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Would Joe Biden Beat Trump

Donald Trump’s Chances Vs Joe Biden If He Runs Again In 2024

Joe Biden beats Donald Trump to win US presidential election | US election 2020

A number of bookmakers are naming Donald Trump as their favorite to win the 2024 presidential election if he runs, but several polls suggest it is still neck-and-neck between him and Joe Biden in a hypothetical match-up.

According to OddsChecker, which aggregates betting odds from numerous sources, Trump is the favorite to be the next president by several bookmakers including Paddy Power and Betfairwho are offering odds of 11/4as well as Bet365 and SkyBet .

In comparison, Paddy Power and Betfair are offering 9/2 odds on Biden winning the 2024 election, with Bet365 and SkyBet offering 5/1.

Trump has not formally announced that he intends on running for president again, but he has hinted at it from the moment he left the White House in January 2021.

The suggestion that Trump could beat Biden in a hypothetical 2024 match-up has been backed by a recent Emerson College poll conducted on May 24 and 25.

According to those taking part in the survey, 44 percent said they would vote for Trump in 2024, and 42 percent said they would back Biden if they were the two candidates.

The poll also shows that Biden’s approval rating remains low at 38 percent, down from 42 percent in an April survey.

The Emerson College poll reveals Biden’s job approval is lowest among white voters at 33 percent, and highest among Black voters at 61 percent.

Can Joe Biden And Donald Trump Just Go Away

I don’t care for Donald Trump, but I also don’t like Joe Biden. The best thing about each of them is that they’re not the other.

Donald Trump vowed to Make America Great, while Joe Biden babbled about unity and a return to normalcy.

How’d that go?

It turns out, a lot of Americans are sick of Biden and Trump, too.

According to a recent survey conducted by YouGov for Yahoo! News, 55% of Americans don’t think Donald Trump should run for president again in 2024, while 64% think the same of President Biden.

Last month, Rasmussen Reports found that just 49% of Democrats think Biden should run again.

This is supposed to be America, the richest and most powerful nation on Earth. These two are really the best America can come up with?

America has a lot of problems and these two fossils aren’t the ones to solve them.

Here, I will review the awfulness of Biden and Trump and at the end suggest someone who would be better.

Joe Biden’s eternal awfulness

The topline argument against Joe Biden is that he’s old. You know it, I know it. Trump is old, too, but Biden comes across as every bit of a 79-year-old man who was first sworn in as U.S. senator in 1973.

One of the positive things about getting older is that you can end up wiser and have more perspective than younger people. But Joe Biden has been terrible for decades, and he’s only ever moved up in politics.

I’ll elaborate.

He was never ahead of his time on anything and he was very often wrong.

President Biden: I’m Begging Youdon’t Run In 2024 Our Country Needs You To Stand Down

Recent explosive testimony from the January 6 Committee hearings has proven even further what we all already know: Donald Trump must not become president, ever again.

Which means that President Joe Biden must not run again in 2024.

Even as the country navigates the January 6 hearings, the aftermath of the mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde, and a wave of controversial Supreme Court decisions including the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the basic political environment for the Democratic Party appears largely unchanged. The party seems to be careening toward a disaster in the midterms.

There is one figure in American politics who I think could shift this dynamic: President Biden. He won’t do this with more speeches or press conferences or barnstorming the country. President Biden can only save the Democratsand by extension, the countryby promising that this is his final act. That is, he should announce immediately that he will not seek reelection in 2024. By doing so, I think Biden could change the political environment almost overnight.

Announcing that he won’t be running accomplishes two goals. It releases candidates from the anchor he represents, tying them to a deeply unpopular president. And it allows Biden to legitimately point out that since he isn’t seeking another term, decisions he makes going forward will in no way be driven by political gain.

The alternative is far less appealing.

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Worries About Age And A Successor

To nearly all the Democrats interviewed, the presidents age 79 now, 82 by the time the winner of the 2024 election is inaugurated is a deep concern about his political viability. They have watched as a commander in chief who built a reputation for gaffes has repeatedlyrattled global diplomacy with unexpected remarks that were later walked back by his White House staff, and as he has sat for fewer interviews than any of his recent predecessors.

The presidency is a monstrously taxing job and the stark reality is the president would be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of a second term, and that would be a major issue, said David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Barack Obamas two winning presidential campaigns.

Biden doesnt get the credit he deserves for steering the country through the worst of the pandemic, passing historic legislation, pulling the NATO alliance together against Russian aggression and restoring decency and decorum to the White House, Mr. Axelrod added. And part of the reason he doesnt is performative. He looks his age and isnt as agile in front of a camera as he once was, and this has fed a narrative about competence that isnt rooted in reality.

Trump Has Been Running And Losing Against Biden For Months

Biden shares

Ultimately, the 2020 primary issue Democrats care about most is who can stand up to Trump and beat him. Biden is in a unique position. Hes faced almost a year of attacks by Trump and it hasnt hurt him.

In the fall, the American public learned that Trump had enlisted his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to gin up dirt on Bidens son Hunter Biden by leaning on the government of Ukraine. While these revelations ultimately ended in the presidents impeachment, they also led to months and months of Trump attacking Joe Biden.

In October, Trump really lit into him with personal insults . Trumps daughter-in-law Lara Trump and his former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on to make fun of Bidens slight stutter.

Amid all this, Bidens fundraising skyrocketed, and he paid no penalty in the polls. Biden remains up over Trump in head-to-head polling in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Why are you so obsessed with me, Mr. President?

Joe Biden

Bidens campaign made an ad about Trumps attacks, which Biden tweeted with a joke, Why are you so obsessed with me? Sometimes a joke is funny because it gets at the truth.

