Friday, July 26, 2024

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What Is Donald Trump Doing

What Is A Pipe And Why Does It Matter

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I apologize for another acronym.

SPAC mergers often involve a parallel funding round known as the private investment in public equity, or PIPE. This means that a company thats merging gets the SPAC money plus some more money from outside investors. In return for that money, the outside investors get a chunk of the new company.

The outside investors are usually institutions like banks and pension funds. These investors often add legitimacy even prestige by having kicked the tires on the company. That can make other investors more comfortable with the SPAC.

Again show me the money

Trumps merger plan makes no mention of a PIPE. This is honestly very funny! Remember how we talked earlier about Trumps ambitions to take on Disney, Amazon, and CNN? Okay. So the pile of money that hes getting from the SPAC is about $300 million. Thats adorable. Netflix will spend $17 billion on content alone in fiscal 2021, and they dont have to build a platform from scratch, which would be a significant expense.

Harvard Law Professor Explains Why Donald Trumps Jan 6 Lawsuit Is Truly Laughable

Harvard constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe rejects former President Donald Trumps arguments against the release of documents relating to the U.S. Capitol riot as truly laughable.

Trump this week filed a lawsuit seeking to block or at least delay the release of records to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 violence, which he was impeached for inciting. The ex-president called it an illegal fishing expedition and cited executive privilege, even though hes no longer in office.

On Wednesdays broadcast of CNNs OutFront, Tribe said Trumps claim that he is not trying to hide the truth, but just preserve the Constitution, is really quite laughable.

Tribe also dismissed Trumps view that it would be unconstitutional for President Joe Bidens view of executive privilege to override his own. That was mistaken, said Tribe.

And his argument that there is no legitimate legislative purpose is truly laughable, Tribe added.

Documents Show Trump Lost Millions Operating Dc Hotel

“From March it was 45/53 so a majority of independents saying they had an unfavorable opinion of former President Trump,” she said. “In this poll, it was 48/49. So he’s evened out the edge that was there as a problem with independent voters in Iowa.”

The former president boasted about those numbers in an email to supporters this week.

And his political action committee recently hired a couple of Iowa advisers.

Kedron Bardwell, a political science professor at Simpson College, says Trump has mostly frozen the field for Republicans.

“It doesn’t mean they’re not testing the waters,” Bardwell said. “But I don’t think people want to go through the amount of work it would take to build the infrastructure and get, you know, the donations lined up, ready to go, if they know that in a few months, he’s just going to drop his hat in the ring anyway.”

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From Businessman To Politician

After taking control of the Trump Organization, Trump continued to work in real-estate development but also expanded into other businesses. He purchased sports teams, published books, and served as the producer and host of a reality TV show called The Apprentice. He married his third wife and future first lady, model Melania Knauss, in 2005.

In 2000, Trump ran for president as a candidate on a third-party ticket, meaning as an alternative candidate to those from the two major political parties, the Republicans and Democrats. He dropped out early in the race, but considered running again in 2004 and 2012. In 2015, he announced he was again running for president, this time on a major-party ticket as a Republican nominee. He beat out 16 other candidates to become the partys official nominee in 2016.

Republican Lawmakers Are Flocking To Mar

Its very, very hard to understand what Donald Trump is ...

The House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, was the first top Republican to signal the party wasnt abandoning Trump after the attack on Capitol on 6 January, when he appeared in a photo with Trump at Mar-a-Lago three weeks later.

This seemingly opened the gates for Republicans to make the pilgrimage to Palm Beach and hobnob with Trump. Many of them have uploaded their photos with him to Instagram, or can be spotted in photos uploaded to the app. This includes the 25-year-old House representative from North Carolina Madison Cawthone, the former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and the Republican extremist from Georgia .

On 13 March a delegation of Alabama Republicans also presented Trump with a framed resolution at Mar-a-Lago, which declared him one of the greatest and most effective presidents in the 245 year of this republic.

