Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How Old Is Trump And Bernie Sanders

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See Bernie Sanders reaction to Trump floating 2024 presidential run

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Another Trump Takes Up The Mantle

There have been very few moments in his life when Donald Trump has not been willing to go on cable television to pontificate on the state of the real estate market. But its only been a week since Trumps casino empire went bankrupt, so this might just be one of those moments . But what do you do if Donald wont come on andDon Jr. isnt available andIvanka Trump cant even be bothered to throw on a cocktail dress and grace Fox Businesss classy barroom set with her presence? You turn to Eric Trump, naturally! Sure, he graduated college about 15 minutes ago and wasnt even around for the boom market much less understand the causes of the current real estate crisis. But hes been very well trained, clearly. Take a long, hard look, folks. We have a sinking feeling were going to be seeing a lot of him over the next, oh, four decades or so.

Elizabeth Warren Is 70 & Seven Years Younger Than Biden


Elizabeth Warren, meanwhile, is 70, which makes her seven years younger than Biden and eight years younger than Sanders. She was born on June 22, 1949.

Warren made a comment during the Democratic debate in December that she would be the youngest woman ever nominated if she got the Democratic nomination.

Her comment was made in response to a question asked in the December debate based on a comment that Obama had recently made about how the country might be better off if it was run by women rather than older people.

Next in age is Tom Steyer, who is 62. He was born on June 27, 1957.

Pete Buttigieg, meanwhile, is 37. He was mayor of South Bend, Indiana since 2012 and was in the U.S. Navy Reserve from 2009 to 2017. He was born on January 19, 1982.

Amy Klobuchar is 59. She was born on May 25, 1960.

Andrew Yang, who was on the stage last month but didnt qualify this month, recently turned 45. He was born on January 13, 1975.

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Carville: The Happiest Person Right Now Is Vladimir Putin

Since the 2016 primary, Trump has frequently suggested that the Democratic National Committee is working against Sanders to keep him from winning the party’s nomination.

A scenario receiving increased attention involves Sanders arriving at the Democratic National Convention this summer having won more delegates than any other candidate but not enough for the nomination and then being outmaneuvered by Democratic deal making to give the nomination to someone else because they believe the democratic socialist and self-proclaimed revolutionary can’t beat Trump.

Many Sanders supporters felt that the DNC favored Hillary Clinton in 2016 and again prefers a more centrist candidate this time around as the nominee a chasm in the Democratic Party that Trump frequently likes to capitalize on.

“The Kremlin is reportedly backing Bernie Sanders bid to win the White House,” Trump tweeted. “Why didn’t somebody tell me this?”

The Kremlin is reportedly backing Bernie Sanders bid to win the White House. Jon Scott Why didnt somebody tell me this?

Donald J. Trump

On Friday, The Washington Post reported that Russia was attempting to help Sanders’ campaign. Sanders and Trump, along with other lawmakers, had been briefed on Russia’s efforts. Intelligence reports have also shown that Russia is interfering in the election to benefit Trump.

Although there are no Republican nominating contests being held in Nevada this weekend, Trump held a campaign rally in Las Vegas on Friday.

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Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and the stories they tell

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Bernie Sanders Is The Oldest Candidate On The Stage Tonight


Bernie Sanders was born on September 8, 1941. That makes him 78 years old. Sanders had canceled some campaign events last year after having a heart attack, but hes since had two stents put in his heart, which lowers his chances of having another heart problem. Hes back on the campaign trail and doing well. After his heart attack, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed him for President, which brought renewed energy to his campaign.

For a 78-year-old, Sanders is still really spry and active. In fact, videos of Bernie running have been turned into memes and are shared across the Internet. And many videos have been shared showing Sanders being active in a variety of sports events.

can we put aside political differences and appreciate bernie sanders playing basketball?


When asked about his age during the December debate, Sanders said that the big problem in the country was about the oligarchy and rich people running the country and making the big decisions. The problem isnt about age or whether the person running the country is a woman or a man, he said.

Against Trump Vermont Independent Bests Other Democrats Among Key Demographic Groups

  • Sanders outperforms Biden against Trump among voters ages 18-29, those who are not interested in politics and self-described independents.

  • Biden is the strongest candidate among college-educated whites, older people and suburban white women.

