Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Who Has The Best Chance To Beat Trump

Florida Gov Ron Desantis

Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg Spar Over Who Has A Better Chance To Beat Trump | NBC News

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is probably the most prominent of the Republican governors who are pondering presidential bids. The former congressman has been particularly vocal about the COVID pandemic, working against the Biden administration’s requirements for masks and vaccinations. He has also echoed Trump’s calls for “election integrity.”

DeSantis has also downplayed 2024 speculation for a very important reason: He’s up for re-election in 2022 in a state that remains closely divided. DeSantis won the 2018 governor’s race by less than 1 percentage point.

The publicity surrounding DeSantis’ performance as governor has made him perhaps the most high-profile non-Trump candidate. The Florida governor scores well in presidential polls, though he and his aides have discouraged talk about 2024 because of his re-election battle in 2022.

“Im not considering anything beyond doing my job,” DeSantis told Fox News host Sean Hannity recently.

DeSantis’ rise in the polls has triggered blowback from Trump and his allies. In an October interview with Yahoo Finance, Trump predicted that most GOP candidates would drop out if he runs, including DeSantis.

If I faced him, I’d beat him like I would beat everyone else, Trump said.

Favorites To Win The 2024 Us Presidential Election

Shortly after the inauguration, Vice President Kamala Harris was atop the presidential odds board at +350, with Biden close behind at +400, and Trump in third place at +650. Those odds have shifted massively and Trump is now leading the field as the 2024 U.S. presidential election favorite at +250. Biden is second at +450 while Harris has dropped all the way to fourth place at +1,200 with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis jumping into third.

Other presidential betting favorites for 2024 include former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley , Trump’s VP Mike Pence , Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg , and Fox News host and political pundit Tucker Carlson . Tennessee senator Marsha Blackburn is one of the fastest risers, moving from off the board to +2,800 after her criticisms at Ketanji Brown Jacksons Supreme Court confirmation went viral.

Donald Trump’s Odds Of Winning The 2024 Us Presidential Election

Trump has increased his lead atop the election odds board and is currently installed at +250. Although the former POTUS has yet to formally announce he will campaign in 2024, he continues to organize MAGA rallies across the country.

He held his latest rally in Wyoming last week, where he declared his support for Harriet Hageman, who is challenging incumbent GOP Rep. Liz Cheney who just happens to be one of Trump’s biggest critics inside the party.

While recently admitting that his health could be a problem, Trump also declared that his biggest party rivals Pence, DeSantis, and Mike Pompeo would not oppose him in a Republican primary.

The former President has not strayed far from the spotlight since his election defeat 18 months ago, staging multiple rallies across the Midwest and South while amassing $124 million in fundraising money.

According to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released at the end of January, Trump would dominate a hypothetical eight-person presidential primary. According to the poll, 57% of Republicans would support Trump for another White House bid, miles ahead of DeSantis and Pence .

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A Large Number Of Republicans Might Run In 2024

Plenty of Republicans have been buzzed about for a potential 2024 run. They include come-again candidates such as GOP Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida, and would-be first-time presidential candidates like former Vice President Mike Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Both Christie and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, an anti-Trump Republican, have said they’d run for president regardless of what Trump does.

A recent NBC News report said that Trump might choose to announce as early as July 4 that he’s running. But the former president could easily wait until the middle or even end of 2023 to reveal his intentions and still have plenty of time to qualify for primary ballots and run a nationwide campaign.

But winning the nomination doesn’t mean Trump would win the presidency, DuHaime said.

“Biden and Democrats are really hoping Republicans nominate Trump,” he said. “Almost any Republican other than Trump could keep 2024 focused on Biden’s performance. All other Republicans could focus on the future while Trump can’t help but focus on the past.”

Just Call Trump A Loser


His record is clear. Some nervy Republican challenger should say so.

Lets assume Donald Trump runs again for president in 2024. Yes, I know, caveats, caveats. Republicans say its too early to discuss 24. A lot can change between now and then. Maybe Trump wont actually run. Maybe hes just teasing the possibility to milk the attention. Apparently, he likes attention.

