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What Is Trump Doing For Healthcare

States Allowed To Add Work Requirements To Medicaid

What Has Trump Done For Healthcare?

What is it? Medicaid expansion was a key part of the ACA. The federal government helped pay for states to expand Medicaid eligibility beyond families to include all low-income adults, and to raise the income threshold, so that more people would be eligible. So far, 37 states and Washington have opted to expand Medicaid.

What changed? Under Trump, if they get approval from the federal government, states can now require Medicaid beneficiaries to prove with documentation that they either work or go to school.

What does the administration say? “When you consider that, less than five years ago, Medicaid was expanded to nearly 15 million new working-age adults, it’s fair that states want to add community engagement requirements for those with the ability to meet them. It’s easier to give someone a card it’s much harder to build a ladder to help people climb their way out of poverty. But even though it is harder, it’s the right thing to do.” Seema Verma, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Washington, Sept. 27, 2018

What’s the impact? Even though and the state insurance exchanges get a lot of attention, the majority of people who gained health care coverage after the passage of the ACA 12.7 million people actually got their coverage by being newly able to enroll in Medicaid.

The Better Care Reconciliation Act

The Better Care Reconciliation Act was a revised edition of the AHCA and represented the second attempt at installing Trumpcare. This bill was similar to the AHCA but kept some of the features of Obamacare, such as tax provisions to help pay for low-income insurance premiums.

The BCRA was never voted on in its original form as it became clear the bill would not pass Congress due to opposition from several Republican senators.

Board Of Governors Professor School Of Public Affairs & Administration

The Trump administrations efforts to sabotage the ACA and their consequences receive detailed attention in a recently released Brookings book, Trump, the Administrative Presidency, and Federalism. For present purposes, I highlight six major sabotage initiatives which emerged in the wake of congressional failure to repeal and replace the ACA.

1. Reduce outreach and opportunities for enrollment in the ACAs insurance exchanges. Established to offer health insurance to individuals and small business, the exchanges have provided coverage to some 10 million people annually. The Obama administration had vigorously promoted the ACA in part to attract healthy, younger people to the exchanges to help keep premiums down. The Trump administration sharply reduced support for advertising and exchange navigators while reducing the annual enrollment period to about half the number of days.

2. Cut ACA subsidies to insurance companies offering coverage on the exchanges. ACA proponents saw insurance company participation on the exchanges as central to fostering enrollee choice and to fueling competition that would lower premiums. The law therefore provided various subsidies to insurance companies to reduce their risks of losing money if they participated on the exchanges. The Trump administration joined congressional Republicans in reneging on these financial commitments.

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Past Updates On Trumpcare

The next section includes some past updates on TrumpCare so you can get a sense of what was promised or tried in the past and compare that to what is happening now. A lot of small changes have happened very quickly so forgive the notes.

UPDATE: Trump and Republicans in Congress had stated that they would seek to repeal ObamaCare within Trumps first hundred days in office. True to their word the process of repeal has begun. Trump has signed an executive order on ObamaCare. The American Health Care Act is on the table. After a meeting with President Obama, President-elect Trump suggested he would either amend ObamaCare or repeal and replace it, not just repeal it, and would keep key provisions like guaranteed coverage for preexisting conditions and allowing kids to stay on their plans until 26. More recently, Trump promised simultaneous repeal and replace,insurance for everybody, and he doubled down on his longstanding promise of negotiating with drug companies. Unfortunately, after a meeting with drug companies, Trump backed away from allowing negotiations.

TIP: The GOP forever altered the lexicon when they called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ObamaCare. With this in mind, Trumps healthcare plan has been unofficially dubbed TrumpCare. This is true even though no formal plan is on the table yet.

Slash Restraints At Fda Get Blessed With More Miracle Drugs

Trump in new video:

On receiving thisnews, Megan’s dad, John, fought with everything he had to save the life of his precious child. He founded a company to look for a cure, and helped develop the drug that saved Megan’s life. Today she is 20 years old–and a sophomore at Notre Dame.Megan’s story is about the unbounded power of a father’s love for a daughter.

