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How Old Is Joe Biden And President Trump

Election Day And Beyond

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I’m Young And Joe Biden Is Old

The election was held on November 3. On November 6, election-calling organization forecast that Biden had won the election based on its forecast that Biden had won Pennsylvania this result coupled with Biden’s other projected state wins would grant him over 270 electoral college votes.

By November 7, news organizations ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, Reuters, and the New York Times all forecast that Biden had won the election.

As of December 27, Joe Biden has received 81,283,098 votes to Donald Trump’s 74,222,958 votes, or 51.3% to 46.8%. In addition, Biden has won 306 electoral college votes to Trump’s 232, exactly the same margins as the 2016 election, which Donald Trump had repeatedly called a “landslide victory”. Biden broke the record for most votes cast during an election in the history of the United States, while Trump received the most votes ever for a sitting president.

On December 9, every state had certified their election results, with West Virginia being the last state to do so. On Monday December 14, the Electoral College voted to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris President and Vice President-Elect, affirming what was projected to happen on November 6 and 7. After a chaotic attack on the Capitol, lawmakers met on January 6 and counted the electoral votes submitted by the states, finally ensuring that Joe Biden would take office on .

President Trump Was On Fox Business Yesterday He Stated That He Wanted Biden To Be Successful But Clearly Thats Not Whats Happening

Look, I wanted to be successful on the whole thing on COVID or as I call it, the China virus, Trump shared on FOX Business on Friday.

I wanted him to be successful. Hes been totally unsuccessful. Its a disaster whats happened.

I think hes done a terrible job on the coronavirus.

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President Trump shared the following:

He has not done so well and as you brilliantly reported.Theyve lost more people this year than they lost last year despite the fact that we have all of the vaccines and everything. Hes been so ineffective in doing his job.

The host then showed a clip of Biden during the debates calling out 220,000 deaths in the US related to the coronavirus and saying that no one should be President with that on their record, but Biden has many more deaths this year than last year. By Bidens own standard he should not remain as President.

President Trump went on to say:

This is not what people bargained for he lied throughout the whole thing.

About China:

After COVID I didnt want to talk to China too much, to be honest with you.

The President went on and shared for 26 minutes in this excellent interview. See the video below.

Development Of A Candidacy

Biden had nurtured dreams of someday running for president going back to his college days. He had been mentioned among possible contenders in the 1984 presidential election. He had considered the notion in 1983, urged on by pollster Pat Caddell, who thought there was space for a young candidate. A fiery speech he gave to several Democratic audiences had simultaneously scolded Democrats for outdated thinking and encouraged them regarding future directions, and had gained him some notice in the party. However, Biden did not enter the race that season. Nonetheless, he won one vote at the 1984 Democratic National Convention.

Biden was active on the party speaking circuit from 1985 on, and was considered one of the best orators among the potential presidential candidates for 1988. The declared absence of Senator Ted Kennedy from the field, to whom Biden was sometimes compared, was also encouraging to a possible Biden candidacy.

Biden received considerable attention in the summer of 1986 when he excoriated Secretary of StateGeorge Shultz at a Senate hearing because of the Reagan administration‘s stance towards South Africa and its system of apartheid.

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Allegations Of Inappropriate Physical Contact

Biden has been accused several times of inappropriate non-sexual contact, such as embracing, kissing, and other forms of physical contact. He has described himself as a “tactile politician” and admitted this behavior has caused trouble for him in the past. By 2015, a series of swearings-in and other events at which Biden had placed his hands on people and talked closely to them, attracted attention both in the press and on social media. Various people defended Biden, including a senator who issued a statement, as well as Stephanie Carter, a woman whose photograph with Biden had gone viral, who described the photo as “misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends”. In February 2016, Biden gave a speech about sexual assault awareness at the 88th Academy Awards, before introducing Lady Gaga.

In early April 2019, three women told The Washington Post Biden had touched them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Also in April 2019, former Biden staffer Tara Reade said she had felt uncomfortable on several occasions when Biden touched her on her shoulder and neck during her employment in his Senate office in 1993. In March 2020, Reade accused him of a 1993 sexual assault. There were inconsistences between Reade’s 2019 and 2020 allegations. Biden and his campaign vehemently denied the allegation.The New York Times investigated and “found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden”.

Biden Is The First President To Turn 79 While In Office

Joe Biden on Trump: I Wish I Could Take Him Behind the Gym

Joe Biden became the oldest man to occupy the White House when he was inaugurated earlier this year. Now, he’s the first president ever to turn 79 years of age while in office.

Born on November 20, 1942, Mr. Biden’s birthday is Saturday.

The day before his birthday, the president had a routine physical, so he went into his birthday weekend with a colonoscopy and his routine physical behind him. White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor wrote in a memo that Mr. Biden “remains a healthy, vigorous 78-year-old male who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”

The president told reporters Friday that his physical went “great.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki wouldn’t say whether the president’s annual physical and colonoscopy Friday had anything to do with his birthday.

“The president is well aware that his birthday is a matter of public record,” she told reporters Friday.

Among his peers the other 45 men who have been president there is a considerable age gap, since the average age of U.S. presidents in the year they’re inaugurated is 56, notes Statista. After Mr. Biden, the next oldest man to be president was his predecessor, Donald Trump, who was 70 when took office in 2017.

The president is at his home town of Wilmington, Delaware, this weekend. He will return to the White House on Sunday.

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Who Were The Youngest Presidents

Many people may think John F. Kennedy, who was inaugurated in 1961 at age 43, was the youngest president. But that distinction belongs to Theodore Roosevelt, who was 42 in September 1901, when he assumed the presidency after the assassination of William McKinley.

