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What Is Trump’s Rating In The Polls

Bidens Personal Traits Viewed Less Positively Than Last Fall

Trump’s approval rating drops 6 points in new poll l ABCNews

Public perceptions of Bidens personal traits have turned more negative over the course of his presidency, largely paralleling the decline in his approval ratings, with some exceptions.

While a majority of Americans say stands up for what he believes in describes Biden very or fairly well, public assessments of whether Biden is honest and cares about the needs of ordinary people are more divided. About half say honest describes Biden at least fairly well, while a similar share say it does not. Similarly, about half characterize him as caring about the needs of ordinary people, while roughly as many say this is not a good descriptor.

The publics evaluation is more negative on other measures: About two-thirds say inspiring does not describe Biden well, while nearly as many say the same for mentally sharp. And although 44% say a good role model describes Biden at least fairly well, a larger share say this does not describe the president well.

While Bidens ratings on each of these traits have declined substantially over the course of his presidency, the sharpest decline is seen in views of Bidens mental sharpness and this shift is particularly pronounced among Democrats.

The trajectory of opinion follows a similar, if less stark, pattern for the other traits asked about in the survey.

Trump Approval Ratings Still Strong In Key Battleground States: Poll

Former President Trump remains overwhelmingly popular among Republican voters in key battleground states heading into the midterm election cycle, according to a new roundup of polls released Monday.

Nearly 4 in 5 Republican voters surveyed in Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania rated Trump favorably, according to Morning Consult surveys conducted in March.

The former president had slightly higher favorability in Georgia and North Carolina than he did in Ohio and Pennsylvania .

Each of those states have important Senate races that Trump has waded into or where he is considering endorsing a GOP candidate.

Morning Consult surveyed at least 855 registered Republican voters in each state from March 1-20. The margin of error for each poll is about 3.7 percentage points.

The polls suggest that Trump-backed candidates in those states could greatly benefit from the former presidents support, even as some of his recent endorsements have fallen flat. But it remains to be seen to what extent approval of Trump will transfer to his picks.

Trumps popularity in the four states has remained virtually unchanged since he left office, Morning Consult found.

In North Carolina, Trump has endorsed Rep. Ted Budd for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Richard Burr , who is retiring. In Pennsylvania, Trump recently endorsed former television host Mehmet Oz to replace retiring Sen. Pat Toomey

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A new NBC News poll shows that voters are evenly split about whether they want Democrats or Republicans to control Congress while President Joe Bidens approval rating inched up and former president Donald Trumps took a dip.

Republican consulting firm Public Opinion Strategies and Hart Research Associates surveyed 1,000 registered voters between 9 September and 13 September. The poll had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

Mr Bidens approval rating moved up three points since August to 45 per cent, his highest approval rating since October of last year. His approval rating moved down three points to 52 per cent.

Meanwhile, Mr Bidens former opponent Mr Trumps favorability rating dropped two points since August while his unfavorability rating stayed put at 54 per cent, with 56 per cent of voters saying that investigations into potential wrongdoing should continue. Its the lowest favorability for Mr Trump since April when 32 per cent approved of him while 55 per cent viewed him negatively, according to NBC.

Mr Bidens polling improvement comes after a streak of policy victories. Last month, Mr Biden signed legislation to support the manufacturing of semiconductors in the United States as well as the Inflation Reduction Act, the United States single largest investment in combating climate change that would also allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices.

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Data Download: The Numbers You Need To Know Today

58 percent: The share of Americans who say their bigger concern is making sure that everyone who wants to vote can do so, per new NBC News poll.

38 percent: The share who say their bigger concern is making sure that no one votes who is not eligible to vote.

1.6 million: The number of valid signatures collected by backers of the recall election against California Gov. Gavin Newsom, per the secretary of states office.

$400 million: How much the recall election could cost, according to the California Association of Clerks and Election Officials.

$15 an hour: The new minimum wage for federal contractors, starting in January, under an executive order that President Biden is set to sign.

89: The number of people New York fell short by in its count to retain one of its House seats.

32,276,517: The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, per the most recent data from NBC News and health officials.

576,763: The number of deaths in the United States from the virus so far, per the most recent data from NBC News. (Thats 474 more than yesterday morning.

230,768,454: The number of vaccine doses administered in the U.S.

26.5 percent: The share of Americans who are fully vaccinated

2: The number of days left for Biden to reach his 100-day vaccination goal.

Sahil Kapur notes that Bidens first 100 days have been shaped in some ways by the first 100 days of his Democratic predecessor.

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What is Donald Trump

Poll of the week: A new Quinnipiac University poll finds that President Donald Trumps approval rating stands at 34%, while his disapproval is at 61%. The same pollster put Trump at a 33% approve to 60% disapprove split last week.

