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How Do I Get Ahold Of President Trump

How To Send An E

President Donald Trump: I happen to believe in hydroxychloroquine

Use the Online Form

If you want to email the President of the United States, Joe Biden, or the White House in general, use this online form. Use the same form to contact the Vice President, Kamala Harris.

In the past, the White House had a general email address for these types of messages. However, the White House disabled these addresses. Now, the only way to send a message is through the online form.

Use Social Media

  • Kamala Harris ,

Write a Letter

The online form is the fastest way to send a message, but if you prefer to write or type a letter, keep the following in mind:

  • Use 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper
  • Either type your message or handwrite it as neatly as possible
  • Include your return address on the letter and on the envelope
  • Mail the letter to The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500.

If you have any additional questions about how to email Donald Trump or Mike Pence, write, or send a message to the President, please post a comment below.

Trump White House Staff

Cabinet White House staff Transition team
Policy positions
Polling indexes: Opinion polling during the Trump administration

According to the White House’s annual report on personnel, there were 412 staff members in the Trump White House, as of June 26, 2020.

There were 68 staff members who earned an annual salary of $150,000 or more. Four staff members received no salary. The average salary for paid staff members was $98,614.

This page provides an overview of how much White House staff members were compensated in 2020 and a list of the top-paid members in the Trump White House. It also provides historical information about Trump White House staff in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

  • 6Footnotes
  • White House Va Hotline

    The hotlines pilot began under direction of the Veterans Experience Office on June 1, 2017, and entered phase two on October 15, 2017.

    White House VA Hotline: .

    The White House VA Hotline conducts immediate warm hand offs for at-crisis risk Veterans needing the services of the Veterans Crisis Line.

    Trends identified by the hotline will be used to rapidly respond to systemic inefficiencies and empower VA employees to resolve Veteran concerns quickly.

    Veterans should continue to use existing VA customer service hotlines:

    Read Also: Why Does Trump Lie So Much

    We Did What We Came Here To Do

    On Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 2018, amid a firestorm for calling African nations shithole countries, Trump golfed at one of his clubs in Florida. In 2019, during a government shutdown, Trump and Pence made a brief appearance at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. In 2020, just after the House impeached him the first time, Trump and Pence again visited the memorial before the president left for a quick trip to Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum.

    On his final Monday in office, he didnt golf. He didnt visit the MLK memorial. He worked to shore up his legacy.

    Trump recorded a 20-minute video in the Blue Room of the White House to be released the next day, touting his accomplishments. We did what we came here to do, he said. And he portrayed himself, somewhat implausibly, as someone who brought the country together instead of tore the country apart.

    Our agenda was not about right or left, it wasnt about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation, and that means the whole nation, he said.

    But on the same day, Trumps 1776 commission, formed to fight the academic lefts view of history, released a report that some historians chided for excusing slavery.

    Tuesday January 19

    Send A Letter To The White House

    Satan VS Trump

    Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your correspondence gets to the White House as quickly as possible.

    • If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to reach the White House.
    • If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.
    • If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen.
    • Include your return address on your letter as well as on your envelope. If you have an email address, please share it with us too.
    • And finally, please be sure to write on the outside of your mailing envelope the complete address for the White House to make sure your letter gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

    The White HouseWashington, DC 20500

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    We Got Ahold Of President Trump’s Concession Speech

    Good evening, ingrates.

    Ive been informed that if I want any more prime-time coverage, I have to give a concession speech. I imagine this kind of a speech comes equipped with a full concession stand. Anybody want some popcorn? Too bad, you cant have it. Its mine.

    Anyway, Im here to say that the Electoral College is racist and completely backward, but it has problems, too. For example, everyone is saying I lost, but I got the most votes out of any president in history. Most of them were against me, but still. I won the election and if you want me to leave youll have to MAKE ME.

    This country is full of millions and billions of illegal votes. It is very sad. Nobody let me or my armed Nazi fans watch ballot counts. This isnt fair just because I dont know how to count doesnt mean I shouldnt have been invited. From the people I know who did get to watch them count ballots, I hear Sleepy Joe got most of them, which is probably a lie and also funny because hes a nerd.

    Its all very, very unfair to me.

    Next time, nobody should be allowed to tell the people who to vote for or even who is running until theyre in the voting booth. Otherwise, theres just too much opportunity for collusion.

    But now that I think of it, I dont even want to be president anyway. I hate this country. Youre all a bunch of lazy rednecks. How dumb do you have to be to elect a man like me? You pushed me to be someone I wasnt. Im over it and this swamp.

