Friday, July 26, 2024

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How To Kill Donald Trump

Security Incidents Involving Donald Trump

Plot to kill Donald Trump: New details on the suspect

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, was involved in numerous security incidents, including assassination threats and attempts. The first known attempt occurred before Trump was the official Republican nominee, at a campaign rally during the 2016 presidential election.

On June 18, 2016, Trump was giving a speech at the Treasure Island Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada as part of his presidential campaign. During the speech, Michael Steven Sandford, a 20-year-old British man, attempted to grab a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer’s pistol. The officer quickly subdued Sandford and he was arrested and handed over to the United States Secret Service, where he expressed his desire to murder Trump, claiming if he were on the street tomorrow, he would try this again. Sandford was later sentenced to 12 months and one day’s imprisonment, along with being fined $200. After becoming eligible for early release, Sandford was released and deported to the United Kingdom in May 2017.

Deaths Rumored To Have Been Assassinations

On July 9, 1850, President Zachary Taylor died from an illness that was diagnosed as cholera morbus. Almost immediately after his death, rumors began to circulate that Taylor was poisoned by pro-slavery Southerners, and similar theories persisted into the 21st century. In 1991 a neutron activation analysis conducted on samples of Taylor’s remains found no evidence of poisonings due to insufficient levels of arsenic. Political scientist Michael Parenti questions the traditional explanation for Taylor’s death. Relying on interviews and reports by forensic pathologists, he argues that the procedure used to test for arsenic poisoning was fundamentally flawed.

New York Man Charged With Threatening To Kill Donald Trump

Thomas Welnicki expressed interest in killing then president in interview with Capitol police in July 2020, complaint says

A New York man upset with what he perceived as Donald Trumps threat to democracy was criminally charged on Monday with threatening to kill the former president, who he once referred to as Hitler.

According to an unsealed complaint, Thomas Welnicki, 72, from Rockaway Beach, expressed interest in killing the then president in an interview with US Capitol police in July 2020 and in several calls to the Secret Service the following year.

Welnicki was charged with threatening to kill, kidnap and inflict bodily harm on Trump.

Mr Welnicki intended no harm to anyone, said his lawyer, Deirdre von Dornum, attorney-in-charge of the federal defenders office in Brooklyn.

He was expressing how distraught he was at what he saw as the threats to our democracy posed by former President Trump.

Lawyers and spokesmen for Trump did not respond to requests for comment.

Trump was identified as Individual-1 in the complaint, which was filed in Brooklyn federal court. A footnote said Individual-1 was president from 20 January 2017 to 20 January 2021.

Welnicki allegedly told Capitol police that if Trump lost the 2020 election and refused to leave office, he would acquire weapons and take him down.

According to the complaint, in one voicemail left with the Secret Service, Welnicki said he would do anything I can to take out Trump.

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Defendant Also Allegedly Threatened The Lives Of 12 Members Of Congress

Former President Donald Trump departing Harlingen, Texas, last January.

A New York man was charged for saying he would kidnap and kill former President Donald Trump and threatened the lives of a dozen members of Congress.

Thomas Welnicki, 71 years old, of Rockaway Beach, N.Y., made his threats in voice messages, phone calls and interviews with federal agents before and after the 2020 presidential election, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Monday and filed in the U.S. District Court in Brooklyn.

Was It Legal For Donald Trump To Order The Killing Of A Top Iranian General

Trump boasts Afghanistan would be easy to fix:

WASHINGTON President Donald Trump’s decision to carry out a lethal targeted strike against an Iranian general widely said to have American blood on his hands has renewed an international legal debate about the line between warfare and assassination that has never fully been resolved.

The U.S. government justified the strike as an act of self-defense, saying that Qassem Soleimani, the leader of an elite Iranian military and intelligence unit, had been plotting attacks on Americans an allegation that few analysts seriously doubt, given his track record as the architect of Iranian attacks abroad.

Brian Hook, the Department of State’s special representative for Iran, told Al Arabiya television Friday that Soleimani was planning an attack on U.S. facilities and workers in Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria that would have killed hundreds of Americans.

