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What Are Trump’s Current Approval Ratings

Donald Trump Has Become More Popular Since The January 6 Capitol Attack

Trump’s approval rating drops 6 points in new poll l ABCNews

Former President Donald Trump still manages to dominate the political headlines, nearly a year and half after leaving office. On Thursday, the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol used its first prime-time hearing to make the case that Trump used his power to try and overturn the 2020 election result.

The committee faces political headwinds, however. A majority of Americans now believe that Trump was either not or only partially responsible for the rioters who overtook the Capitol, according to a recent NBC News poll. Thats up from 47% in January 2021.

Trumps improving political position is where we begin today.

What Would Make You Change Your Mind About Donald J Trump

When Michael Tesler, a political scientist at the University of California Irvine, tries to explain the amazing stability of Trumps approval in his classes, he starts with a question. He asks his students if theres anything Trump could do to make them support him. And hes invariably met by a sea of shaking heads. If you went into Trumps presidency thinking hes a racist, sexist, xenophobic, immoral, narcissistic, corrupt, and incompetent person beliefs held by most Clinton voters then theres literally almost nothing he could do to change your mind, says Tesler.

The same is true in reverse. If you see Trump as the protector of Western Civilization, as Charlie Kirk called him the other night at the RNC, or the protector of white America, as Desmond King and Rogers Smith have called him, defending cherished American values from atheist, left-wing socialists who want to take your guns and put Cory Booker in charge of diversifying your neighborhoods, then theres almost nothing that would make you abandon him, Tesler continues.

But how do we know if were being governed with a bare level of competence?

Biden Approval Rebounds Slightly Amid Concerns About Economy: Poll

President Bidens approval rating rebounded slightly in a new CNN poll that found lingering concerns among respondents about the state of the economy.

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents approved of Bidens performance as president in September and October, up from the 38 percent who approved in CNNs last poll over the summer.

Americans in the poll released Wednesday continue to rate Bidens handling of the economy and inflation fairly poorly, however, with 36 percent approving of his performance on the economy and 32 percent approving on inflation. Those results are up 6 points and 7 points, respectively, from June and July, CNN noted.

After reaching a record high in June, inflation eased slightly to 8.3 percent in August, assisted by declining gas prices. Biden has also seen a series of successes, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act and the announcement of student loan forgiveness.

The CNN poll was conducted by SSRS from Sept. 3-Oct. 5 with 1,982 respondents and had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

A Politico-Morning Consult poll also released on Wednesday found a slight uptick in support for Biden overall last week, rising from 42 percent to 43 percent. His approval rating among Democrats rose from 79 percent to 83 percent, while his ratings among Republicans held steady at 8 percent, pollsters found.

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Trumps Favorability Rating Drops To New Low: Poll

Former President Trumps favorability rating has dropped to a new low after slowly trickling down over the past few months.

A new NBC News poll released Sunday found that 34 percent of registered voters said they have a positive view of Trump, while 54 percent say they have a negative view of him. Trumps favorability rating was at its lowest in April 2021, when his rating fell to 32 percent in the same NBC poll.

The former presidents favorability score is down slightly since last month, with the same 54 percent saying they have a negative view of Trump, but 36 percent saying they had a positive view of him.

While Trumps favorability score has trickled down, President Bidens score has gone up, though only slightly. This month, 45 percent said they approve of the president a 2-point increase since last month.

Contrarily, 52 percent of voters say they disapprove of Biden, which has gone down 3 percentage points since last month.

Pollsters also questioned voters about their views on the different investigations against Trump, specifically asking whether the various investigations should stop or continue. The poll found that 56 percent of voters believe the investigations should continue, while 41 percent say they should stop.

The NBC News poll surveyed 1,000 registered voters between Sept. 9-13, and has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

Us President Joe Bidens Approval Rating Tumble And Go Down Below What Former Us Prez Donald Trump Ever Managed To Achieve

Whats Going On With Trumps Approval Rating?

Facing heat from several quarters, US President Joe Bidens popularity has dipped spectacularly. Now, his approval ratings have taken a tumble as well. Reportedly, Bidens current approval ratings fare lower than what his infamous predecessor, Donald Trump, ever managed to achieve during his four tumultuous years in the office, where he was impeached twice.

The poll conducted by CNN shows that Bidens approval rating stood at 38 per cent while 62 per cent disapproved of his presidentship. On the economic front, Biden has an approval rating of only 30 per cent. The figures become grim when one notes that Trumps lowest economic approval rating was 41 per cent which came way back in 2018.

Moreover, ahead of the midterms, the swing states havent been kind to Biden either. His net approval ratings in Ohio , Arizona , Wisconsin and Pennsylvania paint a grim picture and suggest that the battle may be uphill.