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Promotion Of Conspiracy Theories

Before and throughout his presidency, Trump has promoted numerous conspiracy theories, including Obama birtherism, the Clinton Body Count theory, QAnon, and alleged Ukrainian interference in U.S. elections. In October 2020, Trump retweeted a QAnon follower who asserted that Osama bin Laden was still alive, a body double had been killed in his place, and that “Biden and Obama may have had SEAL Team Six killed.”

During and since the 2020 presidential election, Trump has promoted various conspiracy theories for his defeat including the “dead voter” conspiracy theory, and without providing any evidence he has created other conspiracy theories such as that “some states allowed voters to turn in ballots after Election Day that vote-counting machines were rigged to favor Mr Biden and even that the FBI, the Justice Department and the federal court system were complicit in an attempt to cover up election fraud.”

Whats Donald Trump Up To These Days I Tried To Find Out Via Instagram

In the early days of his post-presidential life, Trump has crashed a wedding and welcomed maskless Mar-a-Lago guests

What do US presidents do once they leave the White House? Barack Obama kite-surfed with Richard Branson. Jimmy Carter returned to his peanut farm and found that it was $1m in debt. George W Bush got into painting.

Its early days, but Donald Trumps post-presidential life has been just like his presidency: non-traditional. Aside from setting up an eyebrow-raising new website, and releasing wannabe tweets as official statements, hes spent most of his time inside his new home at Mar-a-Lago, the giant and exclusive resort he owns in south Florida.

We know very little about what hes doing there, and after the unavoidable spectacle of his presidency, many people are probably comfortable with that. But for those still interested we decided to take a virtual holiday there, and look inside the gilded walls of Mar-a-Lago via the only way we could: Instagram.

Using the Instagram page that collects all the public posts geotagged Mar-a-Lago, anyone can comb through thousands of photos and videos to see whats been happening inside its gilded walls, and catch glimpses of what Trump has been up to.

We know already that he recently crashed a wedding, giving a speech where he railed against Biden and China before raising a toast to himself, and then the happy couple. But thats not everything. Heres what we found from guests photos:

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What Is Donald Trump Doing Now

The former president is readjusting to his life as a normal citizen since his presidency ended in January.

Since then, Trump has made several statements through his office in Florida, The Office of Donald J. Trump.

Trump slammed the “radical left CRAZIES” in an Easter 2021 message as he was spotted getting a standing ovation alongside Melania and Barron.

The full damning statement reads: “Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

“Happy Easter to ALL, including the Radical Left CRAZIES who rigged our Presidential Election, and want to destroy our Country!”

It comes after the former President was spotted at Mar-a-Lago in the family’s first appearance together since he left office.

Trump and First Lady Melania were given a warm welcome as they attended an Easter Sunday church service before heading to Mar-a-Lago for an egg roll.

The couple were issued a rousing round of applause as they stood in the front row of the Christ Fellowship Church in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, Easter morning.

On-lookers appeared stunned to learn of the Trumps’ presence at the religious event.

In photographs from the service at Christ Fellowship Church, which has seating for about 1,500 people, none of the attendees appear to be wearing masks.

The Trumps also appeared to be freely mingling with other guests and not practising social distancing.

Few Are Very Confident Trump Keeps Business Interests Separate

Donald Trump: The three things going through his mind right now | US Election 2020

About four-in-ten Americans say they are very or somewhat confident that Trump keeps his own business interests separate from the decisions he makes as president, while 56% are not too or not at all confident that Trump does this.

Roughly three-quarters of Republicans and Republican leaners express confidence in the president to keep his business interests separate from presidential decisions. Still, a wider majority of conservative Republicans say this than moderate and liberal Republicans .

Fully 85% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say they are not too or not at all confident in Trump to do this, including 68% who say they are not confident at all.

Liberal Democrats are especially likely to say they have no confidence at all in Trump to keep his business interests separate: 77% say this, compared with 62% of conservative and moderate Democrats.

