Friday, July 26, 2024

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What Is The Approval Rating Of President Trump

Donald Trumps Approval Rating Among Republicans Is Far Less Impressive Than He Suggests New Poll Indicates

Trump’s approval rating drops 6 points in new poll l ABCNews

President Donald Trump has often touted his strong approval ratings among Republican voters in recent weeks. But, according to poll data released Tuesday, that support may be far less impressive than he makes it out to be.

The survey, conducted by The Washington Post, originally found that Donald Trumps approval rating among Republicans was about 85 percent. Those results were on par with similar polls done in recent months, including one by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News from July that found his approval rating among conservative voters was as high as 88 percent.

But then, the Posts split poll-takers who identified as Republican into three separate groups: people who strongly identify with the GOP, people who identify as Republican but not strongly and the remaining group who technically call themselves independents but say they lean toward the Republican Party. The results after these distinctions were made showed glaring discrepancies.

Trumps overall approval rating for those who identified as strongly Republican is an overwhelming 93 percent. But voters who identified themselves in this category make up less than 20 percent of Americans likely to vote in elections.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted that his approval ratings are very good and that they may even lead to a Red Wave this November.

Do not underestimate the UNITY within the Republican Party!

Donald J. Trump

United States Presidential Approval Rating

In the United States, presidential job approval ratings were first conducted by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president of the United States during their term. An approval rating is a percentage determined by polling which indicates the percentage of respondents to an opinion poll who approve of a particular person or program. Typically, an approval rating is given to a politician based on responses to a poll in which a sample of people are asked whether they approve or disapprove of that particular political figure. A question might ask: Do you approve or disapprove of the way that the current president is handling their job as president?

Like most surveys that measure opinions, individual poll results may be inaccurate. Many unscientific approval rating systems exist that show inaccurate statistics. Examples that self select, such as online questions are of this type however, the aggregate approval rating is generally accepted by statisticians as a statistically valid indicator of the comparative changes in the popular United States mood regarding a president.

Us President Joe Bidens Approval Rating Tumble And Go Down Below What Former Us Prez Donald Trump Ever Managed To Achieve

Facing heat from several quarters, US President Joe Bidens popularity has dipped spectacularly. Now, his approval ratings have taken a tumble as well. Reportedly, Bidens current approval ratings fare lower than what his infamous predecessor, Donald Trump, ever managed to achieve during his four tumultuous years in the office, where he was impeached twice.

The poll conducted by CNN shows that Bidens approval rating stood at 38 per cent while 62 per cent disapproved of his presidentship. On the economic front, Biden has an approval rating of only 30 per cent. The figures become grim when one notes that Trumps lowest economic approval rating was 41 per cent which came way back in 2018.

Moreover, ahead of the midterms, the swing states havent been kind to Biden either. His net approval ratings in Ohio , Arizona , Wisconsin and Pennsylvania paint a grim picture and suggest that the battle may be uphill.

Democrats starting to lose confidence

While the palpable public anger is understandable, it appears that Biden is also losing the confidence of his colleagues. Reportedly, the Presidents approval rating for the handling of the economy has dwindled from 71 per cent, earlier this year to 62 per cent amongst the Democrats in the recent survey.

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Us President Is Being Forced To Deal With Some Of The Same Dynamics As His Predecessor

Former US president Donald Trump has overtaken his successor Joe Biden in favourability ratings among American voters in what has been described as a remarkable turnaround.

The Times reported that, just eight months after the transfer of power, Trump has a positive rating of 48% compared with Bidens 46% in a Harvard-Harris poll. Back in February, Biden had a 56% positive rating compared with Trumps 43%.

The team that surrounded Trump during his reign also fared better than Bidens circle. Some 55% of respondents said that Mike Pence was a better vice president than his successor, Kamala Harris, and 63% believed that Mike Pompeo was a better secretary of state than Antony Blinken.

A number of other surveys have discovered the same trend, with a poll in the bellwether state of Iowa putting Bidens approval rating at just 31%, down from 43% in June.

Meanwhile, after Biden dropped to a new low of 43% approval in the monthly Gallup survey, down six points from August and 14 since his inauguration in January, the pollster pointed out that among elected presidents since World War Two, only Trump has had a lower job approval rating than Biden does at a similar point in their presidencies.

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Trumps Approval Rating Rises Boosting Chances Of Winning Second Term

Vox on Twitter: " Unlike other presidents, Trump

New Gallup poll gives Trump a 49% rating, first net positive for the president since January 2017

Donald Trumps popularity rating is improving at a key moment in election year boosting his chances of winning a second term in the White House.

As Bernie Sanders stormed to victory in the Nevada caucuses, establishing a grip on the Democratic primary, a new Gallup poll gave Trump a 49% approval rating and a disapproval rating of 48%. It was the first net positive for the president in the poll since the beginning of his presidency in January 2017.

