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What Kind Of Phone Does Trump Use

Opinionthe Annoyingly Simple Legal Strategy Trump Is Using To Avoid Criminal Charges

Does Michael Cohen Have More Info He Will Use to Bring Down Trump?

The problem is that complexities can open the door to potential defenses in a criminal trial. Putting aside the enormous task of collecting, analyzing and summarizing all of the documents , the prosecution must also prove criminal intent, which can be challenging when the target heads a large organization. In fact, the typical defense offered by tax evaders “my accountants prepared my returns and I just signed them” hasn’t gone unnoticed by Trump, who has already pointed out that his tax returns were prepared by “among the biggest and most prestigious law and accounting firms in the U.S.” It could be a heavy lift to convict a former president of any kind of business fraud when he has surrounded himself with lawyers and accountants.

That is why the cooperation of those same lawyers and accountants can be essential to obtaining a criminal conviction. Michael Cohen, Trump’s convicted former attorney, is enthusiastically cooperating against his former boss, and there is immense pressure on Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, to do the same. But both men come with considerable baggage Cohen is a convicted felon, and Weisselberg is under investigation of allegations of tax misdeeds of his own that might impair their credibility at trial.

What To Watch For

In March, Miller, then Trumps spokesperson, said the ex-president would launch his own social media platform in about two to three months. So far, Trump has yet to deliver, though he did debut a blog in May called From the Desk of Donald J. Trump, only to shut it down weeks later. Despite being kicked off nearly all social media sites, Trump has joined just two of the platforms listed above: Rumble and Telegram. On Rumble, Trump has more than 490,000 subscribers while on Telegram he has over a million followers. However, this pales in comparison to his reach on Twitter and Facebook: before Trump was banned by Twitter, he had 88.7 million followers on the platform, while on Facebook he had 32 million.

A Military Program Has Created An Android

Among the privileges and cool stuff that come with being the president of the United States is a highly modified Boeing Black smartphone, an encrypted device certified to handle Top Secret data. The Defense Department Information Systems Agency, or DISA, developed the phone with help from Boeing and other partners, the phone goes with the office of the President. But is Donald Trump using it or his old and far less secure Android phone?

The DISA phone emerged from the agencys Mobility Classified Capability program. A fact sheet says the program uses commercial mobile devices and commercial mobile architecture components such as commercial virtual private networking. The sheet describes the phone as NSA-approved, and lists Top Secret communication capability as coming soon.

As of November 1, DISA had handed out at least two of the phones, to President Obama and to Cyber Command leader Adm. Mike Rogers, according to DISA chief Lt. Gen. Alan Lynn, who spoke at the Milcom conference in Baltimore. Lynn was initially coy when asked who helped DISA make the device: I dont want everyone to know whos making good stuff for me because theres a lot of partners. I dont want to just highlight one. Although Im sure the question might have come from that one. A moment later, he softened. Ill tell you who worked on the Top Secret one, Boeing did. Boeing Black is the device were working with.

He added that DISA was just now in the test phase of it.

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One Decade Of Business Dealings

A useful snapshot is Trump’s record during the 10 years before he won the presidency. From 2006â2016, The New York Times went through every business deal that the Trump Organization announced or that was reported.

The 60 deals reflected a highly uneven track record of business success: “One-third of them never got off the ground or soon petered out. Another third delivered a measure of what was promisedâbuildings were built, courses taught, a product introducedâbut they also encountered substantial problems, like lawsuits, government investigations, partnership woes, or market downturns…The remaining third, while sometimes encountering strife, generally met expectations,” according to The New York Times.

Any deeper examination of the former president’s business record would be incomplete without looking at his series of high-profile bankruptcies and other failures. Below is a list of some of the highlights, although it is by no means comprehensive.

Mary Trump Fraud Litigation

Donald Trumps Personal Phone Is a Huge National Security Risk

Trump v. Trump, No. 654698/2020

Plaintiff: Mary Trump, the former presidents niece

Case Summary: In September 2020, Mary Trump sued Donald Trump, her uncle, for allegedly defrauding her out of tens of millions of dollars. When Marys fatherDonald Trumps brotherdied in 1981, he left Mary a valuable stake in the Trump property empire. Mary was a minor at the time, so Donald Trump and his siblings took control of her share, ostensibly to look after Marys interest over the long run.