Democrats starting to lose confidence

While the palpable public anger is understandable, it appears that Biden is also losing the confidence of his colleagues. Reportedly, the Presidents approval rating for the handling of the economy has dwindled from 71 per cent, earlier this year to 62 per cent amongst the Democrats in the recent survey.

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Kanye West Slams Lawmakers Including His ‘friend’ Trump: ‘for Politicians All Black People Are Worth Is An Approval Rating’

  • Kanye West called out lawmakers for using Black voters during an interview with Tucker Carlson.
  • West recalled Trump’s delight at getting a boost in popularity after the rapper’s White House visit.
  • West said politicians, including Trump, saw Black people only as tools to raise approval ratings.

Rapper Kanye West has called out politicians, including his “friend” Donald Trump, for using Black people as a tool to improve their approval ratings.

During an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday, West recalled a phone call with then-President Trump after the rapper’s infamous visit to the White House in October 2018.

West, who had worn a MAGA hat during the visit and said he supported Trump because they both have “dragon energy,” told Carlson that he later called Trump to discuss getting fellow rapper ASAP Rocky “out of jail.” He was likely referring to a call he had with Trump in July 2019, during which Trump offered to assist in helping ASAP Rocky, who was being held in Sweden on assault charges at the time, get out of jail, per Rolling Stone.


“And one of the things he said to me is, ‘Kanye, you’re my friend. When you came to the White House, my Black approval rating went up 40%,'” West said of the phone call.

“And for politicians, all Black people are worth is an approval rating,” he added. “The Democrats feel that they don’t owe us anything, and Republicans feel like they don’t owe us anything.”

Who Is Following The Jan 6 Hearings

The hearings are unlikely to be a factor in shaping Republican views because most say they are paying little to no attention to the investigation. According to this latest poll, 58 percent of Americans said they were paying at least some attention to the hearings, while another 41 percent said they were paying little to no attention, including 56 percent of Republicans. Democrats are the most reliable audience for the Jan. 6 hearings, with 80 percent following along.

Its almost an article of faith for a Republican to say, Im not paying attention to this stuff, Ayres said.

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No matter how earth-shattering these hearings are, there is also little to suggest they will inform the way people vote during the November midterms. In fact, only 9 percent of U.S. adults said it will be top of mind for them this fall, including 17 percent of Democrats and 2 percent of Republicans. A far larger share of Americans 37 percent said they care most about inflation, including 57 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of independents.

For Democrats, abortion ranked as the top concern. Following the Supreme Courts overturning of Roe v. Wade and the loss of federal protections for the medical procedure in June, 29 percent of Democrats and 18 percent of Americans overall picked abortion as what matters most to them.

Chart by Megan McGrew/PBS NewsHour

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Polling Average Put Biden’s Approval Rating Higher Than 39%

Experts say approval ratings should be calculated by looking at an average between polls not a single poll. On the day the claim was made, the polling average for Biden’s approval rating was 45.2%.

“The best practice to look at multiple polls and not to fixate on an individual poll, which can be cherry-picked to make inaccurate arguments,” Barry Burden, director of the Elections Research Center and professor of political science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said in an email.

The website FiveThirtyEight rates how different polls vary in terms of accuracy and statistical bias. It calculates approval ratings for presidents based on a weighted average that takes into account poll quality and uncertainty.

According to that polling average, Biden’s approval rate was 45.2% on the day the claim was posted.

The Facebook post appeared to refer to an Economist/YouGov poll conducted Sept. 4-7. It reported 39% of American adults approved of Biden. YouGov noted this was the first time the majority of Americans disapproved of Biden during his presidency.

However, Burden told USA TODAY this poll was “unusually low.”

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“In the last month YouGov has also reported approval ratings of 44% and 50%,” he said. “Taken as a group it is more accurate to say that Biden’s rating is hovering in the mid-40s.”

United States Presidential Approval Rating

How Trump’s approval rating could affect midterms | CITIZEN by CNN

In the United States, presidential job approval ratings were first conducted by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president of the United States during their term. An approval rating is a percentage determined by polling which indicates the percentage of respondents to an opinion poll who approve of a particular person or program. Typically, an approval rating is given to a politician based on responses to a poll in which a sample of people are asked whether they approve or disapprove of that particular political figure. A question might ask: Do you approve or disapprove of the way that the current president is handling their job as president?

Like most surveys that measure opinions, individual poll results may be inaccurate. Many unscientific approval rating systems exist that show inaccurate statistics. Examples that self select, such as online questions are of this type however, the aggregate approval rating is generally accepted by statisticians as a statistically valid indicator of the comparative changes in the popular United States mood regarding a president.

