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Is President Trump’s Approval Rating

Half Of Republican Respondents Said Former President Should Play Major Role In Partys Future

President Trumps approval rating on economy hits new high: Poll

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Former president Donald Trumps popularity rating among Republicans has begun to bounce back since he left office, with half of respondents saying they think he should play a major role in the GOPs future.

According to tracking by Morning Consult, 81 per cent of Republican voters polled between 23 to 25 January hold positive views of Mr Trump, including 54 per cent who do so strongly.

The number marks an improvement on the 76 per cent low of Republican voters who favoured him in tracking between 10 and 12 of January ahead of his impeachment when those who strongly favoured Mr Trump sat at 49 per cent.

Fifty percent of Republican voters in a poll by the company between the 22 and 25 of January also think Mr Trump should maintain a significant role in the partys future, an increase of nine percentage points since the insurrection.

The former presidents popularity dropped following the 6 January when pro-Trump supporters attacked the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify Joe Bidens win, vandalising and looting the building.

The samples included responses from more than 4,400 Republican voters, with margins of error of 1 point.

Nearly half of Republican voters disapprove of McConnells approach to impeachment, while 32 percent approve of how hes tackled the issue.

Trump Approval Remains Stable In New Nbc Poll With Republicans Unmoved After Capitol Violence

WASHINGTON Donald Trump is the only president in history to be impeached twice this time for his role in encouraging a deadly assault on the Capitol by his supporters but he is poised to leave office with a job approval rating that is fairly typical of his entire time in office.

A new NBC News poll found that 43 percent of voters nationwide gave Trump a positive job approval rating, just barely down from 45 percent who said the same before the November election and the 44 percent who approved of his performance shortly after he took office in 2017.

Biden Approval Ratings Slip To 42% Lowest For Any 1st Term President Except Trump

AUSTIN The latest national NBC News poll reveals a majority of Americans currently disapprove of President Joe Bidens job performance just nine months into his presidency.

The poll shows that 42% of adults say they approve of Bidens overall job as president a decline of seven points since August. This is compared to 54% who say they disapprove of the presidents job, which is up six points since August.

Fifty percent of Americans give Biden low marks for overall competence and uniting the country, while 60% also view Bidens stewardship on the economy negatively.

In comparison to August, the president is seven points down, with only 40% of Americans approving of the way he has handled the economy, and 51% approving of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The survey finds seven in 10 adults, including almost half of Democrats, believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

When asked about the countrys future, only 41% of respondents in the poll say Americas best years are ahead, while 53% say the opposite.

Bidens low standing has also affected his party: Democrats are now behind Republicans on matters like handling the economy, inflation and immigration. They have also lost ground on issues like education and coronavirus.

Bidens approval rating in this poll is lower than any other modern first-year presidents at a similar point in time according to Gallups historical data, with the exception of Donald Trump .

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Trump Is A Barometer For Republican Views Of Supreme Court

A person holds a sign during a rally to protest the results of the election, in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, in Washington, U.S., December 12, 2020. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

The U.S. Supreme Court has been issuing rulings that tend to favor conservatives, but its approval ratings have dropped among Republicans as well as Democrats, according to an analysis by my Reuters colleagues and a recent Gallup poll, both released on July 28.

A year ago, 58% of Americans approved of the court, its highest rating in about 11 years, according to the poll. This year, the courts approval rating dipped to 49%, and a historical gap between Republicans and Democrats narrowed to nothing: Members of both parties have identical approval ratings of 51% .

The courts reputation has taken a hit among Republicans, despite it taking a sharp turn toward the right, both in terms of its membership and decisions.

Former President Donald Trump appointed three new justices since 2017, moving the court further to the right than it had been for decades. Republican approval of the court expectedly surged in Gallups polls after those appointments.

And, a recent Reuters analysis of the courts shadow docket rulings from the past 12 months found that the courts 6-3 conservative majority repeatedly favored religious groups and Trumps administration, while denying almost 100 other emergency applications by private individuals and groups.

Understand The Taliban Takeover In Afghanistan

Donald Trump

Who are the Taliban?The Taliban arose in 1994 amid the turmoil that came after the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan in 1989. They used brutal public punishments, including floggings, amputations and mass executions, to enforce their rules. Heres more on their origin story and their record as rulers.

Who are the Taliban leaders?These are the top leaders of the Taliban, men who have spent years on the run, in hiding, in jail and dodging American drones. Little is known about them or how they plan to govern, including whether they will be as tolerant as they claim to be. One spokesman told The Times that the group wanted to forget its past, but that there would be some restrictions.

How did the Taliban gain control?See how the Taliban retook power in Afghanistan in a few months, and read about how their strategy enabled them to do so.

What happens to the women of Afghanistan?The last time the Taliban were in power, they barred women and girls from taking most jobs or going to school. Afghan women have made many gains since the Taliban were toppled, but now they fear that ground may be lost. Taliban officials are trying to reassure women that things will be different, but there are signs that, at least in some areas, they have begun to reimpose the old order.

Overall, Mr. Bidens approval rating has fallen to around 50 percent among Latino voters in national surveys conducted since the fall of Kabul.

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Us President Is Being Forced To Deal With Some Of The Same Dynamics As His Predecessor

Former US president Donald Trump has overtaken his successor Joe Biden in favourability ratings among American voters in what has been described as a remarkable turnaround.

The Times reported that, just eight months after the transfer of power, Trump has a positive rating of 48% compared with Bidens 46% in a Harvard-Harris poll. Back in February, Biden had a 56% positive rating compared with Trumps 43%.