But according to Mary, that didnt happen. In her lawsuit, she alleges that the Trump siblings siphoned off revenue from her share and set up an ongoing scheme to artificially devalue her assets. This went on for nearly two decades. Then, when Trump patriarch Fred Sr. died in 1999, Mary took issue with the terms of his will. The Trump siblings immediately pushed back and started maneuvering to force Mary out of the family holdings altogether. After lengthy probate proceedings, and with Marys legal fees steadily climbing, the siblings delivered an ultimatum: they would not settle the probate case unless Mary relinquished all interests in the family fortune, including those from her late father.

According to Mary, the Trumps offered a settlement figure that woefully undervalued her share of the family holdings. Still, she ultimately accepted a settlement in April 2001, apparently still unaware she was being sold short.

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What Pen Does Biden Use To Sign Executive Orders

Senior writer Karen Iorio Adelson has covered everything from stocking a medicine cabinet to adopting a pet. Shes especially passionate about running and cat furniture

Senior writer Karen Iorio Adelson has covered everything from stocking a medicine cabinet to adopting a pet. Shes especially passionate about running and cat furniture

After a refreshingly stylish inauguration ceremony , newly sworn-in President Biden wasted little time getting down to work, signing 17 executive orders in the Oval Office on his first day. Neatly stacked in a pile of leather-bound folders, the orders addressed an array of critical issues facing the country, from the pandemic and climate change to immigration and racial justice. My detail-obsessed Strategist mind, though, couldnt help but focus on another item on the Resolute desk: a little wooden box displaying a lineup of identical black-barreled pens with shiny gold accents. Obviously I had to find out: What is Bidens pen of choice?

When Trump took office, his administration initially ordered a stock of Century IIs, but, as Trump told Axios, he soon rejected the official pen in favor of a chunky Sharpie. He says he asked the brand to design a custom one for him and to make it look rich. Trumps Sharpie was perhaps most infamously used to adapt the projected course of Hurricane Dorian on a White House map in 2019 to support his inaccurate tweet that the storm would impact Alabama.

Trump Ice Natural Spring Water

Trump Ice was a bottled water brand. The winner of The Apprentice Season 2, Kelly Perdew, served as executive vice president of the organization.

The company’s website no longer exists, and the product can no longer be found in national grocery chains or stores but some can still be found on eBay and other auction sites.

The company was used as a gimmick in the show’s first season when contestants marketed and sold the product.

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His Main Interest Is Apparently Sports

In November of 2018, the First Lady spoke at a forum at Liberty University, the institution founded by Jerry Falwell in Lynchburg, Virginia that has been crucial in shoring up Donald Trump’s support on the religious right. Melania was there to raise awareness about the opioid epidemic as part of her “Be Best” initiative, and she shared a few details about her family’s life in the White House. She shared that Barron is not on social media and that he is “all into sports.”

That said, in the lead up to Super Bowl Sunday, President Trump said he’d have “a hard time” with letting his son play football. “I just don’t like the reports that I see coming out having to do with football,” President Trump said.

“I thought the equipment would get better, and it has. The helmets have gotten far better but it hasn’t solved the problem.”

Summer Zervos Defamation Suit

What President Trumps positive COVID test means | Yahoo News Explains

Zervos vs. Trump, No. 150522/2017 , appeal docketed, No. APL-2020-00009

Plaintiff: Summer Zervos, former contestant on the Apprentice

Case Summary: On Jan. 17, 2017, Zervos filed a suit in New York State Court against Trump for defamation. During Trumps campaign, many women, including Zervos, accused Trump of inappropriate sexual conduct. In her complaint against Trump, Zervos claims that in 2007, while she sought employment from Trump, he kissed her on the lips and touched her inappropriately. After she rejected his advances, his attitude became very business-like and he later offered her a job for half the salary she was seeking. She attempted to contact Trump, noting that she felt she was being penalized for not sleeping with him. Trump said he could not discuss it with her at the time. Zervos says she decided to come forward with these allegations after the Billy Bush Access Hollywood Tape showed Trump speaking in a derogatory manner toward women. In response to her allegations, Trump claims she was lying and was only making these accusations to help the Clinton campaign or to get fame.