    Like A Ghost In The White House: The Last Days Of The Trump Presidency

    In the aftermath of the Capitol riot, Trumps White House became an insular refuge for a self-absorbed leader detached from the people who had rejected him.

    • Link Copied

    Meridith McGraw is a reporter.

    During his last days in the White House, Donald Trump spent a lot of time thinking about the one and only election he ever lost, plotting every way he could to try to change the results.

    He thought about when to leave Washington. He thought about what he should do when he gets to Florida. He thought about whether to pardon his family, even himself.

    These are the things that consumed him as he roamed around the increasingly empty White House.

    In the last days of Trumps presidency, the things that preoccupied Trump were not the things that preoccupied other Americans. He was not preoccupied with the deadly riot he had incited, that left Capitol Hill terrorized, that had led to his second impeachment. He was not preoccupied with the coronavirus pandemic that killed 400,000 Americans, infected millions more, decimated the economy and is still raging across the United States.

    The last days that Trump lived in the White House began officially when Congress voted, in the middle of the nightwith broken glass in the marble hallways and gas masks scattered in safe roomsto certify the election results that Trump still refused to accept. It ends when he flies to his namesake resort in South Florida Wednesday without ever uttering a word to Joe Biden.

    Wednesday, January 6

    Don’t Miss: Is Donald Trump A Republican

    He Cant Believe That He Thinks Its Un

    As White House aides trickled into work with their morning coffee, the president fired off a morning tweet from his restored Twitter account: The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future.But the rest of Washington was still grappling with the aftermath of the Capitol siege and debating whether another 12 days of Trump was just too much of a risk to the country.

    The president watched the outrage spiral before him on television. Former Republican alliesranging from Christie to Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomeycalled for his removal or impeachment. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was seeking assurance from the Pentagon that Trump couldnt abruptly order a nuclear strike. Dozens of corporations announced a freeze on campaign donations to GOP lawmakers who had met Trumps request to block certification of the election. There were reports Cabinet members were contemplating invoking the 25th Amendment to put Pence in charge. Trump complained to aides that the intensity of the blowback was unfair.

    “I think the problem is that he has weathered every storm for five years … and now I dont think he truly appreciates the extent of the line, said a former administration official. I think hes so used to people being like, Oh, dont worry about it.

    But there was one more crisis awaiting Trump.

    On Friday, January 8, Twitter suspended Trump’s account. | Twitter screenshot

    Victim Of Social Media Censorship President Trump Wants You To Join His Lawsuit

    President Trump falsely claims: ‘If you count the legal votes, I easily win’ 2020 election

    If you found yourself censored and banned from Google, Twitter, or Facebook, as a patriot, you certainly arent alone.

    There will soon be justice for the censorship, as evident from President Trumps class-action lawsuit today.

    And now, it looks like President Trump is urging everyday Americans affected to join his lawsuit against Big Tech.

    You can visit to join.

    Agent Brandoe The PipeHitter

    Join the lawsuit today!

    Eric Trump

    The website directs you to the America First Policy Institute, which filed the lawsuit in conjunction with President Trump.

    The America First Policy Institute has more on President Trumps class-action lawsuit against Big Tech:

    President Trump may be the lead in the class-action lawsuit, but many others are starting to follow.

    Those on Twitter who havent been booted are eager to join:

    Here is more from theAmerican Conservative Unionwebsite:

    If youre feeling inspired to join, we have a clip with President Trump after the lawsuit announcement.

    In it, President Trump talks with Right Side Broadcasting Network about why he is standing up for our God-given rights.

    He also hints that since his announcement, thousands have joined the lawsuit.

    Check it out safely on Rumble below:

    Thank you, President Trump, for continuing to fight for freedom!

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    Rudy Giuliani For The Defense Maybe

    The My Pillow Guy on Friday was followed on Saturday by the guy once known as My Rudy when Trump met with his one-time personal attorney, Giuliani.

    Giuliani told ABC News that he was working on Trump’s defense for his impeachment trial. He planned to argue the president did not incite the riots because the allegations of voter fraud in November were true, though he said there are other opinions on what argument to make.

    But by Sunday, Giuliani, who led the president’s efforts to overturn the election, told ABC News he would not be part of Trump’s legal team because he is a witness. Giuliani himself has been accused of inciting the Capitol riots when he urged the crowd at the Stop the Steal rally to engage in “trial by combat.

    Just days earlier, Trump had grown annoyed with Giuliani, refusing to take his calls or pay his bills. It remains unclear whether Trump is ready to hire him again.

    Sunday, January 17

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