Thursday, July 25, 2024

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What Is President Trump’s Approval Rating At This Time

Biden Campaign Launches Turnout Effort Targeting Lgbtq Voters

New polls reveal how Biden compares to Trump

Joe Bidens presidential campaign on Monday announced the launch of a robust get-out-the-vote effort targeting LGBTQ voters.

The effort, called, Out for Biden, will be aimed at turning out a record number of LGBTQ voters in November by fostering relationships with pro-equality partners to register and mobilize LGBTQ+ voters around the country, with an emphasis on key battleground states, the campaign said in a statement.

Our campaigns decision to launch Out for Biden in the shadow of historic protest elevates the power of the moment and encourages deep and sometimes difficult dialogue within our LGBTQ+ community as Pride month begins, said Reggie Greer, the Biden campaigns LGBTQ+ vote director. LGBTQ+ people of color are central to the fabric of our communities. We must elect a government that will center their voices and celebrate the contributions of LGBTQ+ people everywhere, Greer added.

Bidens Approval Rating Is Trumps In Reverse

Support from a slim majority might be all President Biden can expect and maybe its all he needs.

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By Giovanni Russonello

President Biden entered the White House last month with a broadly positive approval rating but well shy of the two-thirds of Americans who expressed support for his former boss, Barack Obama, when he took office 12 years ago.

In fact, Bidens net approval rating is lower than that of any incoming president since the dawn of modern polling, except for his predecessor, Donald Trump. Its just another clear sign that weve entered a new era of partisanship: Media fragmentation and the hard-line politics it has helped foster may make it impossible for any leader to become a true consensus figure.

But it also bears noting that Bidens approval rating is basically a reverse image of Trumps. In addition to being loathed by Republicans and embraced by Democrats, hes firmly in positive territory among independents who had consistently disapproved of Trumps performance.

A Monmouth University poll out last week found that 54 percent of Americans gave Bidens performance positive marks, including nine in 10 Democrats and a plurality of independents, who approved by a 17-percentage-point margin . But among Republicans, his numbers were upside down. Just 15 percent approved, and 70 percent disapproved.

Biden Warns That American Values Are Under Assault By Trump

PHILADELPHIA President Biden traveled to Independence Hall on Thursday to warn that America’s democratic values are under assault by forces of extremism loyal to former President Donald J. Trump, using a prime-time address to define the midterm elections as a battle for the soul of this nation.

In a 24-minute speech, Mr. Biden blamed his predecessor for stoking a movement filled with election deniers and people calling for political violence. He went out of his way to declare that not all Republicans embrace extremism, however, and he said that defending democracy would require rejecting Mr. Trump and his ideology in elections this fall.

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic, Mr. Biden said, flanked by Marine guards.

But theres no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, he added. And that is a threat to this country.

Speaking to several hundred spectators seated in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where the countrys political institutions were born, and just steps from the Liberty Bell, Mr. Biden made it clear that he believes the political violence and election denial espoused by the former president and his allies have damaged Americas reputation abroad.

After the speech, Republicans said Mr. Biden was maligning the 74 million people who voted for Mr. Trump in the 2020 election.

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President Bidens Approval Rating Has Hit Its Lowest Level During Is Tenure We Took A Look Back At The Rates For Past Presidents

President Bidens approval rating is hovering under forty-percent, raising concerns over how the numbers will impact the performance of Democrats this fall. FiveThirtyEight has tracked President Bidens approval rating at 38.4 percent, just under the level of support for Donald Trump had when he left office.

.@NateSilver538 breaks down possible reasons why Pres. Bidens poll numbers have dropped:

This Week

Donald Trump has yet to announce his candidacy but if reports are correct, and he does plan to run again, we could see the two face off again in 2024. Many Republicans running across the country have incorporated the idea that 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. In a recent poll by Quinnipiac University, only fifteen percent of voters said that this would make them more likely to vote for a candidate. More than third of respondents said that this would have no impact on their decision to vote for a candidate, which is a bit shocking.

It could be that the approval rating of the president is falling because of the high levels of economic uncertainty. The same Quinnipiac poll found that only thirty-six percent of respondents believed that the president had a lot of power to control inflation. Interestingly sixty-five percent of Republicans were on this opinion, whereas only ten percent of Democrats agreed that the president has the power to lower prices.

A different question

Biden Keeps Succeeding On Issues Where Trump Failed

Althouse: Trump

Hayley Miller

Biden is expected to take a victory lap tonight on some of his administration’s major accomplishments, including the Inflation Reduction Act a landmark climate and health care bill as well as the $1 trillion infrastructure package.

