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What Did Trump Say About Easter

New Qanon Theory Predicts Trump Will Return In April As Easter Bunny

Trump says he hopes to win coronavirus battle by Easter
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WASHINGTON Issuing a bold new prediction, QAnon followers declared that Donald J. Trump would return on April 4th as the Easter Bunny.

According to the theory, which has been spreading like wildfire on the Internet, on Easter Sunday, Trump will hop over the White House fence and begin hiding brightly colored eggs on the South Lawn.

At the Capitol, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene confirmed that Trumps reappearance as the Easter Bunny was a real thing.

Donald Trump is the Easter Bunny, she said. Joe Biden is not the Easter Bunny.

When asked what would happen if Trump did not return on Easter as scheduled, Greene revealed that QAnon followers would shift their focus to Arbor Day, when many believe that Trump will return as a Norway spruce.

Trump Easter Message ‘very Nice’ Insists Adviser Amid Criticism It Was Angry Resentful

Hogan Gidley, adviser to former President Donald Trump, appeared on Fox News Sunday morning to defend a series of Easter statements from Trump that his critics have accused of being political rants capped off with a friendly holiday salutation.

A Friday message from Trump’s Save America PAC railed against “election fraud” and “radical left CRAZIES” before finally concluding with the salutation: “Other than that, Happy Easter!” But just hours later, likely responding to journalists and other criticisms over the seemingly resentful message, Trump issued another statement that succinctly wished “all” Americans a happy Easter. Fox News’ Howard Kurtz pressed Gidley to address critics who said Trump is unable to let go of old political spats, even just to wish Americans a happy Easter weekend. jokes immediately riffed on Trump’s likely inability to enjoy any holiday, ever.

“A lot of criticism there of the tone that he almost sounds a bit angry about what happened,” Kurtz remarked to the Trump adviser.

Gidley has long defended Trump on cable news networks from any and all criticism, particularly in regards to the former president’s demeanor while in the White House.

“What are you talking about?” asked an incredulous sounding Gidley. “He’s wishing happy Easter to everybody, even the ones who attacked him and don’t like him and don’t want him to be in office.”

“But the president is being very nice!” Gidley added. “Happy Easter to you, too.”

President As Defiant As Ever Even As Public Health Experts Warn Of Hundreds Of Thousands More Infected By Covid

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Donald Trump claims he is targeting the Easter holiday on 12 April to issue an order that would end rhetorically, at least America’s coronavirus shutdown so churches are “packed” from coast to coast.

“I think Easter Sunday and you’ll have packed churches all over our country, I think it would be a beautiful time. And it’s just about the timeline I think is right,” he said in an interview with Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer, even though his own public health officials have warned the outbreak might spread, leading to hundreds of thousands of infected Americans by year’s end.

Mr Trump, whose conservative political base is, in part, composed of millions of conservative Christians, called the religious holiday a “special” day for him personally. Mr Trump has not talked extensively about his religious beliefs since taking office.

During a Fox News town hall earlier in the day from the White House, the president said a prolonged economic slowdown because of a coronavirus lockdown would “destroy” the United States and its economy. He claimed there would be thousands of suicides because people would be sequestered in their homes and possibly unemployed.

In Mr Trump’s mind, Americans would continue “social distancing” and vigorous hand-washing once back at work. During the interview with Fox, he said specifically that Americans who work in restaurants are eager to clock in again.

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Trump Rages Over Election Coverage: ‘other Than That Happy Easter’

Former President Trump included a brief Easter message in a statement defending his unproven claims of fraud in the 2020 election.

In the statement, released by Trump’s Save America PAC on Friday evening, the 45th president slammed the “Fake News Media” for saying his claims were “baseless, unfounded, unwarranted, etc.” when discussing the November election.

“Sadly, there was massive fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, and many very angry people understand that,” he declared.

Trump asserted that new information would be released to support his claims, though the former president and his GOP allies filed more than 60 post-election lawsuits, with nearly all of them thrown out due to lack of standing or evidence.

“With each passing day, and unfortunately for the Radical Left CRAZIES, more and more facts are coming out,” Trump maintained Friday.

