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How Is Trump Doing In The Election

Presidency Of Donald Trump

Trump tells Putin at G20 summit: Don’t meddle in U.S. elections
Presidency of Donald TrumpJanuary 20, 2017 January 20, 2021
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Donald Trump‘s tenure as the 45thpresident of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Trump, a Republican from New York City, took office following his Electoral College victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, in which he did not win a plurality of the popular vote. Trump made an unprecedented number of false or misleading statements during his campaign and presidency. His presidency ended with defeat in the 2020 presidential election to DemocratJoe Biden after one term in office. It was the first presidency since that of Herbert Hoover in 1932 in which a sitting president was defeated and his party lost its majorities in both chambers of Congress.

Robert Mueller‘s Special Counsel investigation concluded that Russia interfered to favor Trump’s candidacy and that while the prevailing evidence “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government,” possible obstructions of justice occurred during the course of that investigation.

Trump attempted to pressure Ukraine to announce investigations into his political rival Joe Biden, triggering his first impeachment by the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019, but he was acquitted by the Senate on February 5, 2020.

A Split In South Carolina House Races

RepresentativeTom Rice, one of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Mr. Trump, lost to his Trump-backed challenger, State Representative Russell Fry.

But RepresentativeNancy Mace defeated her Trump-endorsed opponent, the former state lawmaker Katie Arrington. Ms. Mace had said that Mr. Trump bore responsibility for the Jan. 6 attack but did not vote to impeach him.

Trump Support Remains Unmoved By Investigations Poll Finds

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The American publics views of former President Donald J. Trump have remained remarkably stable across a number of different measures in recent months, even as he faces multiple investigations and as he remains a central figure in the midterm elections, according to the most recent New York Times/Siena College poll.

Voters held nearly identical views from those earlier in the summer on whether they had a favorable view of Mr. Trump, whether they thought he had committed serious federal crimes, and whom they would support in a hypothetical 2024 Trump-Biden matchup.

Overall, 44 percent of voters viewed Mr. Trump favorably, and 53 percent viewed him unfavorably . The recent poll was fielded early this month, after news of the Justice Departments inquiry into Mr. Trumps handling of confidential documents but before the New York attorney general announced she was suing Mr. Trump and his family business.

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Election To The Presidency

On November 8, 2016, Trump received 306 pledged electoral votes versus 232 for Clinton. The official counts were 304 and 227 respectively, after defections on both sides. Trump received nearly 2.9 million fewer popular votes than Clinton, which made him the fifth person to be elected president while losing the popular vote. Clinton was ahead nationwide with 65,853,514 votes to 62,984,828 votes .

Trump’s victory was considered a stunning political upset by most observers, as polls had consistently showed Hillary Clinton with a nationwide âthough diminishing âlead, as well as a favorable advantage in most of the competitive states. Trump’s support had been modestly underestimated throughout his campaign, and many observers blamed errors in polls, partially attributed to pollsters overestimating Clinton’s support among well-educated and nonwhite voters, while underestimating Trump’s support among white working-class voters.The polls were relatively accurate, but media outlets and pundits alike showed overconfidence in a Clinton victory despite a large number of undecided voters and a favorable concentration of Trump’s core constituencies in competitive states.

Trumps Next Coup Has Already Begun

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Technically, the next attempt to overthrow a national election may not qualify as a coup. It will rely on subversion more than violence, although each will have its place. If the plot succeeds, the ballots cast by American voters will not decide the presidency in 2024. Thousands of votes will be thrown away, or millions, to produce the required effect. The winner will be declared the loser. The loser will be certified president-elect.

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Why Donald Trump Is Calling For A Total Do

Former President Donald Trump has not tried to hide that he does not agree with the turnout of the 2020 election which saw him ousted as the leader of the United States and replaced by Joe Biden. He holds the opinion that he truly won the election and that the results were fraudulent up until the end of his time in the White House .

Trump has repeatedly made claims that he won the election. He told a group of supporters in Georgia, “You know we won Georgia, just so you understand.” He added, “They cheated and they rigged our presidential election, but we will still win it.” These outrageous claims led to the tragic riots at the Capitol on January 6th.

Regardless of what Trump may declare, his own officials confirmed that the election was incredibly secure . The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency released a statement confirming the results, saying, “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double-checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.”

This confirmation from Homeland Security didn’t seem to be enough. Now, in 2022, Trump is demanding a redo of the 2020 election.

A Prototypical Ordinary American

Trump clarified his own position in the world with reference to a classic populist confection in which that world is divided into two groups: the common people and a privileged elite. Here the people were defined in national termsas Americansand the elite primarily in political terms. Trump’s claim to leadership was then rooted largely in the work he did to position himself firmly among the former . This division indeed was at the heart of his successful identity entrepreneurship.

