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Is Fox News For Trump

Gewelddadige Terroristische Aanval Dat Was Dom

Donald Trump grades Biden administration

In dat laatste geval leverde de avond van 6 januari een mooi experiment op, want ruim een uur later konden die Fox-kijkers alweer helemaal in de gedachtewereld van Trump verzinken. Ster-presentator, Tucker Carlson had senator Ted Cruz in zijn vijfdaagse avondshow.

De dag ervoor had hij Cruz de mantel uitgeveegd, omdat die tijdens een debat in de Senaat had vooruitgekeken naar de herdenking van wat hij een gewelddadige terroristische aanval noemde. Die woordkeus was helemaal fout volgens Carlson. Was het een rel? Natuurlijk. Maar het was geen gewelddadige terroristische aanval. Waarom vertel je ons dan van wel, Ted Cruz?

Binnen de kortste keren had hij een sms van Cruz, met het verzoek in de uitzending te mogen komen. Dat mocht. En het was het aanzien waard. Cruz, een senator die normaal gesproken overloopt van zelfvertrouwen, ging meteen door het stof. Dat woord gebruiken was slordig, om niet te zeggen gewoon dom.

Het was geen terrorisme, daar waren Cruz en Carlson het over eens, want het voldoet volgens hen niet aan de wettelijke definitie daarvan, het plegen van geweld om een regering tot ander beleid te dwingen.

Maar dat zien Carlson en Cruz toch niet goed, zo reageerden meteen andere juristen. Een flink aantal mensen die het Capitool binnenvielen, zijn aangeklaagd voor misdaden die de wet als terroristisch kenmerkt.

Fox News Analyst: Republicans Will Secretly Be ‘glad’ If Jan 6 Panel Damages Trump

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume suggested that many elected Republicans are secretly hoping that the Jan. 6 House select committee ruins Donald Trumps chances of running for president again in 2024.

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol is presenting its findings in a series of hearings this month. In the second hearing on Monday, it laid out evidence that Trump and his inner circle knew his claims of a rigged election were false but pushed them widely anyway, utilizing them to raise millions of dollars while seeking to overturn the 2020 election and stay in power.

During analysis on Mondays Special Report, host Bret Baier asked Hume if the committee was trying to make a legal or political case against Trump.

Well, I think theyre doing both, Hume said.

What strikes me about this, Bret, is that if they succeed either by damaging him or staining him such that he is either unable for legal or political reasons to run again they might end up finding out that theyve done the Republican Party a great service, he added.

Because I think a great many Republicans think they cant win with Trump at the head of the ticket again.

Theyre afraid of his supporters and dont want to come out against him directly. But theyd like him to go away. If the effect of this committee is to make his possible candidacy go away, I think a great many Republicans would privately be very glad.

We Moeten De Waarheid Vertellen Over 6 Januari

Met wat voor instelling die Fox-kijkers haar verhaal zullen hebben aangehoord, is op te maken uit de vragen van Baier. Was het niet belangrijker om de huidige problemen van het land op te lossen in plaats van alle aandacht te concentreren op die ene gebeurtenis? Cheney: Als we in de gelegenheid willen zijn om conservatief beleid te propageren, dan moeten we de waarheid vertellen over 6 januari, en ervoor zorgen dat het nooit meer gebeurt.

En was de geheime agenda van de onderzoekscommissie van het Huis waar Cheney lid van is niet vooral: Trump zwart maken, zodat hij in 2024 geen presidentskandidaat meer kan zijn? Cheney: Onze verantwoordelijkheid is te kijken welke wetten er zijn, en welke er misschien moeten komen om te zorgen dat zon aanval nooit meer gebeurt. En daarvoor moeten we begrijpen wat er is gebeurd.

Is Brett Baier zijn baan bij Fox ook moe, dat hij zon tegendraadse gast in zijn programma uitnodigt? Of mocht hij het doen van de leiding om eens te zien hoeveel Fox-kijkers die harde waarheden verteerbaar vinden?

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Unite The Right Rally In Charlottesville

Fox News hosts and contributors defended Trump’s remarks that “many sides” were to blame for violence at a gathering of hundreds of white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia. Some criticized Trump. In a press conference on August 15, Trump used the term “alt-left” to describe counterprotesters at the white supremacist rally, a term which had been used in Fox News’ coverage of the white supremacist rally. Several of Trump’s comments at the press conference mirrored those appearing earlier on Fox News.

