Thursday, July 25, 2024

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What Is President Donald Trump’s Approval Rating

Nyc Democratic House Candidate Announces Positive Covid

President Donald Trumps Approval Ratings Since His 2015 Announcement | NBC News Now

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON New York City Democratic House candidate Suraj Patel has tested positive for COVID-19, he confirmed in a new statement Monday.

Patel, one of the candidates featured in a recent MTP Blog story about how the new social distancing guidelines and the threat of coronavirus has fundamentally upended House campaigns, disclosed his positive test in a new statement posted on social media and on the blogging platform Medium.

He said he began developing symptoms earlier this month which he described as troubling tightness in my chest and difficulty breathing followed by a regular fever of 102 degrees. Patel lives with two doctors, one of whom is his brother, which he said underscored the need for him to test to see if had COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, so that his roommates would know whether they were at risk.

Patel said that ultimately, he and his two housemates all tested positive. But hes now fully recovered and asymptomatic.

New Yorkers and Americans at large are stepping up in a tremendous unified way. We know how important it is to our most vulnerable populations that we slow the growth of this COVID epidemic. But as this becomes less abstract and more personal when peoples loved ones start to show symptoms human nature is such that we are going to want certainty and safety, Patel wrote, before calling for universal COVID testing.

Patel is running in the Democratic primary against longtime Rep. Carolyn Maloney.

Us President Is Being Forced To Deal With Some Of The Same Dynamics As His Predecessor

Former US president Donald Trump has overtaken his successor Joe Biden in favourability ratings among American voters in what has been described as a remarkable turnaround.

The Times reported that, just eight months after the transfer of power, Trump has a positive rating of 48% compared with Bidens 46% in a Harvard-Harris poll. Back in February, Biden had a 56% positive rating compared with Trumps 43%.

The team that surrounded Trump during his reign also fared better than Bidens circle. Some 55% of respondents said that Mike Pence was a better vice president than his successor, Kamala Harris, and 63% believed that Mike Pompeo was a better secretary of state than Antony Blinken.

A number of other surveys have discovered the same trend, with a poll in the bellwether state of Iowa putting Bidens approval rating at just 31%, down from 43% in June.

Meanwhile, after Biden dropped to a new low of 43% approval in the monthly Gallup survey, down six points from August and 14 since his inauguration in January, the pollster pointed out that among elected presidents since World War Two, only Trump has had a lower job approval rating than Biden does at a similar point in their presidencies.

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What Did The Data From The Survey Say

Trumps 34 per cent approval rating is a point lower than his prior lowest rating which was recorded in 2017.

Trump has held an average of a 41 per cent approval rating throughout his four years in office which is 4 points lower than for any of his predecessors in the White House in Gallups polling era, according to The Hill.

He is the first president to have failed to have passed a 50 per cent approval rating since Gallup began surveying presidential approval in 1938.

An ABC News-Ipsos poll revealed that the majority of Americans believe Trump should be removed from office.

Trumps term ends January 20 at noon after President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.

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Data Download: The Numbers You Need To Know Today

58 percent: The share of Americans who say their bigger concern is making sure that everyone who wants to vote can do so, per new NBC News poll.

38 percent: The share who say their bigger concern is making sure that no one votes who is not eligible to vote.

1.6 million: The number of valid signatures collected by backers of the recall election against California Gov. Gavin Newsom, per the secretary of states office.

$400 million: How much the recall election could cost, according to the California Association of Clerks and Election Officials.

$15 an hour: The new minimum wage for federal contractors, starting in January, under an executive order that President Biden is set to sign.

89: The number of people New York fell short by in its count to retain one of its House seats.

32,276,517: The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, per the most recent data from NBC News and health officials.

576,763: The number of deaths in the United States from the virus so far, per the most recent data from NBC News. (Thats 474 more than yesterday morning.

230,768,454: The number of vaccine doses administered in the U.S.

26.5 percent: The share of Americans who are fully vaccinated

2: The number of days left for Biden to reach his 100-day vaccination goal.

Sahil Kapur notes that Bidens first 100 days have been shaped in some ways by the first 100 days of his Democratic predecessor.

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Donald Trumps Approval Rating Among Republicans Is Far Less Impressive Than He Suggests New Poll Indicates

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President Donald Trump has often touted his strong approval ratings among Republican voters in recent weeks. But, according to poll data released Tuesday, that support may be far less impressive than he makes it out to be.

The survey, conducted by The Washington Post, originally found that Donald Trumps approval rating among Republicans was about 85 percent. Those results were on par with similar polls done in recent months, including one by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News from July that found his approval rating among conservative voters was as high as 88 percent.

But then, the Posts split poll-takers who identified as Republican into three separate groups: people who strongly identify with the GOP, people who identify as Republican but not strongly and the remaining group who technically call themselves independents but say they lean toward the Republican Party. The results after these distinctions were made showed glaring discrepancies.

