Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Is Fox News Turning On Trump

Compulsory Reductions In Meat Consumption

Trump Rages As Fox News Turns On MAGAWorld

In April 2021, at least five Fox News and Fox Business personalities amplified a story published by the Daily Mail, a British tabloid, that incorrectly linked a university study to President Joe Biden’s climate change agenda, to falsely assert that Americans would be compelled to dramatically reduce their meat consumption to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions caused by flatulence. Fox News aired a graphic detailing the supposed compulsory reductions, falsely indicating the information came from the Agriculture Department, which numerous Republican politicians and commentators tweeted. Fox News anchor John Roberts reported to “say goodbye to your burgers if you want to sign up to the Biden climate agenda.” Days later, Roberts acknowledged on air that the story was false.

Stories Chosen For You

Senior Secret Service leadership confiscated the cell phones of 24 agents and handed them over to the embattled Trump-appointed Inspector General of the Dept. of Homeland Security as he was launching his criminal investigation into the deleted text message scandal. The Secret Service, DHS, and former Trump officials at the Pentagon have been under fire after the IG, Joseph Cuffari, belatedly revealed texts from January 5 and 6, 2021, had been deleted.

“The agency handed over the phones ‘shortly after’ a July 19 letter was sent by Inspector General Joseph Cuffariâs office,” NBC News reports.

“The revelation that Cuffariâs office has had access to the phones since late July or August raises new questions about the progress of his criminal investigation into the missing text messages and what, if anything, the public may be able to learn about communications between agents on Jan. 6, 2021,” NBC adds.

Cuffari reportedly learned in December of 2021 that the cell phones of Secret Service agents directly involved in protective operations on the day of the insurrection, had been wiped and text messages deleted. He did not report this to Congress until July of 2022, despite his staff taking action.

Cuffari has been seen by some as covering for Trump loyalists. His own staff is calling for his firing.

Noted political scientist Norman Ornstein, who sits on the POGO board, in late July called the situation a âcoverup of treason

Fox Newss Call Of Arizona For Biden Was A Major Turning Point

Trumps frustrations with Fox News have been building since at least the early days of the 2020 campaign. Hes routinely lashed out over Fox polls that showed Biden beating him and about the fact that the network would occasionally interview Democrats.

So weird to watch @FoxNews interviewing only failed Dems, like Represenative Tim Ryan of Ohio, who got zero percent in his recent presidential run, and following Sleepy Joes train to wherever. What a difference from the past – But we will win anyway!!!

Donald J. Trump

But a flashpoint in the Trump-Fox relationship came on election night, when Fox Newss call of Arizona put the first nail in the presidents political coffin.

As Annie Karni and Maggie Haberman of the New York Times reported, Foxs call which may have been premature but was ultimately vindicated by Bidens victory in Arizona sent Trump into a tailspin:

What ensued for Mr. Trump was a night of angry calls to Republican governors and advice from campaign aides that he ignored, leading to a middle-of-the-night presidential briefing in which he made a reckless and unsubstantiated string of remarks about the democratic process. Standing in the East Room at 2:30 a.m., he dismissed the election as a fraud and claimed he wanted to stop the counting of votes and leave the results to the Supreme Court.

Bret Baier

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Fox News Anchors Have Been More Aggressive But

It is true that some of Foxs anchors who work for the networks so-called straight news division appeared more aggressive Friday pushing back against disinfo from Trump allies. Bret Baier, for instance, repeatedly pressed Newt Gingrich on nonsense he was peddling on Foxs air.

But it is also true that for every time a Fox anchor pressed a guest, it seemed like another one entertained or amplified bad info. For instance, while Baier pressed Gingrich, Martha MacCallum said she completely agree with questions he had about a discredited narrative regarding a vote counting center in Detroit

Fox News Isnt Ready To Dump Trump Even If The Murdochs Are

Donald Trump turns to upstart TV broadcaster OANN as his love for Fox ...

New York PostWall Street Journal

In recent weeks, elements within the Murdoch media empire have leveled relatively harsh criticisms against Donald Trump and flirted with the idea of Florida governor Ron DeSantis running in 2024. In June, Fox & Friends cohost Brian Kilmeadesaid the former president was unhinged in the weeks between the 2020 election and January 6a period he described as the worst moment of Donald Trumps political career. The New York Posts editorial board later reacted to the January 6 committees findings by declaring Trump unworthy of reelection, while TheWall Street Journals editorial board wrote that he utterly failed the country that day.

That sentiment is reportedly shared at the very top of the networks food chain: Fox News chief executive Lachlan Murdoch has privately lambasted some of Trumps behavior, arguing that another Trump bid in 2024 would be bad for the country, according to CNNs Oliver Darcy. Additionally, The New York Times and The Washington Post published reports in July suggesting that the Murdochs are attempting to quietly wean Fox News off its Trump-centric coverage, with The Postnoting that Trump may have outlived his usefulness in the eyes of Rupert Murdoch.

