Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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Donald Trump Returns To Campaign Trail With Rally Targeting Ohio Republican

Trump campaign shreds Biden for claiming Trump will steal election

As New York legal troubles mount, ex-president hints at 2024 run and targets those who voted for impeachment

Donald Trump returned to the campaign trail with a rally in Ohio on Saturday night, campaigning against a Republican who voted for his impeachment and trailing his own candidacy for president in 2024.

Trump repeated his baseless election 2020 grievances and painted a dystopian picture of the country under Democratic control, while in another echo the past, the crowd chanted Lock her up at the mention of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat he defeated in 2016.

The rally outside Cleveland on Saturday was to support Max Miller, a former White House aide challenging Anthony Gonzalez, a former college football and NFL star censured by his state party for voting for Trumps impeachment.

While he praised Miller as an incredible patriot and a great guy who loves the people of Ohio, Trump spent much of the rally fixating on the 2020 election, which he insists he won. This is despite top state and local election officials, his own attorney general and numerous judges, including some he appointed, saying there is no evidence of the mass voter fraud he alleges took place.

The 2020 presidential election was rigged, he told the crowd, which at one point broke into a Trump won! chant. We won that election in a landslide.

President Trump is my president, too, she said.

We want a little time to go by, maybe watch what happens in , he said.

Targeting The Republican National Committee

Russian hackers also probed some other Republicans, but their efforts were more limited and less successful than those aimed at Democrats. James Comey testified in January of 2017, when he was still FBI director, that Russians tried to targeted the Republican National Committee in 2016. There was evidence of hacking directed at state-level organizations, state-level campaigns, and the RNC, but old domains of the RNC,he told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

However, he clarified that these domains were no longer in use when hackers probed them and that the Russians did not release any information they found from these efforts. We did not develop any evidence that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked, Comey added.

Emboldened ‘unchanged’ Trump Looks To Re

The set of advisers around Trump now is a familiar mix of his top 2020 campaign aides and others who have moved in and out of his orbit over time. They include Miller, Susie Wiles, Bill Stepien, Justin Clark, Corey Lewandowski and Brad Parscale.

While his schedule isn’t set yet, according to Trump’s camp, his coming stops are likely to include efforts to help Ohio congressional candidate Max Miller, a former White House aide looking to win a primary against Rep. Anthony Gonzales, who voted to impeach Trump this year Jody Hice, who is trying to unseat fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger as Georgia secretary of state after Raffensperger defied Trump and validated the state’s electoral votes and Alabama Senate candidate Mo Brooks, according to Trump’s camp.

Trump’s ongoing influence with Republican voters helps explain why most GOP officeholders stick so closely to him. Republicans spared him a conviction in the Senate after the House impeached him for stoking the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, House GOP leaders have made it clear that they view his engagement as essential to their hopes of retaking the chamber, and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., was deposed as Republican Conference Chair this year over her repeated rebukes of Trump.

Those numbers suggest that Trump could be in a strong position to win a Republican primary but lose the general election in 3½ years. A former Trump campaign operative made that case while discussing Trump’s ambitions.

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Some Republicans Fear An Announcement Will Undercut Them At A Time When They Have A Strong Chance Of Retaking The House And Senate

For nearly a year, a kitchen cabinet of Donald Trump confidants has told the former president not to announce his 2024 comeback candidacy before the midterms, arguing that he could be a drag on 2022 candidates and would be blamed if Republicans underperformed.

But Trump has continued to regularly push for an early announcement in private meetings, as potential 2024 rivals become more aggressive amid signs of weakening support among his base. Now an increasing number of allies are urging him to follow his instincts as a way to shore up his standing in the party and drive turnout to help the GOP take over the House and Senate next year.

The former president is now eyeing a September announcement, according to two Trump advisers, who like some others interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. One confidant put the odds at 70-30 he announces before the midterms. And others said he may still decide to announce sooner than September.

Trump has begun talking with advisers about who should run a campaign, and his team has instructed others to have an online apparatus ready for a campaign should he announce soon, two people familiar with the matter said. He also has begun meeting with top donors to talk about the 2024 race, one of these people said, while on trips to various places across the country.

Notable Expenditures And Allegations Of Grifting

Donald Trump Announces Presidential Campaign

Trump properties

In June 2018, ProPublica reported that Trump Organization properties had received “at least $16.1 million…from his campaign, Republican organizations, and government agencies” since late 2015. In October 2019, OpenSecrets found that total spending on Trump properties had increased to $16.8 million even when just considering payments made by the Trump campaign and other Republican political campaigns and PACs .

During the first three months of 2017, the Trump 2020 campaign reported spending $6.3 million, of which nearly $500,000 was to companies owned by Trump. In the Trump 2020 campaign’s first two years , it paid more than $890,000 in rent for space in Trump Tower, while the Republican National Committee paid $225,000. As of October 2020, the campaign’s committees had directed more than $17.9 million of campaign donor money to Trump properties, while the Republican National Committee had paid $3.0 million.

Legal and compliance work

As of March 2019, Trump’s campaign had spent almost twice as much on Facebook and Google ads as the entire Democratic field combined.