The FiveThirtyEight website average of popularity polls shows Trumps approval rising since September, when impeachment proceedings began.

Acquitted in his Senate impeachment trial, Trumps average approval rating now stands at 43.3%, to 52.2% disapproving.

Regarding the Gallup poll, CNN analyst Harry Entenformerly of the Guardian wrote: Trumps approval rating is going up at the right time. become much more predictive by March of the election year.

Presidents with approval ratings between roughly 46% and 54% at this point usually face close re-election battles. Presidents with approval ratings at 45% or below usually lose. If past history holds, Trumps approval rating may continue to rise just enough to make him a favourite.

On Sunday, a CBS News poll said 65% of Americans think Trump will win re-election in a tight race against the eventual Democratic nominee.

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What Did The Data From The Survey Say

Trumpâs 34 per cent approval rating is a point lower than his prior lowest rating which was recorded in 2017.

Trump has held an average of a 41 per cent approval rating throughout his four years in office which is â4 points lower than for any of his predecessors in the White House in Gallupâs polling era,â according to The Hill.

He is the first president to have failed to have passed a 50 per cent approval rating since Gallup began surveying presidential approval in 1938.

An ABC News-Ipsos poll revealed that the majority of Americans believe Trump should be removed from office.

Trumpâs term ends January 20 at noon after President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.

See Gop Election Deniers Flip

Poll of the week: A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Donald Trumps approval rating stands at 34%, while his disapproval is at 61%. The same pollster put Trump at a 33% approve to 60% disapprove split last week.

Whats the point: Before we bid adieu: This story has been updated with more poll numbers released in Trumps final days as president.

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Approval Ratings Of Past Presidents

Donald Trump

When former-President Trump left office, his disapproval rate stood at fifty-seven percent, with 38.6 percent of the public supporting him. The highest approval rating Trump had while in office was in In April, Congress passed the CARES Act which distributed the first round of stimulus checks and bolstered unemployment benefits for the more than twenty-million workers who lost their jobs.

However, a few short months later, Donald Trumps approval rating took a nose dive to its lowest point in his presidency as he left office in part as a result of the events on January 6th.

Barack Obama

When former-president Obama was elected, he entered office with a historic approval rating of sixty-four percent. However, with the impacts of the financial crisis led this level of support to began to fall. Aside from a few peaks in popularity, the majority of Obamas term, the disapproval rate was above fifty percent. However, unlike Donald Trump, he left office with a net positive approval rate.

George W. Bush

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Nyc Democratic House Candidate Announces Positive Covid

New poll shows Trump has the lowest approval rating of any president since 1945

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON New York City Democratic House candidate Suraj Patel has tested positive for COVID-19, he confirmed in a new statement Monday.

Patel, one of the candidates featured in a recent MTP Blog story about how the new social distancing guidelines and the threat of coronavirus has fundamentally upended House campaigns, disclosed his positive test in a new statement posted on social media and on the blogging platform Medium.

He said he began developing symptoms earlier this month which he described as troubling tightness in my chest and difficulty breathing followed by a regular fever of 102 degrees. Patel lives with two doctors, one of whom is his brother, which he said underscored the need for him to test to see if had COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, so that his roommates would know whether they were at risk.

Patel said that ultimately, he and his two housemates all tested positive. But hes now fully recovered and asymptomatic.

New Yorkers and Americans at large are stepping up in a tremendous unified way. We know how important it is to our most vulnerable populations that we slow the growth of this COVID epidemic. But as this becomes less abstract and more personal when peoples loved ones start to show symptoms human nature is such that we are going to want certainty and safety, Patel wrote, before calling for universal COVID testing.

Patel is running in the Democratic primary against longtime Rep. Carolyn Maloney.

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Its a problem that, unlike Trumps hold over the nuclear codes, wont go away Wednesday at noon. The overwhelming majority of Republicans think Trump has done a great job. Yes, he got clobbered by Biden, but 74 million people still wanted him to be president for another four years. Obama, by comparison, never received more than 66 million votes.

This popularity among Republicans is reflected in Congress, where not only do the vast majority of elected Republicans approve of Trump, they went on the record to support his effort to overthrow the election, and then voted against impeaching him in the wake of the insurrection at the Capitol. All of these people will remain in Congress for another two years at least. This too is more than a little concerning considering the role many of them played in leading the armed insurrection. They certainly seem like theyre going to continue to push Trumps baseless claims about election integrity, social media bias, and a Democratic agenda built around turning America into a crime-ridden socialist wasteland, too.