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How Election Night Began The ‘wall Of Deception’ On Fox News

On election night 2020, Fox’s decision desk was the first network to call Arizona a Republican state that Trump expected to win for Joe Biden. The call infuriated Trump as it undermined his narrative that he was the clear winner on election night.

Fox came under intense pressure from the Trump White House. Urgent meetings were convened at Fox News HQ in New York to examine the call.

“There was a lot of questions, right? Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, are you sure?

“But there was not, ‘You must reverse this’,” Stirewalt, who had a critical role on the desk, told Four Corners.

Stirewalt wouldn’t confirm reports an executive told the desk to stop making further election calls.

Trump emerged in the early hours of the morning and claimed he had won the election. The speech would set the tone for his final fractious months in office.

“None of us had any way of knowing that night when we made that call for Arizona that it would become the first brick in this enormous wall of deception. It’s the worst thing that a president has done in my lifetime, certainly,” Stirewalt said.

“Worse than Watergate.”

A Fox News Host Turned On Trump: Youre The President Why Dont You Act Like It

President Donald Trump is once again igniting controversy with his tweets. And this time, his usual ally the conservative Fox News is not having it. On November 20th, Fox News host Neil Cavuto blasted Trump for recent tweets attacking the father of a UCLA basketball player and a Republican senator from Arizona.

Forget about either comment not being presidential, Cavuto said about the tweets in an impassioned monologue to the camera. At what point does the president see such remarks dont even border on being human?

On Sunday, November 19th, Trump attacked LaVar Ball, the father of one of the UCLA players, for failing to thank him personally for his sons release.

LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal, Trump tweeted. I should have left them in jail!

Trump also attacked Senator Jeff Flake after he was caught criticizing Trump and Alabama senate nominee Roy Moore on a hot mic. Trump accused Flake of saying bad things about your favorite president and said that Flakes career was toast.

Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail, LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. I should have left them in jail!

Donald J. Trump


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Fox Propagandists Arent Letting Up

This is the most obvious point: The most visible faces in Murdochs media empire, his pro-Trump propagandists, have not taken their foot off the gas. If anything, theyve chosen to floor it.

Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox personalities have been parroting Trumps dishonest rhetoric undermining the integrity of the US democratic process for days now. Friday night was no different.

The rhetoric coming from Foxs biggest stars is not only irresponsible, it is dangerous. And the Murdochs and Fox executives are the ones green-lighting it, allowing it to happen on their air. If Murdoch has actually flipped on Trump, it sure isnt coming through in what is arguably the most powerful arm of his media empire

What I Learned About Media Rage After Getting Fired From Fox

See Trump’s Living Nightmare On Air: Fox News Turns On ‘Horrible’ Trump Over Jan. 6

I was fired from my job on Decision Desk after calling the election for Biden in 2020. The funny thing is I should have seen it coming.

The Fox News Decision Desk was the first to project that Joe Biden would win the former GOP stronghold of Arizona in 2020. | Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

08/28/2022 02:49 PM EDT

Chris Stirewalt is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Previously, he was political editor of Fox News Channel.

My first meeting in Roger Ailes boardroom of doom was on Election Day 2010.

At the time, I was the networks new political editor. Republicans were poised to deliver a serious walloping to President Barack Obama and roll back the Democrats doughty majorities in both houses of Congress. The GOP was in a position to score major wins in governors mansions and statehouses from coast to coast.

After four straight days and nights of data obsession and rehearsals, I had to now appear to be a normal human in front of a room full of New Yorkers to whom I assume I appeared to be a sweaty bumpkin.

In this Sept. 29, 2006 photo, former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes poses at Fox News in New York.|Jim Cooper/AP Photo

The number, of course, was how many seats I forecast Republicans to win that night. Our best guess is 64 seats, sir. Ailes, mouth set like a bulldog and eyes staring through the back of my head, said, Dick Morris says it could be one hundred. Why is yours so low?

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Donald Trump Offers To Help His Biggest Enemy

Donald Trump has criticized Fox News for “really pushing” the Democrat agenda while offering help to CNN, a network the former president has for years attacked for allegedly broadcasting “fake news.”

Trump hit out at Fox News in a Truth Social post on Sunday in the latest sign the former president’s opinion of the news channelwhich he frequently watched and praised during his time in the White Househas soured slightly.

In the same social media post, Trump also suggested it would be an “absolute gold mine” if CNN became conservative amid reports the channel is aiming to become more politically neutral and less critical of the former president under new leader Chris Licht.

“Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda. Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed,” Trump wrote.

“If ‘low ratings’ CNN ever went Conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so.”

