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What Is President Trump’s Twitter Account

Elon Musk Says He Would Lift Twitter Ban On Donald Trump After Deal Closes

Twitter permanently bans Trump’s account
  • Elon Musk said he would reverse Twitter’s ban on former President Donald Trump if his acquisition goes through.
  • “I would reverse the permanent ban,” Musk said. “I don’t own Twitter yet. So this is not like a thing that will definitely happen, because what if I don’t own Twitter?”
  • Twitter permanently suspended Trump from the platform in January 2021 following the attack by his supporters on the U.S. Capitol.

In this article

Elon Musk said Tuesday he would reverse ‘s ban on former President Donald Trump if his acquisition goes through.

“Permanent bans should be extremely rare and really reserved for accounts that are bots, or scam, spam accounts I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump,” Musk said at FT Live’s Future of the Car conference. “I think that was a mistake, because it alienated a large part of the country and did not ultimately result in Donald Trump not having a voice.”

“I would reverse the permanent ban,” added Musk, who is expected to become interim CEO following the takeover. “I don’t own Twitter yet. So this is not like a thing that will definitely happen, because what if I don’t own Twitter?”

Twitter permanently suspended Trump from the platform in January 2021 following the attack by his supporters on the U.S. Capitol. The company said it made the decision after the Jan. 6 riot “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” Trump was an avid tweeter and at the time had more than 80 million followers on the platform.

Where Will Trumpism Go

Donald Trump loves being on Twitter, it’s his primary way of getting his message out.

He likes the short format, he likes his ability to reach tens of millions of people at the click of a button – bypassing the media.

The fact that Twitter’s decision was made 48 hours after the rioting at the Capitol on Wednesday shows that this was not an easy move for the social media giant.

The platform has benefited hugely from Mr Trump’s participation, it has been the place to go to hear the latest from the most powerful man in the world.

But Twitter has acted for a number of reasons. It says it’s because of the likelihood of him inciting violence in the future.

But it’s also because his power is very quickly slipping away. He is now being treated like an ordinary member of the public.

And as mere mortal, repeatedly spreading disinformation, fake news and inciting violence will get you thrown off mainstream social media platforms.

For those who say this violates free speech enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution? Big Tech’s argument is that they are private companies, not state actors. So, they are free to moderate their platforms as they see fit.

The big question now is, can Trumpism survive without the backing of mainstream media? Or will it simply slip into the shadows of the internet?

Former Us President Donald Trump Is ‘back’ On Twitter

Trump seems to be back on Twitter under a new account that posts his Truth Social messages on Twitter

Former US president Donald Trump is back on Twitter and his new account is reportedly posted his messages from the Truth Social app.

The description of Trump’s new account, , reads “President Donald J. Trumps Truth Social Posts on Twitter Making sure President Trump is heard on Twitter while he and Devin Nunes focus on Truth Social.

On Monday, 210 messages were posted from Truth Social written by Trump since February, tailored to be tweeted on the Twitter platform. Each tweet ended with a request to “Please Follow and Retweet. The account is dedicated to posting tweets from Trumps Truth Social platform.

In the tweets posted recently, the former US President bashed Rep. Liz Cheney and supported the reelection candidate Rep. Madison Cawthorn . He also posted a picture of himself sitting on a throne with a crown.

#PresidentTrump#TruthSocial#Truth#ElonMusk Please Follow and Retweet

Donald J Trumps Truth Social Posts May 16, 2022

After the Twitter ban on the former president, Truth Social was created as a social media platform encouraging free speech and freedom of ideas. Twitter has had rigid policies, but Trump has defied the policy time and time again using his paid aide Liz Harrington’s account, Yahoo reported.

Trump promised to wait six hours before posting a message from Truth Social to other platforms, as long as it doesn’t involve politics.

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Twitter Custom Data For You

So, no matter if you need to access Trumps Twitter archive or to the tweets right from when Trump became President in 2017. We at Tweet Binder offer custom solutions and full access to Twitter data. Even free instant Twitter reports that will allow you analyze anyones tweets today. Give us a try and feel free to contact us if you need any help with anything Trump-Twitter matter.

Fact Check: Did Twitter Violate President Trump’s First Amendment Rights

President Trump

After last week’s storming of the Capitol building, permanently banned President Donald Trump‘s account from the app, citing the “risk of further incitement of violence.”

The decision has sent a wave of mixed reactions. Some people applauded the company for holding Trump accountable, while the president’s supporters were outraged by Twitter’s alleged censorship and violation of free speech.

German Chancellor Angela Merkelcriticized Twitter’s move, calling it “problematic” because freedom of opinion is a fundamental right of “elementary significance.”

“This fundamental right can be intervened in, but according to the law and within the framework defined by legislatorsnot according to a decision by the management of social media platforms,” said a spokesman on behalf of Merkel.