In fact, its already started. They want to digitally erase us online, pursue us in the flesh, make us unemployable and make it difficult for conservatives to be able to assemble and share ideas, Rep. Matt Gaetz said of Democrats during an interview with Sean Hannity on Monday. Its not just like tear-rolling-down-the-side-of-the-cheek depressing, he added. Its draw-the-warm-bath-and-get-a-sharp-blade depressing.

Who Was The Highest Polled Us President

George W. Bush holds the record for the lowest approval ratings, according to the Roper Center. But this former president is also the only one to have a rating above 90%.

In a poll conducted by ABC News in October 2001, he received an approval rating of 92%. The closest to come to this number was George H.W. Bush, who polled at 89% in 1991.

Other presidents who had high approval ratings are:

  • Truman had an 87% rating in 1945.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt had an approval rating of 84% in 1942.
  • Polling in 1961 found John F. Kennedy had an 83% approval rating.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson had an 80% approval rating in 1964.
  • In 2009, Barack Obama had a 76% approval rating.

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Democrats Get A Reminder: Their Base Is Not Very Liberal

The other big political story of this week happened about as far away from Washington, DC, as you can get in the contiguous United States. Progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin got recalled on Tuesday night. At the same time, in the nonpartisan primary for Los Angeles mayor, progressive US Rep. Karen Bass was forced into a November runoff by businessman Rick Caruso.

Both results showed the potency of a tough-on-crime message, even in Democratic strongholds, as I discussed earlier this week.

But they also demonstrate that Democrats overall arent anywhere near as liberal as many progressives wish they were.

Take a look at a CNN/SSRS poll from earlier this year. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 64% identified as moderate or conservative. Just 17% said they were very liberal, with the remainder indicating they were somewhat liberal.

Other polling isnt nearly as dramatic, though it makes the same point. Summer 2021 data from the Pew Research Center poll for instance showed that 15% of Democrats were very liberal, while 52% were either moderate , conservative or very conservative . The 2020 general election exit poll showed that just 42% of Biden voters were liberal, while 58% were moderate or conservative.

Its no wonder then that even in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, which Biden won by over 50 points, progressives are far from shoo-ins.

Donald Trump Has Become More Popular Since The January 6 Capitol Attack


Former President Donald Trump still manages to dominate the political headlines, nearly a year and half after leaving office. On Thursday, the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol used its first prime-time hearing to make the case that Trump used his power to try and overturn the 2020 election result.

The committee faces political headwinds, however. A majority of Americans now believe that Trump was either not or only partially responsible for the rioters who overtook the Capitol, according to a recent NBC News poll. Thats up from 47% in January 2021.

Trumps improving political position is where we begin today.

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How Do Americans View Bidens Handling Of The Pandemic And The Economy

Most Americans think Biden is handling the coronavirus pandemic far better than Trump. Sixty-two percent approve of how Biden has managed the U.S. response so far. Another 30 percent say they disapprove.

Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour

The publics approval of Bidens actions far exceeds that earned by Trumps leadership during the pandemic. His highest approval rating was 18 points lower, at 44 percent in March 2020, the same month the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic and Trump labeled it a public health emergency. From there, his approval on handling the pandemic dropped as low as 37 percent, recovering slightly to 39 percent by the time he left office in January.

But Americans have less faith in Bidens ability to heal the nations wounded economy compared to Trump. While 46 percent of U.S. adults approve of how Biden has managed the economy, another 41 percent do not approve. During Trumps last days in office, half of Americans said they approved of the former presidents handling of the economy, a sentiment thatTrump leveraged throughout his presidency and in his 2020 campaign for a second term.

Keanu Adams, 25, of Vacaville, California, said he voted for Biden and hopes the president recognizes the country needs more than public health and economic fixes right now.

The nation needs to uproot systemic problems to address what is really wrong, Adams said.

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How Trumps Second Impeachment Will Work

To be sure, the national polls underestimated Trumps performance in the national election, which he lost by 4 percentage points after trailing in the RealClearPolitics average by 7 points and the FiveThirtyEight average by 8 points.

But the latest polls conducted over the past week all show significant drops in support for Trump from the previous measurements with one notable exception: Rasmussen Reports. The Republican-leaning automated pollster, which has typically produced stronger results for Trump, has shown that the presidents approval ratings have been virtually unaffected by last weeks events.

Trumps final approval rating is far from settled, given the congressional sprint to impeach him in the closing week of his presidency. But he is poised to go down as one of the most unpopular presidents upon leaving office.

Barack Obamas approval rating rose in the final weeks of his presidency, following Trumps upset victory in the 2016 election. According to theRealClearPolitics average, Obamas approval rating finished at 57 percent, rising about 5 points between the election and Trumps inauguration in January 2017.

Trump is likely to finish closer to Bushs final ratings: 34 percent in the finalGallup poll the best historical record for modern presidential approval and 29 percent in the closingRealClearPolitics average.

More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents:Toplines |Crosstabs

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