Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How To Get Ahold Of President Trump

Are The Donald J Trumppresidential Records Available For Research

How To Get In Touch With Trump

The Donald J. Trump Presidential records are governed bythe PresidentialRecords Act . Under the provisionsof the PRA, Trump Presidential records are not available to public accessrequests for the first five years after the end of the Administration. Trump Presidential records will become subject to Freedom of Information Act requests on January 20, 2026.

How To Meet First Lady Melania Trump

It was wonderful to meet all of the incredible children from all around the world. Wishing everyone a happy #ValentinesDay weekend!


The best way to meet Melania Trump is at one of her live events. You could also join Mar-a-Lago Club.

Contact Melania Trumps agent, manager, & publicist using our online database.

Relationship With The Press

Throughout his career, Trump has sought media attention, with a “lovehate” relationship with the press. Trump began promoting himself in the press in the 1970s. Fox News anchor Bret Baier and former House speaker Paul Ryan have characterized Trump as a “troll” who makes controversial statements to see people’s “heads explode.”

In the 2016 campaign, Trump benefited from a record amount of free media coverage, elevating his standing in the Republican primaries.New York Times writer Amy Chozick wrote in 2018 that Trump’s media dominance, which enthralls the public and creates “can’t miss” reality television-type coverage, was politically beneficial for him.

As a candidate and as president, Trump frequently accused the press of bias, calling it the “fake news media” and “the enemy of the people.” In 2018, journalist Lesley Stahl recounted Trump’s saying he intentionally demeaned and discredited the media “so when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.”

As president, Trump deployed the legal system to intimidate the press. In early 2020, the Trump campaign sued The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN for alleged defamation in opinion pieces about Russian election interference. Legal experts said that the lawsuits lacked merit and were not likely to succeed. By March 2021, the lawsuits against The New York Times and CNN had been dismissed.

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Have You Received Any Backlash

Both stores have received anonymous threats, some as serious as arson and bombing, and The Trump Shop has been vandalized.

I get nervous, especially when it gets dark, he said. They have already threatened, theyre already cussing, I dont know what they are going to do.

Caudill said people swear at him, both inside and outside the store. A truck and trailer associated with the store was covered in liquid DeVooght said it might have been juice or Gatorade and a number of signs were put up around the vehicle and store. Additionally, a pumpkin painted with a crude anti-Trump message was left in front of the store.

Its festive, he said with a small chuckle.

Whats more common at both stores is the number of times they hear that a customers products have been vandalized.

Both store owners said they have see a number of customers return with pictures of their products shredded or painted over. Other customers claim that their signs and flags have been outright stolen. Caudill said one customer came to The Trump Shop twice in one day because two signs had been stolen.

Caudill went on to explain that he has heard several of his customers complain that their friends and neighbors will no longer talk with them or are confrontational because they are displaying Trump merchandise.

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Donald Trump Presidential Transition Team

We Got Ahold of President Trumps Concession Speech
See also: Donald Trump presidential transition team

Donald Trump Jr. was a member of Donald Trumps presidential transition team. The transition team was a group of around 100 aides, policy experts, government affairs officials, and former government officials who were tasked with vetting, interviewing, and recommending individuals for top cabinet and staff roles in Trumps administration.

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Office Of The Vice President

Once the epitome of a spare part, the Vice Presidency has become a central element of every administrations successes or failures.Two brothers went off to make their fortunes. One went to sea and the other became Vice President. Neither was ever heard from again. No other job in the American constitutional system has seen a greater transformation than the Office of the Vice President. This new briefing book on the vice-president outlines the dimensions of that change and how to manage the opportunities and responsibilities of this newly defined position in the White House.

We Got Ahold Of President Trump’s Concession Speech

Good evening, ingrates.

Ive been informed that if I want any more prime-time coverage, I have to give a concession speech. I imagine this kind of a speech comes equipped with a full concession stand. Anybody want some popcorn? Too bad, you cant have it. Its mine.