“Seen from this angle, the chancellor considers it problematic that the accounts of the U.S. president have now been permanently blocked.”

This has caused many conservatives to leave the app in search of spaces in which they feel their ideas and speech won’t be censored because of a political bias.

Dont be fooled.

Doug Collins

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The George Floyd Protests

Twitters crackdown began in the spring of 2020, as Trump lashed back at the racial-justice protests that sprang up following the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.

In a tweet on May 29, Trump called protesters in Minneapolis THUGS and appeared to threaten violence against the protesters, saying that when the looting starts, the shooting starts.


Twitter added a public interest notice to the tweet, saying it violates our policies regarding the glorification of violence and barred individuals from retweeting it but only after it had been shared more than 23,000 times. The company said it allowed the tweet to stay up because of its relevance to ongoing matters of public importance.

Twitter took similar action on a tweet May 30 in which Trump threatened that protesters would be greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons if they breached the White House fence. Twitter also labeled that tweet as glorifying violence.


The Most Special Tweeter Until He Wasnt

The media that began the Trump presidency wondering if he would stop tweeting after the inauguration is ending that presidency with conversations about the meaning of his ban from the platform, which was effected late last week. That conversation is accompanied by a near-industry-wide effort by tech companies to sever ties with the president, his office and his campaign.

The central story is simple enough. Twitter was always able to ban Mr. Trump. He broke rules that Twitter says it enforces for its users rules that Twitter made in the first place. Twitter had repeatedly admitted that this was bad but, like Facebook, not to ban him, citing the public interest .

Then, after the Capitol siege, Twitter made a new case. The reasons the company offered for the ban and the reasons that have been suggested by others for keeping him around can be summed up as follows: He is the president. Likewise for the ban: Soon he will not be president. Twitter allowed him to break rules and then one day it didnt.

In its official statement about the ban, not just to its own rules, but to the outside world, suggesting an imminent risk of further violence.

Twitter elaborated on this thinking in an update in which it said it had banned more than 70,000 other accounts for sharing harmful QAnon-associated content at scale.

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How Is Donald Trump Communicating With Supporters

The suspension of Trumps Twitter account, which had more than 88million followers, silences his primary megaphone days before the end of his presidential term.

BBC News said: “After a week of unprecedented turbulence it’s difficult to know what will affect Donald Trump’s fortunes more – impeachment if it happens, or the lack of access to his social media soapbox that’s been so effective in building and rallying his mass band of supporters.”

Members of his family are still tweeting on his behalf, including Ivanka and Donald Jr.

His legions of supporters meanwhile have been lamenting his sudden enforced absence, with one tweeting: “Twitter without Donald Trump is like a Christmas without tree.”

The president revealed on January 8 that he is considering using other social media companies or even creating his own platform.

He also added that many conservatives believed social media companies like Twitter and Facebook were unfairly targeting their viewpoints.

“We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCED!” Trump’s last tweet thundered.

Conservatives Call On Elon Musk To Reinstate Donald Trump’s Twitter Account

President Trump Permanently Banned From Twitter | NBC Nightly News

Conservatives are calling on Elon Musk to reinstate Donald Trump‘s account after he became the social media giant’s largest shareholder.

The Tesla CEO has taken a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter after purchasing about 73.5 million shares worth around $2.9 billion, according to a recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Musk, a frequent tweeter with more than 80 million followers, has to free speech and pondered whether a new platform was needed. Last week, he said he was giving “serious thought” to creating a new social media platform.

Trump launched a new social media platform, Truth Social, earlier this year after he was permanently banned from Twitter following the , 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Trump and his allies have accused Twitter and other social media platforms that barred him of censorship. Earlier this year, that should not be allowed to operate in the United States after the company decided to permanently ban ‘s account.

But the news that Musk has now acquired the biggest stake in Twitteronce Trump’s biggest political megaphonehas prompted conservatives to urge the billionaire to take action to restore the former president’s account.

Now that is Twitters largest shareholder, its time to lift the political censorship.Oh and BRING BACK TRUMP!

Errol Webber

Representatives for Musk and Trump have been contacted for comment. Twitter has also been contacted for comment.

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Elon Musk Could Soon Have A Trump

If Musks offer to buy Twitter succeeds, hell inherit the content moderation challenges that come with a potential return of the rule-breaking former president.

Former President Donald Trump has said he doesnt want to rejoin Twitter, where he had nearly 89 million followers. But he could easily change his mind. | Politico Illustration/FactBase

05/13/2022 04:30 AM EDT

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Donald Trumps potential return to Twitter could bring a whole new minefield for Elon Musk to navigate.

