre not giving him a fair shot. . Thats why we dont see any movement in the Trump base.

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Massachusetts Primary Election Results

BOSTON Geoff Diehl, a former state representative endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has won the Republican nomination for Massachusetts governor over businessman Chris Doughty, who was considered the more moderate candidate in the race.

The victory for Diehl sets up a general election contest against Democratic Attorney General Maura Healey, who would be the first openly gay person and the first woman elected governor if she wins in November. The states current governor, Republican Charlie Baker, decided against seeking a third term.

Republican voters made Massachusetts the latest blue state this midterm season to nominate a Trump loyalist in a high-profile race, potentially dooming the partys chances of winning in November. Voters in Connecticut and Maryland, liberal states where centrist Republicans have found some success in previous elections, also selected far-right candidates to go up against a Democrat in the general election.

Healey, whose only rival for the nomination dropped out of the race but remained on the ballot, will be the heavy favorite in November against Diehl in one of the most liberal states in the nation.

Doughty said he supported some of Trumps initiatives but wanted to focus on challenges facing Massachusetts, which he said is increasingly unaffordable.

Database To Trace Police Misbehaviour : Jetec 4 Pieces Donald Trump 2020 Flag Support Slogan Flag ...

President Trump has touted the First Step Act as a key step he made towards criminal justice reform.

The 2018 bipartisan bill was significant, and reformed laws at the federal level, giving judges more discretion during sentencing as well as strengthening prisoner rehabilitation efforts.

Mr Trump had also promised a follow-up Second Step Act that would address employment barriers for former prisoners, though no such legislation has been proposed thus far.

During his 2016 campaign, Mr Trump branded himself as a firm advocate of law enforcement and has remained so during his presidency, most recently escalating his support of police amid the nationwide protests against racial injustice.

In June, President Trump signed an executive order introducing several police reforms, offering federal grants for improved practices, including the creation of a database to trace abuses by officers.

The president has said that controversial chokehold methods for restraining suspects should be prohibited “generally speaking”, but has not moved to enforce a ban.

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Donald Trump Policies: Where Does The President Stand On Key Issues

Donald Trump won the 2016 US presidential election riding on one simple phrase: “Make America Great Again”.

As he seeks a second term, he faces a country struggling with challenges from the coronavirus and the pandemic’s economic aftershocks – and an electorate that will weigh his record from his four years in office.

His 2020 pitch is to bring back the economy, boost jobs, protect US trade interests, and to continue with his hard-line stance on immigration.

Here in detail is where the candidate stands on eight key issues.

The Former President Remains A Potent Force In Republican Politics

For Mr. Trump, bleeding that amount of Republican support would represent a sharp increase compared with the already troubling level of the partys vote he shed during his last race.

In 2020, 9 percent of Republicans voted for someone other than Mr. Trump, while Mr. Biden lost just 4 percent of Democrats, according to AP VoteCast, a large study of the 2020 electorate by NORC at the University of Chicago for The Associated Press.

Kenneth Abreu, a 62-year-old pharmaceutical executive from Pennsylvania, said he had voted Republican for three decades but would support Mr. Biden instead of voting again for Mr. Trump.

Unlike all these other people who believe every word he says, Im done, Mr. Abreu said. All the garbage hes been talking about, the lies, Jan. 6, the whole thing I just lost all respect for him.

How Times reporters cover politics. We rely on our journalists to be independent observers. So while Times staff members may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. This includes participating in marches or rallies in support of a movement or giving money to, or raising money for, any political candidate or election cause.

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Timothy Mellon Pan Am Systems $10 Million

An heir to the Mellon banking fortune and the grandson of former U.S. Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon, his is among the biggest donations this election cycle. He owns the largest regional railroad in North America, Pan Am Railways, which went up for sale in July. Hes been notably reclusive and absent from politics. Republican operatives reportedly had to look his name up on Google when he came forward to help.

What She Said Then: Trump Works Round The Clock Acts Swiftly & Decisively Which Usually Results For The Better Its Why I Vote For Him

Exclusive: New Doc. Footage Shows Trump Saying âStupid Peopleâ Refused To Support Big Lie

Dems have spent 4 years RESISTING,making false accusations & amp trying to impeach instead of doing what they are paid good money to do govern & amp CREATE positive change. Trump works round the clock,acts swiftly & amp decisively which usually results for the better. Its why I vote for him

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Your Weekly Briefing On Gun Violence

In 2016, the National Rifle Association spent more than $50 million to back Donald Trump and several Republican Senate candidates, establishing itself as a major force in the election.

At the same time, the organizations finances were deep in the red. After allegedly abusing its nonprofit status for years through lavish spending on executives and vendors, the NRA is now facing a lawsuit from the New York attorney general that aims to dissolve the organization.

Despite those existential threats, the gun group has promised another show of force during the 2020 campaign, and in August made one of its largest ever ad buys with a spot attacking Trumps Democratic rival, Joe Biden.

Using data from ProPublica and the Federal Election Commission, were tracking the NRAs spending as it happens.