But our slow and burdensome approval process at the Food and Drug Administration keeps too many advances, like the one that saved Megan’s life, from reaching those in need.If we slash the restraints, not just at the FDA but across our Government, then we will be blessed with far more miracles like Megan. In fact, our children will grow up in a Nation of miracles.

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What The Trump Administration Needs To Do About Health Care

On January 20 Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. How exactly he and the Republican-controlled Congress will reshape U.S. policy and institutions is unclear, but their approach to health care reform will have profound impacts on the health and well-being of the American people and on the U.S. economy. Trumps stated goal is to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act , but the details of his plan are still unknown. We can ill afford a prolonged period of paralysis and debate. The Trump administration must move quickly to apply whats been learned so far to a new program that addresses the cost, quality, and accessibility of health care.

During this period of uncertainty, there is a real risk that health care companies and provider institutions will respond by pursuing mergers and acquisitions, bulking up so as to be able to sustain profits in the wake of whatever comes or to ensure they are too big to fail and can dictate the policies that will govern their industries. Turning a blind eye to the potential for such a reaction could undermine efforts to build an efficient, high-quality health care sector. The new administration should therefore swiftly commit to promoting and protecting competition at every level in health care and then flesh out the details of its policy agenda.

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Ways Trump Is Changing Health Care

President Donald Trump hasnt fulfilled his campaign promise to repeal Obamacareoutright, but hes fundamentally reshaped the debate over health care in America in myriad ways during his two years in office.

Along with chipping away at the landmark Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration has made a historic and controversial change to Medicaid, allowing states to require many participants who gained coverage through Obamacare to work or lose their benefits.

Another major focus of the President: the cost of drugs. Like Democrats, Trump has repeatedly decried the rising price of drugs, and his administration has unveiled multiple proposals to try to contain costs.

When it comes to Medicare, the administration has continued to make private Medicare plans more attractive. And in keeping with conservative positions, officials have rolled back access to contraceptives as well as abortion.

Heres whats changed so far:

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Insurance Companies Love A Lack Of Competition

You know who loves a lack of competition? Those insurance companies, who are making a fortune because they control the politicians.They’ve paid for them with their contributions, and it’s a good investment from their perspectives. For our country, not so much. They give money to almost all the politicians.

Replace Obamacare With Health Savings Accounts

Do you think President Trump put public health first? Hear former health officials response

TRUMP: Well, I’m OK with the savings accounts. I think it’s a good idea it’s a very down-the-middle idea. It works. It’s something that’s proven.The one thing we have to do is repeal and replace ObamaCare. It is a disaster. People’s premiums are going up 35 percent, 45 percent, 55 percent. Their deductibles are so high nobody’s ever going to get to use it.So ObamaCare is turning out to be a bigger disaster than anybody thought.

Q: So if you agree with these health savings accounts idea, do you also agree with Ben Carson when he says Medicare probably won’t be necessary?

TRUMP: Well, it’s possible. You’re going to have to look at that, but I’ll tell you what, the health savings accounts, I’ve been talking about it also. I think it’s a very good idea.

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Trumpcare As Found On Donaldjtrumpcom Compared To The Healthcare Bills Passed In The House And Senate

NOTE: Keep in mind things are changing rapidly, so everything below is subject to change.

The following is a short version of Trumps plan on his website , the sections in red have not been addressed yet.

In other words, most of what Trump promised didnt make it into phase 1 of the American HealthCare Act/Better Care Reconciliation Act, or the new rules, with the exception of a few items like repealing the mandates fee and beefing up HSAs.

NOTE: There has been many, many attempted and actual changes to the Affordable Care Act during Trumps time in office. The repeal and replace plans did not pass, but many changes did occur . This page focuses on what Trump promised on his site and the repeal and replace plans. See the links above for the orders and HHS changes, well work on weaving them into here shortly. With that said, many planks from the bills got done via orders and HHS, and another repeal and replace plan with similar provisions is likely, so the rest is worth a read from that perspective.

  • Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines.
  • Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system.TIP: The income threshold for medical expenses is reduced from 10% to 5.8% under the AHCA, this isnt directly related, but is noteworthy.
  • Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals.
  • Funds To Facilitate Healthcaregov Sign

    What is it? The ACA created Navigator programs and an advertising budget to help people figure out specifics of the new federally run insurance exchanges and sign up for coverage.

    What changed? In August 2017, the administration significantly cut federal funding for these programs.

    What does the administration say? “It’s time for the Navigator program to evolve. … This decision reflects CMS’ commitment to put federal dollars for the federally facilitated Exchanges to their most cost effective use in order to better support consumers through the enrollment process.” CMS Administrator Seema Verma,

    What’s the impact? It’s hard to document what the impact of this particular cut was on enrollment. The cuts were uneven, and some states and cities got creative to keep providing services. “We have seen erosion in overall health insurance coverage,” Corlette says. “But it’s hard to know whether that’s the effect of the individual mandate going away, the short-term plans or the reductions in marketing and outreach it’s really hard to tease out the impact of those three changes.”

    Abbe Gluck, director of the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale, cautions that though the law has proven to be stronger than expected, all these actions by the Trump administration have, indeed, had an effect.

    Despite that, one of the things that has kept the marketplaces as strong as they are, Gluck notes, is that they’re not all run by the federal government.

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    Fact Check: Who’s Right About Protections For Pre

    After that, the president and his administration shifted to a piecemeal approach as they tried to take apart the ACA. “ObamaCare is a broken mess,” the president tweeted in the fall of 2017, after repeal in Congress had failed. “Piece by piece, we will now begin the process of giving America the great HealthCare it deserves!”

    Two years later, what has his administration done to change the ACA, and who’s been affected? Below are five of the biggest changes to the federal health law under President Trump.

    Make Health Insurance Premiums Tax

    What Has Trump Done For Healthcare?

    There are other reforms that might be considered if they serve to lower costs, remove uncertainty & provide financial securityfor all Americans. And we must also take actions in other policy areas to lower healthcare costs and burdens. Enforcing immigration laws, eliminating fraud and waste and energizing our economy will relieve the economic pressures felt by every American.

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    Strike Down Obamacare As An Unconstitutional Disaster

    Trump tweetedhis support for the ruling, saying, “ObamaCare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster!” He continued, “Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions.” Another tweet said, “Wow,but not surprisingly, ObamaCare was just ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by a highly respected judge in Texas. Great news for America!”

    Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who is expected to become House speaker in January, vowed to fight what she called an “absurd ruling.”

    Obamacare Is A Catastrophe That Must Be Repealed & Replaced

    Speaking at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January, Trump said ObamaCare is a catastrophe that must be repealed and replaced. In 2011, Trump suggested that the health insurance industryhave more ability to cross state lines. In “The America We Deserve” Trump wrote that he supported universal healthcare and a system that would mirror Canada’s government-run healthcare service.

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    May 31 201: Trump Administration Releases Draft Rule On Contraception Coverage Exemptions

    On May 31, 2017, Vox released a copy it obtained of a draft rule from the U.S. Departments of Labor, Treasury, and Health and Human Services. The rule would expand the religious exemption from the Affordable Care Act’s requirement on employers to offer birth control coverage. The draft rule would allow any employer, insurance company, college, or university with religious or moral objections to opt out of offering health plans that cover contraception.

    The Affordable Care Act required most employers to offer health plans that cover contraception. Pursuant to a 2014 United States Supreme Court ruling, religious nonprofits and closely held for-profit companies were granted an exemption from the mandate. The draft rule, if put in place, would have the effect of expanding the number of companies who could apply for a religious exemption. The rule must be reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget before being placed in the Federal Register for a 60-day comment period before being finalized.

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