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How Do I Communicate With President Trump

Addressing A Former President

Supporters fill Austin Convention Center as former President Donald Trump speaks at event | KVUE
  • 1Make your envelope out to “The Honorable” former president. Former presidents do not keep the title of “president” once they leave office . If youâre writing a letter to a former president, the envelope should be addressed to: “The Honorable .”XResearch source
  • For example, you could address a letter to “The Honorable Jimmy Carter” or “The Honorable George Bush.”
  • 2Address written correspondence to “Dear Mr” and their surname. A letter to a former president is slightly less formal than correspondence to a sitting president since the recipient no longer holds the office of president. Do not use the term “honorable” in the introduction or body of your correspondenceâ”honorable” should be used on the envelope only.XResearch source
  • So, your letter would begin: “Dear Mr. Carter” or “Dear Mr. Bush.”
  • 3Address a former president as “Mr.” and their surname in person. An in-person address will also be less formal for a former president than it would for a sitting president. For example, you would address Barack Obama as “Mr. Obama,” not as “Mr. President.”XResearch source
  • The rules about introductions are similarly less formal. As a general sign of respect, though, itâs still probably best to introduce a third party to the former president.
  • Use Clear Simple Language

    When you dont understand a section of a book or magazine article, you can read it again and again until the meaning is clear to you. When you speak, your listeners dont have this luxury. What you say must be immediately clear to your audience.

    As I learned at Toastmasters, words are powerful. They convey your message and influence the audience and its perception of you. Word choice and arrangement need just as much attention as speech purpose and content. If you want listeners to understand and accept you, be sure to speak the same way they speak, using familiar words and concepts. Construct your speech in an oral style, using short words, short sentences and short paragraphs in your speech.

    Youve got to admire Donald Trump for his use of simple language that anyone can understand. What he says is filled with emotion and this resonates with voters.

    An analysis found Donald Trump spoke like a fourth grader it increases his appeal for those who are less educated.

    Analysis done by the Boston Globe using a common algorithm called the Flesch-Kincaid readability test, found Donald Trump spoke like a fourth grader. This essentially means that what he says gets understood by large numbers of voters.

    Takeaway lesson: use language that will be understood by your audience.

    William Mckinley Films The First Campaign Commercial

    In 1896, William McKinleys presidential campaign became the first to capitalize on the brand-new medium of moving pictures. It might look painfully boring today, but the reenactment of McKinley receiving the Republican nomination would have been completely novel to late 19th-century audiences. KcKinleys inauguration was also the first-ever filmed.

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    How Can I Contact Donald Trump

    1. Write your letter

    Write your message for Donald Trump directly from your phone or your computer. Express and write your admiration to Donald Trump. Postalie will take care of the rest.

    2. We print your letter

    Once youre done writing your message to Donald Trump. We take care of printing it physically and we send it to Donald Trumps address.

    3. We send your letter to Donald Trump

    Thats it! We take care of sending your letter physically to Donald Trumps public address for you. You dont need to worry about anything else.

    Dear Donald Trump,Im writing you this message to share with you my admiration everything youve done and accomplish. Your work and your career mean a lot to meKeep going,

    Suppressing Mention Of Covid

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    A June 22, 2020, internal memo from the National Marine Fisheries Service banned employees from mentioning “anything COVID-related” in official actions without executive approval, and recommended euphemisms like “in these extraordinary times” if reference to the pandemic was necessary.

    In April 2020, the White House released guidelines that omitted details provided by the CDC and FEMA. In July, CDC guidelines minimized risks and argued for reopening schools. In August, CDC guidelines said that asymptomatic people did not need to be tested . In March 2021, the new CDC director, Rochelle Walensky, referred to these three instances, observing that the documents were evidently ânot primarily authoredâ by CDC staff and promising not to allow this type of political influence in the future.

