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Can Joe Biden Beat Donald Trump

People Wanted To Throw A Human Grenade Into The System

Donald Trump Can Still Defeat Joe Biden

Michael Moore perfectly made this point before the election . Middle and working-class citizens are feed up with politicians. It doesnt matter if they are Dems or Reps, they feel theyre all the same and they dont care about them. They were tired of broken promises. And then there was Trump. A reality show celebrity with aspirations to be President. Proud not to be a politician. Using all the pages of the populist book: drain the swamp, build the wall, made in America. It was music to the ears of many people and some thought why not?, lets give it a try and, as DT himself likes to use regularly, what do you have to lose?. So they decided to throw a human grenade to the system and voted for Trump.

This is not the case anymore. Grenades can only be thrown once. DT is the incumbent President of the United States. Hes been there for almost 4 years. Voting for him wont be a disruption anymore but a continuation of whatever policies and actions hes been putting in place since 2017.

Us Election Results: Georgia Confirms Joe Biden Beat Donald Trump To Win State After Second Recount

President-elect Joe Biden took the state by more than 12,000 votes in last month’s ballot.

Monday 7 December 2020 23:56, UK

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Georgia has recertified its presidential election results after a second recount – requested by Donald Trump – confirmed Joe Biden won the state.

President-elect Biden took the state by more than 12,000 votes in last month’s ballot, becoming the first Democratic presidential nominee to win there in nearly three decades.

Georgia’s secretary of state Brad Raffensperger, who, like Mr Trump, is a Republican, said: “We have now counted legally-cast ballots three times, and the results remain unchanged.”

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Mr Trump has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that the presidential election was rigged, saying there was widespread voter fraud and that poll watchers were denied access to counts.

“They cheated and they rigged our presidential election but we will still win it,” Mr Trump told supporters in the state on Saturday, at his first rally since election day on 3 November.

Reduce Trump To Apoplexy

Finally, Trump thrives on anger and conflict. There is no margin in getting into a name-calling match with him. He melts down in the face of pity and laughter, however, and refusing to engage will infuriate him.

Rope-a-dope isnt just for boxing. Sometimes, its an effective debate strategy, too. If Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden puts all these pieces together, he has an excellent chance of reducing President Trump to apoplexy.

The first rule is to never rise to the bait and trade insult for insult. Bidens best tactic is to always be the adult in the room. The first time Trump gets nasty, which will probably be in the first 10 minutes since nasty is Trumps go-to move, Biden should look directly into the camera and calmly explain, If insults are what you want from a president, Im not your candidate. Im not here to trade insults with President Trump. Im here to talk about the issues that matter to you, like how we are going to dig out of the coronavirus mess that President Trump has left us in. So let me use my remaining time to talk about that.

When Trump interrupts, as he inevitably will, Biden should resist the natural urge to talk over him. Instead, after Trump has exhausted himself, Biden should shake his head ruefully and say, There he goes again, and then get back to the point he was trying to make when interrupted.

A tale of two candidates:Donald Trump’s supervillain ABC town hall made Joe Biden appear almost superhuman

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Trump Was Desperate To Beat Joe Biden And Said On Election Day That ‘i Can’t Lose To This F

  • Trump told aides on Election Day, “I can’t lose to this f—— guy,” a new book said.

  • He later added that “winning is easy. Losing is never easy. Not for me it’s not.”

  • Biden ended up defeating Trump in a landslide, securing 306 electoral votes compared to Trump’s 232.

  • See more stories on Insider’s business page.

Former President Donald Trump was desperate to beat then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 election, telling aides, “I can’t lose to this f—— guy,” according to a new book excerpt .

In “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year,” The Post’s Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker wrote that by the morning of Election Day last year, Trump was “upbeat” and that some of his advisors were already saying he would beat Biden in a landslide.

“Several women who worked in the White House arrived wearing red sweaters in a show of optimism, while some Secret Service agents on the president’s detail sported red ties for the occasion,” the excerpt said.

And while Trump was exhausted from a final spurt of rallies before the big day, he was confident he had secured his victory against Biden, even as his campaign manager urged patience given the huge number of mail-in ballots that would take longer to be counted.

Later, Trump told reporters he hadn’t thought about writing an acceptance speech or a concession speech.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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These include tax cuts that especially benefited corporations and the wealthy, hard-line immigration policies, efforts to dismantle the 2010 Obamacare healthcare law and Mr Trump’s abandonment of such international agreements as the Paris climate accord and Iran nuclear deal.

Should Republicans keep control of the US Senate, they would likely block large parts of his legislative agenda, including expanding healthcare and fighting climate change.

That prospect could depend on the outcome of four undecided Senate races, including two in Georgia.

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What Is It Like To Move Into The White House

Better nowadays than it was in 1800 when the first presidential couple John and Abigail Adams moved in – the building was unfinished.

These days it is expected that a new president and family will need to replace decor or furniture because of wear and tear, so Congress sets aside cash for them to do so.

There are 132 rooms and 35 bathrooms to maintain in the residence alone.

First Lady Melania Trump, having worked in the fashion world, led several home improvements and was in charge of the lavish event of unveiling the Christmas decorations.