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Trump Beats Both Biden And Harris In Hypothetical 2024 Run: Poll

If the 2024 election were held today, former President Donald Trump would beat both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

That’s according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey, which finds that if the incumbent and his predecessor were to face off again, 47% of voters would support Trump while 41% would back Biden. Harris fares even worse in a hypothetical match-up, with just 38% of voters saying they would choose her, compared with 49% who would pick Trump. Twelve percent of voters remain undecided.

While the next presidential contest is more than two and a half years away, the poll “portends trouble for Democrats in their 2024 effort to maintain control of the White House after taking it back less than two years ago,” The Hill, which obtained exclusive access to the survey, reported Tuesday.

“If the president does pursue and start to govern decisively using executive action and other tools at his disposal, I think we’re in the game.”

Although Trump could still face legal consequences for his role in fomenting a coup attempt against the U.S. government and for decades of tax evasion and other financial crimes, the far-right former president “has repeatedly hinted that he’s considering another bid for the presidency and remains deeply popular among the GOP’s conservative base,” the news outlet added.

That interpretation is shared by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez .

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Joe Biden Told Barack Obama He Will Run Again In 2024 Report

President thinks hes the only one who can beat Trump, source tells the Hill, as Trump is readying his own third run

Joe Biden has told Barack Obama he will run for re-election in 2024, according to a Washington website, the Hill.

The site cited two anonymous sources. One was quoted as saying Biden wants to run and hes clearly letting everyone know.

It was not clear when Biden told Obama his plans. But Obama visited the White House earlier this month, to celebrate the Affordable Care Act.

Introducing his host, Obama him Vice-President Biden.

That was a joke, he said, to laughter.

Biden was vice-president to Obama from 2009 to 2017. He won the presidency on his own third attempt in 2020 , beating Donald Trump.

At 78, Biden was the oldest president ever inaugurated. If he won again he would be 82 at the start of his second term.

Amid competing crises, from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the coronavirus and rampant inflation at home, Bidens approval ratings have plummeted. Most observers expect Republicans to retake Congress in November. But the president has dropped plenty of hints that he does plan to run again.

In September, it was widely reported that Biden and aides had told allies he planned to run again. In December, Biden said he would run if he stayed in good health. He has also said Kamala Harris, his vice-president, would be on the ticket again.

Trump, 75, is readying his own third run for the presidency.

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Biden’s Pollster Addresses Speculation Of A Biden

  • President Biden’s pollster said Biden is the best Democrat to challenge Trump in 2024.

  • “You go head-to-head and Joe Biden’s always ahead of him,” John Anzalone said.

  • Biden himself has suggested he would be “very fortunate” if Trump ran again.

President Joe Biden’s pollster says there’s ‘no indication’ the president won’t seek reelection in 2024, arguing that Democrats don’t have an alternative who could beat former President Donald Trump.

“I think that a lot of us feel that if Trump runs, there’s no one else that could beat Trump than Joe Biden,”John Anzalone told Politico’s Ryan Lizza in an interview published on Friday.

As for whether or not Biden will actually run, Anzalone said there’s “no indication that he won’t run.” Biden, who is already the oldest president in American history, has also refused to rule out a second term.

“I’d be very fortunate if I had that same man running against me,”Biden recently told reporters.

Anzalone said the 2022 midterms are shaping up to be the “worst political environment” for Democrats of his lifetime. But the good news, Anzalone says, is that even with anemic approval ratings Biden is still leading Trump in a hypothetical 2024 rematch.

“You go head-to-head and Joe Biden’s always ahead of him,” Anzalone said. “Not by a lot one or two points. Even at his lowest approval rating, he still beats Donald Trump.”

Read the original article on Business Insider

Poll: Trump Leads Biden Harris In 2024 Match

Biden: I would ‘beat the hell’ out of Trump if in high school

Former President Trump is leading President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 match-up, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Monday.

If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden. Twelve percent of voters are undecided.

Vice President Harris performs even worse in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. Forty-nine percent said they would choose Trump, while 38 percent said they would support Harris.

The poll, while very early, portends trouble for Democrats in their 2024 effort to maintain control of the White House after taking it back less than two years ago. Trump has repeatedly hinted that hes considering another bid for the presidency and remains deeply popular among the GOPs conservative base.

Even if Trump and Biden choose not to run in 2024, Democrats may face some challenges. The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey found Harris leading Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a current favorite for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, by a scant 2-point margin.

In that scenario, Harris takes 40 percent support to DeSantiss 38 percent support.

The poll found Bidens current approval at just 39 percent, while majorities of respondents said that both the U.S. economy and the country as a whole are on the wrong track.

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Donald Trump Reiterates His Intention To Contest 2024 Presidential Election

Notably, the poll results were significant as the Biden administration has not completed even two years in the White House and the rating of the Biden-Harris match-up is continuously sinking to a new level.

Earlier last week, during a rally in Florida, Trump reiterated his intention to contest the US Presidential election in 2024. While addressing his supporters as part of an “American Freedom Tour” event in Fort Lauderdale, he attested that incumbent US President Joe Biden would lose the next elections and the Republican party will again return to the White House.

According to Trump, Republicans will return to the White House with more support and added the party will be better and stronger than ever before.”You had a president that always put America first. I will be back and we will be better and stronger than ever before,” the former US President stressed.

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Just over two-thirds of voters also believe the US is on the wrong track.

When asked what issues were most on their minds in the November midterm elections, voters overwhelmingly chose the economy .

Terrorism and border security came in second at 14 percent, followed closely by health care , senior issues and womens issues defined as birth control, abortion and equal pay at 6 percent.

Six percent of voters said they were most concerned about energy issues, including the cost of gas and electricity as well as carbon emissions, while 4 percent said education including school standards, class size and student loans was most important to them.

The poll surveyed 2,005 registered voters between Jan. 22 and 23 and has a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.

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