As Steve Benen recently wrote for MaddowBlog:

“Trump tried and failed to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden succeeded on the issue. … Trump tried and failed to deliver record job growth, while Biden succeeded on the issue. Trump even endorsed penalties for stock buybacks, while Biden succeeded on the issue. For the former president, the problem is not just that Biden has succeeded while Trump failed, its also that Biden succeeded where Trump failed.”

Read Steve’s full story below:

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Donald Trump’s Approval Ratings Flounders Amid Jan 6 Revelations

Donald Trump has faced a dip in his popularity according to a Fox News poll taken after the first January 6 hearing.

The opinion poll was conducted between June 10 and June 13, according to a Fox News report. This is days after the first January 6 hearing that was held on June 9.

The poll, which also highlighted that President Joe Biden has seen his popularity fall, showed the fluctuation in the former president’s popularity.

According to the poll, 55 percent of registered voters asked have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, compared to 44 percent holding a favorable opinion.

The poll also highlighted data taken from previous polls of the former president.

In February, 54 percent of registered voters held an unfavorable opinion of Trump, this is compared to 45 percent favorable. In December 2021, Trump received the same percentage of favorable and unfavorable votes.

According to the poll, the last time Trump held such a small favorable opinion vote of 44 percent was in late October 2020. In this poll, 55 percent of participants held an unfavorable opinion of him.

In June 2018, 45 percent of Fox News poll participants held a favorable opinion of Trump while 53 percent held an unfavorable opinion.

Newsweek has contacted Donald Trump‘s office for comment.

The first January 6 hearing, which was televised during prime time, was able to focus on Trump and his role, if any, in the January 6 Capitol riot.

Fox News Trump Approval Rating: 45 Percent

Fox News has not tracked Trumps approval rating since mid-August, and found the president to have a 45 percent approval rating.

The Fox News poll also found 53 percent of those polled disapproved of his time in office.

The 45 percent approval is on track with similar findings from the news outlets polling arm in the past. In mid-July they found 46 percent of Americans approved of the president and a 45 percent approval rating in early June.

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Biden Tries To Motivate Americans To Act Before It’s Too Late

Biden is right to focus on the freedoms we stand to lose and to conjure an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.

We often hear about nations that painfully gain back their liberty after autocrats have robbed it from them. But it can be harder to motivate people to mobilize to keep what they already have especially if they think it cant happen here.

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Joe Biden’s all-time low polling numbers are ‘irreversible’

Poll of the week: A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Donald Trumps approval rating stands at 34%, while his disapproval is at 61%. The same pollster put Trump at a 33% approve to 60% disapprove split last week.

Whats the point: Before we bid adieu: This story has been updated with more poll numbers released in Trumps final days as president.

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Donald Trumps Disapproval Rating Hits Highest Level Since Impeachment Peak

President Donald Trumps disapproval rating has reached its highest level since the early stages of his impeachment, polling data shows.

According to FiveThirtyEights approval rating tracker, Trumps disapproval rating stood at 54.8 percent on Wednesday morning, just 0.2 points below his 55 percent disapproval ranking on November 4 last year.

Trumps net disapproval rating of 13.7 percentage points is also at its lowest level since the height of the House impeachment inquiry last year.

The presidents rising disapproval rating comes amid criticism of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and protests against police brutality following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in late May.

One poll conducted by Morning Consult between June 6 and 7 found that half of voters felt Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic was poor as a further 11 percent described it as just fair.

A little more than a third of polled voters said the presidents reaction to the pandemic had been excellent or good.

Another survey for CNN conducted by SSRS between June 2 and 5 also revealed that almost two-thirds of voters disapproved of the way Trump was handling race relations amid unrest over the death of Floyd, a 45-year-old black man, while in police custody.

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Dueling Biden And Trump Appearances Highlight Pennsylvanias Status As A Key Political Battleground

SCRANTON, Pa. President Biden is returning to the state of his birth on Thursday for the second time this week, a pace that underscores the political significance of Pennsylvania, perhaps the nations ultimate battleground state, and its symbolic importance for the president.

Mr. Biden, whose wife, Jill Biden, grew up in Pennsylvania, based his 2020 presidential headquarters in Philadelphia. As a former senator from neighboring Delaware, he was sometimes known as Pennsylvanias third senator.

Mr. Biden, who is slated to give a speech in Philadelphia on Thursday, won Pennsylvania in 2020, a key victory that helped deliver him the presidency four years after the state helped propel former President Donald J. Trump to the White House. The two men, who may seek the presidency in 2024, are expected to appear in the state over Labor Day weekend as the most intense stretch of the midterm campaign season arrives.

