Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How To Contact The President Trump

Donald Trump Phone Number And Fax

US President Donald Trump to address US House | WION News | World News

Are you eager to talk to former President Donald Trump on the telephone line? If yes, you have arrived at the right section of this webpage. Please dial 832-2000 to talk to his organization The Trump Organization which is located in New York. Please do not expect Donald Trump himself on this telephone line but you can leave a message or comment for him.

Alternatively, if you are using fax, use this fax number 935-0141 . Also do not forget to mention your name, email address, and mailing address to get the return response, if required.

Years Since Call With Trump Ukrainian President Met With Biden At The White House

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At the White House, there was a meeting in the Oval Office that’s been years in the making. It all started with a phone call in July of 2019, which lead to Donald Trump’s first impeachment last year.

Today at the White House, there was a meeting in the Oval Office that has been two years in the making. It started with a phone call, July 2019.

DONALD TRUMP: My call was perfect. The president yesterday of Ukraine said there was no pressure put on him whatsoever, none whatsoever.

KELLY: Then newly elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was on the line with then President Donald Trump trying to secure a White House meeting. Trump used the conversation to press for dirt on a political opponent. He did not get what he wanted. He got impeached instead. Zelenskyy didn’t get what he wanted either, at least not until today, when he met with that political opponent, Joe Biden. NPR’s Scott Detrow joins us now from the White House.

Hey, Scott.

SCOTT DETROW, BYLINE: Good afternoon.

KELLY: I’m trying to decide where to start. Talk about a meeting with a whole lot of baggage.


KELLY: I can hear just how much she wants to talk about it, Scott. Did any news, any development actually come out of today’s meeting?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: And the United States remains firmly committed to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russian aggression.

KELLY: That is NPR’s Scott Detrow at the White House for us.

Thank you, Scott.

Trump Rally In Iowa Live Stream: How To Watch Former President’s Rally In Des Moines

Former President Donald Trump is heading back to Iowa today for a rally amid positive polling numbers that show he has more appeal to voters there than President Joe Biden.

Recent polling out of Iowa showed that Trump had a 53 percent approval rating, the highest approval rating the former president has ever received in Iowa. While Trump’s approval rating is going up, Biden’s struggling with Iowa voters with his approval rating falling lower than Trump’s worst showing in the Des Moines Register and Mediacom poll.

Nearly a year after his last speech in the state, given at the Des Moines International Airport, Trump is returning to Iowa to hold a rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. He’s expected to take the stage at 7 p.m. CT, which is 8 p.m. ET, and Newsmax has coverage lasting until 10:30 p.m. ET.

Viewers can tune in for Trump’s remarks on television on the Newsmax channel, as well as on the Newsmax TV website.

Trump is the headliner of the rally but he won’t be the only official speaking at Saturday’s event. Along with the former president, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, Representatives Marianette Miller-Meeks and Ashely Hinson, and Senator Chuck Grassley are expected to speak. Governor Kim Reynolds, former Attorney General Matt Whitaker and Jeff Kaufmann, the chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa are also scheduled to speak at the Iowa rally.

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The Biden Administration Has A Say In This

Ultimately, its not up to Trump whether he gets to claim executive privilege for information within the federal government. Its up to the Biden administration, since President Biden is the one in charge of the federal agencies that have the records.

And Biden has approved the release of Trumps information over the former presidents objections. The presidents dedicated to ensuring that something like that could never happen again, which is why the administration is cooperating with ongoing investigations, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

Trumps next step could be to sue the administration, Congress or both to try to stop the release, claiming that Biden is handing over records that he deems private.

There isnt much precedent for whether a sitting president can and should protect a former president, said Josh Chafetz, a law professor at Georgetown University who wrote a book about the separation of powers. Harry S. Truman tried once to ignore a congressional committee subpoena that came after he had left the presidency. That created such a political firestorm that Congress backed down before the question of former presidents and executive privilege could be settled in the courts.

Can Trump Use Executive Privilege To Stall The Jan 6 Investigation


Former president Donald Trump is trying to do something that is without modern precedent: use executive privilege, even though hes no longer president, to stop Congress from investigating his role in fomenting the violence of Jan. 6.

Can he? President Biden ultimately gets to decide that, and the White House has said it will cooperate with the investigators.

But at the very least, Trump could prevent the committee from getting what it wants just by putting up a fight that could test the limits of current presidential power vs. a former presidents rights. Heres how.

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Office Of The Vice President

Once the epitome of a spare part, the Vice Presidency has become a central element of every administrations successes or failures.Two brothers went off to make their fortunes. One went to sea and the other became Vice President. Neither was ever heard from again. No other job in the American constitutional system has seen a greater transformation than the Office of the Vice President. This new briefing book on the vice-president outlines the dimensions of that change and how to manage the opportunities and responsibilities of this newly defined position in the White House.

Send A Letter To The White House

Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your correspondence gets to the White House as quickly as possible.

  • If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to reach the White House.
  • If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.
  • If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen.
  • Include your return address on your letter as well as on your envelope. If you have an email address, please share it with us too.
  • And finally, please be sure to write on the outside of your mailing envelope the complete address for the White House to make sure your letter gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

The White HouseWashington, DC 20500

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The American Publics Response To 45office

Trump supporters could not be more pleased about the launch of the former presidents new website. As seen on social media, Americans who supported and voted for Trump have already used the website to contact him, send messages, and express their warm feelings.

BOOM! Hes baaaaaaack!

Jenna Ellis

Of course, Americans who are not in the former presidents fan club had very different reactions to the launch of 45Office. Trump haters complained about the website, claimed it to be unnecessary, and even suggested that they might use it to send hate messages.

Overall, though, the reactions to 45Office are directly in keeping with partisanship, politics, and opinions about former President Trump.