According to Dylan Byers of CNN, Fox News’ coverage on the day of the press conference “was heavy with “whataboutism“. The average Fox viewer was likely left with the impression that the media’s criticism of Trump and leftist protestors’ toppling of some Confederate statues were far greater threats to America than white supremacism or the president’s apparent defense of bigotry.” Byers wrote “it showed that if Fox News has a line when it comes to Trump’s presidency, it was not crossed on Tuesday.”

Fox News Intensifies Its Pro

On Fox News, Trump pre

Donna Brazile, a Democratic analyst, has left the Murdoch-owned network as some hosts and journalists who questioned Donald Trump have exited or been sidelined.

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By Michael M. Grynbaum

Fox News once devoted its 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. time slots to relatively straightforward newscasts. Now those hours are filled by opinion shows led by hosts who denounce Democrats and defend the worldview of former President Donald J. Trump.

For seven years, Juan Williams was the lone liberal voice on The Five, the networks popular afternoon chat show. On Wednesday, he announced that he was leaving the program, after months of harsh on-air blowback from his conservative co-hosts. Many Fox News viewers cheered his exit on social media.

Donna Brazile, the former Democratic Party chairwoman, was hired by Fox News with great fanfare in 2019 as a dissenting voice for its political coverage. She criticized Mr. Trump and spoke passionately about the Black Lives Matter movement, which other hosts on the network often demonized. Ms. Brazile has now left Fox News last week, she quietly started a new job at ABC.

Onscreen and off, in ways subtle and overt, Fox News has adapted to the post-Trump era by moving in a single direction: Trumpward.

Ms. Brazile said she had left Fox News of her own accord.

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False Claims About Other Media

CNN’s Jake Tapper

In November 2017, following the 2017 New York City truck attack wherein a terrorist shouted “Allahu Akbar”, Fox News distorted a statement by Jake Tapper to make it appear as if he had said “Allahu Akbar” can be used under the most “beautiful circumstances”. Fox News omitted that Tapper had said the use of “Allahu Akbar” in the terrorist attack was not one of these beautiful circumstances. A headline on was preceded by a tag reading “OUTRAGEOUS”. The Fox News Twitter account distorted the statement even more, saying “Jake Tapper Says ‘Allahu Akbar’ Is ‘Beautiful’ Right After NYC Terror Attack” in a tweet that was later deleted. Tapper chastised Fox News for choosing to “deliberately lie” and said “there was a time when one could tell the difference between Fox and the nutjobs at Infowars. It’s getting tougher and tougher. Lies are lies.” Tapper had in 2009, while a White House correspondent for ABC News, come to the defense of Fox News when the Obama administration claimed that the network was not a legitimate news organization.

Fox News guest host Jason Chaffetz apologized to Tapper for misrepresenting his statement. After Fox News had deleted the tweet, Sean Hannity repeated the misrepresentation and called Tapper “liberal fake news CNN’s fake Jake Tapper” and mocked his ratings.

The New York Times

Joe Scarborough Says Its Pretty Obvious’: Fox News Has Left The Trump Train

Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough is calling it: Former president Donald Trumps favorite news network might be taking a step back.

While an announcement from Trump that hes running for office again in 2024 is imminent, Scarborough said on Monday that it seems pretty obvious that Fox News has left the Trump train for the GOP 2024 presidential ticket in favor of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Whenever you talk to people close to Trump the question of whether hes going to run for reelection or not after the drubbing in 2018, of course hes gonna run for reelection, Scarborough said of the likelihood of Trump gunning for the ballot. Thats his ticket. Hes got too much hanging over him liability-wise.

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But the host noted that Trump is really showing signs of weakness out there as the midterm elections approach, which cant bode well for 2024. Fundraising for GOP candidates going into November is flagging compared to their Democratic counterparts a pattern that Scarborough credits to the lefts political athleticism over ideology the extreme positions that Republicans are taking, as ushered in by Trump and a lack of quality candidates.

Then, nodding to a video that Fox News Digital ran this weekend highlighting Republicans in Arizona who support DeSantis for a presidential bid over Trump, Scarborough posed that the former network ally appears to be jumping ship.

