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Will Donald Trump Be Reelected

Can President Trump Be Re

Less Than Four In Ten Say President Donald Trump Should Be Re-Elected: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A supporter of President Donald Trump carries a Trump flag before a news conference by the Trump campaign in front of the Clark County Election Department, Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, in Las Vegas. AP

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. Now that Donald Trump is nearing the end of his term, and former Vice President Joe Biden has been projected as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, can Trump legally run and be elected again in 2024?

He can, and its happened before, said Brian Browne, assistant vice president of government relations at St. Johns University, who points to another prominent New Yorker, Grover Cleveland, who did exactly that back in 1893. Legally, under the 22nd Amendment, theres nothing stopping him from making an attempt.

Cleveland, who served as governor of New York and mayor of Buffalo before being elected president in 1884, served from 1885 to 1889, said Browne, who is also an adjunct professor of political science. Cleveland then lost his re-election bid to Benjamin Harrison, but that didnt stop him from being elected again and serving a second term as president from 1893 to 1897.

After days of counting — and a nation hanging on every update in the vote tally from the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona — on Saturday a number of media organizations projected that Democratic challenger Joe Biden will win the presidency.

North Carolina, Georgia and Alaska have still yet to be called.

When Will Trump Answer The Big 2024 Question

The field of would-be Republican candidates remains frozen while the former president decides his next moves.

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Last week, during a 51-minute interview on The John Fredericks Show, a radio program syndicated across Virginia, former President Donald J. Trump dodged a half-dozen opportunities to say whether he is planning to run for president once again in 2024.

Mr. Fredericks, who alongside his radio gig also served as a chairman of Mr. Trumps campaigns in Virginia, began questions with If youre inaugurated as president again in 2025, and I think youre going to run and win in 2024. He asked, How many seats do the Republicans have to win in 2022 to inspire you to run in 2024?

Hard-hitting journalism this was not.

Still, it did cut to the heart of the biggest question in Republican politics: When will Mr. Trump announce his plans for 2024?

For months the best working theory had been that he would wait as long as possible, both to freeze the rest of the potential 2024 Republican field and to keep as much attention as possible on himself, his endorsements and political proclamations.

All of that puts him on the same page as much of todays Republican electorate.

A potential third Trump campaign, started more than three years before the next presidential election, could refocus all of his partys energy onto himself and away from the right-wing cultural issues other Republicans see as political winners.

The Center Of Attention

Mark Shanahan is an associate professor at the Department of Politics and International Relations at Reading University and co-editor of The Trump Presidency: From Campaign Trail to World Stage. He told Newsweek that the former president was a “risk” to Biden.

“Donald Trump always wants to be the center of attention and Joe Biden‘s current problems in trying to hold his party together over the infrastructure bill, the Build Back Better Act and managing the debt ceiling have given him the opportunity to garner the column inches and broadcast mentions again,” Shanahan said.

“The former president operates continually in campaign mode and loves nothing more than getting the attention of his base as he continues to tour those parts of the country still willing to enable his election-steal narrative.

“If one was to make a logic-based case for a Trump run in 2024, the chances would be that 45 would be far more likely to be in a courtroom than a presidential debate in the run-up to November ’24,” Shanahan went on.

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Trumps 2020 Solar Return

Trumps 2020 solar return chart, using the natal location, has a powerful conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in the seventh house there is a lot going on with his relationships. Melania Trump may be making some power-moves of her own.

This chart also has a tight conjunction of Mars and Neptune in the eighth house, indicating some potential major issues stemming from jointly held resources , some mischief regarding his finances, and just strange psychological pathology emerging, which could be very detrimental to his standing. The Sun in the twelfth house does not help for things going his way either, being subject to secretive or covert individuals or groups in this life, and then just Trump being his own worst enemy.

Further, the solar return Mars-Neptune conjunction neatly bi-sects Trumps natal Sun-Moon-Nodes opposition , and the triple conjunction in Capricorn tightly aspect Trumps natal Venus-Saturn conjunction, maybe the most problematical area of his chart, which will reinforce issues to be explained below.

The upside here is that Trump has the opportunity to eat some humble pie, get some reckoning with his spouse, and may be admit that hes just human and subject to the inevitable ravages of bad lifestyle choices and just age in general. Somehow a humbler POTUS is a better, more sensitive POTUS.

Right. Trumps super-enabled ego, supported by all the yes-people he can hire have not helped him here. He may be in for a fall.

There Is Precedent For Trying A Former Government Official Established 145 Years Ago

Mr Trump, Keep Your Campaign Promises If You Expect to Be ...

Assuming Trump is not convicted on his impeachment charge of inciting an insurrection before the Jan. 6 invasion of the Capitol, he will not face a ban on future campaigns.

Some believe Trump might still be kept out of federal office by an invocation of the 14th Amendment. That part of the Constitution, added after the Civil War with former Confederate officers in mind, banned any who had “engaged in insurrection” against the government.

