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Where Did Donald Trump Go To College

Heres How Far The Trumps Really Got In School

How President Donald Trump Hid His School Transcripts | Hardball | MSNBC

When your family is American royalty like the Trumps, education at top schools is as much a part of the lifestyle as yacht parties and full-on sprints from the paparazzi. Nouveau riche or not, the Trump family is no different, boasting ivy league and almost-ivy league degrees up and down the family tree. Well, most of the family tree anyway.

While the Trump childrens college educations have been fairly well documented, some unanswered questions still remain about Donalds time at the Wharton School and about Melanias formal education. Perhaps even more interesting is the educational history of Donald Trumps siblings, who range from a federal judge to an administrative assistant at Chase Bank. Not to mention Donalds father, Fred, who still laid the foundation for what would later be the Trump Organization. We took a look at Trumps past and present, and found out how far all of them made it in school.

Where Did Donald Trump Go To College

During his elementary years, Trump attended the private Kew-Forest School from kindergarten through seventh grade.

At age 13, he was enrolled in the New York Military Academy, a private boarding school.

Trump‘s academic performance has been kept from becoming public knowledge.

Donny originally enrolled at Fordham University in New York City in 1964.

After two years, he transferred from the Jesuit college in NYC to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

Abortion Sex Education And Stem Cell Research

Pence is an , and his unwavering support of abortion restrictions has gained him the support of grassroots conservative activists. He began seeking to defund in 2007 and in three congressional sessions, he introduced legislation to block organizations that provide abortion services from receiving any funding, even for services not related to reproductive health or ., president of the , has praised Pence as a “pro-life trailblazer”.

Pence has criticized . In 2002, he criticized a speech by then-secretary of state , who had said it was “important for young people … to protect themselves from the possibility of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease” through the use of . Pence called Powell’s comments a “sad day” and expressed his support for . He asserted that “condoms are a very, very poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases” and that Powell was “maybe inadvertently misleading millions of young people and endangering lives” despite the CDC assessment that when properly used they offer effective protection against STDs.

Pence opposed President Obama’s executive order eliminating , saying, “I believe it is morally wrong to create human life to destroy it for research … I believe it is morally wrong to take the tax dollars of millions of pro-life Americans.” He asserted that “scientific breakthroughs have rendered embryonic stem-cell research obsolete.”

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Acquisition Of United States Citizenship

Knauss came to the United States from Slovenia in 1996, residing briefly on a visitors visa and then obtained H-1B work visas. In 2000, she petitioned for a right to permanent residency under the EB-1 program, a program designed for people with extraordinary abilities and was approved by March 2001. According to information from the Migration Policy Institute, only 2 percent of people in their field would be expected to qualify.The Washington Post in 2018 reported that at that time Knausss credentials included runway shows in Europe, a Camel cigarette billboard ad in Times Square andin her biggest job at the timea spot in the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated, which featured her on the beach in a string bikini, hugging a six-foot inflatable whale. In the analysis by Joel Gunter of the BBC, does not appear at the time to have excelled in a niche area of modelling, nor won awards or had her work written about in significant publications Gunter reports a conjecture that

he may have been boosted by high-profile testimonial letters, said Nita Upadhye, a U.S. immigration specialist at NNU Immigration Law. Testimonials form part of the application, and the more high-profile the reference the more weight it carries. If Mrs. Trump, already dating Mr. Trump at the time she applied, secured letters from luminaries in fashion, that would be significant, Ms. Upadhye said

Use Of The Office Of President

Welcome To Debola

Trump often sought to use the office of the presidency for his own interest. Under his leadership, the Justice Department, which is traditionally independent from the President, became highly partisan and acted in Trump’s interest.Bloomberg News reported in October 2019 that during a 2017 Oval Office meeting, Trump had asked Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to pressure the Justice Department to drop a criminal investigation of Reza Zarrab, an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was a client of Trump associate Rudy Giuliani. Tillerson reportedly refused.

Trump attempted to host the 2020 G7 Summit at his Doral Golf Resort, from which he could have made significant profits. Trump visited his properties 274 times during his presidency. Government officials were charged as much as $650 per night to stay at Trump’s properties.

In the lead up to the 2020 election, Trump and Postmaster GeneralLouis DeJoy, a close ally of Trump, sought to hamper the US postal service by cutting funding and services, a move which would prevent postal votes from being counted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump has fired, demoted or withdrawn numerous government officials in retaliation for actions that projected negatively on his public image, or harmed his personal or political interests, including Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

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Melania Trump Reportedly Attended This University But Didn’t Graduate

On her now-defunct website, First Lady Melania Trump claimed to have obtained “a degree in design and architecture at University in Slovenia,” according to Snopes. The problem is there is no University of Slovenia. Other reports have been shared about her having attended the University of Ljubljana instead, but there’s no record of her graduation.

