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What Does Trump Call Bernie

Donald Trump Blasts Crazy Bernie Sanders


May 11, 2016 / 11:33 AM / CBS News

Donald Trump is hitting “Crazy Bernie Sanders” — but not “too hard” — just a day after the Vermont senator notched two more wins in the Democratic primary contest.

I don’t want to hit Crazy Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he is doing to Crooked Hillary. His time will come!

Donald J. Trump May 11, 2016

Trump followed up on the new nickname for his rival during a phone interview with Fox News early Wednesday, saying Sanders was “crazy” because “he’s not very good.”

“You know, I call him crazy Bernie because he’s not very good,” Trump said. “But probably beating him would be easier.”

He added: “Who’s going to run against the socialist and lose? I mean, he’s the socialist. You’re going to pay 95 percent tax. I’d love to run against him in one way.”

When Fox News hosts pointed out that recent polling has shown Sanders outperforming Trump in a general election head-to-head matchup, Trump dismissed the survey results.

“I know — but I’ve never hit him, don’t forget,” he said. “I haven’t started on him. I haven’t said anything about him.”

Despite Trump’s recent claim, the billionaire has, in fact, slammed Sanders before.

When the Democratic candidate met with Pope Francis at the Vatican last month, Trump mocked the meeting on the campaign trail.

The presumptive GOP nominee suggested he might be ratcheting up his rhetoric against Sanders in the near future.

Why Does Donald Trump Curse Insult People And Call People Names

remarks into something likea political campaign speechblogged about a few days agoLouisianaspeechIt was not long ago thatSempra planned to build a natural gas import terminal on this very spot. Thatwas in the past, when our leaders pursued policies that were anti-Americanenergy and anti-American worker and anti-American wealth.I got Beto.Beto. Beto is falling fast. What the hell happened? . . . Political geniuses when you have to restart your campaign, history has said that does not work outwell, right?I dont know what the hell happened toBiden. What happened to him? Im looking and I said, that doesnt look likethe guy I knew. What happened to him?And Bernie you know, Bernie is crazy. Bernie is crazy. .. . Bernie has got a lot of energy, but its energy to get rid of your jobs. Hesgot the opposite energy that you produce. Not good energy. You dont like hisenergy.Pocahontas, I think, is probably out. Boy, you got some beauties there. 350 million people and thats thebest we can do. I dont think so. Even as Democrats I could pickbetter than that. this has been a great honor to be with youtoday.I want tocongratulate the workers, because ultimately it doesnt work without theworkers. Thank you. God bless you. And God blessAmerica. Thank you. Thank you. pressinevitably emphasized Trumps politicized insultsFirstSecondSo:Spellmannovelswarm, charming, personable Donald Trump

From ‘lyin Ted’ To ‘beautiful Ted’

Sen. Ted Cruz and President Donald Trump have had a tumultuous relationship, to say the least.

During the 2016 presidential election, Trump called Cruz “wacko” and claimed the Texas lawmaker’s father was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Cruz, meanwhile, called Trump a “pathological liar,” “utterly amoral,” a “narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen,” and a “serial philanderer.”

But after Trump was elected, Cruz and Trump are apparently friends again. In 2017, Trump described their evolution as “like, dislike like.”

And Trump debuted a new nickname for the Texas senator during the midterm elections.

“He’s not ‘Lyin’ Ted anymore. He’s beautiful Ted,” Trump said in October 2018.

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Donald Trump Bernie Bro

The presidents team seems to see the senator from Vermonts candidacy as a no-lose proposition.

Not so long ago, Donald Trump seemed obsessed with just one of the Democrats vying to replace him: Joe Biden. Over the past year, as the former vice president became the front-runner, Trumps campaign spent about $270,000 on Facebook ads targeting Bidenmore than it spent against other top candidates. Then Biden began to collapse and Bernie Sanders started to rise. Trumps social-media ads demonizing Sleepy Joe tailed off. Yet thus far, theres been no appreciable pickup in anti-Sanders ads. Its as if Trumpworld might want to go easy on Sanders.

It does. Team Trump views Sanders as the weakest candidate left on the Democratic side, and isnt eager to do anything to impede his rise, several of the presidents past and present political advisers told me. They seem to see Sanders as a no-lose proposition: The president wins whether the senator from Vermont captures the nomination or not.