Whats the point: Before we bid adieu: This story has been updated with more poll numbers released in Trumps final days as president.

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Approval Ratings By State

Approval ratings vary greatly by state and can indicate how a state will vote in the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election. Since his inauguration in January 2017, President Trumps net approval has decreased in every state. President Trumps approval rating is decreasing in important states that he won in his 2016 election, including swing states and states that are consistently Republican in every election. The three key states Trump had in his 2016 election are Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, all of which currently have approval ratings under 50%.

Below are each states approval ratings for President Trump as of February 2020. Data is from a poll by the Morning Consult.

  • Net approval since Trump took office has decreased by 18 points

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United States Presidential Approval Rating

This article or section appears to be slanted towards recent events. Please try to keep recent events in historical perspective and add more content related to non-recent events.

In the United States, presidential job approval ratings were first conducted by George Gallup to gauge public support for the president of the United States during their term. An approval rating is a percentage determined by polling which indicates the percentage of respondents to an opinion poll who approve of a particular person or program. Typically, an approval rating is given to a politician based on responses to a poll in which a sample of people are asked whether they approve or disapprove of that particular political figure. A question might ask: Do you approve or disapprove of the way that the current president is handling their job as president?

Like most surveys that measure opinions, individual poll results may be inaccurate. Many unscientific approval rating systems exist that show inaccurate statistics. Examples that self select, such as online questions are of this type however, the aggregate approval rating is generally accepted by statisticians, as a statistically valid indicator of the comparative changes in the popular United States mood regarding a president.

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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Americans tend to view presidents more favorably in retrospect than they do while in office, Gallup polling has shown.

In addition to leaving office, another factor has kept Trump from a continuous spotlight: Social media giants Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have all banned the former president from posting on their platforms, a decision they enacted shortly after his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in January. The companies have argued the move is necessary to prevent the spread of dangerous misinformation, though its raised questions about free speech and censorship on social media.

Trump has remained an active guest on conservative platforms, and he briefly posted thoughts to a personal blog. But stripped of his Twitter account and the White House megaphone, hes largely receded from mainstream attention.

Selzer said none of that appears to be hurting Trumps favorability numbers in Iowa.

It doesnt seem to be a case of out of sight out of mind, she said. Maybe its a little bit more of absence makes the heart grow fonder.

In a December 2018 Iowa Poll of registered Republicans, only 19% of respondents said they thought posting potentially inflammatory messages on Twitter on a regular basis was a good move for Trump. Far more 72% said doing so was a mistake.

Karen Moon, a 32-year-old Indianola resident and poll respondent, said she was never a fan of Trumps public persona.

She would definitely vote for him if he ran again for president, Moon said.

Could Biden’s Low Popularity In Key Swing States Cause Issues For Democrats

Trump’s approval ratings on the rise

A recent poll found that President Joe Biden has a lower popularity rating in some key swing states ahead of the November midterm elections, including in Nevada, which could make it more difficult for Democratic candidates to win their races.

While Biden won the state in 2020, a survey conducted by Civiqs found that 38 percent of Nevada voters said that they approve of Biden’s presidency while 54 percent said they disapprove.

“President Biden’s low approval makes it hard to persuade undecideds to vote for Democrats and makes it difficult to rally Democrats.” Brandon Rottinghaus, a political science professor at the University of Houston, told Newsweek.

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Ballotpedias Polling Index: Comparison Of Opinion Polling During The Trump And Biden Administrations

Policy positions

Weeks covered: 69

This page compares overall trends in opinion polling averages during the presidency of Joe Biden to those during the presidency of Donald Trump . Ballotpedias polling indexes are an average of polls that measure public sentiment on presidential job approval, congressional job approval, and satisfaction with the overall direction of the country.

Ballotpedias polling indexes are updated every weekday based on opinion polls released by qualifying sources. The most recent poll released by each qualifying source is included in the overall polling average. Polls are removed from the average when the same source releases a more recent poll or 30 days after the poll was last in the field, whichever occurred first. This page looks at these polling numbers on a week-over-week basis, starting with the first full workweek of the new presidents term. This means that the numbers on this page are all weekly averages of daily average poll results.

To view the current polling index, click here. For a detailed look at opinion polling during the Trump administration, including a full list of qualifying polls taken, click here.


  • President Bidens overall approval average at this point in his term is 47.1%, 6.5 percentage points higher than President Trumps average of 40.7% at this point in his term.
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    Reuters/ipsos Trump Approval Rating: 403 Percent

    The latest findings by Reuters and Ipsos, who poll weekly, are similar to numerous other pollsters.

    As of Sept. 9, polls found Trump with a 40.3 percent approval rating, compared to 53.6 percent of those polled who disapproved of him.

    The weekly polls also found Trumps approval rating nosediving in August, hitting 38.3 percent for the week ending on Aug. 26th.