Trumps overall approval rating for those who identified as strongly Republican is an overwhelming 93 percent. But voters who identified themselves in this category make up less than 20 percent of Americans likely to vote in elections.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted that his approval ratings are very good and that they may even lead to a Red Wave this November.

Do not underestimate the UNITY within the Republican Party!

Donald J. Trump

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President Trump Hits Highest Approval Rating In History

President Donald Trump has hit his highest approval rating ever, according to two Wall Street Journal and NBC polls.

Despite the relentless negative mainstream media coverage, Trumps approval rating with the American public continues to soar to historic levels.

In the same week Trump was falsley accused of treason by hysterical left-wing journalists and Democrats, Trumps approval rating moved up another 3 points.

The more Trump gets criticized by the media, the more his base seems to rally behind him, one Democratic pollster told NBC.

Information Liberation reports: This is what getting BTFOd looks like:

Trump hasnt even begun to fight back. He told Tucker Carlson last week hes open to declassifying evidence of the deep states crimes in the coming months .

NBC Snooze and the War Street Journal both decided to bury the lead in their coverage of their own poll.



Regardless, here some of the highlights from NBC News:

the new NBC/WSJ poll finds the presidents approval rating among Republican voters at 88 percent the highest of his presidency and 29 percent of all voters strongly approve of his job, which is another high for Trump in the poll.

And 50 percent of voters support Trumps handling of the economy, which is up 8 points from October.

Note, the economy is the top issue going into midterms:

A month ago, the top combined responses were health care , the economy and jobs , guns and taxes and spending .

Thirston Jenkins

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When Will Joe Biden Be Sworn In

President=elect Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States .

Donald Trump is planning to leave the White House early and says he wont be attending the ceremony the first president in over 100 years not to hand the job to their successor in person.

Celebs including Jennifer Lopez and Lady Gaga are expected to perform at the Inauguration, where security will be higher than ever following the storming of the Capitol on January 6.

You can watch the inauguration on most major American news networks, including CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS News and Fox News.

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Reuters/ipsos Trump Approval Rating: 403 Percent

The latest findings by Reuters and Ipsos, who poll weekly, are similar to numerous other pollsters.

As of Sept. 9, polls found Trump with a 40.3 percent approval rating, compared to 53.6 percent of those polled who disapproved of him.

The weekly polls also found Trumps approval rating nosediving in August, hitting 38.3 percent for the week ending on Aug. 26th.

The Sample And Margin Of Error

President Donald Trump sees bump in approval ratings as coronavirus concerns fall: CNBC poll

Pollsters cant realistically contact every American adult throughout the country and ask their opinion on a given issue. Instead, they try to contact a representative sampleusually anywhere between 1,000 and 2,000 individualsthat accurately represents the countrys population as a whole. Pollsters, with the help of statisticians, demographers, and data experts, use a variety of techniques to create a representative sample. This typically involves using probability formulas and algorithms to ensure random sampling and to increase the likelihood of contacting an accurate cross-section of the U.S. adult population. Some pollsters also create panels of respondents that they believe reflect the actual population and poll them repeatedly over a span of time. These polls are usually called tracking polls. Oftentimes, pollsters weigh their respondents to account for various demographic measurements. For example, a pollster might weigh more heavily the responses from a specific demographic group if that group was poorly represented in the random sample in relation to the countrys estimated demographic composition. The same might be done if a group appears to be overrepresented.

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How Trumps Second Impeachment Will Work

To be sure, the national polls underestimated Trumps performance in the national election, which he lost by 4 percentage points after trailing in the RealClearPolitics average by 7 points and the FiveThirtyEight average by 8 points.

But the latest polls conducted over the past week all show significant drops in support for Trump from the previous measurements with one notable exception: Rasmussen Reports. The Republican-leaning automated pollster, which has typically produced stronger results for Trump, has shown that the presidents approval ratings have been virtually unaffected by last weeks events.

Trumps final approval rating is far from settled, given the congressional sprint to impeach him in the closing week of his presidency. But he is poised to go down as one of the most unpopular presidents upon leaving office.

Barack Obamas approval rating rose in the final weeks of his presidency, following Trumps upset victory in the 2016 election. According to theRealClearPolitics average, Obamas approval rating finished at 57 percent, rising about 5 points between the election and Trumps inauguration in January 2017.

Trump is likely to finish closer to Bushs final ratings: 34 percent in the finalGallup poll the best historical record for modern presidential approval and 29 percent in the closingRealClearPolitics average.

More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents:Toplines |Crosstabs

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Ballotpedias Polling Index: Comparison Of Opinion Polling During The Trump And Biden Administrations

Policy positions

Weeks covered: 69

This page compares overall trends in opinion polling averages during the presidency of Joe Biden to those during the presidency of Donald Trump . Ballotpedias polling indexes are an average of polls that measure public sentiment on presidential job approval, congressional job approval, and satisfaction with the overall direction of the country.