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    How To Send A Message To The President Online

    Contacting the Leader of the Free World is no small feat. Sending a message to the President of the United States , though, might not be a surefire way of contacting him. As youd imagine, hes one of the busiest people on the planet. For that reason, its unlikely that POTUS will receive your message let alone reply to it.

    That being said, there are some things you can cover to increase the chances of receiving a reply.

    Heated Rhetoric And Conspiracy Theories

    The text messages CNN obtained begin on Election Day, November 3, 2020. Even before the election was called, Meadows was inundated with conspiracy theories about election fraud, strategies to challenge the results and pleas for Trump to keep fighting. The messages from GOP activists, donors, Republican members of Congress and state party officials appear to act as an echo chamber affirming Trumps false claims that the election was stolen. For months leading up to Election Day, Trump had claimed the only way he could lose was if the election was rigged.

    Previously disclosed text messages showed that former Trump administration Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Trumps son, Donald Trump Jr., each texted Meadows on November 4 and 5 with ideas for overturning the election.

    On November 7, hours before the election was called, Perry texted Meadows again: We have the data driven program that can clearly show where the fraud was committed. This is the silver bullet.

    While Perry has previously denied CNN reporting about his text messages to Meadows, CNN has confirmed its his cell phone and he signed this text, Rick Perry, including his number.

    Other texts, however, include hints of doubt expressed by members of Trumps team and even Meadows himself about the veracity of conspiracy theories being spread by Trumps kraken team outside attorneys working for Trump that included Giuliani and Sidney Powell.

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    Calling The White House

  • 1Pick up your phone and dial the White House. Dial one of the following numbers, depending on who youd like to reach and what youd like to say: for Comments, call 202-456-1111 , or to reach the Switchboard, call 202-456-1414 .XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • The Comments line is answered by volunteers with the current administration.XResearch source
  • The Switchboard line is answered by White House staff members.XResearch source
  • 2Follow any guidelines. When your call is answered, guidelines may be given by a person or automated program. Use your keypad to enter any extensions or information, as directed.XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • 3State your request. Ask to speak to the President or make another request. Though the President cannot likely take your call, you may be directed to someone else who will listen to your thoughts.XTrustworthy SourceThe White HouseOfficial website for the Executive Branch of the U.S. governmentGo to source
  • If you are an expert in some field, and you wish to speak with the President, first contact the Cabinet member who would be responsible for that area. For example, an expert in teaching methods would need to contact the head of the Department of Education.
  • Trump Launched His Own Way To Communicate With Supporters Online

    President Donald Trump: âI Guess I Speak Wellâ? | All In | MSNBC

    Since being largely blacklisted from every major social media website, Trump has found increased difficulty communicating his messages to followers. Of course, there’s his email list, the social media accounts of his family members, and various conservative news outlets reporting on the former president, but his voice alone was missing from the conversation for some time, until now.

    That’s right. Trump is back posting online, but he has created his own means to do so, far from the reaches of the “big tech” companies he so frequently goes after. From the Desk of Donald J. Trump is the former president’s new blog-style website where he posts messages about his political views, much like he used to on Twitter. The only difference this time is that fans can’t interact with the posts, save for setting up notifications to be informed when a new one goes live.

    “President Trumps website is a great resource to find his latest statements and highlights from his first term in office, but this is not a new social media platform,” senior advisor to the former president Jason Miller said in a statement to Fox News, adding, “Well have additional information coming on that front in the very near future.”

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    How Donald Trump Is Changing Presidential Communication

    Up Next

    An argument can be made that Donald J. Trump is unlike any president-elect in history. Between claiming that millions of people voted illegally in this election and tweeting what could be read as the seed of foreign policy in Cuba, his communication style, at least, is nothing if not unconventional.

    We asked John Wihbey, assistant professor of journalism and an expert in new media, and Greg Goodale, associate professor of communication studies and a former lawyer, lobbyist, speechwriter, and congressional aide, to analyze Trumps communication style and how it might shape the way future presidents communicate with the public. They addressed what we can and cant read into Trumps tweets, dog whistles in political speech, and why tweets are perhaps the next evolution of how presidents will engage directly with the public. Here are the highlights.