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    What Would Make You Change Your Mind About Donald J Trump

    When Michael Tesler, a political scientist at the University of California Irvine, tries to explain the amazing stability of Trumps approval in his classes, he starts with a question. He asks his students if theres anything Trump could do to make them support him. And hes invariably met by a sea of shaking heads. If you went into Trumps presidency thinking hes a racist, sexist, xenophobic, immoral, narcissistic, corrupt, and incompetent person beliefs held by most Clinton voters then theres literally almost nothing he could do to change your mind, says Tesler.

    The same is true in reverse. If you see Trump as the protector of Western Civilization, as Charlie Kirk called him the other night at the RNC, or the protector of white America, as Desmond King and Rogers Smith have called him, defending cherished American values from atheist, left-wing socialists who want to take your guns and put Cory Booker in charge of diversifying your neighborhoods, then theres almost nothing that would make you abandon him, Tesler continues.

    But how do we know if were being governed with a bare level of competence?

    Fox News Trump Approval Rating: 45 Percent


    Fox News has not tracked Trumps approval rating since mid-August, and found the president to have a 45 percent approval rating.

    The Fox News poll also found 53 percent of those polled disapproved of his time in office.

    The 45 percent approval is on track with similar findings from the news outlets polling arm in the past. In mid-July they found 46 percent of Americans approved of the president and a 45 percent approval rating in early June.

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    Democrats Get A Reminder: Their Base Is Not Very Liberal

    The other big political story of this week happened about as far away from Washington, DC, as you can get in the contiguous United States. Progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin got recalled on Tuesday night. At the same time, in the nonpartisan primary for Los Angeles mayor, progressive US Rep. Karen Bass was forced into a November runoff by businessman Rick Caruso.

    Both results showed the potency of a tough-on-crime message, even in Democratic strongholds, as I discussed earlier this week.

    But they also demonstrate that Democrats overall arent anywhere near as liberal as many progressives wish they were.

    Take a look at a CNN/SSRS poll from earlier this year. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, 64% identified as moderate or conservative. Just 17% said they were very liberal, with the remainder indicating they were somewhat liberal.

    Other polling isnt nearly as dramatic, though it makes the same point. Summer 2021 data from the Pew Research Center poll for instance showed that 15% of Democrats were very liberal, while 52% were either moderate , conservative or very conservative . The 2020 general election exit poll showed that just 42% of Biden voters were liberal, while 58% were moderate or conservative.

    Its no wonder then that even in cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, which Biden won by over 50 points, progressives are far from shoo-ins.

    How Trumps Second Impeachment Will Work

    To be sure, the national polls underestimated Trumps performance in the national election, which he lost by 4 percentage points after trailing in the RealClearPolitics average by 7 points and the FiveThirtyEight average by 8 points.

    But the latest polls conducted over the past week all show significant drops in support for Trump from the previous measurements with one notable exception: Rasmussen Reports. The Republican-leaning automated pollster, which has typically produced stronger results for Trump, has shown that the presidents approval ratings have been virtually unaffected by last weeks events.

    Trumps final approval rating is far from settled, given the congressional sprint to impeach him in the closing week of his presidency. But he is poised to go down as one of the most unpopular presidents upon leaving office.

    Barack Obamas approval rating rose in the final weeks of his presidency, following Trumps upset victory in the 2016 election. According to theRealClearPolitics average, Obamas approval rating finished at 57 percent, rising about 5 points between the election and Trumps inauguration in January 2017.

    Trump is likely to finish closer to Bushs final ratings: 34 percent in the finalGallup poll the best historical record for modern presidential approval and 29 percent in the closingRealClearPolitics average.

    More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents:Toplines |Crosstabs

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    Trump Viewed Favorably By More In Iowa Gop Than Chuck Grassley

    Trump has always been a polarizing figure in the state the percentage of all Iowans who viewed him favorably topped 50% only once before in polls dating to January 2018. That was in March 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic began to surge in the U.S.

    But he has maintained popularity among Iowa Republicans throughout his time in office, and the vast majority continue to view him favorably.

    According to the Registers Iowa Poll, 91% of Iowa Republicans have a favorable view of him and just 7% view him unfavorably. Another 2% are not sure.

    Those marks put Trump in league with Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds, who is viewed favorably by 90% of Iowa Republicans. And it surpasses Republican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, who is viewed favorably by 81% of Iowans.

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    I did not foresee the day when Donald Trump would be 10 points more popular with Iowa Republicans than the venerable Chuck Grassley, said pollster J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co.

    That Republican goodwill contrasts with Democrats feelings for Trump, 99% of whom view him unfavorably. Just 1% view him favorably.

    Independent Iowans are nearly evenly split, with 48% viewing him favorably and 49% viewing him unfavorably. Another 3% are unsure.

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