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Fox News Repeats The Lie That Trump Called For 20000 Troops To Secure Capitol On January 6

The network is telling its audience that Trump tried to prevent the insurrection. The evidence shows he was the instigator.

Following the first public hearing from the House January 6 select committee, Fox News hosts repeatedly lied that outgoing President Donald Trump had called for up to 20,000 National Guard troops to secure the Capitol prior to the insurrection. The claim which initially put the number of requested troops at 10,000 has been repeatedly debunked by fact checkers, and Fox News has offered no new evidence to support it.

Can you explain to me how the guy that authorized 20,000 or up to 20,000 National Guard troops is responsible for a riot that he was clearly trying to prevent? asked Fox News Sean Hannity.

CitationFrom the June 9, 2022, edition of Fox News’ Hannity

Fox & Friends Ainsley Earhardt claimed that prior to the riot, Trump said, We need to make sure we have 20,000 National Guard troops.

CitationFrom the June 10, 2022, edition of Fox News’ Fox & Friends

The myth also originated on the network in the aftermath of the insurrection. In a February 28, 2021, interview with Fox News Steve Hilton, Trump tried to distance himself from the events of January 6, saying he hated to see what had happened. He also stated, falsely:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosis office didnt receive any notification or order from Trump or the Department of Defense, either.

Why Mick Mulvaney Believes Republicans No Longer Need Trump

Trump rips Biden on Ukraine: This should have never happened

Former Fox News contributors Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes the network last week. The two have long been concerned over former President Donald Trump falsely claiming the 2020 election was stolen. The publication of Tucker Carlson’s falsehood-filled “Patriot Purge” on Fox Nation, about January 6, was the last straw.

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Coverage Of Russia Investigation

On October 30, 2017, when special counsel Robert Mueller indicted Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, and revealed George Papadopoulos had pleaded guilty , this was the focus of most media’s coverage, except Fox News’. Hosts and guests on Fox News called for Mueller to be fired. Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson focused their shows on unsubstantiated allegations that Clinton sold uranium to Russia in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation and on the Clinton campaign’s role in funding the Donald TrumpRussia dossier. Hannity asserted: “The very thing they are accusing President Trump of doing, they did it themselves.” During the segment, Hannity mistakenly referred to Clinton as President Clinton. Fox News dedicated extensive coverage to the uranium story, which Democrats said was an attempt to distract from Mueller’s intensifying investigation. CNN described the coverage as “a tour de force in deflection and dismissal”. On October 31, CNN reported Fox News employees were dissatisfied with their outlet’s coverage of the Russia investigation, with employees calling it an “embarrassment”, “laughable”, and saying it “does the viewer a huge disservice and further divides the country” and that it is “another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way”.

Het Fox News Witte Huis

Fox-kijkers raakten gehecht aan Trump, en talkshowpresentatoren maakten gebruik van de relatie. Als ze vonden dat Trump een kabinetslid moest ontslaan, gaf hij daar gehoor aan. Woordvoerders van de president gaven geen persconferenties meer, maar spraken op Fox News. De oud-zenderbaas van Fox News kreeg een hoge functie als adjunct-stafchef in het Witte Huis. Miljoenen aanhangers van de oud-president keken bijna exclusief naar Fox voor informatiegaring.

De opkomst van Trump gaf niet alleen Fox, maar alle nieuwszenders een boost in de kijkcijfers. “De zenders ontdekten dat ze rijk konden worden door hun kijkers te overtuigen van hun eigen gelijk. Onder Trump raakte dat in een stroomversnelling”, vertelt Cameron aan RTL Nieuws. “Voor veel Amerikanen lijkt politiek op sport. Ze willen juichen voor hun team. Een grote groep kiezers weet niks van politiek, maar Trump vertelt hun dat hij alles gaat veranderen en dat zij de winnaars zullen zijn.”

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Failure To Dismiss Dominion’s $16 Billion Lawsuit

Dominion and Smartmatic, two rival election technology companies, have filed a series of defamation lawsuits against right-wing media organizations and individuals they say falsely accused them of rigging the 2020 election results against then-President Trump.