Ballotpedias polling indexes are updated every weekday based on opinion polls released by qualifying sources. The most recent poll released by each qualifying source is included in the overall polling average. Polls are removed from the average when the same source releases a more recent poll or 30 days after the poll was last in the field, whichever occurred first. This page looks at these polling numbers on a week-over-week basis, starting with the first full workweek of the new presidents term. This means that the numbers on this page are all weekly averages of daily average poll results.

To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


  • President Bidens overall approval average at this point in his term is 47.1%, 6.5 percentage points higher than President Trumps average of 40.7% at this point in his term.
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    How Does Joe Bidens Approval Rating Compare With Donald Trump

    Now seven months into his first term, Joe Biden has retained much of the popularity that propelled him into office.

    He secured the most significant vote share of any presidential challenger in US history last year, with the backing of 81,282,903 Americans to Mr Trumps 74,223,030.

    But the Afghanistan crisis now threatens to drag him near an approval black hole once occupied by his predecessor.

    Throughout the rest of his time in office, the rate remained below 50 percent, hitting a career-high of 45.8 percent in his penultimate year.

    Mr Trump was the first and only President documented by FiveThirtyEight to start his time in office with an approval rate below 50 percent.

    All of them saw approval dip below 50 percent at some point while they were in office.

    Roughly Half Of Americans Approve Of What Biden Has Done So Far

    Donald Trump Approval Ratings Over Time

    About half of Americans 49 percent said they approve of how Biden has served as president so far, less than two months into his presidency, according to the latest poll. But as was the case with his predecessor, whose last year in office was marred by the pandemic, much of that support comes from people who identify as members of his own party. Among Democrats, Bidens approval rating was 87 percent. But only 11 percent of Republicans and43 percent of independents said they approved of the president.

    Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour

    Another 42 percent of Americans disapprove of what Biden has done so far as president, including 81 percent of Republicans and 43 percent of independents.

    Still, Biden currently has a higher job approval rating than former President Donald Trump ever reached during his four years in the White House, according to Marist polling data. And support for Biden seems to be growing. In this latest poll, 52 percent of Americans said they had a favorable impression of him. Thats up from 41 percent in October 2019 in the midst of Trumps first impeachment. Since then, Biden has inched up in favorability.

    Republicans in Congress face steeper job disapproval, with 64 percent of Americans saying they do not like what they are seeing, an increase of 6 percentage points over January 2019, including 38 percent of Republicans and 85 percent of Democrats.

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    Polls Show Renewed Republican Rally Around Trump Following Mar

    Good morning, US politics blog readers. The FBIs search of Mar-a-Lago earlier this month is potentially the most serious legal problem yet for Donald Trump, but it has also brought Republicans together around the former president. His approval rating ticked up in an NBC News poll released over the weekend, confirming an earlier survey that found GOP voters viewing him more favorably following the search. That Trump was planning a second run for the White House has been known practically since he left office, but the big outstanding question now is whether he will declare a new campaign before the November midterm elections and whether the investigation into his handling of classified materials will change his plans.

    Heres what we can expect today:

    • Expect more legal wrangling over Lindsey Grahams subpoena from a special grand jury in Georgia investigating election meddling by Trump officials.Over the weekend, a court temporarily stayed the summons, giving the Republican senator a reprieve from appearing before the panel.

    • A federal judgehas again signaled his willingness to unseal at least part of the affidavit justifying the FBIs search of Mar-a-Lago, though a portion of it is likely to be redacted.

    • Congress is in recess and Joe Biden is on vacation, which is why Washington is so quiet.

    Joe Bidens Approval Rating Sinks Below Donald Trumps

    President Joe Bidens latest approval rating for May 2022 is lower than former President Donald Trumps rating for May 2018, showing that the latter was more highly regarded by the public at the same points in their presidencies.

    Comparing May 20, 2018, to May 20, 2022, Trumps lead over Biden was not by much, according to the data shared by FiveThirtyEight. Biden scored an approval rating of 40.7 percent, while Trump scored 42.4 percent, a lead of less than 2 percentage points.

    The FiveThirtyEight data considers several different polls and takes into account the quality, recency, sample size and partisan tendencies of each one.

    In recent months, the Biden administration has been plagued by criticisms over issues like rising inflation, border policies and a nationwide baby formula shortage that is leaving many American families in fear or despair. A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research released Friday showed that Bidens approval rating dipped to 39 percent, the lowest of his presidency, signaling trouble for the Democratic Party ahead of the coming midterm elections.

    Despite the negative implications for his approval on Friday, Biden touted what he said were record-low state unemployment rates. He said in a statement that combatting inflation is his top priority, but also pointed to job creation as an indicator of economic recovery.

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