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How Old Is Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

Us House Of Representatives

See Bernie Sandersâ reaction to Trump floating 2024 presidential run

Pence rejuvenated his political career by running for the U.S. House of Representatives again in 2000, this time winning the seat in after six-year incumbent opted to run for governor of Indiana. The district comprises all or portions of 19 counties in eastern Indiana. As a congressman, Pence adopted the slogan he had used on the radio, describing himself as a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order. While in Congress, Pence belonged to the .

In his first year in office, Pence opposed President s in 2001, as well as President Bushs Medicare prescription drug expansion the following year. Pence was re-elected four more times by comfortable margins. In the , , and House elections, he defeated Democrat .

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In 2008, magazine listed Pence as one of the ten best members of Congress, writing that Pences unalloyed traditional conservatism has repeatedly pitted him against his party elders. Pence was mentioned as a possible Republican candidate for president in and . In September 2010, he was the top choice for president in a straw poll conducted by the . That same year, he was encouraged to run against incumbent Democratic senator , but opted not to enter the race, even after Bayh unexpectedly announced that he would retire.

Donald Trumps Start In Business

At the time of his inauguration, Donald Trump was the oldest person to be sworn into the office of the president of the United States. He was 70 years, 220 days old on Jan. 20, 2017. . Trump beat out a number of contenders to become the Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election. He went on to defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. His term ended on Jan. 20, when Biden began his term as the 46th president.

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Trump was born into a wealthy family and inherited about $40 million from his late father, real estate developer Fred Trump. In 1971, Donald Trump became head of what would later be known as The Trump Organization.

Trumps earnings and inheritance helped him to develop more than 500 companies. The business mogul has held stakes in luxury golf courses, skyscrapers, television shows, casinos, books, merchandise and, now, social media. These endeavors have helped him reach the estimated $3 billion that put him on the Forbes Billionaires List for 2022.

Immigration To The United States

With several siblings having already established themselves there and in Canada, MacLeod may have first visited the United States for a short stay in December 1929. She was issued visa number 26698 at on February 17, 1930. On May 2, MacLeod left Glasgow on board the arriving in New York City on May 11 . She declared she intended to become a U.S. citizen and would be staying permanently in America. She was one of tens of thousands of young Scots who left for the United States or Canada during this period, Scotland having suffered badly the consequences of the and World War I. The alien passenger list of the Transylvania lists her occupation as a .

Arriving in the U.S. with $50 , MacLeod lived with her older sister Christina Matheson on and worked as a domestic servant for at least four years. One of these jobs appears to have been as a for a well-to-do family in a New York suburb, but the position was eliminated due to economic difficulties caused by the . As a 2016 account in Scottish newspaper put it, she started life in America as a dirt-poor servant escaping the even worse poverty of her native land. Having obtained a only granted to immigrants intending to stay and gain citizenshipshe returned to Scotland on the on September 12, 1934. She was recorded as living in New York by April 1935 in the .

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There Are Unexpected Strengths To An Aging Mind

Come November, well have two septuagenarian candidates facing off. If theyre not geezers, theyre geezer-adjacent. Should we be worried?

A presidents schedule requires fortitude, patience, and intense concentration. A typical day includes a series of high-level meetings and events, including briefings by Cabinet members and White House staff, meetings with congressional and foreign leaders, and delivering remarks at various press events. There are official visits to important allied countries, international meetings such as the United Nations General Assembly each fall, and political events in key states. The president signs legislation but is also the chief executive of the largest employer in the US, a diplomat, and commander in chief of the armed forces. Its a grueling job physically and cognitively, and its natural to question whether there is an upper age limit on meeting such demands.

Looking at the health of former presidents doesnt necessarily provide any answers. Our presidents have ranged widely in age, and age hasnt always correlated with mental and physical fitness. George W. Bush was up at 5:15 each morning and in bed by 9 pm. But Bill Clinton, one of our younger presidents at just 46 when elected, had a quadruple bypass operation on his heart just three years after leaving office. Our oldest president before Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, who was elected at 69, was diagnosed with Alzheimers four years after he left office.

Daniel J. Levitin

Trump Was Born In 1946 & Is Younger Than Biden

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders: The Two Big Phenomena of This Election ...

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. Hes 74 years old, so hes younger than Biden by about three years.

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What about Hillary Clinton? Clinton was born on October 26, 1947. That makes her 72 years old. Shes the youngest of the group. But shes one year older than Elizabeth Warren, who was born on June 22, 1949 and is 71 years old. Warren made a comment during one of the Democratic debates in December that she would be the youngest woman ever nominated if she got the Democratic nomination, referencing that she was younger than Clinton.

Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, was born on September 8, 1941. That makes him 79 years old and the oldest out of Trump, Biden, and Clinton.

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Too Old For 2020 Trump Biden Bernie And The Politics Of Age

While the field of candidates for the next presidential election is still taking shape, it is likely to include the oldest person ever to seek the office.

President Trump, already the oldest first-term president in U.S. history, has begun campaigning for re-election and will be 74 by election day 2020. Though undecided about a run, former Vice President Joe Biden, who tops most early Democratic polls, will be just shy of 78, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will be 79.

They may be old, but they want voters to know theyre still in fighting trim. If I were in high school, Id take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him, Biden said of Trump, in answer to a question about the presidents crude comments about women.

That prompted Trump to assure the nation that he would get the better of the hypothetical fist fight.

Crazy Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with physical assault. He doesnt know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Dont threaten people Joe!

Donald J. Trump

But will young voters, mobilized by the movement that has sprung up in response to the high school shooting in Parkland, Fla., turn out for candidates well into their 70s?

Dean, who is 69 now but was 55 when he ran for president, believes Democrats should aim to motivate young voters by nominating a candidate with less gray hair and more youthful energy.

Criticism Of The Media

In an early essay, Sanders claimed that the corporate owners of the television industry sought to benumb critical thinking among their viewers. Later he bemoaned the medias emphasis on reporting disasters, while ignoring what he characterizes as the plight of the working class. Consequently, he has been a leader in calling for media reform and opposes increased concentration of ownership of media outlets, as well as being a contributing author for OpEdNews. He appeared in Orwell Rolls in His Grave and Outfoxed: Rupert Murdochs War on Journalism, two documentaries on the subject.

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Since the 2016 primary, Trump has frequently suggested that the Democratic National Committee is working against Sanders to keep him from winning the partys nomination.

A scenario receiving increased attention involves Sanders arriving at the Democratic National Convention this summer having won more delegates than any other candidate but not enough for the nomination and then being outmaneuvered by Democratic deal making to give the nomination to someone else because they believe the democratic socialist and self-proclaimed revolutionary cant beat Trump.

Many Sanders supporters felt that the DNC favored Hillary Clinton in 2016 and again prefers a more centrist candidate this time around as the nominee a chasm in the Democratic Party that Trump frequently likes to capitalize on.

The Kremlin is reportedly backing Bernie Sanders bid to win the White House, Trump tweeted. Why didnt somebody tell me this?

The Kremlin is reportedly backing Bernie Sanders bid to win the White House. Jon Scott Why didnt somebody tell me this?

Donald J. Trump

On Friday, The Washington Post reported that Russia was attempting to help Sanders campaign. Sanders and Trump, along with other lawmakers, had been briefed on Russias efforts. Intelligence reports have also shown that Russia is interfering in the election to benefit Trump.

Although there are no Republican nominating contests being held in Nevada this weekend, Trump held a campaign rally in Las Vegas on Friday.

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Bernie Sanders calls Donald Trump a liar and explains democratic socialism

Still, some allies and Democrats privately worry that Biden may not be able to handle the rigors of another campaign.

A bone he broke in his foot while playing with his dog in late November 2020 still occasionally bothers Biden, resulting in a slower and shorter gait. And the White House has largely abandoned using the Oval Office for press events in part because it cant be permanently equipped with a teleprompter Biden aides prefer the fake White House stage built in the Old Executive Office Building next door for events, sacrificing some of the power of the historic backdrop in favor of an otherwise sterile room that was outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen.

And if Biden were to run again in 2024, it almost certainly would be a more rigorous campaign than the one he previously mounted. The outbreak of Covid kept Biden in his Delaware home for much of the 2020 general election campaign, sparing him the wear and tear of relentless travel.

As for Trump, the issues are not related to physical health so much as psychological conditioning. He wants to run, those who know him say, but wants to be sure he will win.

I always said that he would run if Biden is under 44 or 43 but if Biden is at 46, 47, he will pass, said Bryan Lanza, a GOP strategist and former Trump campaign official. Right now he is at 41 so I have to say yes right now there has to be a dramatic turning out in Biden numbers for him to pass.

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Education And Personal Life

Sanders was born Mary Jane O’Meara on January 3, 1950, and grew up in Brooklyn, as one of the five children of Bernadette Joan and Benedict P. O’Meara. She is of Irish descent and was raised Catholic. She attended Catholic schools, including Saint Saviour High School, before attending the University of Tennessee. O’Meara dropped out of school and moved back to Brooklyn with her first husband, David Driscoll. In 1975, they moved to Vermont when Driscoll’s employer, IBM, transferred him. The couple divorced in 1980. She has three children from her marriage with Driscoll, who were later adopted by Sanders.