Are you glad that the 45th president now has a website where supporters can contact him? Let us know in the comments section below.

Donald Trump Fan Mail Address And Mailing Address

Contact Tracing Underway For Fundraiser President Trump Attended Before Testing Positive For COVID-1

Are you a big fan of Donald Trump? Do you want to send him a fan letter to appreciate his work or give feedback on his presidency? If yes, please note down the fan mail address of Donald Trump, The Trump Organization, 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA.

Please also note down another mailing address of Donald Trump, c/o Mar-a-Lago Club, 1100 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 33480. Please use this mailing address to send your fan letters and autograph requests.

Please use appropriate words only when you are going to write a letter to his fan mail address/mailing address.

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Current Whtp Studies On Presidential

In one of our periodic reviews, Martha Joynt Kumar reviews presidential interchanges with the press over the last six presidencies and as of 30 months into their administrations. Read the report: Six Presidents Interchanges with Reporters at 30 Months Kumar. Some of the highlights:

  • President Trump answers 50% more questions from the press than the average for the last five presidents.
  • Presidents have expanded their press relations into forums they believe are their strong suit.
  • While most presidents aim their communications to the average citizen, President Trump aims at his supporters alone.

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The New Government Stands Up

Using the Senates Nuclear Option slowed confirmations, againA new WHTP study analyzes deployments of the nuclear option to limit the filibuster, along with other Senate changes affecting deliberations on nominations . Senate leaders of both parties intended these changes to promote faster consideration of the presidents judicial nominees. That hasnt happen. Heres why, what did happen, and how to strengthen the appointments process before the next time. The highlighted changes would actually reduce partisanship.

Appointments Strategies

WHTPs Research Summary on Appointment Politics outlines in memo form what research tells us about how to get ready for and then improve the appointments process, including how to limit the impact of growing partisanship.

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Whtp Reports On Presidential Appointments

The pace of appointments in both the executive and in the Senate accounts for the ability of any administration to carry out its responsibilities to the electorate and to the nation. Appointments fulfill the presidents agenda set by the election and they also stand up the critical functions of the national government, from transportation to space to global economics and national defense.Our personnel trackers report on deliberations across the entire appointments process:

  • WH Identifies: The White House search for appropriate nominees from available candidates. Typically, this stage culminates in an announcement of the presidents intent to nominate a candidate.
  • Executive Review: The executive branch conducts vetting of the candidate. This stage culminates in sending credentials to the Senate as an official nominee.
  • Sen Comm Vetting: The first of two Senate stages, a committee investigates the nominee, culminating in a committee report and recommendation to the full Senate.
  • Sen Floor Process: The final disposition of a nominee in the Senate, culminating in floor vote to confirm the nominee.

WHTPs Personnel Trackers follow the pace of appointments in the new administration by comparison with administrations dating to the rise of the modern appointments system during President Reagans first year. The trackers cover two groups: a common set of 220 critical appointments and a larger, more diverse group of 980 presidential nominations.

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Trumps Bid To Subvert The Election

Trumps Address Receives Mixed Reviews From Connecticut ...

A monthslong campaign.During his last days in office, President Donald J. Trump and his allies undertook an increasingly urgent effort to undermine the election results. That wide-ranging campaign included perpetuating false and thoroughly debunked claims of election fraud as well as pressing government officials for help.

Baseless claims of voter fraud.Although Mr. Trumps allegations of a stolen election have died in the courts and election officials of both parties from every state have said there is no evidence of fraud, Republicans across the country continued to spread conspiracy theories. Those include 147 House Republicans who voted against certifying the election.

Intervention at the Justice Department.Rebuffed by ranking Republicans and cabinet officials like Attorney General William P. Barr, who stepped down weeks before his tenure was to end, Mr. Trump sought other avenues to peddle his unfounded claims. In a bid to advance his personal agenda, Mr. Trump plotted to oust the acting attorney general and pressed top officials to declare that the election was corrupt. His chief of staff pushed the department to investigate an array of outlandish and unfounded conspiracy theories that held that Mr. Trump had been the victor.

In that subsequent meeting with Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence, Mr. Eastman was the only adviser to the president in the room.

Mr. Eastman said that Mr. Pence then turned to him and asked, Do you think I have such power?

Also Check: How Many Approve Of Trump

Trump Supporters Can Now Directly Contact 45th President

When then-President Trump gave his final speech as commander-in-chief at Joint Base Andrews, he left his supporters with hope.

Trump promised that despite leaving the White House, he would return in some capacity. The 45th president also informed in January that the work to put America First policies into effect was only just starting.

Shortly before Trump left the White House, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms banned him from their sites for good. In spite of this, Trump confirmed that the nation had not seen the last of himand this is a promise that hes stood by.

This week, Trump came out with a new website that supporters can visit to stay in touch with him, as confirmed by Breitbart News.

Reports On The Stand Up At 250 Days

This report summarizes five measures of the Biden Administrations progress in standing up the American Executive. It covers filling the governments stand-up critical positions, the general pace of nominations and confirmations, a recurring monitor on gender, and a summary of the backlog of nominations and confirmations. For additional details, see our web page on appointments.


Naming the Administrationnominations continue slightly above average.The Biden White House has maintained a nomination pace above the average as the Senate continues its annual August recess. Obamas performance still holds to the record setting pace of nominations and now Bidens White House lags behind the numbers for Presidents Reagan and Bush 43.

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Confirmations Next The Senate still lags on confirmations.Since the beginning of the modern appointments system , few Senate majorities have had a slower stand-up process. The lack of Senate work on Biden nominations has led inevitably to a below average number of confirmations, holding up the government. The general standup now also has a large backlog to work on . Bidens remains the second worst stand up in modern history.

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