Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Is Trump Democrat Or Republican

Republicans Cant Understand Democrats

Trump-backed Dan Cox wins Republican nomination for Maryland governor over Hogan’s pick Democratic

Only one in four Republican voters felt that most or almost all Democratic voters sincerely believed they were voting in the best interests of the country. Rather, many Republicans told us that Democratic voters were brainwashed by the propaganda of the mainstream media, or voting solely in their self-interest to preserve undeserved welfare and food stamp benefits.

We asked every Republican in the sample to do their best to imagine that they were a Democrat and sincerely believed that the Democratic Party was best for the country. We asked them to explain their support for the Democratic Party as an actual Democratic voter might. For example, a 64-year-old strong Republican man from Illinois surmised that Democrats want to help the poor, save Social Security, and tax the rich.

But most had trouble looking at the world through Democratic eyes. Typical was a a 59-year-old Floridian who wrote I dont want to work and I want cradle to grave assistance. In other words, Mommy! Indeed, roughly one in six Republican voters answered in the persona of a Democratic voter who is motivated free college, free health care, free welfare, and so on. They see Democrats as voting in order to get free stuff without having to work for it was extremely common roughly one in six Republican voters used the word free in the their answers, whereas no real Democratic voters in our sample answered this way.

Republicans Slam Fbi Search Of Trumps Home Democrats Cautious

Republicans rally in defence of the former president and condemn the FBI search as Democrats say no one is above the law.

Donald Trumps Republican Party has come to the former US presidents defence after FBI agents conducted a search at his residence in Florida, with many conservative lawmakers vowing to investigate law enforcement agencies involved in the incident.

The anger was expressed by far-right firebrands as well as mainstream Republican congressional leaders who claimed without evidence that the raid on Monday night was politically motivated.

Ive seen enough, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement. The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization.

McCarthy said when Republicans win control of the House of Representatives, they will conduct immediate oversight of the department, warning that Attorney General Merrick Garland should preserve his documents and clear his calendar.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed McCarthys statement, starting with refuting his insinuation that Republicans would take control of the House of Representatives after the upcoming midterm elections in November.

No person is above the law not even the president of the United States, not even a former president of the United States, Pelosi told the Today Show on NBC.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre stressed on Tuesday that President Joe Biden had no knowledge of the search before it happened.

Reinhart Donated Money To Barack Obama & Jeb Bush

Reinhart donated money to a prominent Democrat and Republican however, the Republican, Jeb Bush, was a Republican primary opponent of Trumps.

Reinhart has donated money both to former President Obama, a Democrat, and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, a Republican, according to federal campaign finance records.

In 2017, the judge wrote on Facebook, Its embarrassing to live in a state that is less enlightened on criminal justice than Louisiana and Mississippi.

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Some Republicans Drift From Trump As Democrats Warm Up To Biden

Some Republican candidates are trying to publicly distance themselves from former President Trump just as President Biden is beginning to see small signs of Democrats more openly embracing him.

Trump-endorsed candidates including Pennsylvania Republican Senate nominee Mehmet Oz and Arizona Attorney General nominee Abe Hamadeh have scrubbed aspects of Trumps presence from their Twitter accounts following their primary victories.

In Arizona, Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters removed language from his campaign website asserting that if the 2020 presidential election had been free and fair election, President Trump would be sitting in the Oval Office today and America would be so much better off.

At the same time, Democratic nominees in the key swing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania are planning to appear with Biden in the upcoming weeks.

Of course, its not unusual for candidates to downplay some of the more controversial positions they may have staked out during partisan primaries that tend to attract parties most loyal and ideological voters.

And Republicans arent erasing their ties to Trump completely. Ozs campaign website still prominently features a picture of the former president and notes that hes been endorsed by Trump. Masters website, meanwhile, features a badge on its homepage reading Trump endorsed. Trump is set to hold a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday for Oz and Republican gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano.

A Reckoning Over Racial Inequality

Donald Trump describes Republican critics as

Racial tensions were a constant undercurrent during Trumps presidency, often intensified by the public statements he made in response to high-profile incidents.

The death of George Floyd, in particular, brought race to the surface in a way that few other recent events have. The videotaped killing of the unarmed, 46-year-old Black man by a White police officer in Minneapolis was among several police killings that sparked national and international protests in 2020 and led to an outpouring of public support for the Black Lives Matter movement, including from corporations, universities and other institutions. In a survey shortly after Floyds death in May, two-thirds of U.S. adults including majorities across all major racial and ethnic groups voiced support for the movement, and use of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag surged to a .

Attitudes began to change as the protests wore on and sometimes turned violent, drawing sharp condemnation from Trump. By September, support for the Black Lives Matter movement had slipped to 55% largely due to decreases among White adults and many Americans questioned whether the nations renewed focus on race would lead to changes to address racial inequality or improve the lives of Black people.