During the first three months of his presidency, his reelection campaign spent more than $4 million on memorabilia.

Money funneled through Brad Parscale

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Staging Physical Events In The Us

Beyond getting voters in the U.S. to follow Facebook or Twitter accounts and read fake news websites, the Russians translated their social media influence into real-life events. Posing as American grassroots activists, the trolls set up and promoted rallies in swing states like Florida and Pennsylvania, as well as at Trump properties in New York, according to the indictment. In one of their most notable moves, the Russian trolls hired a real American to dress as Clinton in a prison uniform at a rally in West Palm Beach.

Trump Apologized To Cruz For Insults During Campaign

July 30, 2022 at 7:30 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Donald Trump made an uncharacteristic apology to Ted Cruz after insulting his wife and father during the 2016 campaign only for the Texas senator still to refuse to endorse Trump at the Republican convention, The Guardian reports.

In a new memoir, Trumps then campaign manager, Paul Manafort, writes: On his own initiative, Trump did apologise for saying some of the things he said about Cruz, which was unusual for Trump.

The telling vignette possibly an embarrassing one for two powerful Republicans who have since formed an alliance of convenience is contained in Political Prisoner: Persecuted, Prosecuted, but Not Silenced.

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Jared Kushner Reveals How Much Money Donald Trump’s Campaign Really Made Off Maga Hats

“Make America Great Again” it was a slogan, abbreviated MAGA, that although Donald Trump was not the first politician to utter , became synonymous with his presidential campaign and eventual term . Of course, in very Trump-like fashion, the businessman-turned commander-in-chief commoditized MAGA by splashing the words across merchandise, notably hats.

The idea to create a MAGA hat not only potentially sparked a movement, but also greatly benefitted the conservative’s campaign in terms of the bottom line. Just how much dough sales of the accessory netted may shock even the most die-hard Trump supporters, and this juicy detail is shared in the likely 2024 candidate’s son-in-law’s new book.

Indeed, as Jared Kushner, who of course is married to the tycoon’s oldest daughter Ivanka, shares in “Breaking History,” what started out as a little side project soon grew into a major revenue stream .

Trump Attempts To Bully Pence Into Rejecting Bidens Electoral Votes

How Georgia officials defended the election from Trump pressure | Jan. 6 hearing

Trump still had an even more dangerous trick up his sleeve: getting his faithful vice-president, Pence, to steal the election for him when Congress convened on January 6 to perform the routine task of confirming the December 14 Electoral College vote.

This potentially revolutionary maneuver had two prongs. First, Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas filed a lawsuit contending that the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which governs the rubber-stamping of the electoral vote count, was an unconstitutional abrogation of the vice-presidents power to recognize and count electors however he wanted. Gohmerts claim was quickly dismissed by the federal courts on grounds that he had no standing to sue.

At the same time, Trump lobbied Pence publicly and privately to do whatever he could in announcing electors to deny Biden the 270 electoral votes he needed to become president-elect. Perhaps the sycophant-in-chief would give Trump an outright victory, or maybe he would simply create a dispute that would throw the contest to the U.S. House, where Republicans controlled a majority of delegations.

This is the six-point plan advanced by Trump lawyer John Eastman for VP Pence to overturn the election on January 6th.

Christian Vanderbrouk

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Pm: Former Astronaut Mark Kelly Disconnected From Life On Earth Blake Masters Says

Blake Masters, former President Donald Trumps choice for U.S. Senate in Arizona, turned Mark Kellys NASA career into the butt of jokes as he ripped the incumbent Democratic senator.

Masters will take on Kelly, whom he called the worst senator, in the Nov. 8 election if Masters is the winner of the five-way Aug. 2 Republican primary for Arizonas seat.

Kelly is a retired space shuttle pilot.

Masters related his frustration listening to Kelly talk about his experience in orbit, looking down at Earth from the International Space Station, realizing humans are all in this together.

I was like, Shut up, Mark, do your job!’ Masters said.

Mark Kelly is completely disconnected from what life is like here on planet Earth, Masters said.

Here on Earth, problems with inflation and illegal immigration are out of control, Masters said.

Masters also added to the dogpile on fellow Republicans, whom he described as obstructing desired policies. I am sick of those RINOs, he said, using the term of derision that conservatives often aim at moderate or liberal Republicans Republicans In Name Only.

Ray Stern

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Full Video: Trump Rally From Prescott Valley Arizona

The Trump-Pence proxy battle in Arizona

Former President Donald Trump visited Arizona on Friday for a Save America rally 90 miles north of Phoenix in the area of Prescott Valley. There are several key midterm races happening in the state including congressional races, a battle for a U.S. Senate seat, and a gubernatorial contest.

Trump has endorsed several candidates in Arizona including Kari Lake, candidate for Governor, Blake Masters, candidate for U.S. Senate, and a slew of Congressional endorsements as well. The primary takes place on August 2, just a few short weeks away.

Here are all the rally details including start time, live stream, and where to watch the Prescott Valley Save America rally.