To start with, Trump has construed himself as prototypical of the ordinary American in-group. Not typical. Trump is far from typical. How many ordinary Americans are worth billions and have their own towers, golf courses and jets? No, he is proto typical, which means that he represents the key values and attributes that distinguish the in-group from out-groups. This is how journalist and author Andrew Sullivan put it in New York Magazine:He did not hide his wealth in the late-20th centuryhe flaunted it in a way that connected with the masses. He lived the rich man’s life most working men dreamed ofendless glamour and women, for examplewithout sacrificing a way of talking about the world that would not be out of place on the construction sites he regularly toured. His was a cult of democratic aspiration.

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Views Of Donald Trump Four Ways

Based on a New York Times/Siena College poll of 1,399 registered voters nationwide from Sept. 6 to 14, 2022. Questions regarding Mr. Trumps actions after the election and whether he has committed crimes were each asked of half the sample.

That level of Trump support has effectively been unchanged since the last Times/Siena poll, which was fielded in July amid televised hearings by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. It was also fundamentally similar to levels of support Times/Siena polls and other surveys found in recent years.

The publics view of Mr. Trumps fight against the election results also remained largely unchanged, with 54 percent in the most recent survey saying his actions posed a threat to democracy and 38 percent saying he had just exercised his right to contest the election.

And roughly half of voters said they thought Mr. Trump had committed serious federal crimes, while 38 percent thought he had not. That was similar to the responses from July, when respondents were asked more specifically about Mr. Trumps actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Mr. Trump has signaled another run for president. In a hypothetical rematch in 2024 with President Biden, 45 percent said they would support Mr. Biden, while 42 percent said they would support Mr. Trump.

I dont know too much, he said. When the race starts getting closer, Ill start paying attention, but right now hes just at the forefront for me.

Last Thing: Taste Of Kale Makes Unborn Babies Grimace Finds Research

Former federal judge reveals most compelling evidence against Trump’s election lies

If the taste of kale makes you screw up your face, you are not alone: researchers have observed foetuses pull a crying expression when exposed to the greens in the womb. While previous studies have suggested our food preferences may begin before birth, the team says the research is the first to look directly at the response of unborn babies to different flavors. Researchers are now looking to explore the reaction of babies after birth to the different flavors. Hopefully we will see less negative reactions, if they were exposed to kale prenatally, one said.

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Trump Endorsed 16 Candidates In Tuesdays Primaries Here Are The Winners

The former president ran the table with his endorsements Tuesday. But he largely backed candidates who were likely to win anyway.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in May 2022. | Chet Strange/Getty Images

06/09/2022 09:39 AM EDT

Donald Trump came into Tuesdays primaries on the heels of a dismal May 24 performance, when his endorsements in Georgia largely proved to be a flop.

This time around, he didnt have as much at stake: Trump didnt endorse in any heavily contested primaries, nor did he support any challengers to Republican incumbents. For the most part, the former president backed incumbents who were expected to easily dispatch little-known opponents and a few open-seat House candidates in California.

Among his endorsements this week: GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California.

Notably, Trump refrained from backing a primary challenger to California Rep. David Valadao, who was one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach him last year.

Made the general election by finishing in first place.

He voted to overturn 2020 election results.


Political Activities Up To 2015

Trump’s political party affiliation has changed numerous times. He registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987, switched to the Reform Party in 1999, the Democratic Party in 2001, and back to the Republican Party in 2009.

Trump first floated the idea of running for president in 1987, placing full-page advertisements in three major newspapers, proclaiming “America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves.” The advertisements also advocated for “reducing the budget deficit, working for peace in Central America, and speeding up nuclear disarmament negotiations with the Soviet Union“.DCCC chair Rep. Beryl Anthony Jr. told The New York Times that “the message Trump has been preaching is a Democratic message.” Asked whether rumors of a presidential candidacy were true, Trump denied being a candidate, but said, “I believe that if I did run for President, I’d win.” In 1988, he approached Lee Atwater asking to be put into consideration as Republican nominee George H.W. Bush‘s running mate. Bush found the request “strange and unbelievable.” According to a Gallup poll in December 1988, Trump was the tenth most admired man in America.

