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How Much Has Trump Spent On Travel So Far

Request Comes In Preparation For The Fiscal 2021 Budget Process

Trump Has Spent A Third Of His Presidency So Far At Trump-Branded Properties | NBC Nightly News

The top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee is inquiring how much taxpayers have spent on Secret Service protection for President Trump and his family while they are traveling.

In preparation for the Secret Services upcoming budget request, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, wrote to Secret Service Director James Murray on Wednesday. He asked for the dates, purposes and expenses for all of the president and his familys domestic and international trips since January 2017. Thomspson also requested that the agency specify which expenses were incurred at Trump properties.

The large number of protectees in the Trump family and their frequent travel has already strained the Secret Services budget, making it important that this committee fully understand the resources request of the Secret Service to protect the first family, Thompson wrote. In order to assess the agencys forthcoming fiscal year 2021 budget request, I am seeking information on the expenses your office has incurred to support the travel of President Trump and his family throughout his time in office.

Since Trump took office, taxpayer spending on golf carts, flights to political rallies, luxury resorts, stays at Trump properties and more has been under scrutiny.

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How Many Times Has Trump Gone Golfing As President

Trump visited his golf clubs more than 150 times in his first official year in office, and at least 77 times in his second year in office.

However, the precise number of times Trump has actually played golf is difficult to track. His administration has tried to hide Trump’s activity, keeping his traveling press pool away and often refusing to confirm whether he has played golf. Instead, social media has become a source of crowd-sourced reporting into the president’s whereabouts.

Why We Are Doing This

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf.” –Donald J. Trump, August, 2016

Our President made a promise to the American people. Here we track his fulfillment of that promise. You can view our full list of Trump’s golf outings here, and see this explanation for more information. Or just watch this video to hear it straight from the President himself.

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Barack Obamas Vacation Costs

  • Estimated vacation costs: $105.7 million

After Barack Obamas two-term presidency ended, watchdog agencies calculated exactly how much his presidential vacation days travel considered personal or mostly personal cost American taxpayers.

According to Judicial Watch, a conservative non-profit activist organization, the Obama family vacation bill amounted to $105,662,975.27 . That total was based on travel records obtained from the Secret Service in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The $105.7 million averaged out to more than $13 million per year over eight years. In December 2018 the McClatchy DC Bureau reported a lower figure of $85 million in Obama vacation costs over eight years.

The American People Pay The Bill While Trump Profits

The Insane Travel &  Leisure Costs of the Trump Presidency ...

Not only are the American people paying the bill for Trumps many trips to his clubs, but the president is profiting from those trips.

As The Washington Post noted earlier this month, Trump is charging the Secret Service $650 per night to stay at his properties, which shows the president is again lying when he says hes barely charging the agency anything when they stay at his clubs.

Trumps company says it charges only minimal fees, the report notes. But Secret Service records do not show that.

Its simple: Donald Trump repeatedly uses the presidency to enrich himself at the expense of taxpayers. His head fake about donating his salary might work on his base, but the broader American electorate should be mad as hell.

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Trump’s Golfing Has Cost Taxpayers $102 Million Just $127 Million Behind Obama’s Travel During Entire Presidency: Report

Daniel Moritz-Rabson U.S.Donald TrumpTrumpGolfObama

President Donald Trump’s golf outings have already cost U.S. taxpayers at least $102 million, according to an analysis from the HuffPost.

The $102 million paid by Americans to cover security and travel expenses on the golf trips during Trump’s almost two and half years in office was about $12.7 million less than what Barack Obama and his family spent on travel during Obama’s eight years in the White House, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, a conservative government watchdog that relies on open records laws.

HuffPost said it “took a conservative approach to determining costs” of Trump’s travel. It calculated Air Force One operating costs at $15,994 per-hourthe price of fuel and maintenancealthough Pentagon documents received by Judicial Watch showed that each flight-hour cost $180,118 in fiscal year 2016 and $206,337 in fiscal year 2015.

The amount of money spent by Trump on golf since taking office highlights the disconnect between his campaign statements and his conduct while president. On the campaign trail during the 2016 election, Trump criticized Obama for golfing. In 2016, he tweeted “While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government! Airports a total disaster!”

His campaign comments about Obama’s golf habit continued the criticism he lobbed as a private citizen, when he tweeted frequently about Obama’s golfing.

How Much Money Has Trump Funneled Into His Own Businesses While In Office As President

He also spent over $1.1 million visiting the. Trump promised to never golf. The us refugee program has also been suspended with. And some of what has been disclosed has been misleading. Click here to find out how to securely share tips. How much time would that mean trump has spent on twitter as president? How much has the government spent protecting president trump on vacations, business travel and golf outings? As the interactive graphic above shows, by those measures trump has spent nearly 10 full days as president doing nothing but tweeting. How much does trump’s travel cost? There has been around $15bn spent for the construction of the barrier coming from various us government departments, including the department of homeland security, and the defense and treasury. That puts him on course to spend more in less than a year of being in office. Trump often boasts of donating his white house pay, but taxpayers are shelling out much larger in response to a huffpost query on wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials over that period, trump had golfed 25 times. Instead, trump has spent an enormous amount of time on vacation.