Musk, who has struck a deal to buy Twitter for $44 billion, said this week that he will lift its permanent suspension of the former president part of a pledge to restore free speech to the social media platform. But Musk also held out the possibility of temporarily suspending people who post content thats illegal, directly incites violence or is otherwise destructive to the world.

Trumps critics say his past tweets crossed that line repeatedly and if Twitter lets him return, his flagrant disregard of the social networks rules will become Musks headache.

For years, Trump used his favorite social media megaphone to insult his opponents, hurl racially or ethnically tinged rhetoric, spread misinformation about topics like elections and public health, and threaten violence against targets such as civil rights protesters and North Korea. That was long before following his praise of the rioters who attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

How To Read Donald Trumps Tweets Now

Archives of Trumps tweets exist both privately and publicly, even though compiling such repositories can run afoul of Twitters terms of service. Nonetheless, at least some of the presidents tweets are subject to the Presidential Records Act, which requires the preservation of their content.

The is an effort created by a sole developer who says he wanted to provide a public resource. It allows users to search through more than 56,000 tweets posted to the account between 2009 and today.

The archive allows you to filter tweets by date and the device used. It has even archived the tweets the Trump posted and then later deleted, starting in September 2016.

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What Has Donald Trump Tweeted Today

Thats a very interesting question and probably it has a different answer every hour because Donald Trump used to tweet quite a lot. Trumps tweets today will not be on the news anyway for sure. However, when we were able to analyze Trumps tweets, this was the way to do it: writting from:realdonaldtrump in the following box:

Tweets As Official Statements

Donald Trump: US President loses over 40million followers in SHOCK ...

Throughout his presidency, Trump frequently appeared to issue orders through his tweets. Whether these tweets were official directives was unclear. A US National Archives spokesman said that Trump’s tweets are considered presidential records.

In 2017, the Department of Justice argued in one court case that Trump’s tweets were “official statements of the President of the United States.” In another case, the DOJ argued they were official policy statements but that the tweets were also “personal conduct that is not an exercise of state power.” The ABA Journal wrote in 2017, “There’s little caselaw on to what extent government use of social media can be considered official or a ‘public forum,’ which affords First Amendment protection to people who might be excluded based on their viewpoints.”

In 2019, the Secretary of the US Navy said he did not interpret a Trump tweet as a “formal order to act” after Trump tweeted that the Navy should not take away Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher‘s status as a Navy SEAL.

In 2020, a court asked that Trump clarify his intention after he tweeted what appeared to be an order calling for the disclosure of documents related to Russian interference in the 2016 election. In a court filing White House Chief of Staff said that: “The President indicated to me that his statements on Twitter were not self-executing declassification orders and do not require the declassification or release of any particular documents.”

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Why Was Trump Banned

Mr Trump was locked out of his account for 12 hours on Wednesday after he called the people who stormed the US Capitol “patriots”.

Hundreds of his supporters entered the complex as the US Congress attempted to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election. The ensuing violence led to the deaths of four civilians and a police officer.

Twitter warned then that it would ban Mr Trump “permanently” if he breached the platform’s rules again.

Voices from Trump land: ‘We will continue to be divided’

After being allowed back on Twitter, Mr Trump posted two tweets on Friday that the company cited as the final straws.

In one, he wrote: “The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”

Twitter said this tweet “is being interpreted as further indication that President Trump does not plan to facilitate an ‘orderly transition'”.

In the next, the president tweeted: “To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Twitter said this was “being received by a number of his supporters as further confirmation that the election was not legitimate”.

Twitter said both of these tweets were “in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy”.

Trump’s Twitter Account Was Hacked Dutch Ministry Confirms

Public prosecutor states Victor Gevers did access US presidents site but as ethical hacker faces no charges

Dutch prosecutors have confirmed that Donald Trumps Twitter account was hacked in October despite denials from Washington and the company, but said the ethical hacker would not face charges.

The hacker, named as Victor Gevers, , Dutch media reports said.

Both the White House and Twitter strenuously denied reports that the account had been hacked.

Gevers, 44, disclosed the hack immediately, saying the password he guessed was maga2020!, referring to the Trump slogan Make America Great Again.

The public prosecutors office said: We believe the hacker has actually penetrated Trumps Twitter account, but has met the criteria that have been developed in case law to go free as an ethical hacker.

It added that hacking was a criminal offence in the Netherlands. But it said that special circumstances, also referred to in practice as responsible disclosure, could stop prosecutors from taking steps.

Dutch prosecutors made their findings based on an investigation by the police specialist cyber unit, called Team High-tech Crime.

Both the hacker and the American authorities have been informed of the outcome of the investigation, prosecutors said.

When news of the hack first broke, Gevers told De Volkskrant that the ease with which he accessed Trumps account suggested the president was not using basic security measures like two-step verification.

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