Anyway, Im here to say that the Electoral College is racist and completely backward, but it has problems, too. For example, everyone is saying I lost, but I got the most votes out of any president in history. Most of them were against me, but still. I won the election and if you want me to leave youll have to MAKE ME.

This country is full of millions and billions of illegal votes. It is very sad. Nobody let me or my armed Nazi fans watch ballot counts. This isnt fair just because I dont know how to count doesnt mean I shouldnt have been invited. From the people I know who did get to watch them count ballots, I hear Sleepy Joe got most of them, which is probably a lie and also funny because hes a nerd.

Its all very, very unfair to me.

Next time, nobody should be allowed to tell the people who to vote for or even who is running until theyre in the voting booth. Otherwise, theres just too much opportunity for collusion.

But now that I think of it, I dont even want to be president anyway. I hate this country. Youre all a bunch of lazy rednecks. How dumb do you have to be to elect a man like me? You pushed me to be someone I wasnt. Im over it and this swamp.

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The Biden Administration Has A Say In This

Ultimately, its not up to Trump whether he gets to claim executive privilege for information within the federal government. Its up to the Biden administration, since President Biden is the one in charge of the federal agencies that have the records.

And Biden has approved the release of Trumps information over the former presidents objections. The presidents dedicated to ensuring that something like that could never happen again, which is why the administration is cooperating with ongoing investigations, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

Trumps next step could be to sue the administration, Congress or both to try to stop the release, claiming that Biden is handing over records that he deems private.

There isnt much precedent for whether a sitting president can and should protect a former president, said Josh Chafetz, a law professor at Georgetown University who wrote a book about the separation of powers. Harry S. Truman tried once to ignore a congressional committee subpoena that came after he had left the presidency. That created such a political firestorm that Congress backed down before the question of former presidents and executive privilege could be settled in the courts.

We Got Ahold Of President Trumps Concession Speech

President Donald Trump’s 1988 Cadillac Limousine

Good evening, ingrates.

Ive been informed that if I want any more prime-time coverage, I have to give a concession speech. I imagine this kind of a speech comes equipped with a full concession stand. Anybody want some popcorn? Too bad, you cant have it. Its mine.

Anyway, Im here to say that the Electoral College isracist and completely backward, but it has problems, too. For example, everyone is saying I lost, but I got the most votes out of any president in history. Most of them were against me, but still. I won the election and if you want me to leave youll have to MAKE ME.

This country is full of millions and billions of illegal votes. It is very sad. Nobody let me or my armed Nazi fans watch ballot counts. This isnt fair just because I dont know how to count doesnt mean I shouldnt have been invited. From the people I know who did get to watch them count ballots, I hear Sleepy Joe got most of them, which is probably a lie and also funny because hes a nerd.

Next time, nobody should be allowed to tell the people who to vote for or even who is running until theyre in the voting booth. Otherwise, theres just too much opportunity for collusion.

Oh, and the truth has also been very, very, very unfair to me. The truth can SUCK IT.

This election is not over. Far From it, despite every news station including Fox calling it and that Sleepy Joe already set up a task force to address the pandemic. How laughable.

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Promotion Of Conspiracy Theories

Before and throughout his presidency, Trump has promoted numerous conspiracy theories, including Obama birtherism, the Clinton Body Count theory, QAnon, and alleged Ukrainian interference in U.S. elections. In October 2020, Trump retweeted a QAnon follower who asserted that Osama bin Laden was still alive, a body double had been killed in his place, and that “Biden and Obama may have had SEAL Team Six killed.”

During and since the 2020 presidential election, Trump has promoted various conspiracy theories for his defeat including the “dead voter” conspiracy theory, and without providing any evidence he has created other conspiracy theories such as that “some states allowed voters to turn in ballots after Election Day that vote-counting machines were rigged to favor Mr Biden and even that the FBI, the Justice Department and the federal court system were complicit in an attempt to cover up election fraud.”