Trump’s offer arrives after years of the former president openly mocking the network amid accusations of “fake news,” sometimes even refusing to answer questions from its reporters at press briefings.

Trump’s suggestion that CNN become more conservative comes after the network’s newly installed CEO vowed a change of direction following years of accusations of negative coverage of the former president.

Wsj Editorial Board: Concession Is Necessary

Heres yet another sign of Murdoch-world perhaps starting to turn its back on Trump. The WSJ editorial board wrote Friday evening that whoever wins needs the other to concede to be able to govern.

The board, which did acknowledge Trumps right to take legal action if he had evidence of wrongdoing, wrote, Trumps legacy will be diminished greatly if his final act is a bitter refusal to accept a legitimate defeat. Republican officials will turn away, and eventually so will the American public that wants to see the election resolved.

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New Cnn Direction Post

In the ensuing days and weeks, Trump hoped to spread his message the November 2020 vote was a fraud and Democrats had stolen the election by enlisting the help of the alternative right channels all too willing to risk defamation lawsuits to help his cause.

Despite a brief brushfire of interest in the immediate aftermath, the two competitors have not been able to make meaningful inroads into Fox News viewership. Part of the problem is their inability to reach viewers, as cable operators have dropped them from their bundles. OAN for example, lost its distribution deal first with DirecTV earlier this year and now more recently with Verizon.

With neither Newsmax nor OAN now realistically capable of threatening Foxs dominance among conservative voters, Trump may be resorting to the use of promoting CNN in order to gain leverage against the Murdoch outlet.

During the Trump presidency, CNN lost many conservative viewers angered by its perceived liberal bias and constant criticism of Trump by top news hosts like Jim Acosta.

This has prompted new CNN president Chris Licht, installed after Discovery agreed to acquire CNN parent Warner Media, to institute a more politically neutral slant, angering many of its long-term viewers of late.

Fox News Defends Calling Arizona For Biden After Pushback From Trump Team

Report: Fox News

Despite a successful decade as politics editor at the Fox News Channel, I got canned after very vocal and very online viewers including the then-president of the United States became furious when our Decision Desk was the first to project that Joe Biden would win the former GOP stronghold of Arizona in 2020.

The call was the handwriting on the wall for Trumps chances, and it delighted Democrats almost as much as it infuriated MAGA land. Regardless of who won, we were proud to have beaten the competition yet again and defended the title network promos had given us as the best-in-class Decision Desk.

But even in the four years since the previous presidential election, Fox viewers had become even more accustomed to flattery and less willing to hear news that challenged their expectations. Me serving up green beans to viewers who had been spoon-fed ice cream sundaes for years came as a terrible shock to their systems.

When I went on-air in 2020 to defend the Decision Desks call that Joe Biden would win Arizona, I was supremely confident. The Decision Desk team that director Arnon Mishkin had built was the best in the business. And we had better survey data than the competition, thanks to our partnership with the Associated Press and the National Opinion Research Center.

Were all losers in this one.

The cover of Broken News, by Chris Stirewalt, from which this article is adapted.

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What To Watch For

Trump is privately flirting with the idea of starting his own conservative media company to rival Fox, Axios reported. Media watchers have speculated for years that Trump could parlay his political following into a post-presidency media career, but he is now reportedly telling friends a subscription-based digital outlet could launch after he leaves the White House, bolstered by some of his supporters newfound skepticism of Fox News. Fox Corporation CEO Lachlan Murdoch told investors last week he is confident that new competition from a Trump-backed network would not cause Fox News to take a major viewership hit.

Brian Kilmeade Becomes Latest Fox Host To Rip Trump Over Baseless Election Claims

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade attacked Donald Trump on Sunday and said he has seen no evidence that proves the former presidents claims of election fraud.

Kilmeade joined the growing chorus of criticism from the staunchly Trump-supporting Fox News amid reports that owner Rupert Murdoch is turning his back on Trump in favor of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for a possible White House run in 2024. Neither Trump nor DeSantis have announced that theyre running.

The Fox & Friends host told Howard Kurtz on Media Buzz about his experience interviewing Trump at West Point where he watched the Army-Navy game after the 2020 election.

The president was unhinged during that period, Kilmeade recalled. …As soon as we were done, he just stormed off. And you know how long Ive known him, for 15 years or 20 years prior to him going to the White House. Ive never seen him so angry.

Hes convinced he was robbed, Kilmeade said, referring to Trumps baseless claims of voter fraud.

Ive said this before: I believe from the time when the election results came in until January 6th is the worst moment of Donald Trumps political career, said Kilmeade.

I think how you lose in life defines who you are, he added. And even if there are things that bother you, welcome to the world. A lot of times times things dont work out, and are so-called unfair. Your team couldnt prove , move on, Kilmeade added.

Your guys have been unable to prove it as of now, Kilmeade told Trump.

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