Friday, July 26, 2024

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Biden And Dnc Say They Raised More Than $80 Million In May

Meltdown: Trump Caught Sending Apparent Threat To Attorney General After Mar-A-Lago Search

WASHINGTON Former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign announced that it raised $80.1 million in May in partnership with the Democratic National Committee, the most the joint effort has brought in to date and marking a turnaround in fundraising momentum.

The May total marks another improvement from April, when the Biden-DNC joint haul was $60.5 million. The campaign has raised more in the month of May than it did the first three months of the year, which totaled $74 million in the first quarter.

In an email to supporters Monday, Biden said that more than half of its May donors gave for the first time. Full results will be available once the campaign files its required monthly report by June 20.

The campaign is crediting its fundraising haul to the growth of small-dollar donors, which they say has tripled since February. And the uptick comes after the campaign established a joint-fundraising committee with the DNC, which allows the campaign to raise money in tandem with the national party.

In potential foreshadowing for Junes fundraising numbers, the campaign announced that theyve brought in 1.5 million new supporters in just the last two weeks alone.

Im in awe of this sum of money. Just a few months ago, people were ready to write this campaign off. Now, we are making huge dents in Donald Trumps warchest. Every single dollar is going to make sure he is only a one-term president, Biden said in an email to supporters.

Staff Carry Guns At Colorado Restaurant

But her decision to defy coronavirus-related restrictions isn’t the only controversy about Boebert during an appearance on an internet show, Boebert said she’s “familiar” with the QAnon conspiracy theory and that “I hope that this is real. Because it only means America is getting stronger and better and people are returning to conservative values.”

QAnon is primarily a conspiracy theory that argues an anonymous, high-ranking government official, “Q,” is sharing breadcrumbs on the internet alluding to a war between President Trump and the “deep state.”

As NBC’s Dareh Gregorian wrote in a recent NBC article about Qanon-promoting candidates: “The conspiracy posts, first shared through the website 4chan in 2017, also hint at a much darker plot in which many of those figures control a worldwide child sex-trafficking ring.”

After facing numerous questions about whether the NRCC would still back Boebert, the group’s chairman, Minnesota Rep. Tom Emmer, said it would in a statement congratulating her.

“Lauren won her primary fair and square and has our support. This is a Republican seat and will remain a Republican seat as Nancy Pelosi and senior House Democrats continue peddling their radical conspiracy theories and pushing their radical cancel culture,” he said.

“With Laurens win, we now have more female nominees than at any other point in the history of the Republican Party and that is a point that should be celebrated.

Just Days Before Likely Announcement Vp Contenders Stay Busy

Melissa Holzberg and Liz Brown-Kaiser

WASHINGTON Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is expected to make his vice presidential pick, and perhaps announce that pick, next week.

“Im going to have a choice the first week in August and I promise Ill let you know when I do,” Biden told reporters on Tuesday.

Ahead of that announcement, Biden made a public in-person appearance with one of the women being vetted, California Rep. Karen Bass. The two were spotted in the Capitol after Biden paid his respects to late Georgia Rep. John Lewis who was lying in state. Biden even joked with NBC News correspondent Mike Memoli that he asked her to be his running mate “and she said no.”

Heres how some women up for the job spent their potential last week of vetting:

Rep. Karen Bass: Aside from her impromptu meeting with Biden in the Capitol, Bass spent the early part of this week cleaning up a part of her record: Comments she made about Cuban dictator Fidel Castro after his death. In 2016, Bass on Castros death, saying, The passing of the Comandante en Jefe is a great loss to the people of Cuba.

On Sunday, Bass said on MSNBC that she wouldnt use those same words today.

I have talked to my colleagues in the House about that and it’s certainly something I would not say again, Bass said.

She added, I certainly understand the sensitivity, and to me saying that, the understanding that the translation in Spanish communicated something completely different. Lesson learned.

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Trump Campaign Focuses Cable Tv Buys On Fox News While Biden Makes A Wider Play

Ben Kamisar and Melissa Holzberg

WASHINGTON Since April 8 the day Joe Biden became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has spent 52 percent of its cable TV ad spending on ads airing on Fox News, according to data from Advertising Analytics.

That differs from the Biden campaign’s cable TV buys, which have directed nearly 22 percent for ads airing on Fox News, 23 percent on CNN and 10 percent on MSNBC.

Trump has spent just 9 percent of his cable TV buys on CNN, and 6 percent on MSNBC.

And the two candidates are spending drastically different amounts on cable TV Trump has spent about $15 million, while Biden has spent about $2.5 million.

Cable TV buys don’t show the full picture of either campaign’s TV investments both have spent millions of dollars on traditional network TV ads, and the president has far outspent Biden at most advertising turns .

But the glimpse at how the candidates are approaching cable TV buys is one of many examples of Trump playing to his base while Fox News enjoys strong ratings across the board, polling also shows Fox News viewers are far more likely to support the president.