President trump’s weekend vacations to his private club in florida have cost taxpayers almost as much in a month as president obama’s entire travel spending for a year .

But according to a new report in the washington post, trump’s travel during his first month in.

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How Much Is New

Various types of fencing totalling 654 miles were already in place before Mr Trump became president in 2017.

These ran through the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

The Trump administration say they’ve completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then.

It’s 452 miles in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection information .

However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before – that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.

The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations.

President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it’s replacing what he called “old and worthless barriers.”

How Much Do Presidents Spend On Travel Trump Vs Obama

So Far Trump Has Reportedly Mostly Spent The $75 Million He Raised Off His Supporters On Himself

President Donald Trump who criticized politicians in September for wasting taxpayer money is on track to spend more on travel costs in his first year as president than President Barack Obama did during his entire eight-year tenure in the White House.

Costs of travel for President Barack Obama vs. President Donald TrumpPhoto: Reddit

The discrepancy in travel costs was visualized in a graphic posted on Reddit Thursday night, which was widely shared the following day. The graphic used reporting from the Washington Post to show Trump spent nearly $10 million in his first month as president, while Obama spent $12 million per year.

Read: Cost Of Obamas Travel, Vacation: President Spent Almost $100 Million Of Taxpayers Money

If Trumps travel costs stay consistent throughout his entire presidency, they could reach $480 million for one term and $960 million for two. In contrast, over Obamas travel costs reached $97 million over his eight years in office.

Part of that is due to Trumps frequent trips to his Mar-A-Lago estate in West Palm Beach, Florida. St. Patricks Day weekend Trump made the trip to Mar-A-Lago since he was inaugurated Jan. 20. In part because of high security costs, each trip to Florida costs an estimated $3 million. After five trips to his Winter White House, Trumps trips will have cost taxpayers an estimated $15 million.

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Report: Taxpayers Have Paid The Trump Organization Nearly $1 Million For Hotel Rooms Alone

Ever since he first took office, President Donald Trump has been charged with using his position to profit off the presidency, as foreign leaders stay at Trump Organization properties while the president himself ferries back and forth to the winter White House and Trump properties around the world. And while the Trump administration has been understandably cagey about just how much taxpayer money is funneling into the Trump Organizations pockets, we now have a somewhat better idea when it comes to one major charge. Following reports earlier this year that the Trump Organization has charged the Secret Service as much as $650 a night to stay at Trump properties when accompanying the president, the Washington Postreported Thursday that those hefty hotel bills have so far added up to nearly a million dollarsat least.

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Barack Obamas Favorite Vacation Destination: Hawaii

On his 2015 Christmas vacation, Obama and his family visited Hawaii, reported ABC News. While there they ate at Buzzs Original Steak House in Lanikai, visited the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, traipsed around Bellows Beach and teed off at the Marine Corp Base Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course.

In fact, Christmas in Hawaii was something of a tradition for the Obama family, since its where Barack Obama grew up. By the time he left office, he and his family had spent eight Christmases in the Aloha State for an average two-week stay.

As former First Lady Michelle Obama explained in a Christian Science Monitor article, visiting Hawaii over Christmas is such an important tradition, I wouldnt want to be anywhere else in the world.

The Obamas didnt just hit Hawaii, though. They also vacationed in places as diverse as French Polynesia, the Caribbean and Bali. But for the most part, the Obama family tended to spend their summers in Marthas Vineyard, according to Travel + Leisure magazine.

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How Much Did Donald Trump Spend On His Campaign

Know something about spending at trump properties? How much money has trump funneled into his own businesses while in office as president? I mean, there is pretty clear language in the spending bill for that 1.6 billion that was approved in march of 2018. Donald trump’s campaign spent about $94 million in its final push for the white house, according to new fundraising reports filed thursday. No one knows exactly how much trump’s travel has cost the nation. Waive the affordable care act requirements as much as legally allowed. Click here to find out how to securely share tips. And we’re not about to find out. Trump often boasts of donating his white house pay, but taxpayers are shelling out much larger in response to a huffpost query on wednesday asking if she knew how many administration officials over that period, trump had golfed 25 times. They represent the known totals so far, and there could be more obama administration travel expenses revealed in the future. Turning to trump, the alleged $147 million already spent on travel by the president and his family during his first nine months in judicial watch, who have vowed to monitor trump’s travel expenses as closely as they did obama’s (foia requests are total obama travel costs so far, $106 million. In june, he flew again to bedminster, racking up a $199,332 bill. How much does trump’s travel cost?

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