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Trump Support Remains Unmoved By Investigations Poll Finds

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The American publics views of former President Donald J. Trump have remained remarkably stable across a number of different measures in recent months, even as he faces multiple investigations and as he remains a central figure in the midterm elections, according to the most recent New York Times/Siena College poll.

Voters held nearly identical views from those earlier in the summer on whether they had a favorable view of Mr. Trump, whether they thought he had committed serious federal crimes, and whom they would support in a hypothetical 2024 Trump-Biden matchup.

Overall, 44 percent of voters viewed Mr. Trump favorably, and 53 percent viewed him unfavorably . The recent poll was fielded early this month, after news of the Justice Departments inquiry into Mr. Trumps handling of confidential documents but before the New York attorney general announced she was suing Mr. Trump and his family business.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll


Friday, May 27, 2022

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Miranda Devines LAPTOP FROM HELL for Friday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Bidens job performance. Fifty-five percent disapprove.

The latest figures include 22% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 46% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -24.

Regular updates are posted Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Eastern .

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Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Bidens job approval ratings on a daily basis. If your organization is interested in a weekly or longer sponsorship of Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll, please send e-mail to.

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Trump Does Especially Well With Vaccine

The poll results show Trump does especially well among people who have not been vaccinated and do not intend to be vaccinated, Selzer said.

He is viewed favorably by 86% of Iowans who say they are not vaccinated and do not plan to become vaccinated.

Thats on par with Reynolds, who also is viewed favorably by 86% of vaccine-resistant Iowans. But far fewer vaccine-resistant Iowans view the states two Republican senators favorably. Sixty percent of those who are not vaccinated and do not plan to become vaccinated view Grassley favorably, and 67% view U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst favorably.

Trump has been vaccinated, but he did so in private and he said in a September interview with the Wall Street Journal that he is unlikely to get the booster shot authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for those 65 and older and for people with weakened immune systems.

He has publicly touted the aggressive timeline during which the vaccines were developed while he was in office. But at an August rally in Alabama, he was briefly booed for urging his supporters to get the shot.

You got to do what you have to do, but I recommend: Take the vaccines, he said at the rally. I did it its good.

Reynolds, Grassley and Ernst all have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and have publicly recommended that others do the same. But they and Trump have all drawn a firm line when it comes to any kind of vaccine mandate.

How Trumps Second Impeachment Will Work

Trumps Latest Approval Rating  Cynical

To be sure, the national polls underestimated Trumps performance in the national election, which he lost by 4 percentage points after trailing in the RealClearPolitics average by 7 points and the FiveThirtyEight average by 8 points.

But the latest polls conducted over the past week all show significant drops in support for Trump from the previous measurements with one notable exception: Rasmussen Reports. The Republican-leaning automated pollster, which has typically produced stronger results for Trump, has shown that the presidents approval ratings have been virtually unaffected by last weeks events.

Trumps final approval rating is far from settled, given the congressional sprint to impeach him in the closing week of his presidency. But he is poised to go down as one of the most unpopular presidents upon leaving office.

Barack Obamas approval rating rose in the final weeks of his presidency, following Trumps upset victory in the 2016 election. According to theRealClearPolitics average, Obamas approval rating finished at 57 percent, rising about 5 points between the election and Trumps inauguration in January 2017.

Trump is likely to finish closer to Bushs final ratings: 34 percent in the finalGallup poll the best historical record for modern presidential approval and 29 percent in the closingRealClearPolitics average.

More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents:Toplines |Crosstabs

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Joe Bidens Approval Ratings Are Worse Than Every Recent President

– Roughly nine months into his presidency, Joe Biden is on the verge of writing his name into the history books — and not in a good way.

The latest polling from Gallup pegs the Presidents approval at just 42%, the lowest of his term to date and the second-lowest of any president Gallup has measured at this moment in their presidency over the last almost five decades.

Heres a look at Bidens approval in comparison to his predecessors in Gallup polling :

  • Donald Trump 37%
  • Barack Obama 52%
  • George W. Bush 88%
  • Bill Clinton 47%
  • George H.W. Bush 70%
  • Ronald Reagan 53%
  • Jimmy Carter 54%

Bidens numbers have fallen precipitously in Gallup polling over the last several months. As recently as June, a solid majority of the country approved of the job he was doing. That number began to collapse at the end of the summer — dropping from 49% approval in August to 43% in September — and have stayed at that low number for the bulk of the fall.

The reasons for Bidens polling decline is clear: A confluence of events including a disastrous pullout of American troops from Afghanistan, the surge in Covid-19 cases due to the Delta variant, ongoing supply chain issues and a focus on the continued struggles of the President and Democrats in Congress to pass the bulk of his domestic agenda.

You get the idea. The evidence is pretty conclusive — and none of it points to good news for Democrats in 2022.

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