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Why Is Trump Such An Idiot

The Useful Idiot: Why We’re Not Done With Trump Yet

WATCH: Why does Trump’s image appear under searches for ‘idiot? Google CEO Pichai answers.

The president of the United States tried to stage a coup to remain in power.

Yes, seeing that in print is a bit jarring, to say the least. Yet that is, in fact, precisely what happened.

The president of the United States, after losing reelection by 7 million votes, riled up his cult-like followers for months with lies about massive voter fraud, culminating with a Stop the Steal rally near the White House urging them to march on the Capitol just as Congress set about to formally certify Joe Biden as the winner.

The plan was as simple as it was outrageous: His violent thugs would intimidate his own vice president into violating the Constitution and rejecting tens of millions of legitimate votes in states Biden had won, preventing him from reaching the required 270 electoral votes and throwing the election to the House of Representatives, where Donald Trump would win under the one-vote-per-state rule.

Yet within minutes of starting his remarks shortly before noon, Trump was yet again urging Pence to be strong and courageous and to reject Bidens states as if Pence were still mulling that possibility. Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election, Trump told his crowd.

He is gone. At least for now.

Orange Man bad.

How many times did Trumps various apologists toss that one out as a rebuttal to any and all criticism? You wont acknowledge his good policies because Orange Man bad.

So it is for America.

The Real Reason Donald Trump Appears When You Google ‘idiot’


Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified before the House Judiciary Committee this week to address a wide array of concerns including potential anti-conservative bias. A highlight of the hearing was when Representative Zoe Lofgren of California asked Pichai why Donald Trump appears in Google Image search for the word “idiot,” which was used as evidence of Google’s alleged bias. As a search engine optimization strategist, I will break down why Trump appears under that search and why it isn’t because of bias.

Everyone In Trumpworld Knows Hes An Idiot

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One of the more alarming anecdotes in Fire and Fury, Michael Wolffs incendiary new book about Donald Trumps White House, involves the firing of James Comey, former director of the F.B.I. Its not Trumps motives that are scary Wolff reports that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were increasingly panicked and frenzied about what Comey would find if he looked into the family finances, which is incriminating but unsurprising. The terrifying part is how, in Wolffs telling, Trump sneaked around his aides, some of whom thought theyd contained him.

For most of the day, almost no one would know that he had decided to take matters into his own hands, Wolff writes. In presidential annals, the firing of F.B.I. director James Comey may be the most consequential move ever made by a modern president acting entirely on his own. Now imagine Trump taking the same approach toward ordering the bombing of North Korea.

There are lots of arresting details in the book. We learn that the administration holds special animus for what it calls D.O.J. women, or women who work in the Justice Department. Wolff writes that after the white supremacist mayhem in Charlottesville, Va., Trump privately rationalized why someone would be a member of the K.K.K. The book recounts that after the political purge in Saudi Arabia, Trump boasted that he and Kushner engineered a coup: Weve put our man on top!

Also Check: Does Trump Donate To Charity

Donald Trump Hates Being President Hates Losing And Hates The Americans About To Make Him A Losing President

He has no conscience, of course, but awareness of his complete inadequacy at every single aspect of this job must barge its way into his mind every so often.

Drew Angerer

Donald Trumps aides tried their best to explain to The Daily Beasts Asawin Suebsaeng that POTUS really does have an agenda for a second term, but, as the headline says, his real reason is fear of becoming a one-term loser.

He doesnt want to accomplish much of anything as a matter of policy. There is a war going on in what passes for Trumps soul, and because hes such a needy, turbulent 5-year-old whose life is a nonstop freak show, we are all inevitably sucked into that war, which is this: He wants to win, but he doesnt want any of the responsibilities that actually come with being president.

He wants to win the election, that much is clear, because to him far more than most people, life is about winning, and if youre an incumbent president and you lose re-election, you will be remembered as an all-time loser. No getting around that. Jimmy Carterloser. George H.W. Bushloser. There are more important reasons to want to see Joe Biden crush Trump in November, but very high on my list will be the joy of knowing that Donald John Trump will go down in history as a huge loser, especially if he gets trounced.


Top General Called Trump ‘an Idiot’ And Said Melania Was ‘inquisitive & Smarter’ Than Him: Report

Hypocritical Orange Baboon

One of the country’s top generals dismissed President Donald Trump as “an idiot” businessman with no “basic understanding of national security” at a 2017 dinner, according to another official’s notes from that night that were published by The Washington Post on Wednesday.

In the Post story about sexual assault allegations against Gen. John E. Hyten, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Col. Kathy Spletstoser shared notes she took from the October 2017 dinner where she annotated the general’s comments.

The Post story about Spletstoser details some strikingly candid thoughts Hyten once shared about the first couple.

Video: Gen. John Hyten denies sexual misconduct allegations

The president is an idiot, he told Spletstoser and others who attended a prior briefing on the dinner, the Post reported.

Spletstoser told the paper she turned over her transcripts to investigators looking into her allegations but claimed the notes were hidden to protect Hyten’s career.

He is just a businessman without the basic understanding of national security,” the general reportedly said about Trump. “Everything is a business transaction for him and making money is winning to him and the only thing that matters.

Hyten did not comment to the Post on the notes about what he said.

