Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Why Is Donald Trump Such An Asshole

Biden Called Trump An ‘asshole’ After Discovering His ‘golf Toys’ Including A Giant Video Screen In The White House Book Says

Denis Leary Speculates Why Donald Trump Often Slurs His Words
  • Biden was apparently not impressed by Trump’s imprint on the White House, a new book says.

  • He called Trump a “fucking asshole” over “golf toys” the former president left, it says.

  • Biden finds the White House a cold place to live but appreciates the staff, the book adds.

  • See more stories on Insider’s business page.

President Joe Biden was apparently not fond of the personal impressions his predecessor left on the White House, according to “Peril,” a new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

He referred to former President Donald Trump as a “fucking asshole” over the “golf toys” he left at the White House.

“Trump’s existence permeated the White House, even the residence. One night, Biden wandered into a room where a huge video screen covered the wall. To relax, Trump used to upload programs to virtually play the world’s most famous golf courses,” Woodward and Costa write. “‘What a fucking asshole,’ Biden once said as he surveyed the former president’s golf toys.”

Biden finds the White House a cold place to reside, the book says and privately began calling it “the tomb,” the book says. The president did emphasize to aides and friends that the staff at the White House were great, it adds.

“‘I’m just not used to taking off my coat and someone grabbing it and hanging it up,’ Biden said. ‘But they’re very nice people,'” the book says.

The book portrays the president as anxious to move past the Trump era.

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Why Do Trump Voters Believe His Lies It’s Not Because They’re Stupid

The cornerstones of President Trumps campaign were promises to appeal Obamacare and ban Muslims from the US. It took Trump less than 70 days to fail on both promises.

And yet, despite his epic fails, lies and incompetence, Trumps base supports him like theyre spanx and hes Marie Osmond. What explains this loyalty? Science has the answer.

Have a look at this puzzle.

Which drawing best illustrates the correct mechanics and structure of a bicycle?

How you answer will help explain the loyalty of Trump voters. Ill explain in just a bit. But first

What I wanted to know is WTF!?

How can two people look at President Trump and have such polar opposite observations? To find out, I conducted an experiment. I set up a fake account and joined more than 50 pro-Trump Facebook groups. I created a meme that said: What do you like about President Trump, then I shared it.

I got more than a thousand responses in 24 hours and the things people wrote most is that they like Trump because hes not a politician hes a real American not corrupted by Washington, and beholden to no one.

The next most common response was that Trump believes in God.

This was followed in near equal measure by Trump Loves America, he keeps his promises, that hes a good businessman, that he cant be bought, and that he tells the truth.

OK. So, one of them is true! Trump is not a politician. One could go either wayhis love for America.

I got nearly 700 responses.


We Deserve Better Than Donald Trump

A longtime aide to John McCain on the GOP’s presidential frontrunner.

Read our profile of Donald Trump from the February issue on Esquire Classic, here.

I’ve always distrusted people who never question their assumptions or test their opinions against their critics’ arguments. I believe empathy is the starting point of wisdom, and imagining things from an opponent’s point of view is essential to solving problems in a closely divided polity.

Yet on the subject of Donald Trump, my mind is closed. Slammed shut. Triple-bolted. Sealed like a tomb.

Nothing anyone could reveal about Trump could get me to change my opinion that he’s an asshole. And not a “yeah, but he’s our asshole” kind but rather a cartoon villain, a fake, a cheat, a liar, a creep, a bullying, bragging, bullshitting, blowhard kind of asshole.

There have been lots of candidates in the past I’ve disagreed with, even loathed. There’s only one I’ve wanted to punch in the face as he’s doing one of his pursed-lips, chin-tilting Il Duce impersonations.

I grew up in Iowa, where people are widely admired for their courtesy, generosity, and modesty, for their un-Trumpness. Iowa was the first state to offer a new home and resettlement assistance to Vietnamese boat people. It’s also welcomed refugees from other war-torn and oppressed countries. Until the terrorist attacks in Paris, eight hundred more were expected to arrive in Iowa this year. Most Iowans of my acquaintance are just good people.

Don’t Miss: How Do I Get Ahold Of President Trump

Demanding A 25% Tariff On Chinese Goods

During his recent live-action satire of American politics and media he proposed a 25 percent tariff on Chinese goods, a move that would detonate the US economy faster than minting quarters out of plutonium .He then went on the Today show to demonstrate why anyone who ever lent him money was an idiot, summing up the US’s relationship with China by saying: “They have some of our debt. Big deal. They don’t have the cards. We have the cards.” This is a man who considers owing someone almost a trillion dollars as the time to start playing tough. If Trump was flushed out of an airliner and you tried to sell him a parachute on the way down, he’d sue you for implying he could fly.

Lock Him Up Why Is Repeat Offender Donald Trump Still A Free Man

IanFontaine (u/IanFontaine)

The ex-president is accused of abuse of power, fraud, tax evasion and more but he has not been charged with anything

A sudden fall from power always comes hard. King Alfred was reduced to skulking in a Somerset bog. A distraught Napoleon talked to coffee bushes on St Helena. Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia hung around the haberdashery department of Jollys in Bath. Ugandas Idi Amin plotted bloody revenge from a Novotel in Jeddah. Only Alfred the Great made a successful comeback.