  • Sanders posted his closest margin against Biden in Democratic primary polling since April, 23% to 29%.

Some Democrats are nervous that giving Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist, the partys presidential nomination would make it harder to achieve their ultimate goal of making President Donald Trump a one-term president.

Jim Messina, who managed former President Barack Obamas 2012 re-election bid, said in a recent Politico interview that Trump would love to run against Sanders, noting that Republicans have already signaled they plan to hammer the socialism angle in the fall campaign.

But a new Morning Consult poll tracking the strength of the top Democratic contenders against Trump in hypothetical matchups found Sanders performs better than his rivals, including front-runner Joe Biden, with groups viewed as key to beating the unpopular incumbent.

Sanders outperforms the former vice president against Trump among voters ages 18-29, those who are not at all interested in politics and self-described independents just as he does in primary election polling against Biden.

To which Sanders responded: It means youre going to lose.

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Bernie Sanders Criticizing ‘bully’ Trump Says Debate Was ‘not One Of The Great Moments In American History’

The Vermont senator appeared on “The View” Wednesday.

Sen. Bernie Sanders expressed disappointment in the first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, describing it as “not one of the great moments in American history,” while criticizing the president for lying about his record in office, particularly on health care.

“I think what you have in President Trump is somebody who is a pathological liar, somebody who doesn’t believe that the rules apply to him, and somebody who is a bully,” Sanders, I-Vt., said on “The View” Wednesday morning. “And I know the moderator and certainly Joe Biden had a hard time dealing with that reality.”

The senator took particular issue with Trump’s efforts to roll back the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act without proposing a substantive replacement, claiming the insurance of tens of millions of Americans was at stake.

“The most important point to be made is that Trump lied and lied and lied again,” Sanders continued. “When asked whether or not he had come forward with a health care plan — we’ve got 90 million Americans today who have no health insurance or are underinsured, and the cost of health care is soaring — and Trump has not done anything, zero, except to make a bad situation worse by going to the Supreme Court … and trying to rule the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.”

How Old Is Too Old White House Hopefuls Confront Age Debate

Trump vs. Bernie in the First Ever @midnight Presidential Debate

The fraught debate over whether someone is too old to manage the rigors of the presidency has largely been overlooked during a Democratic primary that has put more emphasis on issues such as health care, immigration and gun control. That changed this week.

The hospitalization of 78-year-old Bernie Sanders to treat a blocked artery in his heart ensures that the question of how old is too old to be president moves to the forefront of the Democratic contest.

An uncomfortable fact for the party _ that three of its leading contenders are 70 or older _ will be impossible to ignore. If any of those candidates were to become the nominee, they wouldnt be able to use 73-year-old President Donald Trumps age against him. And perhaps most importantly to a party determined to defeat Trump, a septuagenarian nominee would have to work harder to present himself or herself as an agent of change, typically a key argument in any effort to defeat an incumbent president.

Its a legitimate question to try to ascertain someones health, especially knowing how grueling presidential campaigns can be, said Donna Brazile, a former Democratic National Committee chairwoman and a veteran of more than a half-dozen presidential campaigns. It doesnt slow down if you win.

Beyond Sanders, Joe Biden is 76 and Elizabeth Warren is 70. If any of them won the nomination, the general election would feature two septuagenarians for the first time in U.S. history.

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Criticism Of The Media

In an early essay, Sanders claimed that the corporate owners of the television industry sought to benumb critical thinking among their viewers. Later he bemoaned the media’s emphasis on reporting disasters, while ignoring what he characterizes as the plight of the working class. Consequently, he has been a leader in calling for media reform and opposes increased concentration of ownership of media outlets, as well as being a contributing author for OpEdNews. He appeared in Orwell Rolls in His Grave and Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, two documentaries on the subject.

How Old Are The Democratic Presidential Candidates

Pete Buttigieg is the youngest candidate â and would be 39 years and one day old if he was sworn in as President on January 20, 2021.

Hereâs the current ages of the hopefuls from oldest to youngest as of February 2020:

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Joe Biden Is The Second Oldest Just About A Year Younger Than Sanders

GettyDemocratic presidential candidate and former US Vice President Joe Biden addresses a crowd at a town hall event at Clinton College on August 29, 2019.

