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Where Is Trump In The Polls

Even Liberals Admit Biden Is In Deep Trouble Joe Just Made Trump Look Popular In Latest Mainstream Poll

New Polls: Trumps Approval Rating Slipping | Hardball | MSNBC

Can Joe Biden do anything right? He was an unimpressive senator. He was an embarrassing vice president. Yet, for some reason, Americans voted for him to be president. How did that work out for them?

Bidens approval started to turn early in his presidency. And it got worse and worse over the Summer, as Americans witnessed just how bad the man was at leading. Some experts predicted it would bounce back. But with inflation rising and America teetering toward default, things are looking worse for old Joe.

From Fox News:

The presidents approval rating stands at just 38%, with disapproval at 53% in a Quinnipiac University survey released on Wednesday. Thats down from a 42%-50% approval/disapproval rating for Biden in a survey Quinnipiac University conducted last month

The president received negative scores in the double digits on all but one key issue asked in the new poll, which was conducted Oct. 1-4. And a majority of those surveyed said the Biden administration is not competent in running the federal government.

Wow. Im not sure there are words to describe what is going on. Even the left-leaning Quinnipiac University poll reveals that Joe Bidens approval is bad. Its not under water, its dead in the water.

The latest poll has his approval at 38%, with a 53% disapproval. Now, Id expect that kind of number from a Rasmussen poll, which is far more balanced. But a liberal-leaning outlet? You know its getting really bad.

Approval Index1500 Likely Voters +/

Strongly Disapprove

Current indexrating

Some readers wonder how we come up with our job approval ratings for the president since they often dont show as dramatic a change as some other pollsters do. It depends on how you ask the question and whom you ask.

To get a sense of longer-term job approval trends for the president, Rasmussen Reports compiles our tracking data on a full month-by-month basis.

Rasmussen Reports has been a pioneer in the use of automated telephone polling techniques, but many other firms still utilize their own operator-assisted technology .

Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 Likely Voters is +/- 2.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Results are also compiled on a full-week basis and crosstabs for full-week results are available for Platinum Members.

Can We Trust The Polls

It’s easy to dismiss the polls by saying they got it wrong in 2016 and President Trump frequently does exactly that. But it’s not entirely true.

Most national polls did have Hillary Clinton ahead by a few percentage points, but that doesn’t mean they were wrong, since she won three million more votes than her rival.

Pollsters did have some problems in 2016 – notably a failure to properly represent voters without a college degree – meaning Mr Trump’s advantage in some key battleground states wasn’t spotted until late in the race, if at all. Most polling companies have corrected this now.

But this year there’s even more uncertainty than normal due to the coronavirus pandemic and the effect it’s having on both the economy and how people will vote in November, so all polls should be read with some scepticism.

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Donald Trump would beat Joe Biden if their electoral match-up was repeated today, according to a new poll that comes as the presidents approval rating continues to tank in the wake of the countrys chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan.

A plurality of 47 percent of voters would favor Trump in a hypothetical re-run of last years election, according to an Emerson College survey released Friday. Just 46 percent of those polled backed Biden, with 6 percent saying they would seek out another candidate.

And nearly four out of ten Democrats in the Emerson survey 39 percent are ready to bail on Biden, saying they want someone else to be the partys standard-bearer in 2024.

Meanwhile, Trump remains the heavy favorite among Republicans, with 67 percent of them in his corner if he vies for the GOP nomination again.

The national poll of 1,200 registered voters was conducted between Aug. 30 and Sept. 1 before Fridays miserable jobs numbers sparked new doubts about Bidens handling of the economy.

The results represent a significant slide in support for Biden, who took the White House with 51 percent of the vote to Trumps 47 percent in November.

Meanwhile, the RealClearPolitics polling average finds Bidens job approval rating underwater by more than 4 percent, his worst approval rating yet.

More than 49 percent of those polled now disapprove of Bidens performance in office, compared to 45 percent in favor.

Views On Us Capitol Riot Voter Fraud Allegations

Donald Trump has his biggest poll lead yet (but he

Fifty-eight percent of those polled by Ipsos agree Trump was at least partly responsible for that violence. Democrats and independents are more likely than Republicans to blame Trump for the riot 65% of GOP members disagree.

The poll found that 55% of Americans say they believe the election was entirely “legitimate and accurate.” Confidence levels break along partisan lines: 86% of Democrats say the election was conducted fairly and accurately versus 53% of independents and 25% of Republicans.