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What Makes Trump Collectible Coins So Wanted

If youre looking for collectible coins, theyre unique because they are generally miniature art pieces. Although most coins are created with the intention of being used for purchases, collectible coins are usually not legal to use as currency.

They are generally made of precious metals such as gold, silver, or copper. They are often made by hand, and that is why they are often considered as miniature works of art.

A skilled artisan will carefully melt a specific amount of gold or silver and will then put the liquid metal into the mold to create the coins design. After the metal has cooled down, it is then polished to create a shiny, polished finish. kill donald trump

List Of United States Presidential Assassination Attempts And Plots

Assassination attempts and plots on the president of the United States have been numerous, ranging from the early 19th century to the 2010s. Four sitting presidents have been killed: Abraham Lincoln , James A. Garfield , William McKinley , and John F. Kennedy . Additionally, two presidents have been injured in attempted assassinations: former president Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan . In all of these cases, the attacker’s weapon was a firearm. This article lists assassination attempts on former presidents and presidents-elect, but not on men who had not yet been elected president.

Many assassination attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, were motivated by a desire to change the policy of the American government and were undertaken by rational men. Not all such attacks, however, had political reasons. Many other attackers had questionable mental stability, and a few were judged legally insane. Historian James W. Clarke suggests that most assassination attempters have been sane and politically motivated, whereas the Department of Justice‘s legal manual claims that a large majority has been insane. Some assassins, especially mentally ill ones, acted solely on their own, whereas those pursuing political agendas have more often found supporting conspirators. Most assassination plotters were arrested and punished by execution or lengthy detainment in a prison or insane asylum.

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In Sworn Deposition Trump Says He Has Real Concerns About Being Killed By A Piece Of Fruit

Tomatoes. Pineapples. Bananas. To some, these are innocent pieces of fruit you might enjoy in caprese salad, a refreshing blended drink, or sliced up and scattered atop a bowl of cereal. You might have even done so today, without a care in the world. But did you ever stop to think of the darker, more sinister side of these fruits we have long so casually consumed, frequently in the presence of children? Donald Trump has. And hes here with a grave, urgent message.

Tomatoes, pineapples, and bananas are dangerous weapons that can take a persons life, the former president claimed in a deposition he sat for last October, transcripts of which were filed in court on Tuesday and viewed by The Daily Beast. Furthermore, if someone showed up to one of his rallies bearing such ammunition, it would justify beating them up, he argued. Trump was being questioned under oath as part of a 2015 lawsuit brought by a group of activists who alleged the Trump Organizations chief of security, Keith Schiller, hit one of them on the head when they were protesting outside of the companys Manhattan headquarters. While the then presidential candidate was not present when the incident occurred, lawyers for the plaintiff wanted to speak with him to determine if he was responsible for his employees conduct.

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Did Boris Kill Conservatism

Man accused of threatening to kill President Donald Trump
BY Robert Saunders . Don’t mention DIsraeli

Robert Saunders is a Reader in Modern British History at Queen Mary University and author of Yes to Europe!

As Boris Johnson reels from last nights leadership vote, attention has naturally focused on his personal failings. But what if the problem runs deeper? Of the eight Conservative leaders between 1970 and 2019, six were broken on the wheel of party dissent. So why has a party once famed for its iron discipline become so difficult to govern? And why has Johnsons political magic seemingly lost its unifying charm?

British parties are always fractious coalitions. First Past the Post requires parties to hold together an unstable alliance of forces, with divergent interests, priorities and visions. Labour has struggled throughout its history to bind together Fabians, Left-liberals, trade unionists, socialists and social democrats. The Conservative Party has been an explosive cocktail of Thatcherites, protectionists, free-marketeers, Powellites, paternalists and Christian conservatives. For a party to succeed, it needs some shared gravitational field that can contain its centrifugal impulses: a role played in Conservative history by hostility to socialism, the defence of established institutions, the rights of property and a conservative temperament.