But if Trump does decide to inflict himself on another race, he will enter as the clear Republican favorite, enjoying a presumption of invincibility inside the GOP. This has engendered a belief that anyone who challenges Trump must tread lightly, or end up like the roadkill that his primary opponents became in 2016.

That notion is outdated.

Trumps bizarre and enduring hold over his party has made it verboten for many Republicans to even utter publicly the unpleasant fact of his defeatsomething they will readily acknowledge in private. I caught up recently with several Trump-opposing Republican strategists and former associates of the president who argued this restraint should end. The best way for a Republican to depose Trump in 2024, they said, will be to call Trump a loser, as early and as brutally as possibleand keep pointing out the absurdity of treating a one-term, twice-impeached, 75-year-old former president like a kingmaker and heir apparent. In other words, dont worry about hurting Special Boys feelings.

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Donald Trump Political Prop Bets

We have a page that specifically covers bets that lie outside the standard betting lines for candidates, including current Donald Trump political prop bets.

You will find prop bets for Presidential debates, which party will win, odds Trump will be impeached , and even which nicknames Donald Trump will call his various Democrat opponents via Twitter .

Mini Mike Bloomberg is one of his latest masterpieces, though Andrew Coma is perhaps his most biting of the last few years.

Trump Republican Nomination Odds

Odds for winning the 2020 Republican nomination were in Trumps favor since they were initially released. Trump was the incumbent Republican President and therefore had the best odds to receive his partys nomination.

However, Trump ended up losing to Joe Biden. That said, Trump, despite losing his reelection bid, is currently favored to win the GOP primaries in 2024, and all the sportsbooks are taking action on those Trump election chances.

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Why Bernie Sanders Is Our Best Chance To Beat Donald Trump

Fmr. MSNBC host and Author of ‘Reversing the Apocalypse’

Hand-wringing over party unity misses the point. No one cares about your precious parties.

As Hillary Clinton joylessly stumbles her way to the Democratic nomination, calls have increased for Bernie Sanders to either drop out of the race altogether or, at least, to stop fighting so darn hard. We’re told that Bernie should drop out for the good of the party. Bernie should drop out so that Hillary can make her general election “pivot” . Bernie should drop out so that Hillary can focus on Trump. According to this logic, Bernie and his band of loyalists need to get pragmatic, face the music, have a reality check. Hogwash. Doesn’t anyone see what I see? Bernie Sanders is our best chance to beat Donald Trump and to prove to the young voters backing him that the Democratic party actually stands for something.

Error in thinking #1: Sanders supporters care about the existing system.

Error in thinking #2: Uniting around Clinton is the best shot to beat Trump.

So remind me again who has the best shot and who all patriotic Democrats must rally around for the good of saving the Republic from Trump?

Error in thinking #3: Winning is theonly goal that matters.

So to the Bern-baby-Bern crowd I say, keep fighting. Your fight is worthy. Your cause is just. Your passionate existence irritates the Democratic powers that be because you remind them of all that they are supposed to stand for.

Retrospective: Odds Of Trump Being Reelected In 2020

GOP Voters See Donald Trump As Best Chance To Win | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Donald Trumps reelection odds were favorable until April when it became clear that his responses to Black Lives Matter protests and the Coronavirus were not going over well with a majority of bettors.

At that time, Joe Biden took the lead in the 2020 Presidential election odds and remained the favorite through his win in November.

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Kari Lake May Be The Gop’s Best Chance To Lose

Its the same reason Democrats in Arizona are rooting for Lake to win the states Republican Aug. 2 primary for governor. They see her and probably only her as the Republican who Democrat Katie Hobbs can beat in November.

Which is why longtime Republican strategists are rooting for anybody but Lake to win the Aug. 2 Republican primary.

Shes the Mastriano of Arizona, 100%, GOP consultant Chris Baker told me.

Shes definitely the Republican Partys best chance to lose, Republican consultant Tyler Montague said.