When Does Joe Biden Become President

First the votes need to be certified in each of the states. That’s usually a formality and happens in the next few weeks.

It’s written in the US Constitution that the new term of office begins on 20 January at noon.

It happens at a ceremony called the inauguration which takes place in the capital, Washington DC. The new president and vice-president take an oath of office administered by the Supreme Court chief justice.

So expect to see Joe Biden and Kamala Harris inaugurated on 20 January 2021.

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What Words Will We Hear A Lot Of

President-elect: When a candidate wins the election but has yet to be sworn in as the new president on 20 January, this is what they are called.

Cabinet: Joe Biden will soon start announcing who he wants in his cabinet, which is the top team at the highest level of government. It includes heads of all the key departments and agencies.

Confirmation hearing: Many of the top government posts filled by the president require approval from the Senate. The people picked by Mr Biden are interviewed by Senate committees in a hearing, followed by a vote to approve or reject.

Celtic: As president-elect, Mr Biden gets increased protection from the Secret Service and his codename is Celtic. These names are chosen by the candidate. Mr Trump was Mogul and Kamala Harris has reportedly picked Pioneer.

What If Trump Doesn’t Concede

Who can beat Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden? | UpFront (Arena)

Donald Trump has previously said he will contest the results. If his efforts to do so are unsuccessful, the pressure on him to publicly admit defeat will mount. But does he have to?

The concession phone call from a losing candidate to the victor is a respected tradition of American politics. It is by no means obligatory, however.

In 2018, for instance, Democratic governor candidate Stacey Abrams claimed voter fraud and intimidation and never conceded to Brian Kemp, her Republican opponent.

That’s never happened in a modern presidential race, however. But as in Georgia, as long as election results are legally processed and certified, the machinery of government will grind on, regardless of what Mr Trump may do.

While Mr Trump doesn’t have to concede, or even put on a good face and attend Mr Biden’s inauguration, he does have some legal obligations. He must authorise his administration to make the logistical preparations for Biden’s team to take over.

Donald Trump ascended to the presidency as an unconventional candidate unafraid to break long-established norms and traditions. If he so desires, he could exit the office that way, as well.

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Ticket Splitters And Changing Elections

Republican voters, though, as well as Democratic ones, are clearly not monolithic.

For instance, the 2020 election showed its share of vote-splitters. While Republican businessman John James lost the race statewide to U.S. Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., 49.8%-48.3%, he ran ahead of Trump in some areas.

In Oakland County, for instance, where Trump got 42.3% of the vote, or just over 328,000 votes, James, did better, with 43.8% of the vote, or 334,469 votes.

“That tells me some of those folks in Oakland County are turned off by Trump himself but would support Republican principles, at least as John James was pushing them,” Dulio said.

That difference was even more stark in Kent County in west Michigan, where Trump lost, getting 165,318 votes to Biden’s 186,753. But James won over Peters in that county, with 176,356 to 174,147 for Peters.

It was even apparent looking at the statewide vote for university trustees, which have often been seen as a barometer for partisanship since voters don’t give them nearly as much attention as the top of the ticket and may merely have followed their party inclination. But as Biden was winning a close race at the top of the ticket, Republicans won a trustee seat at Michigan State University and a Board of Governor’s seat at Wayne State University .

“It used to be, you went in and voted your party,” Avery said. “That’s not happening any more. It’s based on the candidate.”

In-person voting favored Trump 59%-39%.

Trump Vs Desantis: Who Will Win 2024 Presidential Election

Bobby Eberle | Oct 5, 2021 | 13-Minute News Hour | 14

In a new interview, former President Donald Trump said that if he runs in the 2024 presidential election, the other GOP candidates would drop out. Trump also said that if he did face Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the primary, that Trump would beat DeSantis too.

Before a Republican can face Joe Biden, that person must first win the GOP presidential nomination. Who will it be? Trump? DeSantis? Someone else? Tune in tonight!

Democrat Terry McAuliffe loses a key endorsement in the race for Virginia governor. Plus, the number of catch-and-release incidents has skyrocketed under Joe Biden.

Check out todays show for all the details.

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How Democrats Won In 2018

Two important storylines about the Democratic Party emerged from the 2018 election.

The first is the rise of the far left, best symbolized by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezs upset victory against longtime Democrat Joe Crowley in New York. Ocasio-Cortez instantly became a leading voice in the new progressive wing of the party.

The second storyline to emerge has gotten far less attention but explains how Democrats actually won. While Ocasio-Cortez represents an important new force in the party, her win over a fellow Democrat didnt change the party makeup of the House. That bragging right goes to a crop of moderate Democrats who ran careful, pragmatic campaigns. They won on tangible policy ideas, like preserving the Affordable Care Acts provision on preexisting conditions. They werent calling for a revolution, so much as a return to stability.

An analysis by Alan I. Abramowitz at the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia found that candidates in the 2018 midterms who supported Medicare-for-all performed worse than those who did not.

Its true that the progressive left helped inspire enthusiasm, including a surge of new voters and young voters. Latinx voters made up a larger vote share in 2018 than in previous elections.

Ghitza also found that even though many of the Democratic wins were in suburban districts, rural areas largely moved in a Democratic direction, often by even larger margins than the suburbs.

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