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Who Is President Trump’s Chief Of Staff

Donald Trumps Chief Of Staff: Does The Former President Support Hilter

Who Could Serve As President Donald Trumps New Chief Of Staff? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Weve heard quite a lot of shocking news that surrounds the name Donald Trump these past couple of years, but as desensitized as weve all probably been at this point, no one could expect the words Donald Trump and Hitler supporter to ever go hand in hand on media headlines. However, sources have stated that Donald Trump once told the former Chief of Staff that Hitler had done good things. Read all about the news here.

In support of Hitler?

Donald Trump has certainly been known in these past years to not shy away from speaking exactly what is on his mind. The former president has sparked tons of controversy with his incredibly politically incorrect speech and strong opinions. In fact, most of his followers support him for his candidness and unwillingness to hold back from exactly what he believes in, no matter how controversial his stances can be.

However, could his foul mouth finally be catching up to him for good? In a brand new book by Michael Bender of the Wall Street Journal, the writer claimed that during the presidency of Donald Trump, the then President told the Chief of Staff John Kelly that Hitler actually did a lot of good things while on a trip to Europe. . . Yikes. Wed like to know exactly what Donald Trump meant by that comment. What good things exactly?

A lack of knowledge

Scrambling To Fill Jobs Trump To Meet With Transition Team

The President-elects transition team is rushing to fill top cabinet positions as well as the hundreds of posts that require a security clearance.

A transition source told CNN on Thursday that Trumps transition team will brief the newly-elected president on their planning for the transition to a new administration.

As those staffers work to vet the individuals who will serve in the 15 executive departments, they are also finding themselves competing with lobbying firms, which are scrambling to hire Republicans in Washington who can do business with the new administration.

Many of those K Street firms have spent months hiring more Democrats with the assumption in mind that Clinton would win the election.

That adds to the Trump transition teams already more limited pool of qualified contenders as they face a long list of Republicans who have rebuked Trump.

A GOP official who is helping to find candidates for some of the 4,000 government jobs the transition will eventually have to fill said the work is made harder by the competition from K Street, which is also working to scoop up 30-something staffers on Capitol Hill who are a prime target for transition efforts.

Adding to that, there are still some young staffers who appear to be resisting opportunities to work in a Trump administration for fear it will hurt their careers.

Who Is Trumps New Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows

WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 28: U.S. President Donald Trump and Mark Meadows, acting White House chief of … staff, walk to Marine One as they depart for the Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, Virginia, from the White House on March 28, 2020 in Washington, DC. Trump said “possibility that sometime today” there will be a two-week quarantine on New York because it is a coronavirus hotspot. Yesterday President Trump signed H.R. 748, a $2 trillion stimulus bill created in an effort to lessen the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Topline: Mark Meadows, R-N.C., resigned from Congress on Monday and will begin his new role as President Trumps incoming chief of staff as Trump enters a crucial month for handling the coronavirus pandemic.

Chief Critic: Meadows will face a reality check when he starts his new job this week. I think is walking into a perfect storm, says Chris Whipple, author of The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency. Its hard to imagine a more difficult time to try to function as Trumps chief of staff, which is hard enough.

Even in good times, Whipple said, being Trumps chief of staff is practically mission impossible.

What to watch for: How Meadows will fit into the Trump administrations coronavirus response team. Trump has already shuffled his team around, first appointing Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar as head of the task force before then settling on Vice President Mike Pence.

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Trump Names Mark Meadows Chief Of Staff Ousting Mick Mulvaney

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By Peter Baker

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. President Trump on Friday pushed out Mick Mulvaney, his acting White House chief of staff, and replaced him with Representative , a stalwart conservative ally, shaking up his team in the middle of one of the biggest crises of his presidency.

Mr. Trump announced the change on Twitter after arriving in Florida for a weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate, choosing to make one of the most significant switches he can make in his White House on a Friday night when most of the country had tuned out news for the weekend. As a consolation prize, the president named Mr. Mulvaney a special envoy for Northern Ireland.

Mr. Trumps decision to push out Mr. Mulvaney came as the president confronted a coronavirus outbreak that has unsettled much of the country, threatened the economy and posed a new challenge to his re-election campaign. But the decision was seen as a long-delayed move cleaning up in the aftermath of the Senate impeachment trial as he shuffles his inner circle for the eight-month sprint to Election Day.

The replacement was widely seen in the West Wing as a chance for the president to reinvigorate his staff, over which Mr. Mulvaney was seen as losing control. Some of the presidents conservative advisers, including Fox News hosts, had been pressing him to replace Mr. Mulvaney.