Attorney General Jamess Statement On Trump Organization Order

NEW YORK New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after the New York County State Supreme Court today unsealed an order that forces the Trump Organization to comply with the Office of the Attorney Generals subpoenas, otherwise face a third-party firm to oversee the identification, collection, and review of electronically stored information responsive to OAGs subpoenas:

For more than a year now, the Trump Organization has failed to adequately respond to our subpoenas, hiding behind procedural delays and excuses. Once again, the court has ordered that the Trump Organization must turn over the information and documents we are seeking, otherwise face an independent third-party that will ensure that takes place. Our work will continue undeterred because no one is above the law.

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Who Should I Contact If Iam Interested In Vice President Mike Pences Official Records

Vice President Mike Pences Vice Presidential records arehoused at National Archives facilities in the National Capital Region. Theserecords are governed by the PresidentialRecords Act and will be available,subject to provisions of the Freedom ofInformation Act, beginning January 20,2026.

For more information on the records of Vice PresidentPence please contact:

National Archives and Records AdministrationArchival Operations Division – Vice Presidential Collections700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Room G-7Washington, DC 20408

Donald Trump Fan Mail Address And Mailing Address

Court temporarily blocks New York prosecutor from getting ...

Are you a big fan of Donald Trump? Do you want to send him a fan letter to appreciate his work or give feedback on his presidency? If yes, please note down the fan mail address of Donald Trump, The Trump Organization, 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA.

Please also note down another mailing address of Donald Trump, c/o Mar-a-Lago Club, 1100 S. Ocean Blvd., Palm Beach, FL 33480. Please use this mailing address to send your fan letters and autograph requests.

Please use appropriate words only when you are going to write a letter to his fan mail address/mailing address.

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Current Whtp Studies On Presidential

In one of our periodic reviews, Martha Joynt Kumar reviews presidential interchanges with the press over the last six presidencies and as of 30 months into their administrations. Read the report: Six Presidents Interchanges with Reporters at 30 Months Kumar. Some of the highlights:

  • President Trump answers 50% more questions from the press than the average for the last five presidents.
  • Presidents have expanded their press relations into forums they believe are their strong suit.
  • While most presidents aim their communications to the average citizen, President Trump aims at his supporters alone.

Back to the top.

The American Publics Response To 45office

Trump supporters could not be more pleased about the launch of the former presidents new website. As seen on social media, Americans who supported and voted for Trump have already used the website to contact him, send messages, and express their warm feelings.

BOOM! Hes baaaaaaack!

Jenna Ellis

Of course, Americans who are not in the former presidents fan club had very different reactions to the launch of 45Office. Trump haters complained about the website, claimed it to be unnecessary, and even suggested that they might use it to send hate messages.

Overall, though, the reactions to 45Office are directly in keeping with partisanship, politics, and opinions about former President Trump.

Are you glad that the 45th president now has a website where supporters can contact him? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Sending A Letter By Regular Mail

  • 1Write the letter respectfully. Regardless of your sentiments toward the President, or whether you’re condemning or praising POTUS, remember that you’re writing to the leader of the United States. Write an honest but respectful letter, stating your thoughts clearly and reasonably. Don’t include any threatsovert or otherwise.
  • 2Format the letter according to White House rules. The White House requests that you either type your letter on an 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper, or if you hand-write it, that you use ink and your most legible handwriting. Format it as you would a business letter, or any formal communication:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • Put your name and address, including your email address, at the top right corner of the letter, with the date written out below that.
  • Use a formal salutation, such as, Dear Mr. President,
  • Close with a formal salutation, such as, Most Respectfully,
  • Print and sign your name.
  • 3Prepare the envelope. Fold your letter and insert it into the envelope. Add your return address to the top left corner of the envelope. Add a stamp to the top right corner of the envelope. Address the envelope to:XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • The White House
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