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An Attack On The Capitol

In the weeks following the 2020 election, Trump refused to concede to Biden, declaring that he had won the election even though he and his legal team could not offer any evidence to back up his claims. On January 6, 2021, while Congress was in a joint session to count the electoral votes, a mob of violent protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol to prevent Congress from declaring victory for Biden. The mob consisted of people who believed Trumps false claims that he had won the election. Five people, including a U.S. Capitol police officer, died during the riots.

Many people believed that Trump encouraged his followers to overrun the Capitol because of remarks he had made on social media and at rallies, including one just before the attack happened. Because of that, the U.S. government moved to impeach Trump for the second time during his presidency to charge him with incitement of insurrection. He was officially impeached by the House of Representatives on January 13, 2021, this time with 10 Republicans joining Democrats to charge him. He is the only U.S. president ever to be impeached twice.

What Ever Happened To Donald Trump

Just months after leaving office, the former president has all but disappeared.

About the author: David A. Graham is a staff writer at The Atlantic.

The president was insistent as he left office: Were not going anywhere. It had been a turbulent end of the presidencyimpeachment, appalling pardons, and a lengthy dispute over the outcome of the presidential electionbut he knew that he had a devoted following, and he had every intention to remain a force in politics. And not just him: His family was eager to cash in on his electoral success, too. Usually a former president laid low for a while after leaving office. He wasnt going to do that. Hed remain a political force, and the dominant figure in his party.

But the plan didnt go well. The president sat at his new homehe had decamped from his longtime home stateguzzling Diet Cokes and calling friends to rage about how unfairly hed been treated and complain about overzealous prosecutors. You get tired of listening to it, one friend confessed.

The year was 2001, and the former president was Bill Clinton. When a president leaves office we expect him to disappear for a while, cede the stage to the new guy, give us some time to forget why we werent so sorry to see him go, Time intoned.

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Donald Trump Jr Says Truth Social Will ‘cancel Cancel Culture’

Donald Trump Jr has said the new social media network which his father plans to launch will be a platform for people to “assert your First Amendment rights.”

Trump Jr waxed lyrical on Fox News about the ambitions of Truth Social, which had been announced by his father on Wednesday as a response to social media companies that have largely banned him after the deadly January 6 U.S. Capitol riot.

“You saw what they did to the president of the United States,” Trump Jr told Fox News, referring to his removal from and Facebook, “we want to make sure that Americans have a voice.

BREAKING: on the announcement of Truth Social is a Big Tent, an open and Free Network for people to be able to communicate, to exercise your First Amendment rights.


“We are going to cancel cancel culture, we are going to stand up and push back against the tyranny of big tech.”

Trump Jr told anchor Sean Hannity that beta testing would be carried out in the coming weeks and appealed to people to get involved with it ahead of a “a full launch” in the first quarter of 2022.

“It’s going to be exciting and we are looking to give a voice back to the American people,” Trump Jr said.

“What we are trying to do is create a big tent, an open and free network for people to be able to assert your First Amendment rights,” he added.

His allegations were cited as motivating those who took part in the January 6 insurrection.

Views Of Trumps Respect For People Like You

What Is Donald Trump Doing Today?  Mother Jones

Nearly half of Americans say Trump has a great deal or fair amount of respect for people like them, while 52% think he has little or no respect.

These views, like opinions about Trumps respect for various groups, differ widely by race, gender, age and partisanship.

A large majority of Republicans say Trump has a great deal or fair amount of respect for people like them. Among demographic groups, more than half of whites and men younger than 50 say Trump has at least a fair amount of respect for people like them.

Younger women, in particular, have a negative view of Trumps respect for people like them: Just 35% say Trump has at least a fair amount of respect for people like them nearly 20 percentage points lower than 18- to 49-year-old men . There are no significant differences in opinions among older men and women.

Among religious groups, 74% of white evangelical Protestants say Trump has a great deal or fair amount of respect for people like them, as do 54% of white mainline Protestants. Fewer than half of Catholics say Trump has at least a fair amount of respect for people like them just 34% of those with no religious affiliation and 18% of black Protestants say the same.

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