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What Has Donald Trump Done Now

Trump Says Ukraine Should Have Done Deal With Putin

USA: Ex-VP Mike Pence hits back at Donald Trump over election | DW News

Donald Trump suggested that Ukraine should have done a deal with President Vladimir Putin to prevent Russia invading the country.

During an appearance on the The Clay Travis & Buck SextonShow podcast, the former president suggested that Ukraine could have “given up” the territory of Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014, or agreed not to join NATO.

The remarks came after Trump was asked for his opinion of the photoshoot Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife, Olena, did for Vogue magazine, which has come under scrutiny given it took place while the country was at war.

“Probably not the greatest thing,” Trump said, before adding his much repeated stance that the Russia invasion would have “never happened” if he was still president.

“He wouldn’t have done it with me. He wouldn’t have done it. At a minimum, they should have made a deal,” Trump said.

“They could have given up Crimea. They could have done something with NATO, ‘Okay, we’re not gonna join NATO,’ and you’d have a country, because I believe Putin wanted to make a deal,” Trump said.

“And now I don’t think he wants to make a deal. I think it’s much tougher to make a deal. He’s blowing up the whole place. I mean, he’ll take over the whole place. And it’s very, very sad to watch what happened with Ukraine. Very, very sad.”

When He Stopped Funding For The Un Population Fund Which Supports Family Planning Across The Globe

In a Trump-led crusade against the health and rights of women and girls globally, the US ended all funding for the United Nations Population Fund in 2017.

The fund supports reproductive and sexual health programmes for vulnerable women in over 150 countries, like Venezuela and Syria.

At the time, Trump cited false claims of programmes requiring coercive abortion.

In response, womens rights activists said he had signed a global death warrant for women.

When He Tried To Stop Transgender Students Using School Bathrooms In Line With Their Gender

In February 2017, Trump decided to go after one of the most marginalised groups possible by removing protections for trans students which allowed them to use bathrooms corroborating with their gender identity.

The harm the policy could cause was so evident that even education secretary Betsy DeVos opposed the move because of the effect it would have on trans students.

Trump went ahead with it anyway.

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Legal Affairs And Bankruptcies

Fixer Roy Cohn served as Trump’s lawyer and mentor for 13 years in the 1970s and 1980s. According to Trump, Cohn sometimes waived fees due to their friendship. In 1973, Cohn helped Trump countersue the United States government for $100 million over its charges that Trump’s properties had racial discriminatory practices. Trump and Cohn lost that case when the countersuit was dismissed and the government’s case went forward. In 1975, an agreement was struck requiring Trump’s properties to furnish the New York Urban League with a list of all apartment vacancies, every week for two years, among other things. Cohn introduced political consultant Roger Stone to Trump, who enlisted Stone’s services to deal with the federal government.

As of November 2016, Trump and his businesses had been involved in more than 4,000 state and federal legal actions, according to a running tally by USA Today.

While Trump has not filed for personal bankruptcy, his over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and New York filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection six times between 1991 and 2009. They continued to operate while the banks restructured debt and reduced Trump’s shares in the properties.

Post-presidential investigations

When He Removed Protection Status From 59000 Hatitians Forcing Them To Return To Disaster


In November 2017, Trump ended a humanitarian programme that had allowed 59,000 Haitians to reside and work in the U.S, as the country still tries to recover from 2010s devastating earthquake, which ripped through its social fabric.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere money sent back home from expats is a lifeline.

Worse still, in 2020, the forced deportations of Haitians continued during the pandemic, despite human rights activists warning that Trump was essentially exporting coronavirus to a nation that would not be able to cope with an outbreak.

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What Did Trump Say About The Covid Vaccines

After President Joe Biden announced his administration would order another 100 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Trump responded seeking credit for the swift rollout.

The ex-president said in a statement released by his office on March 10: “I hope everyone remembers when theyre getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasnt President, you wouldnt be getting that beautiful shot for 5 years, at best.

“And probably wouldnt be getting it at all.

I hope everyone remembers!”

Both Pfizer and Modernas two-dose coronavirus vaccines were developed and authorized for emergency use while Trump was in office.

Moderna received funding for design and testing under Trumps Operation Warp Speed, while Pfizer had an advance-purchase agreement.

J& J, which was authorized for use after Biden took office, also had a pre-existing federal production deal made under the Trump administration.

When He Lied About His Inauguration Crowd Sizes

Ready to fire Trump and make inauguration crowds great again.

It’s a fair day to IMEACH

Size matters to Trump which is why he and his team practiced their very first professional gaslighting by insisting that the crowds gathered for his inauguration were the largest ever, despite extensive photographic evidence to the contrary.

Later it emerged a government photographer had even edited photos to make crowds appear bigger, according to a Guardian investigation.

