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Did Montana Vote For Trump

With Latest Nativist Rhetoric Trump Takes America Back To Where It Came From

Montana’s three electors cast votes for Trump

As for Daines’ support of Trump’s comments, Hall says the senator was “doing what he was hired to do by the police of Montana.”

“The people that voted him in are now the ones saying he needs to leave because he supports Trump all because he supports Trump,” Hall says. “If it would have been a different candidate, then if Hillary would have posted that, everybody would be freaking out cheering her on.”

Montana native and Black Butte Range co-owner Andrew Stapleton doesn’t agree with everything Trump does but says he saw the tweets as a criticism of the congresswomen’s work in their own districts.

“Essentially, as I read this is ‘Don’t throw rocks if you live in a glass house,’ ” he says. “It just has to do with, go back and fix your areas, and then you can try to fix my area.”

Tanner Lineberry, who sells building supplies and stopped into the range, says Trump’s comments and the reaction are just a distraction from the president’s accomplishments. He praised Trump’s work on the economy and foreign policy.

And he agrees with Trump’s tweets. “It doesn’t sound like really want to be here … so, if they don’t want to be here, they should probably go somewhere else.”

Lineberry says Trump will have his support in 2020, as long as the president doesn’t go after gun rights.

Many Montanans, however, are joining the outrage against Trump and including Daines in their criticism.

Collins and Mues are using the tweet to leverage donations.

Montana’s 3 Electors Vote For Trump 2 Were Alternates

  • HOLLY MICHELS and TOM KUGLINLee Montana Newspapers

About 30 protesters took to the steps of the Capitol on Monday morning in Helena protesting the electoral college system.

  • Thom Bridge, for the Missoulian

From left, electors Becky Stockton, Thelma Baker and Vodene Kopetski look to Secretary of State Linda McCulloch, far right, as she thanks them for casting their votes Monday afternoon during the Meeting of the Montana Presidential Electors in the Old Supreme Court Chambers of the State Capitol in Helena, Mont.

  • THOM BRIDGE, for the Missoulian

About thirty protesters took to the steps of the Capitol Monday morning protesting the electoral college system.

  • Thom Bridge,

About thirty protesters took to the steps of the Capitol Monday morning protesting the electoral college system.

  • Thom Bridge,

HELENA Montanas three votes in the Electoral College helped make it official Monday: Donald J. Trump, as expected, will be the next U.S. president.

This year’s proceeding was different from those in years past, with Montana Secretary of State Linda McCulloch allowing audience members to speak before the electors, two of whom were alternates, filled in their ballots.

McCulloch told those gathered that the electors were bound by Montana law to cast their vote for Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and she couldnt accept ballots that did otherwise.

It is a public meeting and I believe the public should have access, she said.

United States Presidential Election In Montana

The 2020 United States presidential election in Montana was held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, as part of the 2020 United States presidential election in which all 50 states plus the District of Columbia participated.Montana voters chose electors to represent them in the Electoral College via a popular vote, pitting the Republican Party‘s nominee, incumbent President Donald Trump and running mate Vice PresidentMike Pence, against Democratic Party nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, and his running mate California Senator Kamala Harris. Montana has three electoral votes in the Electoral College.

Trump won Montana 56.9% to 40.5%, a margin of 16.4%, down from the 20.4% margin he scored four years earlier. Prior to this election, most news organizations considered this a state Trump was very likely to win, or otherwise considered a likely red state. Montana has not been won by a Democrat since 1992, and has only been competitive in two elections since then, namely in 1996 and in 2008.

Despite his loss in the state, Biden was able to flip Blaine County, a bellwether. He also narrowed Trump’s margins in 31 other counties, including the counties of Lewis and Clark , and to a lesser extent Roosevelt, which holds most of Fort Peck Reservation. This is the first time since their creation in 1919 and 1912, respectively, that a Democrat has won a presidential election without carrying Roosevelt or Hill county.

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The 11 Largest Metropolitan Areas In The Us Gave Trump More Total Votes Than All Of Rural America Combined

Folks who talk about President Trumps rural base are missing something.

Are rural Americans Trump voters? Yes, many of them. Trump voters outnumber voters who supported Joe Biden 2 to 1 in rural counties.