The team that surrounded Trump during his reign also fared better than Bidens circle. Some 55% of respondents said that Mike Pence was a better vice president than his successor, Kamala Harris, and 63% believed that Mike Pompeo was a better secretary of state than Antony Blinken.

A number of other surveys have discovered the same trend, with a poll in the bellwether state of Iowa putting Bidens approval rating at just 31%, down from 43% in June.

Meanwhile, after Biden dropped to a new low of 43% approval in the monthly Gallup survey, down six points from August and 14 since his inauguration in January, the pollster pointed out that among elected presidents since World War Two, only Trump has had a lower job approval rating than Biden does at a similar point in their presidencies.

The Daily Mail agreed that voters regret voting for Biden after his disastrous exit from Kabul, as well as revelations that the US mistakenly killed 10 people, including one aid worker and seven children, after a botched drone strike meant to kill an ISIS-K terrorist.

Which Us President Had The Worst Approval Ratings

See which recent leader got the lowest grades on his polling report cards.

For many decades, the Gallup polling firm has been asking Americans: “Do you approve or disapprove of the way is handling his job as president?” The approval percentages from these polls provide a sort of running report card on the person in the White House.

Some presidents have enjoyed high scores, particularly when the country has rallied behind its leader during tough times. But other commanders-in-chief have been relatively unpopular.

As President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office, the U.S. is dealing with a recession and a deadly pandemic, and how he leads the country through these challenges will help determine his approval ratings.

Which presidents won high approval from Americans, and which earned C and D report cards? Here are the average Gallup Poll approval ratings for the last 13 presidents, counting down to the least popular prez in recent history.

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Trump Approval Rating By State 2021

The presidential job approval ratings in the U.S. were introduced in the late 1930s by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president during their term. Approval ratings are determined by polling given to a sample of people.

Like most surveys, poll results may be inaccurate due to samples that self-select. However, statisticians generally accept the approval rating as a factual indicator of the peoples feelings about the president.

As of April 2020, President Trumps approval rate is 46.0% and his disapproval is at 49.6%.

Poll: Biden Approval Rating Matches Trump At This Point Of Presidency

President Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Hits New Low In Fox News Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll for Monday shows that 43% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Bidens job performance while 56 percent disapprove.

According to the polling firm, the approval rating for former President Donald Trump at this time in his presidency was 42%.

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Trump’s Presidential Approval Rating Stays Steady: Nbc News/wall Street Journal Polls

Donald Trump’s presidency is a roller coaster everywhere except in his approval rating.

There have been ups and there have been downs in his presidency. Through it all, though, the president’s job approval has remained steady across all polls, the NBC News/Wall Street Journals included.

Trump’s approval rating has hovered within the same nine-point range since his inauguration in January 2017.

The chart below shows Trump’s approval rating history, along with those of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton when they were president. It will be updated when new polls are published.

Will Trump Be A Factor Or Not

Finally, the poll finds 20 percent of registered voters saying their vote in 2022 will be a signal of opposition against Trump and 21 percent saying it will be a signal of opposition against Biden.

A majority of voters 52 percent say their vote wont be a signal about either Trump or Biden.

Little to me indicates that Trump, a year after the election, is uniquely a figure thats driving the vote, McInturff said.

The NBC News poll was conducted Oct. 23-26 of 1,000 adults 650 of whom were reached only by cellphone and it has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points.

The margin of error for the polls 820 registered voters is plus-minus 3.4 percentage points.

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Donald Trumps Approval Rating Among Republicans Is Far Less Impressive Than He Suggests New Poll Indicates

President Donald Trump has often touted his strong approval ratings among Republican voters in recent weeks. But, according to poll data released Tuesday, that support may be far less impressive than he makes it out to be.

The survey, conducted by The Washington Post, originally found that Donald Trumps approval rating among Republicans was about 85 percent. Those results were on par with similar polls done in recent months, including one by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News from July that found his approval rating among conservative voters was as high as 88 percent.

But then, the Posts split poll-takers who identified as Republican into three separate groups: people who strongly identify with the GOP, people who identify as Republican but not strongly and the remaining group who technically call themselves independents but say they lean toward the Republican Party. The results after these distinctions were made showed glaring discrepancies.

Trumps overall approval rating for those who identified as strongly Republican is an overwhelming 93 percent. But voters who identified themselves in this category make up less than 20 percent of Americans likely to vote in elections.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted that his approval ratings are very good and that they may even lead to a Red Wave this November.

Do not underestimate the UNITY within the Republican Party!

Donald J. Trump

Ballotpedia’s Polling Index: Comparison Of Opinion Polling During The Trump And Biden Administrations

President Trump
Cabinet White House staff Transition team
Policy positions

Weeks covered: 36

This page compares overall trends in opinion polling averages during the presidency of Joe Biden to those during the presidency of Donald Trump . Ballotpedia’s polling indexes are an average of polls that measure public sentiment on presidential job approval, congressional job approval, and satisfaction with the overall direction of the country.

Ballotpedia’s polling indexes are updated every weekday based on opinion polls released by qualifying sources. The most recent poll released by each qualifying source is included in the overall polling average. Polls are removed from the average when the same source releases a more recent poll or 30 days after the poll was last in the field, whichever occurred first. This page looks at these polling numbers on a week-over-week basis, starting with the first full workweek of the new president’s term. This means that the numbers on this page are all weekly averages of daily average poll results.

To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


  • President Biden’s overall approval average at this point in his term is 51.7%, 10.5 percentage points higher than President Trump’s average of 41.2% at this point in his term.
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