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Lafayette Square Protester Removal And Photo Op

On June 1, 2020, federal law enforcement officials used batons, rubber bullets, pepper spray projectiles, stun grenades, and smoke to remove a largely peaceful crowd of protesters from Lafayette Square, outside the White House. Trump then walked to St. John’s Episcopal Church, where protesters had set a small fire the night before he posed for photographs holding a Bible, with senior administration officials later joining him in photos. Trump said on June 3 that the protesters were cleared because “they tried to burn down the church and almost succeeded”, describing the church as “badly hurt”.

Religious leaders condemned the treatment of protesters and the photo opportunity itself. Many retired military leaders and defense officials condemned Trump’s proposal to use the U.S. military against anti-police brutality protesters. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General , later apologized for accompanying Trump on the walk and thereby “creat the perception of the military involved in domestic politics”.

That Must Be Everything Right

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Not quite. A long list of other investigations and potential lawsuits includes:

ââ¬Â¢ The Washington DC attorney general’s criminal investigation into the 6 January attack. Last year, he said Mr Trump could possibly be charged for encouraging the violence but no action has been taken

ââ¬Â¢ Various lawsuits by police officers who have accused Mr Trump of inciting the 6 January attack in which they suffered injuries

ââ¬Â¢ A lawsuit by Mr Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, who says her uncle and his siblings allegedly cheated her out of inheritance. Mr Trump has sought to dismiss the lawsuit, which was filed in a state court in New York City

ââ¬Â¢ A lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court by Mr Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who alleges his old boss sent him back to prison in retaliation for writing a tell-all memoir

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Gave His ‘most Important Speech’ Ever That Was Just Full Of Lies

A month after the election, Trump shared a 46-minute video on Facebook which he called the ‘the most important speech I’ve ever made.’ What followed was nothing but baseless claims about the results of the vote, vague claims and evidence of voter fraud and calls for judges to help him win.

“This election was rigged … our country needs somebody to say, ‘you’re right'” — Trump wound down his lie-filled 46 minute Facebook speech by calling for judges to help him overturn the election results

Aaron Rupar

When He Imposed A Muslim Travel Ban

The court asked why we call it a Muslim ban when some Muslim-majority countries arent included.

The answer: Trump has assured us since he was first campaigning that he wants to ban Muslims, and it affects millions of people in countries that are 95% Muslim.


In 2017 Trump signed an executive order that temporarily suspended immigration to the US for all citizens of seven Muslim majority countries for 90 days. Citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen suddenly found themselves unable to enter America. Massive protests immediately took place as a response with courts eventually finding the ban unlawful and overturning it.

That didnt stop Trump though he issued a new ban in 2018 that instead restricted how many visas could be issued to applicants from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, along with Venezuela and North Korea.

This ban was eventually upheld by the Supreme Court. And in February it was expanded to cover citizens from Nigeria, Eritrea, Tanzania, Sudan, Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar.

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When The Trump Hotel Organisation Received $600000 For Hosting An Event For Kuwait

Trump apparently never divested from his business interests which means when an event held by Kuwait to celebrate their national day was held at Washingtons Trump International, there were questions raised.

Like whether the sitting president would see any of the reported $60,000 fee paid by Kuwait to host the event there.

And whether Trumps solution which is donating all profits from foreign government payments made to his hotels to the United States Treasury would really prevent any conflict of interest.


When He Blamed Mental Illness And Video Games For Gun Violence

never see me again what donald trump has said hed do if he loses

As we have already mentioned, Trump has failed to do anything about gun violence in the US but in he did find something to blame mental illness and video games.

Speaking after a weekend where 31 died after shootings in Ohio and Texas, Trump criticised gruesome video games which celebrate violence adding that:

Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger not the gun.

The problem here is that one of his first actions as president was to scrap a regulation introduced by Obama that made it harder for people with a history with mental illness to purchase a gun.

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When He Dismissed Russian Interference In The Election

The spectre of Russia has haunted Trump since the 2016 election that brought him to power. Post-election analysis of data by the likes of academics seems to suggest that yes, Russian interference played a part in it.

But Trump, funnily enough, has never been keen to examine the role Russia might have had in seeing him elected. Which means hes not only blocked every attempt to investigate it but also sacked multiple officials whove threatened to do so, like former FBI director James Comey. Trump even admitted that Russia was part of his reasoning for firing Comey, making him only the second American president to sack his FBI director. Historic.

2. When he appointed his unqualified family to top administration roles

Ivanka Trump appears to be trying to get involved in a talk among Macron, May, Trudeau and Lagarde .

The video is released by French Presidential palace.