But are all Trump voters rural? Absolutely not. Voters in rural America accounted for less than a fifth of all votes cast for him.

After all, the United States is overwhelmingly urban and suburban. Only 14 percent of Americans lived in rural counties as of 2018, Census Bureau figures show. The electoral college gives rural voters an outsize influence, but they make up the majority in only six states: Wyoming, Vermont, Montana, South Dakota, Mississippi and North Dakota, in that order.

And because most Trump voters are urban, that means the places that the outgoing president has repeatedly blasted as crime-riddenDemocratic cities are also home to millions of his voters. The 11 largest metropolitan areas in the United States gave Trump more total votes than all of rural America combined. In order of population, they are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, D.C., Miami, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Boston and Phoenix.

Consider Los Angeles County, the most populous county in the nation and home to a town Trump said looks like a third-world city. That one deep-blue county in a deep-blue state gave Trump 1.1 million votes. Los Angeles County accounts for as much of Trumps share of the popular vote as the 633 most-rural counties combined.

An Updating Tally Of How Often Every Member Of The House And The Senate Votes With Or Against The President

Trump trashes Democratic Sen. Jon Tester in Montana ...
How often Tester votes in line with Trumps position Trump marginTrumps share of the vote in the 2016 election in the members state or district minus Clintons Predicted scoreHow often Tester is expected to support Trump based on Trumps 2016 margin Trump plus-minusDifference between Testers actual and predicted Trump-support scores
How often Tester votes in line with Trumps position 30.2%
Trump marginTrumps share of the vote in the 2016 election in the members state or district minus Clintons +20.4
How often Tester is expected to support Trump based on Trumps 2016 margin 80.5%
Difference between Testers actual and predicted Trump-support scores -50.3

Members likelihood of agreement scores on each vote are calculated using a regression for which the input is Trumps 2016 vote margin in every members state or district and the output is the probability that a member will vote for the bill. The plus-minus on each vote is the difference between the members vote and the likelihood of agreement. Averages do not include missed votes. How this works »

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Presidential Election Voting Record In Montana 1900

Between 1900 and 2016:

  • Montana participated in 30 presidential elections.
  • Montana voted for the winning presidential candidate 80 percent of the time. The average accuracy of voting for winning presidential candidates for all 50 states in this time frame was 72.31 percent.
  • Montana voted Democratic 33.33 percent of the time and Republican 66.67 percent of the time.

Judge Rules Against Trump Upholding Montana’s Vote By Mail

U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen found that Governor Steve Bullock, a Democrat, was within his authority to allow the state’s counties to use a mail ballot system to avoid the risk of transmitting COVID-19 at polling places.

The Trump campaign was among a number of plaintiffs that challenged the governor’s move.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Voting by mail has become a flashpoint in the Nov. 3 election, with the Republican president making unfounded complaints that the process leads to widespread election fraud, a point he reasserted in Tuesday’s debate with Democratic challenger Joe Biden.

“The evidence suggests, however, that this allegation, specifically in Montana, is a fiction,” wrote Christensen, who was nominated by former Democratic President Barack Obama.

The judge also noted that Montana used mail voting in its June primary and had a record voter turnout without evidence of fraud.

Trump’s lawsuits described the governor’s directive that allows a ballot to be sent to every voter as a “brazen power grab.”

Polls show Montana to be leaning for Trump in the presidential election, but Bullock is running a tight race for the U.S. Senate against Republican incumbent Steve Daines.

Voters will also be selecting a new governor in November.

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Native Americans For Donald Trump

Indian Country Today

The mood was cheery as Donald Trump Jr. took the stage this week at an outdoor rally in Arizona marking the launch of a Native Americans for Trump coalition.

Navajo Nation Vice President Myron Lizer led the crowd in a chant of Yeego, Trump! which roughly translates to Way to go, as he introduced the presidents eldest son.

Trump Jr. reminisced about camping and fly-fishing in the region, and described a meeting with several Native elders when he first arrived in the state.

It was so awesome from a group that has been tied to the Democratic Party, a party that has left them and taken them for granted, shipping their jobs to China, he said.

Donald Trump Jr. speaks to a crowd Thursday at the Williams, Arizona, rodeo grounds.