A White House official told the paper: We are unfamiliar with any conversation like this. Discussions like this would not be had casually around a dinner table.

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Dna Test Reveals Donald Trump Jr Is Fifty Per Cent Idiot

    Save this story for later.

NEW YORK Donald Trump, Jr., has taken a DNA test that reveals that he is fifty-per-cent idiot, Trump confirmed on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference in Trump Tower, Trump said that he had undergone the DNA testing to silence all of the haters who have been saying Im a total idiot.

Crowing about the test results, Trump said, According to this test, I am fifty-per-cent idiot, which is way less than half.

Trumps results drew a skeptical response from the scientific community, with many leading geneticists questioning the integrity of his DNA sample.

According to Davis Logsdon, a genetic scientist at the University of Minnesota, Any test of Don, Jr., that comes back lower than ninety-per-cent idiot is going to set off alarm bells, scientifically speaking.

Trump, Jr., first boasted about his test results on Twitter, where he misspelled DNA.

When The Documents Speak

The modern presidency keeps a lot of records, which is why modern presidents have often worked hard to keep those records secret as long as possible. When they do open up, they tell stories. The journalist Richard Reeves used them from the Kennedy years to write a book reconstructing in sometimes minute-by-minute detail key days of JFKs presidency.

When supplemented with oral histories, or contemporaneous journals there are lots of stories the documents might tell even if Trump wishes they never get told.

Who does Trump meet with and talk to on the phone? This might illuminate one of the major stories of the Trump years, which is the real relationships between an anti-establishment president with many establishment Republicans and corporate leaders who either publicly or privately profess to loathe him.

What is the role of Vice President Mike Pence, who never conveys anything but unqualified support for Trump, and what can we learn about his real views and how he put them into practice?

Did senior officials who have made clear they regard Trump as erratic ever take steps that we dont currently know about to implement the 25th Amendment challenging his fitness for office?

Have we come closer than is currently known to an impulsive military action?

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The 6 Trump Bombshells Still Waiting To Explode

Reporters and historians describe the things we still dont know about the president.

06/25/2020 11:33 AM EDT

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Altitude is a column by POLITICO founding editor John Harris, offering weekly perspective on politics in a moment of radical disruption.

We have known since nearly the beginning of Donald Trumps presidency that he believes his first attorney general was a dangerous idiot. We have known for nearly as long that his first secretaries of state and defense think the same thing about Trump.

We know, because Bob Woodward told us in a book two years ago, that some advisersare so anxious that the president could do something impulsive or boneheaded that they skulk into the Oval Office to take papers off his desk.

We know, because former national security adviser John Bolton told us this month in a book of his own, that Trump allegedly shreds ethical lines between the nations foreign policy and his personal considerations, proposing crude bargains with the dictator of China to help his reelection or trying to help the dictator of Turkey to shut down a bothersome criminal case.

We know that the president lives in a state of agitated grievance, spending countless dark hours when most people are sleeping fulminating against his enemies and bemoaning that he is being insufficiently praised. We know this, of course, because Trump compulsively narrates his own thought stream in real time on Twitter.

Reading The Thought Bubbles

Billboard calling Trump `idiot` roils New Jersey town

We will find out eventually all the things that they do, even their taxes, Jordan said of the Trumps. The questions we dont know the answer to are about whats in their minds.

Does he have unexpressed thoughts? asked presidential historian Jon Meacham. The tendency to assume that Trump has no introspection or strategic sense beyond what he shares on Twitter may itself be too superficial, he added.

In the world abroad, Meacham asked, what explains the tension between Trumps blustery talk but seemingly dovish instincts on use of military force? Here at home, since his early New York days, Trump has been skilled at manipulating his image and penetrating establishment circles while remaining independent of them. Does he operate from a theory of power or on improvisational instinct alone?

Hes so good at making us focus on the part of the iceberg we can see, Meacham said. Im not suggesting there are great hidden depths to him, but there is stuff we dont know.

And there are things about America during the Trump years, we dont know. Im more interested in what he says about the country than what happened moment-to-moment in the Oval Office. His grip on 40 percent of us is fascinating.

Until the deeper dimensions of the Trump years are illuminated, his closer-to-the-surface ruminations are keeping the daily historians busy.

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Don’t Miss: Where Is President Trump’s Next Rally

Talk Of The County: Trump Is An Idiot Who Knows Nothing About Democracy Honesty Religion Or Humanity’

Editors note

Talk of the County is a reader-generated column of opinions. If you see something you disagree with or think is incorrect, please tell us. Call us at 312-222-4554 or email .

Putins roommate

This person who wants to be president again has all the qualities we need. Lying. Never took any tests in school, he paid others. Never read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, and can hardly read a daily paper. All legal matters he hands to his crooked buddies. Never read the Bible, but can wave it well. He was taught how to cheat from his father. He tried to steal the British Open to his golf course again, money for Donald. What secrets has he sold to his friend, Putin? The test he took to prove he has a brain is one to prove he doesnt have dementia yet. Trump is an idiot who knows nothing about democracy, honesty, religion or humanity. He hates the middle class and tries to destroy all it stands for. No mail-in votes, so the middle class and elderly have no say in the way this man with no moral compass can be in the White House again. No, no no. Send him to live with his buddy, Putin.

Very scary

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