Sanders would be every holiday present rolled into one, Sean Spicer, the former White House press secretary and an exsenior adviser to a pro-Trump super PAC, told me. With Bernie, theres a general agreement that hes a gift.

The counterpuncher isnt counterpunching much at allnot yet, anyway. People like his message. Hes got energy, Trump said about Sanders to reporters in the Oval Office earlier this month.

Trump’s New Red Scare

Bernie does what GOPers won

With reelection looming and his wall all but defeated, the president sees a convenient political target on the left.

There are a lot of people talking about socialism these days. Senator Bernie Sanders, who on Tuesday launched a bid for the Democratic nomination for president, calls himself a democratic socialist, and so does Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Public intellectuals are debating the label anew. And then theres the most high-profile participant in the discussion: Donald Trump.

The president, of course, is not a proponent. But he has moved socialism to the center of his lexicon in February, deploying it in discussions of foreign policy as a weapon against domestic political opponents. He does so at a time when his political messaging has faltered and when the left wing is more energized than it has been in generations. How successful Trumps attempt to revive an old but often successful line of attack is will be an important test, both for his reelection hopes and for the future of socialist ideas in this country.

On Monday, Trump spoke to Venezuelan Americans in Miami, discussing the effort by the U.S., European nations, and some Latin American countries to push President Nicolas Maduro out of power.

The remarks echoed comments in his State of the Union, when the president tied socialism more directly to U.S. politics.

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Who Is Bernie Sanders

  • Sanders had his first political victory in Burlington, Vermont, where he toppled the reigning six-term Democrat in 1981 for the mayoral seat by a margin of just 10 votes
  • Despite efforts by establishment Democrats to thwart his early career, Sanders served four terms as mayor before being elected to the US House of Representatives in 1990 – the first independent politician in four decades to do so
  • He won his current senate seat in 2007 and is currently in his third term
  • Sanders has an older brother, Larry, who lives in the UK and is currently the health and social care spokesman for the Green Party

Meanwhile, Sanders has risen in national polls as Biden has faltered. He boasts a veteran campaign structure that has basically been up and running since 2015, and a donor and volunteer network that spans the nation.

His $25m fundraising haul in January alone will ensure he has more than enough resources to compete in every state on the crowded March primary calendar.

He has been officially or unofficially supported by figures from UK Labour MP Diane Abbott to YouTube star Joe Rogan. On Friday, he picked up another endorsement, from New York mayor and erstwhile 2020 candidate Bill de Blasio.

If Bernie Sanders isn’t the Democratic front-runner at this point, the word has little meaning. He’s far from a lock for the nomination, but his path ahead appears to be the clearest of any of his competitors.

“He can resonate with people of all ages.”

Does Bernie Sanders Have What It Takes To Beat Donald Trump

08:08 NUI Galway

Opinion: it’s Super Tuesday for the Democracts so how would the leading contender fare against the White House incumbent?

As the Super Tuesday primaries approach, with their vast haul of delegates at stake for the Democratic presidential contenders, Sen. Bernie Sanders has emerged as a clear front runner. While some of his rivals have performed well in individual states with Joe Biden receiving a major boost in South Carolina on Saturday none of them has amassed a consistent string of results to match Sanders’ successes in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. Multibillionaire and former New York City major Michael Bloomberg remains a potential factor, since he will make his first appearance on the ballot on Tuesday, but it seems at this point Sanders’ race to win.

The support Sanders has attracted has given clarity to a confusing field, but serious questions remain about his viability in a general election. Is America ready for “democratic socialism”, however loosely defined? Can he mobilise the African-American vote? Does he have what it takes to beat sitting president, Donald Trump?

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From RTÉ Radio 1’s Drivetime, Conor Boylan from the Progressive Democrats of America on his involvement in the Bernie Sanders’ campaign

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Us Election : Could It Be Bernie Sanders V Donald Trump

Bernie Sanders is firmly the front-runner in the race to become the Democratic challenger to Republican President Donald Trump, fresh from a victory this week in the second state-by-state contest. His support is fervent but is his party, let alone the country, ready to embrace such an unusual candidate?

Bernie Sanders likes to call his presidential campaign a revolution, but these days it feels more like a touring rock concert.

The Vermont senator may seem like an unlikely front-man for bands like Vampire Weekend and The Strokes, but both have served as his warm-up acts, playing at recent campaign rallies.

But the thousands of fans in packed arenas reserve their loudest cheers for the scruffy-haired 78-year-old candidate with a clipped Brooklyn accent.