Trump concluded his statement with a cheerful Easter greeting, writing, “Other than that, Happy Easter!”

The former president has continued to cast doubt over the election process, sharing claims of widespread voter fraud after numerous courts tossed out electoral challenges from his team in several battleground states last year.

Republicans, voicing concerns about the security of the U.S. voting system, have petitioned for tighter voting laws across the country, efforts that have been panned by Democrats and voting rights activists.

Who Needs Twitter Trump Wishes Happy Easter To ‘radical Left Crazies’

Trump considered exempting churches from social distancing ...
  • Ex-president marks holy day with brief, abusive statement

Donald Trump is reportedly working on a social media platform of his own, after being banned from Twitter and Facebook for inciting the Capitol riot.

He has also launched a new website, which presents a highly selective history of his single term in power and offers the chance to book appearances or personal greetings.

But Trump has also said he may not need his new platform, because the short, often tweet-length statements he now propels into journalists inboxes from Mar-a-Lago in Florida communicate his views as effectively as any tweet ever could.

On Sunday the former president seemed to test the theory, mimicking world leaders including Pope Francis, if not echoing their sense of dignity and appeals for peace on a major religious holiday, by releasing a statement to mark Easter Sunday.

Happy Easter to ALL, Trump said, including the Radical Left CRAZIES who rigged our Presidential Election, and want to destroy our Country!

The presidential election was not rigged, however often Trump repeats a lie repeatedly thrown out of court. Joe Biden beat him by more than 7m votes and by 306-232 in the electoral college.

Tellingly, Trumps Easter statement did not set off the kind of explosions in the news media his tweets once did. Instead of prompting deadline scrambles and front-page headlines, it seemed to engender a sort of mild ennui.

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‘beautiful Thing’: Trump Hopes To See ‘packed Churches’ On Easter Sunday

President Trump said he hopes the coronavirus pandemic will be under control soon enough that Christians will be able to “pack” their churches by Easter Sunday.

Trump said it would be a “beautiful time” for people to resume their routines by Easter Sunday, April 12, during a Tuesday interview with Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer. He also said the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ is a “very special day” to him.

“Look: Easter’s a very special day for me. And I see it sort of in that timeline that I’m thinking about. And I say, ‘Wouldn’t it be great to have all the churches full?'” Trump said. “The churches aren’t allowed, essentially, to have much of a congregation there,” he continued, later noting that Christians have been unable to worship in person.

“You’ll have packed churches all over our country. I think it would be a beautiful time, and it’s just about the timeline that I think is right,” he concluded, though noting his uncertainty that public health concerns would be adequately addressed.

During an earlier Fox News town hall event, Trump indicated his intent to allow people to resume working by the religious holiday, repeating his claim that it’s a “special day.” Hemmer and Trump agreed that, should the virus be adequately addressed by then, it would be a “great American resurrection.”

Trump Said Coronavirus Would ‘miraculously’ Be Gone By April Well It’s April

President Donald Trump thinks hes doing a fabulous job getting the country through the coronavirus crisis. Hes more than happy to boast about it.

  • One of the things I did is I closed down the borders to China and to other areas that are very badly affected and really having a lot of troubles. … I closed them down very early, against the advice of almost everybody, and weve been given rave reviews.

  • No, Im not concerned at all. No, Im not. No, weve done a great job.

  • Id rate it a 10. I think weve done a great job.

  • My administration has done a job on really working across government and with the private sector, and its been incredible. Its a beautiful thing to watch, I have to say.

But Trump spent weeks, if not months, downplaying the seriousness of the virus while pushing his political agenda of boosting his own brand and trying to shut down U.S. borders.

In fact, the president really didnt want to do much of anything about the virus. He tried to assure people that it would be gone by April. Nothing to see here.

On Feb. 10, he repeatedly predicted at a meeting with governors, at a campaign rally and in a Fox Business interview that the coronavirus would no longer be a problem by April. He then made this claim at least three more times a few days later.

Medical experts never agreed with Trumps rosy prediction. But as usual, science didnt stop Trump from saying whatever he wanted.

