Thursday, July 25, 2024

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How Old Is Biden Trump And Sanders

Against Trump Vermont Independent Bests Other Democrats Among Key Demographic Groups

Biden is ‘part of the old political establishment,’: Sanders
  • Sanders outperforms Biden against Trump among voters ages 18-29, those who are not interested in politics and self-described independents.

  • Biden is the strongest candidate among college-educated whites, older people and suburban white women.

  • Sanders posted his closest margin against Biden in Democratic primary polling since April, 23% to 29%.

Some Democrats are nervous that giving Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist, the partys presidential nomination would make it harder to achieve their ultimate goal of making President Donald Trump a one-term president.

Jim Messina, who managed former President Barack Obamas 2012 re-election bid, said in a recent Politico interview that Trump would love to run against Sanders, noting that Republicans have already signaled they plan to hammer the socialism angle in the fall campaign.

But a new Morning Consult poll tracking the strength of the top Democratic contenders against Trump in hypothetical matchups found Sanders performs better than his rivals, including front-runner Joe Biden, with groups viewed as key to beating the unpopular incumbent.

Sanders outperforms the former vice president against Trump among voters ages 18-29, those who are not at all interested in politics and self-described independents just as he does in primary election polling against Biden.

To which Sanders responded: It means youre going to lose.

How Old Are Other World Leaders

One of the most well-known world leaders is Vladimir Putin, president of Russia as of June 2022. While he may have reached the age of 69 in 2021, he entered office in 2000 at 47 and was sworn in for a fourth time in 2018 at 66. When Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine in 2022, president Volodymyr Zelenskyy was 44 years old.

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  • It may not be possible to keep the ableism out of the 2020 presidential campaign. But just remember that the President, the former vice-president, and the remaining senator are unlikely to take note when you make fun of their perceived disabilities. Your disabled family, friends, and co-workers, on the other hand, will absolutely notice. If you cant do better for the sake of our politics, do better for them even if the candidates themselves probably wont.

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    Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden For President

    • Sanders says: Weve got to make Trump a one-term president
    • Biden all but confirmed as Democratic challenger to Trump

    Bernie Sanders endorsed his former rival Joe Biden for president on Monday, during a surprise appearance on a live stream related to the US response to the coronavirus pandemic.

    Sanders support of the former vice-president comes at a critical moment in the 2020 campaign, as Biden attempts to unify the party after a fiercely contested primary. By throwing his weight behind Biden, Sanders, is sending a clear signal to his legions of loyal followers that they should align behind the partys nominee to defeat Donald Trump.

    Today, I am asking all Americans, Im asking every Democrat, Im asking every independent, Im asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse, the senator from Vermont said, appearing via live stream on a split screen next to Biden, who was hosting the broadcast.

    We need you in the White House, Sanders said. Weve got to make Trump a one-term president. I will do all that I can to make that happen.

    Sanders dropped out of the Democratic primary race last week after falling far behind Biden in the delegate count. In an effort to continue influencing the Democratic platform, he will remain on the ballot in states with remaining primaries to gain delegates.

    Joe Biden

    I appreciate your friendship, and I promise you I will not let you down, Biden told Sanders.

    Growing Up In The Analogue Era

    Trump leading Biden, Sanders in Iowa by double digits, poll says

    In my 20s, I made countless poor choices that regularly led to spectacular failures . As buffer to my habit of making impulsive decisions, I was absurdly lucky. I survived to my 30s and, by 1978, landed in post-Watergate Washington, D.C., with a grown-up career.

    President Richard Nixon had resigned, and both the American government and I were getting a new start.

    It turned out the times were an imperfect proving ground for noble intentions. The Reagan years were culturally flat, but politically stable and economically opportune. To quote Tom Petty, for the ambitious and energetic, “the sky was the limit.”

    Fast-forward to 2019. The past didnt go anywhere. Archival time capsules are everywhere, and they highlight our midcentury midlife decision-making when we were developing character.

    While not everyones history is as colorful as these senior citizen contenders for 2020, for todays spry 70-somethings, it can be terribly uncomfortable that our hard copy records have been transcribed, digitized, cataloged and made keyword-searchable. Seemingly anyone can unearth acts and interpret motivations of our younger selves and upload them to the internet.