After nearly a year-long marathon of rallies, meetings, debates and ground-laying, the Sanders campaign is now entering a sprint of near-nonstop activity that will carry it through dozens of states across the country – an impressive test of endurance for a man who just months ago was hospitalised for a heart attack.

“Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that has given me the courage to believe that we cannot only demand bold, radical change, but that it’s actually very attainable,” said Aletha Shapiro, who travelled to New Hampshire from Long Island, New York, to help the Sanders campaign.

“If the people stick together, we can actually put power back in the hands of the people.”

Trumps False Claim That Biden Is A Socialist

Bernie Sanders Calls Trump a ‘Self-Described Great Genius’

If Your Time is short

  • Republicans have used the term socialist for decades to attack Democrats and their policies.

  • Biden has not advocated nationalizing industries, a key principle of socialism. His platform on health care, energy and other issues aligns with moderate Democrats, not socialists.

  • Trump has said the Democrats want to turn America into Cuba or Venezuela Biden has criticized Cubas record on human rights and called Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro a tyrant.

In bus tours across Florida, on social media and on TV airwaves, in English and in Spanish, President Donald Trump and his allies have portrayed Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris as socialists who will lead the United States toward a leftist extreme.

“Joe Biden is saying he owns the socialism and extremism in his party, that he owns it,” Trump said in a Sept. 30 Minnesota rally.

“Socialism is the mainstream of the Biden campaign and it’s not the mainstream of America. Remember I said, we will never have a socialist country,” Trump said at an .

Biden and Harris reject Trumps socialism label.

“I beat the socialist,” Biden said in a TV interview in Wisconsin, a reference to Democratic primary competitor Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who calls himself a democratic socialist. “Thats how I got elected. Thats how I got the nomination. Do I look like a socialist? Look at my career my whole career. I am not a socialist.”

Thats not what Bidens platform calls for.

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His Rabid Base Loves It All Monmouth Professor Says Another Expert Calls Them Hard To Escape

ANALYSIS | Donald Trump, with a regretful-yet-mischievous smirk, did something rare during a recent campaign tour stop in New Hampshire: He admitted a possible mistake.

Like, Elizabeth Warren I did the Pocahontas thing, Trump told a chuckling-in-unison crowd of supporters in Manchester on Aug. 15. I hit her really hard and it looked like she was down and out. But that was too long ago. I shouldve waited.

But then he did something very on-brand: He vowed to go after a political foe, and he dropped one of his most derisive and mocking nicknames for the Massachusetts Democrat.

But dont worry, we will revive it, he said. It can be revived. It will be revived. And it can be revived very easily and very quickly. And were going to have some fun in the state of New Hampshire.

With the latter, the president sent merely his latest signal that he plans a gloves-off reelection campaign that will include trying to discredit any and all potential general election opponents as the Democratic field narrows. Below is Roll Calls second annual rankings of Trumps nicknames, which one expert says do resonate with the presidents base.

We dont have any evidence that one nickname is more effective than others. Its a cumulative effect his rabid base loves it all, while those who support his presidency but wish hed get off Twitter dont like any of it and choose to ignore it, said Patrick Murray, director of polling at Monmouth University.

Sanders: Republican Attempts To Overturn Election Pathetic

BURLINGTON, January 2 Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement regarding Republican attempts to overturn the results of the November elections:

The outcome of the 2020 election is not in doubt. Lets be clear: Joe Biden resoundingly won the popular vote by more than 7 million votes, and he won an Electoral College margin that Trump called a landslide in 2016. On January 6, the House and Senate will ratify the results of the Electoral College, as has been done for 231 years.

From the beginning of his campaign for president, Donald Trump has shown a profound disrespect for the institutions of democracy. It is pathetic that 13 of my colleagues in the Senate and 140 members of the House of Representatives are now demonstrating a similar disdain for the American people by engaging in a dead-end, unconstitutional effort to overturn the will of voters.

Every state, including those with Republican Governors, Secretaries of State and legislatures have certified the results of this election.

In the two months since the election, more than 80 judges, including some who were appointed by the President, have rejected Donald Trump and his allies attempts to overturn the election. There are no cases pending that will have any impact on the results. There have been numerous recounts, audits and verifications, including in the most closely contested states. Donald Trumps Department of Homeland Security even called this the most secure election in American history.

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