Voting Patterns In The 2020 Election

The 2020 election featured continuity in the voting patterns of major demographic and political groups in the population, but there were a few important shifts. The gender gap in the 2020 election was narrower than it had been in 2016 as Democrats made gains among men and Republicans made gains among women. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump won men by 11 percentage points while Hillary Clinton won women by 15 points . In the 2018 election, Democrats substantially narrowed the gap with men while maintaining an 18-point lead among women. In the 2020 election, men again divided nearly evenly , while Bidens advantage narrowed to 11 points among women .

Similarly, as Biden increased his level of support among White men in the 2020 election relative to Clintons in 2016, Trump gained among White women, which had the effect of further narrowing the gender gap among White voters. In 2016, Trump won White men by 30 points . That gap narrowed to a 17-point margin for Trump in 2020 . White women, a group sometimes categorized as swing voters and who broke nearly evenly in 2016 , favored him in 2020 .

Biden received the support of 92% of Black voters, nearly the same as Clinton received in 2016 and Democratic candidates for the U.S. House received in 2018.

Party and ideology

Age and generation



White non-evangelical Protestants voted for Trump over Biden by a 14-point margin , while Black Protestants were an overwhelmingly Democratic group .

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Jeff Sessions Explains Why Christians Support Trump

The former attorney general compared the president to a Middle Eastern strongman.

About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

In Christ there is no east or west / In him no south or north, / But one great family bound by love / Throughout the whole wide earth, goes the old hymn.

But in Donald Trump, there is division among American Christians. On one side are those who insist that the president is a Christian hero who is standing up for religious rights. On the other are critics who counter that white evangelical Christians have struck a corrupt but convenient bargain with an immoral leader whose inclinations are dictatorial, not religious.

Into this debate strides former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who, despite his excommunication from Trumps good graces, remains a die-hard backer of the president and his ideological agenda. Yet in a masterful profile in The New York Times Magazine by Elaina Plott, he comes down solidly, if unwittingly, on the side of the skeptics. Sessions suggests that the presidents own religious convictions are irrelevant, compares him to the dictators Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Bashar al-Assad, and makes the case for choosing a strongman who can defend Christians over democratic politics.

Bringing Back The Pandemic

home decor flag Trump 2020 for President Re Election Keep Make America ...

President Trump has long campaigned on “America First” principles, and has pushed for bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the US.

During his first campaign, Mr Trump promised huge tax cuts for working Americans, to lower the corporate tax rate, to shake up the trade status quo and to revive American manufacturing.

On some of those, he has delivered.

In the last four years, he has rolled back federal regulations on businesses, enacted corporate and income tax cuts and signed executive orders supporting preferences for domestic-made products.

Since January 2017, the US has added more than 480,000 manufacturing jobs, though analysts say growth in the sector is slowing down and Mr Trump’s related policies – like tariffs – have not addressed the structural issues at play.

Mr Trump has also predicted the economy will bounce back immediately after the pandemic – though critics say his Covid-19 response has caused long-term economic damage.

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Rep Madison Cawthorn R

  • Participated in planning conversations with Jan. 6 rally organizers: Two organizers behind the Jan. 6 rally in D.C. and others around the country said Cawthorn or an aide participated in planning discussions, Rolling Stone reported.
  • Spoke at Jan. 6 Stop the Steal rally: Just days after he was sworn into office as the youngest member of Congress, Cawthorn spoke at the Jan. 6 rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol. We are doing this for the Constitution, Cawthorn told the crowd. Our Constitution was violated.

Cawthorn has said he does not regret speaking at the Jan. 6 rally. He did not respond to a request for comment.

Building The Wall And Curbing Immigration

Promises to curb immigration levels have been foundational to the president’s political career.

Now, as he seeks re-election he has promised to continue the construction of a border wall on the US-Mexico border – he has so far secured funding for 445 miles of the 722 mile barrier.

He also vows to eliminate the visa lottery and chain migration – meaning immigration to the US that is based on family ties – and shift to a “merit-based” entry system.

Mr Trump’s plans for immigration reform faced defeat this summer when the Supreme Court ruled against his administration’s bid to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals , which protects about 650,000 young people who entered the US without documents as children.

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The Ukraine War Cuts Many Ways

While most of those I encountered had relatively clear views about domestic issues, the Ukraine War was another matter. That conflict perplexes many in the heartland because they are not sure what it means for America or how it affects them personally. I didnt encounter anyone who had a positive view of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Everyone sees him as a thug who terrorizes his own people and destabilizes global affairs. But they are not sure how the war will play out and what US involvement means for their lives.

In the short-run, the Ukrainian conflict has been a boon to American farmers. With Ukraine grain blocked from the world market by Russia, grain prices have gone way up. Although American grocery shoppers are paying higher prices, US farmers are selling their stored wheat and corn at record levels. Of course, they recognize some of their financial gains are being lost at the grocery store and gas pumps, and through higher inflation on a wide range of farm costs. But U.S. agriculture is doing well due to grain supply restrictions.

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