Pennsylvania is home to a marquee governors race. And the states Senate matchup between Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, the Democratic nominee, and Dr. Mehmet Oz, the celebrity television physician and Republican nominee, could determine control of the U.S. Senate.

In addition to preparing his Thursday speech about threats to democracy, Mr. Biden, a native of Scranton, was in nearby Wilkes-Barre this week. He is slated to visit Pittsburgh on Monday.

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Biden Begins His Own Election Season

Biden and the White House have been dropping some fighting words.

Last week, the president referred to MAGA Republicans philosophy as semi-fascism. On Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doubled down, framing MAGA Republicans as an extreme threat to our democracy. Biden sounds ready to rumble.

Hes creating a new middle road for himself, one that frankly millions of Americans have been traveling for years. Hes pushing hard on the wedge between old-school Republicans and MAGA ones, banking on the idea that run-of-the-mill voters identify more with the idea of being conservative than they do with the GOP of today.

Will Biden also push harder on the issues that have Democrats winning in special elections and ballot initiatives? Its been hard for Biden to speak in favor of abortion before, but 60% of Americans support some form of legal abortion and, by all accounts, abortion rights are polling high as a motivating factor to vote in November.

Hearing their president speak up for an expansive right to privacy will help Democrats continue their electoral momentum. But will Biden be fighting for Democrats this season, or this new theory of a middle-road voter?

Biden Keeps It Short And To

Donald Trump approval rating: How has the US reacted to Trumpâs covid ...

Wow, that speech was pretty short! Nice!

You mean Biden doesnt want to stick around and talk about his favorite Fox News segment from the night before? Or which C-list actor tweeted a nice thing about him? Or toilets? Or about which big, strong man burst into tears over merely being in his presence?

The differences between Biden and Trump truly are countless. In all seriousness, though: Im grateful this speech was short and direct. Best not to bury the lede when the point youre making is that theres an imminent threat endangering American democracy.

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Donald Trumps Approval Rating Among Republicans Is Far Less Impressive Than He Suggests New Poll Indicates

President Donald Trump has often touted his strong approval ratings among Republican voters in recent weeks. But, according to poll data released Tuesday, that support may be far less impressive than he makes it out to be.

The survey, conducted by The Washington Post, originally found that Donald Trumps approval rating among Republicans was about 85 percent. Those results were on par with similar polls done in recent months, including one by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News from July that found his approval rating among conservative voters was as high as 88 percent.

But then, the Posts split poll-takers who identified as Republican into three separate groups: people who strongly identify with the GOP, people who identify as Republican but not strongly and the remaining group who technically call themselves independents but say they lean toward the Republican Party. The results after these distinctions were made showed glaring discrepancies.

Trumps overall approval rating for those who identified as strongly Republican is an overwhelming 93 percent. But voters who identified themselves in this category make up less than 20 percent of Americans likely to vote in elections.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted that his approval ratings are very good and that they may even lead to a Red Wave this November.

Do not underestimate the UNITY within the Republican Party!

Donald J. Trump

Trump Compared Fbi Search To Watergate John Dean Explains Why That ‘doesn’t Work’

Poll of the week: A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at 34%, while his disapproval is at 61%. The same pollster put Trump at a 33% approve to 60% disapprove split last week.

What’s the point: Before we bid adieu: This story has been updated with more poll numbers released in Trump’s final days as president.

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Republicans Shouldnt Take Biden’s Bait

According to Bloombergs Nancy Cook, theBiden White House is doing whatever it can to ensure that voters arent spending much time thinking about the complicated state of the economy. Toward that end, an administration-wide effort to substitute voters economic anxiety with anxiety over the fragile state of American democracy is underway.

Bidens prime-time address will contribute to this effort. The president is likely to echo themes he has touched on in recent speeches, in which he has exhorted voters to literally save democracy again. The campaign to exhume Donald Trump from his political tomb and put him on the ballot in November failed in 2021 Terry McAuliffe did his level best but Republicans were not inclined to play along last year. Today, its a different story.

Biden Will Ask Americans To Redirect Their Faith In Scotus

Trump’s Decision On 2024, Biden Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards. Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love, Biden is set to say tonight, according to excerpts released by the White House.

Biden makes aclear reference to the Supreme Court here, as he offers us a whistle-stop tour of some of the courts most high-profile decisions and what we can expect to come.

In making reference to the Supreme Court and attaching it to threats against Americas democratic principles, Biden suggests Americans can no longer put their faith in the judicial branch because it has been tainted by Trump, who appointed one-third of the court during his term. In order to preserve democracy and prevent this country from returning to the Dark Ages, Biden will make the case that Americans must instead place their trust in the executive and legislative branches, the last defenses against authoritarian and regressive forces.

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