The poll found that 20% of those surveyed say they do not know whether the election was legitimate or fraudulent.

Anyone can fall for ‘fake news’:The psychology of conspiracy theories

In the run-up to and since the election Nov. 3, Trump repeatedly spread conspiracy theories about voting, including that there was widespread fraud that affected the outcome of the race.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 30% of those surveyed agree the 2020 election “was stolen from Donald Trump.” Overall, 57% disagree, and 48% strongly disagree with the sentiment. Partisan divides are again evident: 61% of Republicans somewhat or strongly agree that the election was stolen from Trump.

The poll found concern about election fraud, raising questions of democratic legitimacy in one of the world’s oldest democracies. One-third of the public and more than half of Republicans express concerns about the accuracy of mail-in-voting and absentee ballots in the poll.

Follow Matthew Brown online .

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Trump Wins Back Independents Biden Loses Ground With Women

Both candidates largely hold onto voters within their own parties. Ninety-three percent of Democrats support Biden, along with 4% of self-described Republicans. And 89% of Republicans support Trump, along with 2% of Democrats.

But Trump has regained an edge with those who identify as independents a bloc key to his 2016 win in Iowa. According to National Election Pool exit polling published by CNN, independent voters favored Trump 51% to 38% over Democrat Hillary Clinton that year.

In the Registers September Iowa Poll, Biden led with independents 50% to 38%. But today, Trump wins them back and leads 49% to 35%.

I think that the key to what’s happening with President Trump is that he is leading with independents, Selzer said. That is a group that in Iowa in our September poll looked like it was swinging to Joe Biden, and it’s come back to be a Trump asset.

In addition to fading with independents, Biden has lost ground with women. In September, he held a 20-point lead among women, which balanced out Trumps 21-point lead among men. But today, Bidens lead with women has shrunk to 9 percentage points, 50% to 41%.

We saw a huge gender gap that benefited Biden in September, Selzer said. And while there is still a big gap among men theyre going for Trump by a 24-point margin it’s just a 9-point margin for Biden with women. And so there’s just an imbalance there. Before, we saw mirror images of each other.

Who Really Won The Election

Keep up to date on President Trumps popularity and how the general population perceives his performance.

All polling records shown on this website are 100% accurate and reveal the true national polling numbers. MSM and other biased media outlets cannot be counted on for accurate data. Only DonaldTrumpPolls maintains the nations largest pool of votes nationwide covering the popularity of our most recent president.


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Construction Of Keystone Pipeline

In January 2017, Donald Trump ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to permit construction of the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline. Donald Trump wanted to build the final uncompleted portion of the Dakota Access pipeline. The Keystone XL oil pipeline would bring oil from Alberta, Canada to the Nebraska area. It would then connect to an existing pipeline to bring the crude to the Illinois area.

Area polled

plurality oppose

Us Election 2020 Polls: Who Is Ahead

Early voting soars as Biden leads Trump in polls

BBC News

Voters in America will decide on 3 November whether Donald Trump remains in the White House for another four years.

The Republican president is being challenged by Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden, who is best known as Barack Obama’s vice-president but has been in US politics since the 1970s.

As election day approaches, polling companies will be trying to gauge the mood of the nation by asking voters which candidate they prefer.

We’ll be keeping track of those polls here and trying to work out what they can and can’t tell us about who will win the election.

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Percent Of Trump Voters Are Worried About Discrimination Against Whites: Poll

A large majority of people who voted for former President TrumpDonald Trump Trump urges GOP senators to vote against McConnell debt dealOn The Money Presented by NRHC Senate slowly walks back from debt disasterAdministration confirms it will restore national monuments to pre-Trump boundariesMORE say they are concerned about anti-white discrimination in the United States, according to a new poll from the University of Virginia and Project Home Fire released on Friday.

Eighty-four percent of Trump voters who responded to the survey say they either strongly or somewhat agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the U.S. in the next few years. Of respondents who voted for President BidenJoe BidenArkansas lawmakers advance bill prohibiting businesses from demanding workers’ vaccine statusSenate approves short-term debt ceiling increaseOn The Money Presented by NRHC Senate slowly walks back from debt disasterMORE, 38 percent said they felt the same way.

On discrimination against minorities, the respondents were flipped, with 87 percent of Biden voters saying they believe white people have advantages over people of color, while 38 percent of Trump voters said the same. Ninety-one percent of Biden voters believe that systemic racism is an issue in America and 45 percent of Trump voters said they agree.

“American racial and ethnic politics have reached their breaking point,” the report states.

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