Trumps White House Chief Of Staff Is Target Of Capitol Attack Records Request

This photo of chief of staff John Kelly during Trump

House select committee investigating 6 January wants telecom and social media companies to preserve records on Mark Meadows

The House select committee investigating the 6 January attack on the Capitol has instructed telecom and social media companies in recent weeks to preserve records of Donald Trumps White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The move positions the select committee on the doorstep of the Oval Office as it pursues a far-reaching inquiry into whether Trump and his White House helped plan or had advance knowledge of the insurrection perpetrated by the former presidents supporters.

House select committee investigators signaled their intention to examine potential involvement by the Trump White House and House Republicans when they made a series of records demands and records preservation requests for Trump officials connected to the Capitol attack.

In the records preservation requests, the select committee instructed 35 telecom and social media companies to avoid destroying communications logs of several hundred people, including the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, and 10 House Republicans, in case it later issues subpoenas.

The former chief of staff is among several top White House officials who may hold the key to unlock inside information pertaining to the extent of the former presidents involvement in the Capitol attack that left five dead and nearly 140 injured.

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Established In Article Ii Section 2 Of The Constitution The Cabinets Role Is To Advise The President On Any Subject He May Require Relating To The Duties Of Each Members Respective Office

President Donald J. Trumps Cabinet includes Vice President Mike Pence and the heads of the 15 executive departments the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, and the Attorney General. Additionally, the Cabinet includes the White House Chief of Staff and heads of the Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Management and Budget, United States Trade Representative, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Small Business Administration.

White House Chief Of Staff

White House Chief of Staff
President of the United States
Formation 1946 1961
First holder

The White House Chief of Staff position is the successor to the earlier role of the Secretary to the President of the United States. The role was formalized as the Assistant to the President in 1946 and acquired its current title in 1961. The current official title is Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff.

The Chief of Staff is a political appointee of the President of the United States who does not require Senate confirmation, and who serves at the pleasure of the President. While not a legally required role, all presidents since Richard Nixon have appointed a Chief of Staff.

In the administration of Joe Biden, the current Chief of Staff is Ron Klain, who succeeded on January 20, 2021. The Chief of Staff is the most senior political appointee in the White House, and holds Yankee White security clearance. This is the highest level of clearance in the United States government, allowing the Chief of Staff access to highly classified national security issues. The position is widely recognized as one of great power and influence, owing to daily contact with the President of the United States and control of the Executive Office of the President of the United States.

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Tracking Turnover In The Trump Administration

Editor’s Note:

Because Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House has ended, this page will no longer be updated. It will remain in its current state as a resource for historical data.

The rate of turnover among senior level advisers to President Trump has generated a great deal of attention. Below, we offer two sets of resources to help measure and contextualize this turnover. The first set of resources tracks turnover among senior-ranking advisers in the executive office of the president the second set of resources tracks turnover in the Cabinet.

White House Chief Of Staff: A Closer Look At This Critical Role

President Trump Names Mick Mulvaney New White House Chief Of Staff

As the presidents gatekeeper and top assistant, the White House chief of staff plays a crucial role in managing who has access to the president.

On Wednesday, President-elect Joe Biden named longtime confidant Ron Klain as his White House chief of staff. Klain, who spearheaded the 2014 Ebola outbreak as the Obama administrations so-called Ebola czar, served as chief of staff for Bidens vice presidency as well as Vice President Al Gore.

Also Check: Is Trump A Great President

Serial Turnover Within The Trump A Team

The turnover data above include only the presidents initial team of advisers and when one departs, the position falls out of the sample. One of the limitations of this approach is that it does not consider multiple departures within a single position, a common phenomenon within the Trump team. Set out below are the A Team positions that have had more than two occupants.

Mick Mulvaney Out Mark Meadows In As White House Chief Of Staff

Trump has burned through chiefs of staff at a record pace in his three years in office. The first, Reince Priebus, who was never able to tame the competing power centers Trump set up, was fired in the summer of 2017. He was replaced by John Kelly, who attempted to bring a general’s discipline to the chaotic Trump White House. But Kelly made political missteps and his efforts at control wore on Trump, who over time found ways to undermine Kelly’s authority. Mulvaney, who replaced Kelly on an interim basis, lasted more than a year but never got the “acting” removed from his title. He took more of a “let Trump be Trump” approach, but eventually Trump soured on him too.

Rep. Mark Meadows leaves Air Force One in November after traveling to Kentucky with President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Rep. Brett Guthrie.hide caption

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Rep. Mark Meadows leaves Air Force One in November after traveling to Kentucky with President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Rep. Brett Guthrie.

Difficult job at a difficult time

It’s not clear yet how Meadows intends to run the White House, a notoriously difficult job even without a global pandemic. People who know Meadows say he may be better positioned to succeed than Trump’s first three chiefs of staff.

“I feel that he will avoid any of the problem areas and that he will not interfere with the president’s operating style, which is important,” Sekulow said.

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