According to PolitiFact, Melania lied in a 2013 deposition about her also defunct caviar skin cream line, repeating the claim she’d gotten a degree. The program for the 2016 Republican National Convention similarly mentioned Melania having graduated from the University of Ljubljana, according to CBS News.CBS News discredited the claim and maintained she has no degree.

A GQ interview with Melania claimed she “applied to the school of architecture at the local university, successfully passing the notoriously difficult entrance exams,” but does not mention her earning a diploma and instead notes she “effectively out” after a year to focus on modeling.

The Wharton School Of Business

Donald Trump then joined the Wharton school of business after two ghost years at Fordham. The Wharton School of business in Philadelphia was founded in 1740.

It ranked 9th by the national university rankings and is one of the eight ivy schools in the United States.

Donald claims he decided to join the ivy school to get actual competition. According to him, Fordham was looser, and his intellectual capacity was greater. He could find the needed growth from Fordham.

Donald Trump was more vocal about his time at Wharton. He was so boastful and made various comparisons of him and barrack.

He claims to have graduated with a bachelorâs degree in economics from Wharton. However, just like in Fordham, Donald Trumps years at Wharton are quite unclear.

His academic performance is not clear, and he refused to remove his transcripts. He also sent a warning to the school that he would sue it if it releases his transcripts.

Therefore his transcripts and class ranking are unknown. Its a crime to give out a students information without absolute permission from


The University does not have any record of Trumps involvement in certain extracurricular activities. He did not belong to any political associations, clubs, or groups.

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Mystery #: Did Trump Donate $14 Million To Penn Over The Years Or Merely Pledge To Do So Did His Pledges Coincide With The Enrollment Applications Of His Children Why Doesnt His Name Appear Prominently Anywhere On Penns Campus

Penn pleads the Fifth. Thank you for your inquiry, says John H. Zeller, vice president for development and alumni relations. We have a policy to not disclose or comment on any donors history or support.

However, in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, the Daily Pennsylvanians Luis Ferré-Sadurní did a deep dive into all extant publicly available donor reports between 1968 and 2007 there were presumably 39 annual-giving reports issued between those years, but he was only able to locate 32 of them. Also unavailable were annual reports from 2008 to 2016. Ferré-Sadurní determined that Trump had pledged at least $1,480,500 between 1968 and 2007. However, the reports only list money pledged, not how much, if any, Trump actually forked over. That information remains a closely guarded secret. Zeller told the DP that Penn has an exceptionally high rate of fulfillment for pledged gifts but declined to confirm or deny that Trump followed through on his pledged donations.

We dont know, and we may never know, says Ferré-Sadurní, who now covers the housing beat for the New York Times. But a lot of the pledged donations seem to be made right around the time each of his kids was going to Penn or trying to get in.

Wildlife Conservation And Animal Welfare

All about Donald Trumpâs early years, from troubled teen to military academy and business school

In October 2016, the Humane Society denounced Trump’s campaign, saying that a “Trump presidency would be a threat to animals everywhere” and that he has “a team of advisors and financial supporters tied in with trophy hunting, puppy mills, factory farming, horse slaughter, and other abusive industries.”

In February 2017, under the Trump administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture unexpectedly removed from its public website “all enforcement records related to horse soring and to animal welfare at dog breeding operations and other facilities.” The decision prompted criticism from animal welfare advocates , investigative journalists, and some of the regulated industries .

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He Did Not Graduate With Honors

Donald Trump prepares to speak in Ohio one day after violent protests at his Chicago rally.

Trump frequently mentions the fact that he did very well at Wharton. He told CNN, I went to the Wharton School of Finance, I got very good marks, I was a good student, its the best business school in the world, as far as Im concerned. It has been reported for decades that Trump graduated at the top of his class, but this claim has been called into question. It was first reported in The New York Times back in 1973 and was repeated ever since, but no journalist has been able to find any evidence that confirms Trumps class standing.

In fact, the New York Times later reported that the commencement program from 1968 does not list Trump as having graduated with honors of any kind. A 1985 biography confirmed that he was not among the honor students in 1968. Rather, Jerome Tuccille reports in her book, Trump: The Saga of Americas Most Powerful Real Estate Baron, that he attended Wharton to please his father and was not especially invested in doing well.

Donald agreed to attend Wharton for his fathers sake, Tuccille writes. He showed up for classes and did what was required of him but he was clearly bored and spent a lot of time on outside business activities.

In his book The Art of the Deal, Trump himself states that, in his opinion, a degree from Wharton doesnt prove very much.

Invited to White House? No

Attended White House ceremony? No

Religion And Lgbt Rights

On March 26, 2015, Pence signed , also known as the Indiana “religious objections” bill , into law. The move was praised by , but criticized by people and groups who felt the law was carefully worded in a way that would permit discrimination against persons. Such organizations as the , the gamer convention , and the spoke out against the law. Apple CEO and CEO condemned the law, with saying it would halt its plans to expand in the state. announced that they would cancel a $40 million expansion of their Indianapolis-based headquarters over concerns with the law. The expansion would have moved 1000 jobs into the state. Thousands protested against the policy. Five Republican state representatives voted against the bill, and , the Republican mayor of Indianapolis, criticized it as sending the “wrong signal” about the state.