Zervos alleges that, as a result of Trumps claims, she has suffered both emotional and financial harm.

This motion has been appealed to the New York Court of Appeals, the highest New York state court.

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President Obama Used A Dumbed

If history is any indication, Trumps mobile phone for the next four years will be pretty locked down by the National Security Agency.

Barack Obama was the first US president to use a cell phone while in office. When he first became president, Obama was allowed to keep his Blackberry, but the NSA modified the device so he could only contact his closest advisors, according to CNN. During his last year in office, Obama was allowed to ditch the Blackberry for an iPhone, but that device also had many of its features wiped away for security reasons, including the ability to take photos, text, make calls, or play music. He could only really use the iPhone to email with a select group of people, browse the Web, and read the news.

Obama last year on Jimmy Fallons Tonight Show griped about the smartphone, which he compared to a play phone for toddlers. Check out the video above.

Send A Letter To The White House

Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure your correspondence gets to the White House as quickly as possible.

  • If possible, email us! This is the fastest way to reach the White House.
  • If you write a letter, please consider typing it on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper.
  • If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen.
  • Include your return address on your letter as well as on your envelope. If you have an email address, please share it with us too.
  • And finally, please be sure to write on the outside of your mailing envelope the complete address for the White House to make sure your letter gets to us as quickly and directly as possible:

The White HouseWashington, DC 20500

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Trump Insider: Trump Money Man Will ‘absolutely’ Flip On Former President

A criminal case generally falls into one of four categories. There are small cases brought against small targets , big cases brought against small targets , small cases brought against big targets and big cases brought against big targets .

A former president of the United States is unquestionably a big target and therefore falls into either category three or four. But there are risks to both approaches.

What Phone Does Elon Musk Use You Wont Be Surprised

What impact will Trump

Richard GoodwinThis blog post may contain affiliate links

by Richard Goodwin | Oct 22, 2021 | Phones

Elon Musk is a billionaire. Hes reinvented the car and is now focused on getting more humans into space. But what phone does Elon Musk use? Lets find out

Elon Musk is something of an enigma. Hes still fairly young for a billionaire, but the guy has crammed quite a lot of things into his professional career. He basically made electric cars cool, helped get PayPal off the ground, and is now trying to make public space travel a thing with Space X.

When hes not messing with the crypto markets for his own personal gain, Musk is a father and a serial entrepreneur. Often controversial, Musk seldom minces his worlds and is known for his unique style of leadership and problem-solving. He is also known for spending ALL of his money on things he believes in.

For instance, Musk made $400 million from selling PayPal. But rather than jetting off to paradise, Musk put $100 million into Tesla, $100 million into Space X, and another $100 million in his other companies. He then spent the next year or so couch-surfing in and around LA at his friends houses and apartments.

But during ALL this, Musk needs to stay connected just like the rest of us, and for this reason, he ALWAYS has his phone with him. But what phone does Elon Musk use?

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Other Ventures And Investments

Trump owns a wide variety of other enterprises outside real estate . Other investments include a 17.2% stake in Parker Adnan, Inc. , a Bermuda-based financial services holdings company. He took in $1.1 million in men’s wear licensing royalties. Trump earns $15,000 to $100,000 in book royalties and $2.2 million for his involvement with Trump Model Management every year. Until 2015, Trump owned the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants, collectively worth $15 million.

Trump has marketed his name on a large number of products and services achieving mixed success doing so. Some of his external entrepreneurial and investment ventures include or have included:

In 2005, Trump reportedly received $1.5 million for a one-hour lecture at The Learning Annex Real Estate World Expo, with another seven events scheduled for a total fee of $12 million. In a court deposition two years later, Trump admitted that he was paid $400,000. From 2005 to 2015, Trump was paid $8.8 million for promoting multi-level marketing telecommunications company ACN Inc. and its products on ACN’s website, promotional DVDs and at their events, and on his The Apprentice reality-TV show.

The Trump Organization also houses ventures started by Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, which includes Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry and the Ivanka Trump Lifestyle Collection .

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