From left, Navajo siblings Roland Denetso, Shauntay Denetso and Tyler Denetso, members of the Standing Horse Dancers.

According to the National Congress of American Indians, more than 60 percent of Native people vote Democratic.

A soon-to-be-released survey of 6,400 Native Americans across the country found only about 7 percent identified as Republicans. The remainder identified as independents and Democratic socialists, according to the Indigenous Futures Survey, conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of California, Berkeley, in partnership with the Center for Native American Youth, IllumiNative and the Native Organizers Alliance.

Robin Briggman, Hopi

Gains cited

‘Stop playing the victim’

Montana Electors Cast Their Votes For President Trump

âWe did win this election,â? U.S. President Donald Trump claims, despite votes still being counted

HELENA Montanas three Republican electors cast their votes Monday for President Trump, at a short and lightly attended ceremony at the state Capitol.

Montanas three votes for Trump who beat Democrat Joe Biden in the state by 16 percentage points contributed to Trumps 232 electoral votes nationally. But Biden won the presidency with 302 electoral votes and will be inaugurated Jan. 20.

The Montana electors Becky Stockton of Helena, and Thelma Baker and state Rep. Brad Tschida of Missoula cast their votes for Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and signed certificates that will be sent to the U.S. Senate, the chief federal judge of Montana, the National Archives and Montana Secretary of State Corey Stapleton.

State political parties choose their respective electors, and the ones chosen by the party whose candidate wins the state cast the votes on Monday. The next big step in the presidential-election process is congressional certification of the results on Jan. 6.

Stapleton, Montanas chief election officer, presided over Mondays half-hour ceremony in a meeting room on the ground floor of the Capitol.

Once the voting finished, Stapleton thanked the electors, the voters of Montana for being actively engaged in our democracy and Montanas county election administrators for conducting fair, accurate and open elections.

But those protests mostly failed to materialize and were non-existent in Helena Monday.

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Former Montana Gop Governor Marc Racicot Voting For Biden

A former Montana governor and Republican National Committee chair said he will vote for Democrat Joe Biden in the November election, citing character flaws in President Donald Trump

Key takeaways and analysis from presidential debate

BILLINGS Mont. — A former Montana governor and Republican National Committee chair said he will vote for Democrat Joe Biden in the November election, citing character flaws in President Donald Trump.

Racicot, 72, served two terms as governor after being elected in 1992 and again 1996. He was chairman of the RNC in 2002 and 2003 before becoming chairman of George W. Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign.

Racicot said Trump lacks the patience and humility needed to lead the country.

I regret that I will cause consternation, perhaps, in some corners, but even as a Republican, I will not be supporting Donald Trump for president, and I will not be voting for him, Racicot said, adding that he still has policy disagreements with Biden.

He added: But at the end, the content of a man’s character or a woman’s character to serve in that capacity is more important than any other issue that I have to consider as a matter of conscience.

Racicot said he did not vote for Trump in 2016 and has even more grave doubts than I did in 2016.

He did not say who he voted for in 2016.

More To The Story In Montana 2020

The coronavirus pandemic and its devastating economic fallout are two major issues that have an impact on the election. NBC News is tracking and updating daily the number of coronavirus related deaths in each state and U.S. territory, as well as the jobless claims as reported weekly by the Department of Labor that counts how many people have filed for unemployment benefits.

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Montana Presidential Election Results 2020

Which best describes your education? You have:
Education among Whites by Sex
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
Do you have any children under 18 living in your home?
Is this the first year you have ever voted?
Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?
When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election?
Which ONE of these five issues mattered most in deciding how you voted for president?
Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted for president?
Who would better handle the coronavirus pandemic?
Do you think U.S. efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic are going:
Is racism in the U.S.:
Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:
How confident are you that votes in your state will be counted accurately?
Do you think the condition of the nation’s economy is:
Compared to four years ago, is your family’s financial situation:
How do you feel about the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?
Is your opinion of Joe Biden:
Is your opinion of Donald Trump:
Do you have a favorable opinion of …
Do you think Joe Biden has the temperament to serve effectively as president?
Do you think Donald Trump has the temperament to serve effectively as president?
Do you think the presidential candidates have the temperament to serve effectively as president?
Was your vote for president mainly:

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