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Why Are People So Concerned About Trumps College Degree

In a year, there have been blog posts, articles, and forums talking about the academic achievements of various presidents.

People have been doing deep dives in the yearbooks and old honors policies. It was never a big deal.

However, Donald Trumps case was quite different. A lot of speculations about his academic achievements were raised by his claims.

The claims were about Obamas and his academic records. It made people more curious about his educational history.

Elizabeth Trump Grau Graduated From Southern Seminary College

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Probably the least known of the Trump family is Elizabeth Trump Grau, Donald Trump’s older sister who has somehow managed to keep a low profile during the family’s height of fame. According to Business Insider, Elizabeth attended the Kew-Forest School in Queens, the same school President Trump went to. From there, she moved on to Southern Seminary College in Buena Vista, Va. It has since changed its name to Southern Virginia University.

In his book The Art of the Deal , Donald Trump called Elizabeth “bright but less ambitious,” which may explain why she didn’t go much past being an administrative assistant at Chase Manhattan Bank, though some reports claim she worked as an executive. While working there, she met movie and TV producer James Grau, and they were married in New York in 1989. According to their wedding announcement in The New York Times, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry was Elizabeth’s matron of honor and Grau’s son James was best man. Donald Trump was listed as an usher.

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Where Did Trump Go To College

The former president often boasts of his academic record such as attending Penn’s Wharton School, which in Trump’s own words is “the greatest business school.”

  • The former president went to Fordham before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania.
  • He earned an economics degree from Penn’s prestigious Wharton School.
  • His Trump University was accused of scamming students out of millions of dollars.

Donald Trump is proud of his bachelor’s degree from the prestigious Wharton School. The business school is considered among the top in the world. But in his 1987 bestseller “The Art of the Deal,” Trump wrote, “Perhaps the most important thing I learned at Wharton was not to be overly impressed by academic credentials.”

Despite Trump’s misgivings about the value of higher education, he opened his own Trump University, a real estate-investing program that went defunct in 2011 amid multiple lawsuits.

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What do we really know about Donald Trump at Wharton? We examined the facts. Locust Walk photo courtesy University of Pennsylvania Trump photo by Tasos Katopodis/Stringer/Getty Images

It was, it can be said without fear of exaggeration, a day that will live in infamy. When President Donald Trump emerged from his mysterious one-on-one summit with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in July of 2018, the respective visages and body language of the two world leaders could not have been further apart. The Russian president looked smug and sated, like a vampire with a bellyful of peasant blood Trump looked like a man whod just received a painful enema. Or, as grizzled, now-banished White House aide-de-camp Steve Bannon describes it in Siege, Michael Wolffs decadent and depraved follow-up to 2018s Trumpworld tell-all Fire And Fury, like a beaten dog.

Speculation within Trumps inner circle was that Putin must have something on Trump. The pee tape? Evidence that Don Jr. tried to buy Hillarys emails? His tax returns? Nah. As Bannon told Wolff, nobody gives a fuck about that stuff. But, he wondered, What if they have his college transcript?

Ahh, the college transcript. Trump famously graduated from Penns Wharton School in 1968 a fact he reminds audiences of over and over again. But despite all his humblebragging about that Wharton degree, Trump has never allowed his academic performance there to be made public.

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Trump’s Criticism Of Judge Gonzalo Curiel

Trump has been critical of United States District Court for the Southern District of California Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel, who is presiding over Makaeff, et al. v. Trump University and Cohen v. Donald J. Trump. Citing Curiel’s Mexican heritage, Trump has argued that Curiel has not treated him fairly because of his proposal to build a wall along the United States-Mexico border.

During an interview on June 5, 2016, CBS’s John Dickerson discussed Trump’s criticism of Curiel and asked Trump if he thought a Muslim judge would treat him unfairly because of his call to ban Muslim immigrants from entering the country. Trump replied, Its possible, yes. Yeah. That would be possible. Absolutely.

Dickerson then “said there was a tradition in the United States, a nation of immigrants, against judging people based on heritage.”

Trump replied, Im not talking about tradition, Im talking about common sense, O.K.?

During an interview later in the day, Trump reiterated his stance that Curiel has not treated him fairly because of his plan to build a border wall. Trump said, He is a member of a club or society, very strongly pro-Mexican, which is all fine. But I say hes got bias. I want to build a wall. Im going to build a wall. Im doing very well with the Latinos, with the Hispanics, with the Mexicans, Im doing very well with them, in my opinion.

May 27, 2016

“Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Rally in San Diego, CA .”

Trump said to the crowd,

Judicial code of conduct

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