Parham Ghobadi

Ah, the sweet smell of nepotism. As soon as Trump went to the White House, so did his family. But breaking with protocol, members of the extended Trump clan quickly received important high-ranking roles. Like daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared who are now special advisors, a role that is very vague but ensures theyre essentially part of running the country. Ivankas attempt to mingle with world leaders at the 2019 G20 summit was widely ridiculed.

Its not stopped her, or the other Trumps, ascending the power ladder though.

When He Appointed Jeff Sessions Attorney General

breaking: trump has accidentally given jeff sessions an old sock and he is now free to leave the premises


Donald Trump might be slamming Jeff Sessions now but when he appointed him his first official attorney general, he seemed like a big fan.

Which was despite large protests against giving Sessions the role, thanks to his past record, which included opposition to LGBTQ rights and protecting voting rights for marginalised groups.

While in office, Sessions immediately began undercutting federal rights for LGBTQ people, especially trans individuals.

Did Trump care, before or after? Absolutely not.

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Potential Conflicts Of Interest

Trumps presidency has been marked by significant public concern about conflict of interest stemming from his diverse business ventures. In the lead up to his inauguration, Trump promised to remove himself from the day-to-day operations of his businesses. Trump placed his sons Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. at the head of his businesses claiming they would not communicate with him regarding his interests. However, critics noted that this would not prevent him from having input into his businesses and knowing how to benefit himself, and Trump continued to receive quarterly updates on his businesses. As his presidency progressed, he failed to take steps or show interest in further distancing himself from his business interests resulting in numerous potential conflicts. Ethics experts found Trumps plan to address conflicts of interest between his position as president and his private business interests to be entirely inadequate. Unlike every other president in the last 40 years, Trump did not put his business interests in a blind trust or equivalent arrangement to cleanly sever himself from his business interests. In January 2018, a year into his presidency, Trump owned stakes in hundreds of businesses.

When He Doubled Fees At His Resort Hotel After Becoming President

Ivana Trump, First Wife Of Donald Trump, Has Died At 73

Whats the first thing you do when you become the leader of the free world? Jack up the membership fees at your beach resort.

After Trumps election, Mar-a-Lago, the shining jewel in his gilt-coated crown, doubled its initiation fee to $200,000.

At the time, Norm Eisen, Barack Obamas top ethics lawyer, called it not very subtle exploitation of the fact that the clubs figurehead is now president of the U.S.

This type of naked profiteering off of a government office is what I would expect from King Louis XVI or his modern kleptocratic equivalents, not an American president, Eisen said.


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Trump Vs Clinton In Opinion Polls

Over the course of 2020, Biden’s lead over Trump in opinion polls has widened. A list of head-to-head match-ups for Clinton and Trump in opinion polls can be found on Wikipedia.


RealClearPolitics also compiles an average of national polls, which mirrors the Wikipedia compilation above and shows Biden leading Trump consistently throughout 2020.

Another tracker of national sentiment is compiled by Their visualization also shows Biden has a lead of roughly 8 percentage points as of October 3, 2020.

It should be noted that opinion polls can paint a misleading picture. In 2016, these same models and averages showed Clinton leading Trump by 3 to 4 percentage points. And although Trump lost the popular vote, he did win the electoral vote and therefore the presidency.

Restrict Voting To One Day Using Paper Ballots

Trumps grievances over losing the 2020 election and baseless conspiracy theories about voter fraud have inspired Republican state lawmakers across the country to propose and adopt new voting restrictions. Trump has called for measures such as universal voter ID since disbanding in 2018 the commission he established to back up his false claim of millions of fraudulent votes costing him the 2016 popular vote.

Trump has recently added a demand for same-day voting using paper ballots. That should be our goal, he said at CPAC. The proposal echoes his false claims blaming mail ballots and electronic voting machines for his loss in 2020.

As president, Trump could not change the rules on his own. He could pressure Republican-led state legislatures to pass more restrictions, or he could push for action in Congress. Congress has the power to regulate elections under the Constitution, with past examples including the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

Requiring everyone to vote on one day would upend elections across the country. Forty-six states and D.C. allow early in-person voting, and 35 and D.C. permit voting by mail without an excuse, including eight that automatically send mail ballots to voters, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

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When He Retweeted Anti

Trumps busy fingers on social media often displays that he doesn’t really think or check things before he shares them on his official account, which is a worrying thing to consider when you are talking about the US president.

Perhaps the most disturbing thing that Trump has ever shared on his timeline was a series of Islamophobic tweets from the deputy leader of the far-right group Britain First back in November 2017.

Trump did later apologise for sharing the tweets, telling Piers Morgan in a television interview that he knew nothing of the group beforehand, adding:

If you are telling me they’re horrible people, horrible, racist people, I would certainly apologise if you’d like me to do that.

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