Joe Biden was born on November 20, 1942. Which means that hes 77 years old and almost one year younger than Sanders. So Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are very close in age. In fact, the November debate actually took place on Bidens birthday.

Bidens pretty active for his age too. And although he didnt become a meme from any sporting events like Sanders did, he and Obama became a popular meme when Obamas term was ending.

#TBT to when Biden and Obama memes were all the person who still thinks they’re hilarious? himself.

MAKERS May 20, 2018

In the December debate, Biden jokingly said that Obama wasnt talking about him when he made a statement about how the country might be better off if it was run by women rather than older people. He also said that he was focusing on getting a first-term presidency and would look at questions about a second term after that first goal was achieved.

Bernie Is The Candidate Who Can Beat Trump Heres Why

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders: The Two Big Phenomena of This Election ...

Do you want to see Donald Trump defeated in 2020? Of course you do. The candidate who is best positioned to do exactly that: Bernie Sanders.

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In the race for the Democratic nomination, one figure towers above the field: the large, misshapen form of President Donald Trump. The trauma of Trumps shock victory in November 2016, and the reign of greed, brutality, and arrogance that has followed seemingly impervious to organized opposition has given Trump a special standing among Democrats.

The polls are unanimous: a healthy majority of Democratic primary voters say that it is more important to find a candidate who can beat Trump than one who they agree with on the issues. This is not a standard view for voters opposed to an incumbent president. On the eve of his 2004 re-election campaign, for instance, fewer than half of all Democrats said the same about George W. Bush.

Across the primary campaign, Bernie Sanders and many of his supporters have argued that it is not enough to defeat Trump: we need to organize to transform the abysmal economic conditions that produced Trump, too. This is all very true.

But this primary season, anxious Democrats should trust their guts. It turns out that the candidate they like best, Bernie Sanders, is also the candidate with the best chance to knock Trump out of the White House.

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Is Age Itself A Reason For Concern

Apart from the political message it sends, nominating a candidate pushing 80 presents at least one clear area of medical concern the increased risk of dementia.At age 65, one in 10 Americans suffers from Alzheimers disease or other forms of dementia, according to statistics from the National Institute on Aging. That number jumps significantly over the next 10 years of age: 17 percent of people age 75 to 84 are diagnosed with Alzheimers, and 38 percent of people age 85 or older suffer from the disease.

I would not want to have a president who is demented. I think thats dangerous, Dr. Laura Carstensen, director of Stanford Universitys Center on Longevity, told Yahoo News. But older people are also more likely to solve emotionally charged conflicts better than young people. Of course, thats not the case with everyone. A cardinal feature of research on aging is that the older the population that youre studying, the more variability you see. For people over 85, for instance, we would include very wise Supreme Court justices and then you have the most demented, in the same age group. I think what this means is that we have to be thinking about individuals more than age groups.

While advanced age also correlates with a higher instance of cancer and heart disease, dementia poses a different level of worry. For this reason, Carstensen thinks presidential candidates should undergo cognitive testing, but not just to identify the onset of dementia.

The Youth Vote Is New But Dont Assume It Necessarily Favors A Young President

Lately, its been hard to ignore the unbearable oldness of American politics. Donald Trump, the countrys oldest first-term president at 74, was born the year the bikini was invented. Joe Biden, the 77-year-old Democratic nominee, is older thanthemicrowave. Bernie Sanders, 79, was born shortly before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the same year you could first buy a packet of M& Ms. Two of the highest-profile women candidates for president Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren were also born in the 1940s, at least a decade before little girls started to play with Barbie dolls.

The graying of the American presidency is especially notable because our nations most visionary presidents have typically been young. Theodore Roosevelt, who became the youngest president ever at 42, had the foresight to preserve roughly 230 million acres of public land for future generations to enjoy. John F. Kennedy, inaugurated at 43 with the cry that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, found some common cause with the civil rights movement, vowed to put a man on the moon, and started the Peace Corps to spread American values around the world. Barack Obama, who became president at 46, shielded young undocumented immigrants from deportation and committed to the Paris climate agreement, aimed at preserving the planet for future generations.

Young voters attraction to big, bold ideas doesnt always lead young voters to young candidates

Charlotte Alter

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