O’Meara finished her college degree at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont, with a bachelor’s in social work. She met Bernie Sanders in 1981, ten days before his first campaign victory as Mayor of Burlington, and again at his victory party the couple married in 1988.

Bernie Sanders On Being The Democratic Front

Bernie Sanders had an impressive win last night in the Nevada caucuses. He also won in the New Hampshire primary and leads the Democratic field in national polls. It’s a stunning turn of events for a man who calls himself a “democratic socialist,” and is the first to admit he’s been preaching the same populist, progressive message for decades.

As the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, then a U.S. congressman, now an independent senator who caucuses with the Democrats, Sanders has been arguing that the very rich should pay higher taxes so that everyone can have health care, education, and a decent paying job. Sanders is 78 years old, and is filling arenas with huge crowds of young, enthusiastic supporters. He’s used to being the underdog, but now, grudgingly, has to admit: in the Democratic race for president, he’s the front-runner.

Anderson Cooper: After your entire career, to now be the front-runner of the Democratic Party–

Bernie Sanders: Yes, that is a bit shocking. I will agree. I will agree with you there.

Anderson Cooper: The Democratic Party has moved to you, if anything?

Bernie Sanders: In many ways, they have. And– and the ideas that seemed radical four years ago are now kind of mainstream.

Bernie Sanders: Yep, that’s what I said.

Bernie Sanders at a rally: You know what? They should be getting nervous!

Anderson Cooper: You’re also making, though, a lot of Democratic voters nervous.

Bernie Sanders: Mhmm.

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Donald Trump Bernie Sanders: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

  • Ben McKay | contributing writer

Former President Donald Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders use populism to gain political power.

The increasing divide in American politics is a well-documented phenomenon. Stark polarities between Democrats and Republicans seems to have transcended traditional policy arguments.

Eight of 10 registered votersin the 2020 elections believed differences between their political counterparts were over core American values, according to recent polling data released by the Pew Research Center. Americans need to look no further than Joe Bidens inaugural address in which he uttered the words unity nine separate times to be reminded of the hostility currently felt toward one another.

The sharp division we see among Americans leads us to ask an important question: What phenomenon has fueled this divide?

American division is being accelerated by a wave of anti-neoliberalism, which is a reactionary ideology categorized by a dissatisfaction with free-market economic philosophy. America is experiencing an apolitical pushback against the global economic order thats manifested into increasingly partisan, populist movements.

The goal of this article isnt to provide a detailed history of the macro trends categorizing U.S. politics and economic policy, as entire books could be written on such a subject. Rather, its to provide an easily digestible theory that singles out the main source of division in modern American politics.

Bernie Sanders Is The Oldest Candidate On The Stage Tonight

Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders Win the New Hampshire Primary


Bernie Sanders was born on September 8, 1941. That makes him 78 years old. Sanders had canceled some campaign events last year after having a heart attack, but hes since had two stents put in his heart, which lowers his chances of having another heart problem. Hes back on the campaign trail and doing well. After his heart attack, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed him for President, which brought renewed energy to his campaign.

For a 78-year-old, Sanders is still really spry and active. In fact, videos of Bernie running have been turned into memes and are shared across the Internet. And many videos have been shared showing Sanders being active in a variety of sports events.

can we put aside political differences and appreciate bernie sanders playing basketball?


When asked about his age during the December debate, Sanders said that the big problem in the country was about the oligarchy and rich people running the country and making the big decisions. The problem isnt about age or whether the person running the country is a woman or a man, he said.

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Biden Must Act To Bring Sanders Supporters Into The Fold

At first glance it seems Bernie Sanders, who suspended his presidential campaign on Wednesday, and President Trump stand at opposite extremes of the American political landscape. Pundits often assume the polarization between these two candidates is so great that their voting bases must be ideologically incompatible or somehow anathema to each other.

In reality, however, a significant historical overlap exists between Sanderss democratic socialism and Trumpism which explains why Trump is already trying to court Sanderss supporters. Americans today should imagine both Sanders and Trump as very different approaches to the same populist movement that has been lurking on the periphery of American politics for more than a century.

At its base, populism speaks to economically disaffected voters. The Populist party was launched in 1892 to address the moral, political, and material ruin that had befallen the American farmer. After decades of farming and deriving the gender specific pride of providing for a family, farmers saw themselves as a commodity in a continuously depressed labor market underpaid, and no longer capable of providing for their families.

Before 1896, the Populist party had an inclusive attitude toward race and gender. The movement underpinning it sought a biracial approach to sharecropping. It also looked to position women in politics. However, this all changed after the partys 1896 defeat.

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