Save America Rally in Prescott Valley, ArizonaWhen: Friday, July 22, 2022Time: Trump speaking at 10 pm ET Where: Findlay Toyota Center

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Former President Donald Trump Is Back In Michigan For Rally

When then-President Donald Trump last visited Michigan in the wee hours of Election Day 2020, he told a crowd in Grand Rapids, in what would be his last speech of the campaign, that theyd better get out and vote for him or, Ill be so angry, Ill never come back.

He apparently got over it.

Bringing with him 17 months worth of unproven claims of vote rigging, lies about a stolen election and recriminations for Republican supporters he has deemed insufficiently loyal for refusing to overturn the election results, Trump is back in Michigan on Saturday evening. He will be headlining a rally that itself could serve to further split the state GOP and advance candidates who, while loyal to him, may not be best poised to sway voters in November.

For as much as he divides the public, however, Trump remains the Republicans most visible figure and, for now at least, the person most likely to capture their nomination for president in 2024, a mantle he has suggested he may be willing to take up again. And with President Joe Bidens approval numbers hurt by high inflation and gas prices, a surge in migrant crossings at the southern border and ongoing uncertainty about the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, Trumps visit comes at an opportune time.

Or maybe they will be front and center as well. With Trump, its hard to know in advance what he may end up talking about.

Heres what else to know about Saturdays rally:

Where And When And Can I Still Get Tickets


Trumps team is calling Saturdays event one in a series of Save America rallies to be held around the U.S. It is being held at the Michigan Stars Sports Center, 65665 Powell Road, in Washington Township. Parking, which may be tight, opens at 8 a.m. Doors to the event open at 2 p.m. The event begins at 4 p.m. and Trump is scheduled to speak at 7 p.m. Dont be surprised if its even later, however: Thats often the case with presidents, past or current.

For tickets, which are free and on a first-come, first-served basis, go to .

Also Check: What Channel Is The Trump Rally On

Thousands Attended The Rally Which Included Fireworks

GettyPeople listen as former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a rally on July 3, 2021, in Sarasota, Florida.

Trumps second post-presidency rally was held at Sarasota Fairgrounds on Ringling Boulevard in Sarasota, Florida. The event was sponsored by Save America, according to his website. At the time of this articles publication, Trump did not have another rally on his schedule.

The Guardian reported that the event was expected to draw several thousand people. The Herald-Tribune reported after the rally that officials had estimated the crowd numbered in the thousands.

GettyPeople wait in line to enter a rally hosted by former U.S. President Donald Trump on July 3, 2021, in Sarasota, Florida.

Ryan McKinnon, reporting for the Herald-Tribune, shared this video of what the crowd looked like when Trump took the stage:

Tweets werent loading during rally but here is look at crowd when Trump took the stage.

Ryan McKinnon

Leonardo Feldman of the conservative outlet Newsmax shared a video of the crowd at the rally before it began. Feldman tweeted that thousands were expected.

Getting packed here in #Sarasota ahead of the #TrumpRally

Leonardo Feldman

He later shared this video of the crowd:

A truly massive crowd welcomes former President #Trump in his rally in #Sarasota, #Florida

Leonardo Feldman

Gilliam said thousands showed up and were waiting in line before the rally.

Dark clouds getting closer at Sarasota Trump rally.

Ryan McKinnon

Trump Pence Campaign For Rivals In Ariz Governor’s Race

Former U.S. president Donald Trump and his estranged vice president, Mike Pence, held rival campaign events in Arizona on Friday, turning the governor’s race into a broader referendum on the Republican Party’s future.

Trump and Pence both talked up the successes of their administration and hammered President Joe Biden, but neither directly addressed the other or the growing rift between them.

Pence, who this week added his name to a growing list of GOP establishment figures endorsing housing developer Karrin Taylor Robson, offered only an oblique critique of the Republicans still pushing the lie that Trump lost because of fraud.

If you elect Robson, Pence said, you can send a deafening message heard all across America that the Republican Party is the party of the future.

He was more direct later on Twitter: Some people want this election to be about the past, but elections are always about the future. Democrats would love nothing more than for Republicans to take our eye off the ball and focus on days gone by.

Robson says the 2020 elections weren’t fair, accusing liberal judges of changing the rules late in the cycle and the media and big tech of suppressing conservative voices. But she has stopped short of saying Trump lost because of fraud.

Her main rival, former television anchor Kari Lake, has embraced Trump’s election lies along with his combative approach to his political enemies and the media.

Robson has also donated to Democrats.

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Trump Pressures Georgia Officials To Find 11000 Votes

Trump continued his attempt to find state politicians willing to help him reverse the election results even after passing every deadline established by Congress over more than a century to cut off presidential-election disputes.

On , he called Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who had backed the certification of Bidens win, to ask him to convene the state legislature to overturn the results and appoint pro-Trump electors . On December 23, Trump Bonnie Watson, a lowly election investigator for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, urging her to find fault with mail ballots since I won by hundreds of thousands of votes. It wasnt close.

On January 2, 2021, he concluded this particular line of election tampering by appealing directly to Raffensperger to find him some more votes. So look. All I want to do is this, the president said in a recorded conversation. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.

A Georgia prosecutor has convened a grand jury to consider criminal charges against the former president in connection with this incident.

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