But that wording could well be read to require action against the government, not just incitement of others to action by incendiary speech. It could also require lengthy litigation in federal courts and a balancing of the 14th Amendment with the free speech protections of the First Amendment.

All that can be said at this point is that the former president will settle into a post-presidential routine far from his previous homes in Washington and New York City. And the greatest obstacle to his return to power would seem to be the pattern of history regarding the post-presidential careers of his predecessors.

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Mhoni Vidente Predicts That Trump Will Be Imprisoned For A Week

Whats next! In her most recent revelations, the Cuban psychic and clairvoyant Mhoni Vidente predicts that Trump will be imprisoned for a week, in addition to advancing the Super Bowl winning team on Sunday, February 7.

On his official channel , where it is close to reaching a million and a half followers, the seer most loved by Hispanics began her predictions for the second month of the year saying that February will be distinguished by coups, the rebellion of people against governments and uprisings of towns against cities and against people who no longer want to be in power.

According to the letter of The Priestess, religion will be present in all countries and in the mental consciousness, and as I had previously shared, there will be a revelation of the Virgin Mary on February 11 on the American continent.

Could Trump Become Speaker Of The House

Those who still cannot accept the outcome of the 2020 election are spinning some surreal fantasies about how the restoration of Donald Trump need not await the next presidential contest. We are told that Trump himself is fixated on the extremely weird idea that after audits of 2020 votes in key states have been conducted, he will be reinstalled as president, perhaps even this summer. The absence of any constitutional sanction for such a coup presumably doesnt bother the man who once said the document gave him the power to do whatever he wanted.

Theres another bizarre scenario floating around MAGA-land that is at least theoretically possible: If Republicans retake the House in 2022, then they could make Trump the new Speaker, and Speaker Trump could orchestrate an impeachment and removal of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2023, leading to his return to the White House under the rules of presidential succession. Presumably, then, he would be reelected to a second full term in a 50-state landslide by a grateful nation liberated from the yoke of socialist election fraudsters.

Yes, this is laughable. But unlike the idea Trump will be returned to power in some sort of American version of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 that saved England from the ignominy of a Catholic monarch, its not impossible.

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Donald Trump 2020 Presidential Campaign

Donald J. Trump for President
  • Announced: June 18, 2019
  • Presumptive nominee: March 17, 2020
  • Official nominee: August 24, 2020
  • Lost election: November 3, 2020
  • Projected loser: November 7, 2020
  • Formally conceded: January 7, 2021
  • Left office: January 20, 2021
  • Keep America Great!
  • Promises made, promises kept
  • Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

The Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign was an unsuccessful re-election campaign for the 2020 United States presidential election by incumbent RepublicanDonald Trump, who had taken office on January 20, 2017.

Trump refused to accept the results he and his allies made false and disproven claims of fraud, pressured elections officials, filed dozens of lawsuits , and directly attempted to overturn the results at the county, state, and federal level. This culminated in the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol, for which Trump was impeached a second time. The day after the attack, Trump formally conceded the election without mentioning president-elect Biden by name, in a video posted on .

Researchers estimate that the rallies Trump held from June 20 through September 22 caused more than 30,000 diagnosed cases of COVID-19 and more than 700 deaths.

Commerce Sec Raimondo Claims Nobody Is Being Forced To Get Vaccinated

Poll: Majority Says President Donald Trump Should Not Be Re-Elected In 2020 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

On Monday, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle that no one is being “forced” to take the coronavirus vaccine under President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional mandates.

I see this as a huge step forward to getting people back to work and finally recovering, having the economy recover,” Raimondo said. Getting vaccinated is cheap…

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Trump Allies Warn Him Not To Run In 2024

Weeks ago, he seemed like the clear frontrunner. Now, Republicans blame him for inciting riots at the Capitol and his 2024 prospects are in doubt.

01/10/2021 07:00 AM EST

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After he lost his reelection bid in November, Donald Trump immediately told allies he planned to run for president again in 2024, preparing to announce as soon as Inauguration Day.

He began backing off the idea after learning that running would require him to release a new round of financial documents that would make him vulnerable to his ongoing criminal and civil investigations and lawsuits, according to two Republicans close to Trump.

Then came last week.

A growing number of Republicans hold Trumpresponsible for inciting the deadly riots inside the U.S. Capitol Wednesday. The clashes came hours after theyblamed Trump for a pair of losses in Georgia that will leave the Senate in Democratic control.

In interviews, more than half a dozen Republicans who had supported or worked for Trump say the president isnt likely to run again, though he may tease it. If Trump changes his mind again and chooses to run, some said they would urge him not to, while others hope hed be talked out of it.

I think nothing is going to happen, said a Trump friend. He wont be around in 2024. Hes not going to run. Hes going to f— around and say hes going to run. Hell tease. I dont think hes ever going to say I wont run. He just wont run.”

POLITICO Dispatch: January 11

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