Health experts have warned against easing restrictions too early.

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Coronavirus: Trump Hopes Us Will Shake Off Pandemic By Easter

US President Donald Trump has said he hopes the US will shake off coronavirus by Easter, even as New York’s governor sounded the alarm that the illness is spreading faster than “a bullet train”.

The president told a White House news briefing reopening the US early next month would be “a beautiful timeline”.

Hours later, the Senate agreed a $2 trillion economic rescue plan with the White House.

The deal will be passed later on Wednesday by the Senate.

“At last, we have a deal,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, citing the massive “wartime level of investment into our nation”.

The package includes tax rebates, loans, money for hospitals and rescue packages for businesses.

The House of Representatives still needs to pass the legislation before it is sent to Mr Trump for his signature.

The US has recorded almost 55,000 cases and nearly 800 deaths from coronavirus.

Globally there have been more than 420,000 cases confirmed and approaching 19,000 deaths.

Trumps Easter Goal In War On Virus A Nod To Faith Business

Trump says US ‘will open by Easter’ after coronavirus lockdown

WASHINGTON President Donald Trumps beautiful idea to reopen the U.S. economy by Easter Sunday and pack church pews that day was dreamed up during a conference call among business leaders desperate to get the country back up and running.

But his target date for easing coronavirus restrictions is another outstretched hand to a group he has long courted: evangelical Christians.

Cooped up at the White House and watching the stock market tumble, Trump had already been eager to ease federal guidelines aimed at halting the spread of a virus that had infected more than 55,000 Americans when about a dozen business leaders convened a conference call on Sunday.

There was a concern not unanimity, but consensus that you had to have a reopening of the economy at some point soon, said Stephen Moore, a conservative economist and informal Trump adviser. On the call, Moore said, he argued in favor of setting a specific date as a goal by which point the economy could gradually begin to be reopened.

One of the things we were saying was that this would instill some confidence in people, that there would be some kind of light at the end of the tunnel, he said.

While many wanted to see that date set even sooner than Easter, its something thats coming up that would be obviously a mark on someones calendar, Moore said. I had made this point that we should call this economic resurrection day.

Schor reported from New York.

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Opinion: Trump Defiles Christianitys Holiest Day

For the symbolic reopening of the U.S. economy, President Trump has picked the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon, which lands on or just after the spring equinox. This is the way Easter has been determined in most of the Christian world since the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., and Trumps target date for the resumption of normal life in America seems just as arbitrary.

Easters a very special day for me, explained Trump. Wouldnt it be great to have all of the churches full? And later: Youll have packed churches all over our country. I think it would be a beautiful time.

To be sacrilegious requires some recognition of what is actually sacred a type of knowledge Trump has never displayed. To him, choosing Easter must have been like selecting Independence Day or Arbor Day or Groundhog Day a useful date on which to hang a ploy.

But Easter is the holiest date on the Christian calendar, when the resurrection of Christ is celebrated. And it would be blasphemous to use a day dedicated to the renewal of life in a manner that leads to further death. The packing of churches in a little over two weeks would almost certainly be an epidemiological disaster in much of the country. It is impossible to imagine most priests and pastors treating the lives of their congregants with such disdain.

What’s Happening In New York

With more than 25,000 coronavirus cases by Tuesday morning, the Empire state accounted for half of all US infections.

Dr Deborah Birx, of the White House coronavirus taskforce, said on Tuesday the New York City metro area is the source of 60% of all new cases in the US.

She advised anyone leaving the region to self-quarantine for two weeks.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, told another news conference on Tuesday: “The forecaster said to me, ‘We were looking at a freight train coming across the country.’

“‘We’re now looking at a bullet train.'”

He added: “New York is the canary in the coal mine, New York is happening first, what is happening to New York will happen to California and Illinois, it is just a matter of time.”

The governor said New York’s hospital system will soon reach breaking point unless the US Federal Emergency Management Agency urgently sends more healthcare supplies.

“You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators,” Mr Cuomo said.

New York currently has 7,000 medical ventilators – machines used to keep patients breathing – but needs 30,000, the governor said.

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