All of which brings us to Donald Trump, currently in exile at his luxury club in Bedminster, New Jersey. Whingeing amid the manicured greens and bunkers of his exclusive golf course, the defeated president recalls an ageing Bonnie Prince Charlie a sort of king over the water with water features. Like deposed leaders throughout history, he obsesses about a return to power.

Yet as Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell moves to kill off a 9/11-style national commission to investigate the 6 January Capitol Hill insurrection, the pressing question is not whether Trump can maintain cult-like sway over Republicans, or even whether he will run again in 2024. The question that should most concern Americans who care about democracy is: why isnt Trump in jail?

Yet Trump, who urged supporters at a Washington rally that day to fight like hell to stop Congress certifying his election loss, is not among them. He has not even been questioned over his indisputably pivotal role.

Read Also: How Many Approve Of Trump

How Assholes Work And Why Donald Trump Is A Unique Specimen

“There will always be grey areas of social cooperative life that people can exploit.”

Few things are agreed upon in American politics, but one fact is universally understood: Donald Trump is an asshole. Clearly, assholery does not preclude political success in this country in fact, it may guarantee a certain number of delegates. One could argue â though a political scientist might demure â it is now inevitable that an asshole will inhabit the White House in 2017. One could probably further argue that an asshole always has.

This is why the University of California-Irvineâs Aaron James, Ph.D., thinks itâs crucial we begin to understand assholes as a species independent from dickheads, jerks, and shitheels. The philosophy professor and author of Assholes: A Theory and its follow-up, Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, released this month, believes the most realistic approach Americans can take to the upcoming election is not to dismiss assholes, but to manage them. He talked to Inverse about why the Republican Party canât control Trump, yoga culture isnât immune to assholery, and, yes, Hillary Clinton is probably an asshole, too.

Whatâs your definition of an asshole?

The asshole is the guy who takes special advantages in cooperative life out of an entrenched sense of entitlement. Heâs immunized against the complaints of other people. So he takes special advantages from entitlements and is resistant or unwilling to listen to complaints.

Former Aide To John Mccain Says He ‘had Such Little Respect’ For Trump

A former aide to Sen. John McCainDonald TrumpGraham opposes short-term debt hike, warns against being ‘held hostage’ to filibuster44 percent of Republicans want Trump to run again in 2024: surveyMORE‘s repeated insults because he didn’t respect him.

It did not bother him a bit because he had such little respect he had no respect for Donald Trump anyway, Grant Woods told progressive PAC MeidasTouch in a podcast interview this week that was first reported by HuffPost.

McCain really didnt spend hardly any time thinking about Trump or worrying about Trump or any of that, Woods said. He called it as he saw it, and he thought Trump was an asshole, and he thought he was an idiot. And if he spent any time on it, it was in trying not to say that publicly as much as he thought it.

Both before and during his time in office, Trump regularly spoke derisively about McCain, going so far as to scoff at the idea that the 2008 Republican presidential nominee was a hero because of his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

Trump avoided being drafted into the Vietnam War via a series of student and medical deferments, HuffPost reported.

Woods, a former GOP attorney general for Arizona who is now a registered Democrat, said on the podcast that McCain, who died of brain cancer in 2018, got upset about the remarks only after having a conservation with his POW friends.

Recommended Reading: Is Trump In Palm Beach This Weekend

Does The President Appeal To A Certain Kind Of Man

I’ve been thinking for months about something I heard author David Frum say on a podcast back in July. Discussing Donald Trump’s appeal to various kinds of Republicans, Frum noted that for many conservative activists and pundits, the relationship with the president is transactional and prudential. They don’t especially like or admire Trump, but they view supporting him as the surest way to get what they most care about in politics, be it tax cuts, pro-life judges, or some other policy priority.

But Frum also pointed out that for many other Republicans especially a certain segment of men something else was at stake that was tied much more closely and directly to the president and his distinctive style of politics. “Trump allows jerks to be jerks,” Frum observed. These people look to the president almost as “the leader of a jerk liberation movement,” because he gives them permission to behave like cretins without shame or apology. When it comes to this faction of the electorate, “We’re not actually having a political disagreement. We’re having a disagreement about something I find repulsive and you find thrilling.”

That explains much of the character of politics in the Trump era and it certainly explains my own visceral reaction to Tuesday night’s presidential debate.

At least it was for me.

The answer is probably: a certain segment of men.

Do they prefer civilization or barbarism?

Assholes: A Theory Of Donald Trump

Mary Trump On Why Donald Trumpâs Presidency Left Country âSo Vulnerableâ

Almost everyone now knows that Donald Trump is an asshole. Much to his credit, Aaron James pointed this out in Assholes: A Theory well before Trump took center stage in American politics. In his new book, James sets out to develop this idea in greater detail. According to the back cover, the book does not ask whether Trump is an asshole. This much is assumed. Instead, it raises the further question: What sort of asshole is Trump? As such, the book is presented as a contribution to what the author calls assholeology.

Readers will quickly learn that the book covers much more than this. Only the introduction and the first chapter are, properly speaking, exercises in assholeology. Even the first chapter, The Ass-Clown and Asshole, is more about offering a general theory of Trumps person than a strict examination of his assholery, and the final three chapters not only ask whether having an asshole like Trump for president is a sound proposition, they also point to the larger problem of what James calls asshole political capitalism.

Also Check: Why Does President Trump Lie So Much

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