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Irans Supreme Leader Shares Video Portraying The Assassination Of Donald Trump

Irans Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has shared a video that appears to call for the assassination of Donald Trump in revenge for last years killing of its top military commander, Gen Qasem Soleimani.

A photomontage shared on Khameneis official website shows the former US president playing golf in the shadow of a large drone as a smaller, remote-controlled military vehicle armed with a machine gun takes aim at him.

The words revenge is definite then appear on the screen, apparently calling for the attack.

The video was also shared – and soon deleted – by Khameneis Farsi Twitter account.

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Johnny Depp Jokes About Assassinating Trump Then Apologizes

From Johnny Depp to lib activist Phil Montag, talk of violence has only grown louder on left since the near-assassination of Rep. Scalise #Tucker

At an appearance in England on Thursday, actor Johnny Depp joked about assassinating President Trump. He apologized on Friday for the shocking remarks.

Depp was at a drive-in movie theater in Glastonbury, where he introduced his 2004 film “The Libertine,” when he began talking about the president, according to The Guardian.

I think he needs help and there are a lot of wonderful dark, dark places he could go, Depp said.

Depp, who noted his comments would be in the press, then began discussing prior assassinations of presidents.


When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? he asked, referencing John Wilkes Booth assassinating President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

I want to clarify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living, Depp said. However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.

A White House official told Fox News, “President Trump has condemned violence in all forms and its sad that others like Johnny Depp have not followed his lead. I hope that some of Mr. Depps colleagues will speak out against this type of rhetoric as strongly as they would if his comments were directed to a democrat elected official.”

Depp apologized on Friday for his jokes, telling People magazine he meant no harm.

Fox News’ Wes Barrett contributed to this report.

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Queens Man Arrested Charged With Threatening To Kill Donald Trump

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A Rockaway Beach man was arrested by the U.S. Secret Service on the morning of Monday, Jan. 10, for allegedly threatening to kidnap and kill former President Donald Trump if he refused to leave the White House after losing the 2020 election.

Thomas Welnicki, 72, is awaiting his arraignment in Brooklyn federal court on a criminal complaint that was filed Saturday, Jan. 8, and unsealed Monday, Jan. 10, that details how he first made his intention known in a July 2020 interview with U.S. Capitol Police and in subsequent phone calls to the Secret Service.

According to the criminal complaint, Welnicki vowed to acquire weapons and take him down.

Although the former president is not identified by name in the complaint, he is referred to as Individual 1, according to a footnote in the complaint that indicates that Individual 1 served as U.S. President from Jan. 20, 2017, to Jan. 20, 2021.

Welnicki bragged about how easy it was for him to acquire a firearm and added, I dont want to hurt anyone, but I will stand up to fascism, during his interview with Capitol Police.

On or about Jan. 4 of this year, Welnicki called the Secret Services Long Island office from his own cellphone and left two voice messages in which he threatened to kill Trump as well as 12 unnamed members of Congress.

This story first appeared on

Darknet Website Puts President

Donald Trump said he

A website launched earlier this week on the Darknet is calling for the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence, due to an extreme difference in opinion on their political stance.

As you are all well aware, the consequences of having Donald Trump and Mike Pence as the leaders of the free world is extremely dangerous. The political, environmental and social consequences will change the United States for the worst, the website says.

Consisting of a single HTML file, and an image of President-elect Trump in the crosshair of a scope, the website is asking for donations in order to fund the assassination attempt.

We have several assets in different branches of government, security and even some working in secret services. Unfortunately, the plan we need to implement requires a lot of money to pay for equipment, bribes and also to pay those assets. If you are like us and wish to see our plan succeed for our society’s, children’s and planet’s sake, you can donate anonymously…

Donations come from Bitcoin, and the advertised wallet has collected more than $88,000 since March 2016. However, since the assassination website launched this week, the wallet has only collected $119.

The US Secret Service is aware of this domain. Salted Hash has reached out to them for comment, and will update if more information becomes available.



A redacted copy of the source code is below.

Update 2:

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