I dont think most Americans have ever seen a moving picture of Teddy Roosevelt and not, certainly, while he was president, Professor Engel said, explaining why people may think of Kennedy as the youngest American president. They dont have a mental image of a young man in the White House at that age, whereas John F. Kennedy was all about the image and moving images.

Presidential Election Of 2020

Biden remained involved in politics and was a vocal critic of Pres. Donald Trump. Biden himself faced censure when, in 2019, various women accused him of inappropriate physical contact, notably hugging and kissing. Although his response was widely deridedIm sorry I didnt understand more.Im not sorry for anything that I have ever done. Ive never been disrespectful intentionally to a man or a womanhis popularity remained high. Amid growing speculation that he would run for president in 2020, Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, joining a crowded Democratic field.

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Early Life And Career In The Senate

Biden, who was raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and New Castle county, Delaware, received a bachelors degree from the University of Delaware in 1965 and a law degree from Syracuse University in New York in 1968. During this time he married Neilia Hunter, and the couple later had three children.

After graduating from law school, Biden returned to Delaware to work as an attorney before quickly turning to politics, serving on the New Castle county council from 1970 to 1972. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1972 at the age of 29, becoming the fifth youngest senator in history. About a month later his wife and infant daughter were killed in a car accident, and his two sons were seriously injured. Although he contemplated suspending his political career, Biden was persuaded to join the Senate in 1973, and he went on to win reelection six times, becoming Delawares longest-serving senator. In 1977 he married Jill Jacobs, an educator, and they later had a daughter. In addition to his role as U.S. senator, Biden also was an adjunct professor at the Wilmington, Delaware, branch of the Widener University School of Law.

Early Life And Career Of Joe Biden

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Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., the 46th president of the United States, was born November 20, 1942, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Scranton, Pennsylvania, to Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. The oldest child in a Catholic family, Biden has a sister, Valerie, and two brothers, Francis and James.

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Biden’s father and namesake had once led an affluent life, but suffered financial setbacks soon after Biden was born, and for several years the family lived with Biden’s maternal grandparents. Beginning in 1953, the family lived in an apartment in Claymont, Delaware, before moving to a house in Wilmington, Delaware. The elder Biden later became a successful used-car salesman, maintaining the family in a middle-class lifestyle. At Archmere Academy, Biden himself was class president in his junior and senior years. He graduated from Archmere in 1961. At the University of Delaware, Biden earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1965 with a double major in history and political science, and a minor in English.

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Bidding For Pennsylvania Trump Trolls Biden In Old Backyard

OLD FORGE, Pa. Determined to keep Pennsylvania in his column, President Donald Trump took the fight to Joe Biden’s old backyard Thursday and insisted his Democratic rival would be the state’s worst nightmare if elected president.

In a particularly in-your-face bit of campaign trolling, Trump staged a small rally just outside the former vice presidents birthplace in Scranton mere hours before Biden was to formally accept the Democratic presidential nomination.

The campaign framed Trump’s speech as a review of a half-century of Joe Biden failing America, and the location pointed to the importance of Pennsylvania as a battleground state.

Joe Biden is no friend of Pennsylvania he is your worst nightmare,” Trump declared.

Trump sought to diminish Bidens ties to Scranton. The former vice president often spotlights his early years in the northeast Pennsylvania city as evidence of his middle-class upbringing.

Biden was born in Scranton but his family moved to Delaware when he 10. His father, Joe Sr., was once a sales manager at a car dealership in Scranton, but quit when he thought the owner was trying to humiliate employees during a Christmas party. The family eventually moved to Delaware, where Joe Sr. found work.

Hell remind us that he was born in Scranton, but you know he left like 70 years ago, right? Trump said.

Shut down Wolf, Trump complained. You cant do this. Hes gonna destroy your soul.

Law School College & Marriage

At the nearby University of Delaware, Biden pursued history and political science and played football as well. Biden then admitted that he had far more interests in football, girls and parties than academics during his first two years at college. However, during these years, he also developed a deep political interest, influenced in some ways by John F. Kennedys inspiring inauguration in 1961.

During his junior year, Biden met Neilia Hunter, a student at Syracuse University, in his own words, fell ass over tin cup in love at first sight. Inspired by his new love, he became more interested in his studies and, after graduating from Delaware, he was accepted at the Syracuse University Law School in 1965. Next year, in 1966, Biden and Hunter married.

At best, Biden was a mediocre student of law. He failed a class fro failing to quote a reference to an article on the law review in his first year in Syracuse. Though he insisted it was accidental supervision, later in his career, the incident would haunt him.

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Who Were The Oldest Presidents

Before President Biden was sworn in on Wednesday, President Donald J. Trump held the record for the countrys oldest chief executive. He was 70 in January 2017, when he became the 45th president.

Before him, President Ronald Reagan was the oldest president. He was 69 in 1981 when he was inaugurated for his first term.

In a debate with Walter Mondale during his 1984 re-election campaign, Mr. Reagan made light of the issue of age.

I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign, he said. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience.

Mr. Reagan was 77 after his second term, the oldest president to leave office.

More than a century before him, William Henry Harrison held the distinction of being the oldest president at the time, when he was inaugurated in 1841 at age 68. Mr. Harrison, who had caught a cold that developed into pneumonia, died after 32 days in office. He became the first president to die in office and to date, has served the shortest tenure in U.S. presidential history.

At 96, Jimmy Carter is the oldest living former president.

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