    Broadly, what can be read into Trumps tweets and what cannot? In other words, can you take the tweets from his account at face value or is there more to his method?

    Wihbey: The president-elect has absolutely realized the power of unfiltered access to the public through social media. Hes charting a new course for political figures in terms of how they speak publicly.

    Given your respective experiences and backgrounds, what are you looking for in Trumps communications? Are there any words, phrases, or syntaxical elements that serve as tells for you that signal something else in his messages?

    Public Response To Communication

    A poll conducted from March 11 to March 15 by the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated that President Trump was trusted to provide reliable information on the coronavirus by 46% of Americans . The CDC was trusted to provide reliable information on the coronavirus by 85% of Americans . Trump had an overall lower trust regarding this topic compared to the news media, local government officials, state government officials, and the World Health Organization. The CDC had the highest overall trust.

    A poll conducted from April 16 to April 20 by the Associated Press and NORC at the University of Chicago estimated that President Trump was a source of information on the pandemic for 28% of Americans. In terms of trust in Trump for information on the outbreak, 23% have a high amount of trust, while 21% have a moderate amount of trust. Americans used state or local officials more as a source of information, and also trusted them more than Trump.

    A poll conducted from May 7 to May 10 by SRSS for CNN, concluded that only 36% of people in the U.S. trusted President Trump on information about the COVID-19 outbreak. 4% of Democrats trusted information from Trump, while around 80% to 81% of Democrats trusted information from Anthony Fauci or the CDC. 84% of Republicans trusted information from Trump this was higher than their trust in information from the CDC or Fauci .

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    I Stand With President Trump

    I stand with President Trump.

    But what does it mean to say that in the sense of having an impact and making a difference?

    Here are some thoughts. I hope AT readers will chime in.

    Standing with Trump means we hold firm and don’t waver while he fights in the courts to expose and remedy what appears to be massive, systemic election fraud.

    It means we speak up when we communicate with others, whether in person, on social media, or by contacting conservative media outlets that are starting to go wobbly.

    It means reaching out to our elected officials to read them the riot act about their cowardice and apparent willingness to allow this nation to slide into a socialist nightmare that includes electronic manipulation of our votes!

    It means reaching out to those few elected officials who are standing by Trump, to say “thank you” and to urge them to be even more bold and outspoken.

    It means contacting relevant officials in key states to let them know we’re watching and what we expect to be done.

    It means we follow patriots such as Lin Wood , who’s working tirelessly for the president, and we follow his recommendations such as in this recent tweet:

    Time for GA officials to hear from The People. Email these officials & demand special session of legislature. You can make a difference.

    It means we attend rallies to show our support and make our voices heard.

    It means donating money to the president’s legal defense fund.

    George Washington’s State Of The Union Address

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    George Washington was well-aware of the public scrutiny surrounding his presidency, the first experiment with executive power in the political experiment that was the United States. America had just unshackled itself from an English monarch and was on high alert for any signs of despotism in its new president. Thats why George Washington played it very safe in his inaugural address, humbly declining to offer any suggestions or ideas to Congress.

    Nine months later, on January 8, 1790, Washington fulfilled his constitutional duty to from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.

    Washingtons first State of the Union, like the first inaugural, was a precisely calibrated political statement, writes Anna Groves of George Mason University. The president praised Congress and gently offered suggestions regarding the creation of a national currency, a post office and a system of weights and measures, while also weighing in on more controversial topics like the national debt and immigration.

    Washington knew that the speech would be published in the newspapers, so it was a message to the American people as well as Congress. Not unlike modern times, the presidents appearance was as important as his words. The Virginia Herald and Fredericksburg Advertiser noted that Washington was dressed in a crow coloured suit of clothes, of American manufacture.

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