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Why Donald Trump Is Republicans’ Worst Nightmare In 2024

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Earlier this week, amid a rambling attack on the validity of the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump said this: “Interesting that today a poll came out indicating I’m far in the lead for the Republican Presidential Primary and the General Election in 2024.”

“Trump is confiding in allies that he intends to run again in 2024 with one contingency: that he still has a good bill of health, according to two sources close to the former president. That means Trump is going to hang over the Republican Party despite its attempts to rebrand during his exile and its blockade of a Trump-centric investigation into January’s insurrection.”“Manhattan prosecutors pursuing a criminal case against former President Donald Trump, his company and its executives have told at least one witness to prepare for grand jury testimony, according to a person familiar with the matter — a signal that the lengthy investigation is moving into an advanced stage.”

Actions While In Office

President Trump advocated repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act . The Republican-controlled House passed the American Health Care Act in May 2017, handing it to the Senate, which decided to write its own version of the bill rather than voting on the AHCA. The Senate bill, called the “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” , failed on a vote of 45â55 in the Senate during July 2017. Other variations also failed to gather the required support, facing unanimous Democratic Party opposition and some Republican opposition. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the bills would increase the number of uninsured by over 20 million persons, while reducing the budget deficit marginally.

Actions to hinder implementation of ACA

President Trump continued Republican attacks on the ACA while in office, including steps such as:

Ending cost-sharing reduction payments

President Trump’s argument that the CSR payments were a “bailout” for insurance companies and therefore should be stopped, actually results in the government paying more to insurance companies due to increases in the premium tax credit subsidies. Journalist Sarah Kliff therefore described Trump’s argument as “completely incoherent.”

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As Described By Others

Trump’s political positions are viewed by some as populist. Politicians and pundits alike have referred to Trump’s populism, anti-free trade, and anti-immigrant stances as “Trumpism”.

Liberal economist and columnist Paul Krugman disputes that Trump is a populist, arguing that his policies favor the rich over those less well off.Harvard Kennedy School political scientist Pippa Norris has described Trump as a “populist authoritarian” analogous to European parties such as the Swiss People’s Party, Austrian Freedom Party, Swedish Democrats, and Danish People’s Party. Columnist Walter Shapiro and political commentator Jonathan Chait describe Trump as . Conservative commentator characterized Trump as a “casual authoritarian,” saying “he is a candidate who has happily and proudly spurned the entire idea of limits on his power as an executive and doesn’t have any interest in the Constitution and what it allows him to do and what does not allow him to do. That is concerning for people who are interested in limited government.”Charles C. W. Cooke of the National Review has expressed similar views, terming Trump an “anti-constitutional authoritarian.”Libertarian journalist Nick Gillespie, by contrast, calls Trump “populist rather than an authoritarian”.Rich Benjamin refers to Trump and his ideology as fascist and a form of inverted totalitarianism.

Political Activities Up To 2015

Republican senators who voted to convict Trump face political peril at home

Trump’s political party affiliation has changed numerous times. He registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987, switched to the Reform Party in 1999, the Democratic Party in 2001, and back to the Republican Party in 2009.

Trump first floated the idea of running for president in 1987, placing full-page advertisements in three major newspapers, proclaiming “America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves.” The advertisements also advocated for “reducing the budget deficit, working for peace in Central America, and speeding up nuclear disarmament negotiations with the Soviet Union“.DCCC chair Rep. Beryl Anthony Jr. told The New York Times that “the message Trump has been preaching is a Democratic message.” Asked whether rumors of a presidential candidacy were true, Trump denied being a candidate, but said, “I believe that if I did run for President, I’d win.” In 1988, he approached Lee Atwater asking to be put into consideration as Republican nominee George H.W. Bush‘s running mate. Bush found the request “strange and unbelievable.” According to a Gallup poll in December 1988, Trump was the tenth most admired man in America.

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Why Are An Elephant And A Donkey The Party Symbols

The Democratic party is often associated with the colour blue and the donkey mascot.

That dates back to Democratic candidate Andrew Jackson’s 1828 presidential campaign, when opponents called him a “jackass” for his stubbornness.

Instead of taking the nickname as an insult, Jackson embraced it and used the donkey image on his election posters.

It was then quickly adopted by newspapers and political cartoonists.

The Republican’s elephant symbol came along years later.

Many believe it came about, in part, due to a widely used expression during the Civil War led by Republican president Abraham Lincoln.

Soldiers entering battle were said to be “seeing the elephant” a phrase that means learning a hard lesson, often with a profound cost.

The symbol was then popularised by political cartoonist Thomas Nast an early rendition featured in the 1879 edition of Harper’s Weekly.

Both symbols are still largely used for political campaigns.