Another view: If an election denier can win, Kari Lake must be a shoo-in

The problem for Lake is simple: Her scorched-earth campaign is wildly popular with about a third of the Republican Party, but shes been unable to grow her base of support much beyond 35%. Based on results of other races around the country this week, it doesnt appear that Trump can help her.

But Matt Salmon can. The former congressman is running third in the polls, behind Lake and businesswoman Karrin Taylor Robson. While he has loads of detailed policy proposals that conservative Repubicans should love, he doesnt appear to have the campaign strategy or the campaign money to make his case with Republican primary voters.

Us Election Betting Odds Faqs

Yes. Some betting sites provide odds on the U.S. presidential election, but betting on elections is not legal in the United States and state-regulated books do not offer these odds.

Donald Trump is the current 2024 election betting odds favorite at +300 as of April 2022. Joe Biden trails just behind at +450.

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Mike Pence’s Chances Of Beating Donald Trump In 2024 According To Polls

Neither former President Donald Trump nor former Vice President Mike Pence has declared he will make a run for the White House in 2024, but there has been enough speculation regarding both men that pollsters have gauged public opinion about a potential matchup.

So far, survey results indicate Pence would not fare well against Trump.

On Thursday, the House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol is planning to focus on allegations that Trump tried to pressure Pence into not certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election. Trump’s alleged actions are being examined as one of the main potential causes of the riot, during which threats were reportedly made against Pence’s life.

Pence and Trump have had a strained relationship since leaving the White House because of the former vice president’s decision not to interfere with the certification of President Joe Biden‘s election victory. In the summer of 2021, Pence called January 6 “a dark day” during a Republican dinner and added that he and Trump may never see “eye to eye” on the event, according to an NBC News report from the time. Meanwhile, Trump said in an interview last month he was “very disappointed” in Pence for not supporting his claims of election fraud, which are not backed by any evidence.

Trump Betting Odds Faqs

Marco Rubio: John Kasich has the best chance to beat Donald Trump in ...

Donald John Trump was elected President of the United States on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. He took office officially when he was sworn in on Friday, January 20, 2017.

Trump won the 2016 Presidential election by winning more electoral votes than his opponent, Hillary Clinton. The final tally was 304-227. While Clinton won the popular vote, she neglected to campaign in swing states and lost several that she thought was in the bag. Hillarys campaign was the most expensive in US history, while Trumps was the least expensive in several cycles.

The day Trump was elected on November 8, 2016, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 18,332.74. The next day, the Dow gained 312 points, closing at 18,613.52. As of May 15, 2020, the Dow sits at 23,649.76, due entirely to the effects of the coronavirus.

The odds of Trump winning in 2024 are not good, with his chances sitting between +800 and +3300 depending on the sportsbook you choose. Of course, that just means you can clean up bigly if he wins!

While many mainstream media pundits and Democratic politicians spent countless hours warning that Dictator Donald would use the coronavirus to declare martial law and cancel the November 2020 Presidential election, that did not happen. However, you could get odds on whether or not the election would be delayed by COVID-19 at some sportsbooks.

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Ron Desantis Chances Of Beating Donald Trump In 2024 According To Polls

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has emerged early as a potential front-runner for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination, although former President Donald Trump continues to tease the possibility of another White House bid as well.

Neither DeSantis nor Trump has said he plans to run in the next presidential election. Meanwhile, analysts and pundits largely believe that both prominent Republicans are strongly considering the possibility. Rumors have emerged of tension between the two, but both have publicly dismissed the speculation.

Recent polls show mixed results, with both appearing to have a potential path to the nomination. Several recent straw polls have shown DeSantis as the front-runner, while national polls have generally shown Trump in the lead by double digits if he chooses to seek another term.

The Western Conservative Summit, held in Colorado on Saturday, did a straw poll of attendees. For the second year in a row, DeSantis edged out Trump as the favored choice of those at the conference.

The Florida governor garnered the backing of 71.01 percent of straw poll respondents. Trump came in close behind in second place with the support of 67.68 percent. Because voters were allowed to make more than one choice, through the approval voting method, the percentages of the poll added up to more than 100 percent.

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