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Political Career Of Donald Trump

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From through 2021, Donald Trump was the 45th President of the United States he is the only American president to have never held political office prior to his presidency. Trump has been a presidential candidate three times, in 2000, 2016, and 2020 he also “unofficially” campaigned in 2012 and mulled a run in 2004. He won the 2016 general election through the Electoral College despite losing the popular vote to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by 2.8 million votes, the greatest losing margin in the popular vote of any U.S. president he was thereby elected the 45th president of the United States on November 8, 2016, and inaugurated on January 20, 2017. He unsuccessfully sought reelection in the 2020 United States presidential election, losing by 7 million votes to Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Trump is the only US president to have been impeached twice, or to be impeached for incitement of insurrection against the United States he is generally regarded by historians as one of the worst presidents of all time. Among the American public, Trump’s average 41 percent approval rating was the lowest of any president since Gallup began polling, and he left office with a 34 percent approval rating and 62 percent disapproval rating in his final polls.

Rep Scott Perry Suing To Block Doj Access To His Cell Phone

Trump 2024 Take America Back House Flag US Election Day

The 16-page suit, filed last week in Washington D.C. federal court, was not publicly docketed until late Tuesday.

Rep. Scott Perry indicated that after his phone was seized, he and his attorney conferred with DOJ about an alternative solution to litigation. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images

08/24/2022 09:22 AM EDT

Rep. Scott Perry is suing to block the Justice Department from reviewing the contents of his cell phone, which was recently seized as part of an apparent investigation into the Pennsylvania Republicans connections to former President Donald Trumps effort to overturn the 2020 election.

FBI agents seized Perrys phone on Aug. 9 and transported it to the custody of DOJs inspector general, which has helped lead the inquiry into the push by Trump and his allies to replace department leadership as part of a broader drive to keep Trump in power. Investigators have cited Perry as a key participant in that effort given his help connecting Trump with Jeffrey Clark, a DOJ official whom Trump viewed as an ally in his push.

But Perry indicated in his recent filing that DOJ has not yet accessed materials on his phone and is in the process of obtaining a second search warrant that would guide its review, including a process to screen out potentially privileged materials. Perry is objecting to that bid, demanding that the government be blocked from scouring his phone and that it return any data in its possession.

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Both Parties Eye Pennsylvania

The state is vital to Democratsâ hopes as well. They want to pick up a US Senate seat by propelling Lt Gov John Fetterman to victory.

The governorâs race has taken on extra significance with Mr Mastrianoâs landslide win in the Republican primary. He attended the 6 January 2021 attack on the US Congress and played a key role in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Pennsylvania.

Should he win the governorship, he would have significant power over the stateâs election implementation.

To oppose him, Democrats have put forth the stateâs attorney general, Josh Shapiro, and President Biden held several high-profile events in the state in recent days to help whip up the Democratic base.

In fact, he also visited Wilkes-Barre, on 30 August to give a major speech about guns and public safety and two days ago he gave a primetime address in Philadelphia.

He argued that Trumpâs ideology â which he called âMaga Republicansâ after his predecessorâs famous campaign slogan â threatened American democracy.

âNot every Republican, not even a majority of Republicans, are Maga Republicans,â Mr Biden said.

âBut thereâs no question the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the Maga Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.â

On Saturday, Mr Trump called Mr Bidenâs address the most âvicious hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American presidentâ.

Stat Of The Day: Two Firms Control 40% Of Global Commercial Seed Market Dominating The Global Food Chain

The dominance of a small number of big companies over the global food chain is increasing, aided by the rising use of big data and artificial intelligence, research has found. Only two companies control 40% of the global commercial seed market, compared with 10 companies controlling the same proportion of the market 25 years ago, according to the ETC Group, an eco-justice organisation. Agricultural commodity trading is similarly concentrated, with 10 commodity traders in 2020 dominating a market worth half a trillion dollars.

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Strip Job Protections For Federal Workers

In October 2020, Trump signed an executive order reclassifying tens of thousands of federal workers to remove their employment protections and make them easier to fire. The National Treasury Employees Union sued to stop the change, and before a court could rule on the challenge, Biden took office and revoked the order.

Lately, Trump has declared his intent to restore the change and put it to greater use. Hes gone further by calling on Congress to overhaul the civil service through a statute, which could be more sweeping and harder to reverse than an executive order.

Congress should pass historic reforms, empowering the president to ensure that any bureaucrat who is corrupt, incompetent or unnecessary for the job can be told did you ever hear this? Youre fired, Trump said at the July speech in Washington. Get out. Youre fired. Have to do it.

Though overhauling the civil service by reclassifying employees under a new category called Schedule F may sound geeky, its become a consistent applause line in Trumps speeches and even the basis for fundraising appeals.

I told you I would DRAIN THE SWAMP and purge Washington of woke bureaucrats, and thats exactly what Schedule F accomplishes, an Aug. 9 email to supporters said.

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