Of course, that doesn’t mean voters feel assured that Biden will win. While Biden carried support from a majority of registered voters in Pennsylvania in a recent Monmouth University poll, 57 percent of Pennsylvania voters said there is a “secret” group of voters who will support Trump but not tell anyone.

What Did Trumpcare Propose


Trumpcare proposed to nearly double the maximum contributions that could be made to HSA accounts. Trumpcare proposed to eliminate some taxes on certain health insurance plans, prescription drugs and medical devices. After the AHCA failed to pass in the Senate, the Trump Administration proposed two additional health care reform bills.

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Massachusetts Senate Democratic Primary Heats Up One Month Out

Alex Domb

WASHINGTON With just over a month remaining before the Massachusetts Senate primary on Sept. 1, incumbent Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Joe Kennedy III are locked in a tight race with no clear frontrunner.

Kennedy and both progressives have few major policy disagreements. But Kennedy, the 39-year old grandson of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, is framing himself as a youthful, energetic alternative to his 74-year old rival. Markey and his backers tout the senators long record of advocacy, paint Kennedy as a progressive in name only, and accuse the Kennedy campaign of wasting resources on a safely blue seat as Democrats attempt to capture a Senate majority this fall.

Markey, who served in the House for more than 35 years before being elected to the Senate in 2013, appears to have the edge in the endorsement game so far. The incumbent has support from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. He has also won the backing of fellow Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and major environmental groups.

Kennedy vastly outspent Markey on advertising from April through June $1.8 million versus just $52,000. The challenger has also blitzed Massachusetts airwaves, spending about $2.8 million on ads to date compared to less than $700,000 spent by Markeys campaign and a super PAC backing him.

Affordable Care Act Replacements

Not surprisingly, the ACA replacements floated by Republicans such as House Speaker Paul Ryan and Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price amount to rebranded, meaner versions of the ACA. In place of the ACAs sliding scale tax credits , they would spread the tax credits around to anyone lacking job-based coverage, even the affluent, depleting the funds available to help the near-poor. Republican proposals would reduce federal insurance regulations while vitiating states consumer protections by allowing interstate insurance sales any plan that cleared Idahos or Alabamas low bar could be marketed everywhere.

Ryans and Prices proposals would delay Medicare eligibility until age 67 and replace Medicares current guaranteed benefits with vouchers that seniors could use to buy coverage. Although Republicans are already walking back those unpopular ideas, they will likely accelerate the ongoing privatization of Medicare through another mechanism: augmenting the already massive overpayments to Medicare Advantage plans.

Under the Price and Ryan plans, Medicaid and, hence, the poor, would see the largest cuts. They would eliminate the current federal commitment to match states actual expenditures and instead offer fixed block grants, which states could divert to other uses, and that would grow with overall inflation.

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Biden Releases New Digital Ads On Restoring Empathy

WASHINGTON A day after Joe Biden lambasted President Trump as “exactly the wrong person to lead us,” the presumptive nominee’s campaign released a new digital ad, with three different versions, building off of the message of restoring core American values in the White House.

The ads don’t mention the presidents name directly but instead hone in on their candidates commitment to family in an effort to stress his kitchen table values that have guided him throughout the trials and joys of life.

The Biden campaign unveiled their first digital ad narrated by actor Jeffrey Wright, who describes how the then-senator of Delaware commuted four hours on Amtrak from Wilmington to the nations capital to be with his two sons every night following the death of his wife and infant daughter weeks before he was sworn in to the U.S. Senate.

People in Washington didnt get why Joe Biden would travel all that way. But in neighborhoods all over this country, theres no distance parents wont go for their kids, Wright stresses in the minute-long ad. When Joe Biden traveled those four hours, he wasnt just going home for his kids, he was going to work for them too, just like he will for yours.

You know, you see growing up rich and looking down on people is a bit different than how I grew up here, he said in a dig toward Trump.

An Early August Veep Pick Would Put Vp Front

Donald Trump is ‘on his way to becoming the next president’

Melissa Holzberg and Liz Brown-Kaiser

WASHINGTON Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Bidens self-declared timeline for announcing his V.P. pick is inching closer. But if Biden sticks to the first week of August, hell be making his selection public about two weeks before the Democratic convention thats earlier than most recent nominees.

Both former President Obama and President Trump announced Biden and Vice President Pence as their running mates just three days before the 2008 Democratic convention and 2016 Republican convention respectively.

2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney made the decision a bit earlier: he named then-Rep. Paul Ryan on and the convention began Aug. 27.

The woman Biden chooses will make her address to the Democratic convention sometime between Aug. 17 and Aug. 20. The less time there is between the pick going public and that speech could mean less time for opposition research to drop, but also less time for party enthusiasm to build.

Heres what some contenders have been up to this week:

Sen. Kamala Harris: After Biden said on MSNBC that four Black women are on his shortlist , Harris also took to the airwaves. Asked if shes one of those Black women, she deflected, saying, Im honored to be in the conversation.