Newsmax, One America News Network, and Fox News are among the institutional defendants. Individual defendants include MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and other election conspiracy theorists closely aligned with Trump.

All of the lawsuits have continued to make their way through the courts.

Dominion achieved a major victory last week, when the Delaware judge overseeing its case against Fox News ruled that Fox Corporation, the media organization’s parent company, would also be subject to discovery. Dominion made a convincing case that Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch, who oversee the company, pushed the media organization to follow Trump’s the election lies in order not to lose ground to Newsmax and OAN, the judge said.

While Fox News did not carry nearly as many election fraud-related segments as Newsmax or OAN, an interview from host Maria Bartiromo ‘s weekend show with former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell was one of the video exhibits during the January 6 committee hearings. The interview has also become a centerpiece of both Smartmatic’s and Dominion’s lawsuits against Fox News.

Fox News did not return Insider’s request for comment.

Rep Thompson In Opening Statement: Trump ‘tried To Destroy Our Democratic Institutions’

FOX NEWS FIRST: Trump to make case for wall in primetime address ...

“He tried to destroy our democratic institutions,” Rep Thompson said in his opening statement, before previewing what was to come in Thursday’s hearing.

“This evening, my colleagues, Mr. Kinzinger of Illinois and Ms. Luria of Virginia, will take you inside what the White House was doing those one hundred and eighty seven minutes,” Thompson continued. “We will also remind you of what was happening at the Capitol minute by minute. as the final, violent, tragic part of Donald Trump’s scheme to cling to power unravel while he ignored his advisers, stood by and watched it unfold on television that offer a final thought about the select committee’s work so far.”

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Compulsory Reductions In Meat Consumption

In April 2021, at least five Fox News and Fox Business personalities amplified a story published by the Daily Mail, a British tabloid, that incorrectly linked a university study to President Joe Biden’s climate change agenda, to falsely assert that Americans would be compelled to dramatically reduce their meat consumption to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions caused by flatulence. Fox News aired a graphic detailing the supposed compulsory reductions, falsely indicating the information came from the Agriculture Department, which numerous Republican politicians and commentators tweeted. Fox News anchor John Roberts reported to “say goodbye to your burgers if you want to sign up to the Biden climate agenda.” Days later, Roberts acknowledged on air that the story was false.

Gop Sen Josh Hawley Flees The Rioters

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri was seen raising his fist to the crowd outside the Capitol on Jan. 6.

But later that day, he appeared in another image: running through the hallways as the rioters invaded the building.

Luria said a law enforcement officer said she believed Hawleys salute riled up the crowd.”

“It bothered her greatly,” Luria said. “Because he was doing it in a safe space protected by the officers and the barriers.”

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Ze Proberen Ons Af Te Schilderen Als Nazi’s

Politiek is het voor een opiniemaker en een politicus die zich in rechtse kringen bewegen echter niet correct om het woord terrorisme toe te passen op de inval in het Capitool. Want onder de Republikeinse kiezers, en kijkers naar Fox, is het beeld courant van een goedwillende, grotendeels vreedzame menigte die verkiezingsfraude aan de kaak stelde.

Cruz: Terwijl duizenden mensen daar stonden om ons land te verdedigen op 6 januari, stond ik in de Senaat en maakte bezwaar tegen de uitslag van de verkiezingen, en eiste het instellen van een commissie om aanwijzingen voor stemfraude te bekijken. Dus het zou belachelijk zijn als ik de mensen die daar buiten stonden, en protesteerden dat de wet moet worden nageleefd, terroristen noemde.

Volgens hem had hij alleen gedoeld op degenen die echt geweld gebruikten. Ik gebruik dat woord altijd voor mensen die politieagenten aanvallen. Maar het was een fout dat ik dat woord gisteren gebruikte, omdat de Democraten en de grote mediabedrijven dit zo gepolitiseerd hebben. Ze proberen ons af te schilderen als nazis. Ik ben juist degene in de Senaat die de strijd leidt tegen die rotzooi.

En bovendien: bestond de groep die geweld pleegde wel uit Trump-aanhangers? Samen met Cruz boog Carlson zich tot slot nog even over diens theorie dat dit geweld is gepleegd door agenten van de overheid, die de Trump-aanhangers in een slecht daglicht wilden stellen.

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