Are Trump Republicans Fascists

The January 6 insurrectionists were violent and antidemocratic, but critics err in calling them fascist, BU historian Jonathan Zatlin says. AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

No, says BU historian Jonathan Zatlin, but they can still be dangerous

To call a person who endorses violence against the duly elected government a Republican is itself Orwellian. More accurate words exist for such a person. One of them is fascist.

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank dropped the f-word after the Republican National Committee on February 4 declared the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol legitimate political discourse. The RNC also censured US Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for serving on the House committee investigating the Capitol attack.

Othersformer George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum and Democratic journalist Ed Kilgore among themagree that the Trump-appeasing GOP is akin to the European fascists who rose to power between the two world wars. The concern predates the RNCs endorsement of violence. Frum noted the insurrection itself, while Kilgore detected such parallels to interwar fascism as a foundational lie and alliances with reactionary religious interests and radical elements among the police and military veterans.

BU Today asked Zatlin his thoughts on analogizing MAGA to Hitler and Mussolini.

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Who Is Ana Navarro

Born December 28, 1971, Navarro, 49, currently serves as a co-host on The View alongside Hostin, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg and Sara Hines.

She also works as a political contributor at CNN and CNN en Español.

A 1993 graduate of the University of Miami, Navarro has a bachelor’s degree in Latin American Studies and Political Science and went on to obtain her Juris Doctorate in 1997.

Navarro’s law career focuses on Latin American and Hispanic issues.

Bu Today: Is There Any Fascist Analog On The American Left

How Donald Trump mastered the art of political innuendo and rumor ...

Jonathan Zatlin:Thats one of those rhetorical questions thats easily disposed of. There is no such thing as fascism on the American left. There might be violence on the American left, although theres far less than there is on the right. This is a tactical move on the right to deny its own responsibility.

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District Of Columbia Statehood

2016 campaign

Trump has stated his support for school choice and local control for primary and secondary schools. On school choice he’s commented, “Our public schools are capable of providing a more competitive product than they do today. Look at some of the high school tests from earlier in this century and you’ll wonder if they weren’t college-level tests. And we’ve got to bring on the competitionâopen the schoolhouse doors and let parents choose the best school for their children. Education reformers call this school choice, charter schools, vouchers, even opportunity scholarships. I call it competitionâthe American way.”

Trump has blasted the Common Core State Standards Initiative, calling it a “total disaster”. Trump has asserted that Common Core is “education through Washington, D.C.”, a claim which Politifact and other journalists have rated “false”, since the adoption and implementation of Common Core is a state choice, not a federal one.

Trump has stated that Ben Carson will be “very much involved in education” under a Trump presidency. Carson rejects the theory of evolution, believes that “home-schoolers do the best, private schoolers next best, charter schoolers next best, and public schoolers worst” he said that he wanted to “take the federal bureaucracy out of education.”


Politics And Policies During Presidency

As president, Trump has pursued sizable income tax cuts, deregulation, increased military spending, rollbacks of federal health-care protections, and the appointment of conservative judges consistent with conservative ” rel=”nofollow”> Republican Party) policies. However, his anti-globalization policies of trade protectionism cross party lines. In foreign affairs he has described himself as a nationalist. Trump has said that he is “totally flexible on very, very many issues.”

Trump’s signature issue is immigration, especially illegal immigration, and in particular building or expanding a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

In his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump promised significant infrastructure investment and protection for entitlements for the elderly, typically considered liberal ” rel=”nofollow”> Democratic Party) policies. In October 2016, Trump’s campaign posted fourteen categories of policy proposals on his website, which have been since removed. During October 2016, Trump outlined a series of steps for his first 100 days in office.

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And It Is Putting His Acolytes Into Offices That Control Elections

Like his presidency, the after-presidency of Donald Trump is riddled with extreme contradictions. Here is a man deeply mired in investigations into a range of possible crimesa mire it is hard to imagine any previous politician escaping. And yet he is so powerful within his party that his disapproval can sink the career of almost any elected representative who speaks out against him, no matter how unassailable their pedigree or impeccable their credentials. Two events, only eight days apart, prove the paradox.

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On August 8th fbi agents turned up at Mar-a-Lago, Mr Trumps club and private mansion in Florida, with a warrant to search the premises for top-secret documents and presidential records kept in violation of federal laws, including the Espionage Act. They left with 11 boxes of material. Mr Trump is no stranger to litigation, and indeed to criminal investigation but this was something new even for him.

Most candidates seeking to run as a Republican this year have seen a kiss from the king as essential to victoryand fear his possibly fatal displeasure. In races for open seats, Mr Trumps endorsement picks have won four in five times . As a result, the party which lost the White House and the Senate two years ago is going into the forthcoming elections looking more, not less, like the man who led it to that defeat.

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