I am not going to speak for the vice president, she said Tuesday. Im going to do everything in my power to make sure Joe Biden is elected the next president of the United States.

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Ways Trump Is Changing Health Care

President Donald Trump hasnt fulfilled his campaign promise to repeal Obamacareoutright, but hes fundamentally reshaped the debate over health care in America in myriad ways during his two years in office.

Along with chipping away at the landmark Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration has made a historic and controversial change to Medicaid, allowing states to require many participants who gained coverage through Obamacare to work or lose their benefits.

Another major focus of the President: the cost of drugs. Like Democrats, Trump has repeatedly decried the rising price of drugs, and his administration has unveiled multiple proposals to try to contain costs.

When it comes to Medicare, the administration has continued to make private Medicare plans more attractive. And in keeping with conservative positions, officials have rolled back access to contraceptives as well as abortion.

Heres whats changed so far:

Democratic Outside Groups Booking More Than $10 Million In New August Senate Tv Ads

Ben Kamisar

WASHINGTON Outside groups linked to Senate Democratic leadership are upping the ante in the race for the Senate majority, injecting another $10.3 million into key states.

The moves from Senate Majority PAC and an affiliated non-profit, Duty and Honor, first reported by NBC News, represent an increased investment in ad spending across five states: North Carolina, Maine, Iowa, Montana and Georgia. And they come after the top GOP-aligned Senate super PAC, Senate Leadership Fund, announced last week it would start running ads in August too.

The nonprofit Duty and Honor is adding $3 million in TV spending to Maine, $1.5 million in North Carolina, $1.7 million in Montana and $1.4 million in Georgia.

Senate Majority PAC is adding $2 million in North Carolina, as well as $500,000 in Iowa and $200,000 in Maine.

All of the spending augments existing ad buys through August.

“Less than 90 days until Election Day and momentum and grassroots energy are on the side of Democratic candidates who have built strong campaigns across our offensive battlefield, J.B. Poersch, Senate Majority PAC’s president, said in a statement.

Our latest investment will keep Senate Republicans on their heels as they are forced to defend their weak incumbents who are trailing in fundraising and in public polling.”

Democrats are bullish on their chances in the fall because the majority of competitive races are in states where Republicans are currently in office.

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Slash Restraints At Fda Get Blessed With More Miracle Drugs

On receiving thisnews, Megans dad, John, fought with everything he had to save the life of his precious child. He founded a company to look for a cure, and helped develop the drug that saved Megans life. Today she is 20 years oldand a sophomore at Notre Dame.Megans story is about the unbounded power of a fathers love for a daughter.

But our slow and burdensome approval process at the Food and Drug Administration keeps too many advances, like the one that saved Megans life, from reaching those in need.If we slash the restraints, not just at the FDA but across our Government, then we will be blessed with far more miracles like Megan. In fact, our children will grow up in a Nation of miracles.

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Senate Democrats Want $350 Billion For Minority Communities In New Pandemic Relief Bill

Candidate Trump I

Leigh Ann Caldwell

WASHINGTON While Republicans work on drafting the parameters of the next coronavirus relief bill, Senate Democrats are proposing that hundreds of billions of dollars targeted toward minority communities be included in the next legislative effort.

Senate Democrats say their $350 billion proposal is an important down-payment to address systemic racism and historic underinvestment in communities of color and also provide relief the communities that have been disproportionately impacted by COVID.

In a one-page white paper on their proposal for underserved communities, Senate Democrats say the fund will help the severe burden the pandemic has had on minority communities.

“Long before the pandemic, long before this recession, long before this years protests, structural inequalities have persisted in health care and housing, the economy and education. Covid-19 has only magnified these injustices and we must confront them with lasting, meaningful solutions that tear down economic and social barriers, and reinvest in historically underserved communities, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement.

The proposal comes as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to unveil Senate Republicans’ next relief bill as early as next week, setting up a clash with Democrats over a path forward as the economy still feels the impacts of pandemic.

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Increase Funding For Community Health Programs

We are at an important time in our country when racial injustice is threaded into all issues: criminal justice, economics, healthcare, Taylor said.

She added that racial justice is not a priority for the current administration. Whereas, with the Biden campaign, racial justice is built into their platform on all threads.

Day believes the Biden-Harris ticket will address this issue in practical terms.

I dont think this duo is going to defund the police, she said, but I do think they are going to look at reallocating funding toward other things that activists find important. Its radical incrementalism.

Six Ways Trump Has Sabotaged The Affordable Care Act

Donald Trumps first term represents an extraordinary development in what political scientists have called the administrative or unilateral presidency: how presidents seek to transform domestic policy through executive initiatives without congressional approval. Aggressive, partisan, multifaceted administrative presidencies have been especially evident since Reagan with presidents of both parties participating. Trump has in multiple ways taken this trend to new levels as his efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act vividly illustrate.

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