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    Their Ages After Leaving Office In 2029

    If Biden wins the next election and manages to complete his second term, he will be 86 years old by the time he leaves office in January of 2029.

    If we look at the odds, Biden has a 50% chance of living to that age.

    On the other hand, if Trump retakes the White House and finishes a second term, he will be 82 in 2029. Judging by the interim life table, Trump has a 66% chance of living that long.

    How Old Is Too Old To Be President

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    If Elizabeth Warren were to be elected president next year, she would be 71 on Inauguration Day. Joe Biden would be 77. Bernie Sanders would be 79.

    In other words, if elected, any of the three leading candidates for the Democratic nomination would become the oldest person ever to begin the job, breaking the record set in 2017 by Donald Trump.

    The candidates age raises two questions. First, if any of them are elected, will their bodies and their minds be up to the task for the next four or eight years? The question has for the most part escaped serious examination, partly because it is borderline offensive to question an older persons fitness based on the number of birthdays rather than on any particular evidence of infirmity or decline. But it is probably avoided as well out of anxiety over what the answer may be.

    The second question has less to do with the candidates themselves than it does with us, and what Americans in general, and Democrats in particular, are feeling about the country.

    Age has long seemed a natural fit with conservatism, and therefore with Republican candidates rather than Democrats. A maxim, attributed to various luminaries including Edmund Burke and the king of Sweden, teaches that a young person who is already a conservative has no heart and an older person who is still a liberal has no head.

    God willing, he said. The genes are good.

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    Yes There Should Be An Age Limit

    For Mr. Carter, putting an age cap on the presidency is a matter of guarding against the cognitive decline that naturally attends old age. You have to be very flexible with your mind, he said, adding:

    You have to be able to go from one subject to another and concentrate on each one adequately and then put them all together in a comprehensive way. The things I faced just in foreign affairs, I dont think I could undertake them if I was 80 years old.

    Caitlin Schneider has expressed a similar view in the progressive outlet Splinter, floating a maximum age of 65. She writes:

    Some might argue that the sheer premise of this story is ageist, but being president is an incredibly taxing job! To question whether we ought to have an age cap on candidates isnt designed to disparage the old, but to take a long hard look at the job at hand. If the rules say a 34-year-old cant do it, its worth asking: can an 80-year-old?

    Andrew Ferguson writes in The Atlantic that an age limit may be necessary to break up the gerontocracy rule by the old within the Democratic Party, whose leadership is on average 24 years older than that of the Republican Party. He writes:

    Bernie In Trumpworld: Sanders Visits Imperative If Democracy Is To Survive

    Who can beat Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden? | UpFront (Arena)

    Vermont senator tells New York Times $2tn or $3tn will not be enough for new infrastructure package

    Bernie Sanders plans to visit Trumpworld to persuade supporters of the former president of the errors of their ways, the Vermont senator and leading progressive said in an interview published on Sunday.

    I would have loved to run against him, to tell you the truth, Sanders told the New York Times of Trump, who lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden but persists in both his lie that it was the result of electoral fraud and his control of the Republican party.

    Sanders ran for the Democratic nomination in 2016, losing a tough contest to Hillary Clinton, and in 2020, the last challenger standing against Joe Biden.

    Trump, he told the Times, is a fraud and hes a phony. Thats what he is, and he has to be exposed for that.

    The 79-year-old refused to be drawn on pop culture questions such as his reported friendship with the singer Dua Lipa or his influence on fashion.

    Instead, he discussed infrastructure reform, to which Democrats in control of the Senate will return this week.

    Sanders said $2tn to $3tn, numbers touted by centrists, would be insufficient for a bill passed by rules allowing for Democratic votes alone. He has championed $6tn.

    He gave Biden credit for confronting realities from climate change to healthcare, concerns progressives have had for decades. He also dismissed criticism from the left for his relative closeness to the Biden White House.

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    How Old Is Too Old White House Hopefuls Confront Age Debate

    The fraught debate over whether someone is too old to manage the rigors of the presidency has largely been overlooked during a Democratic primary that has put more emphasis on issues such as health care, immigration and gun control. That changed this week.

    The hospitalization of 78-year-old Bernie Sanders to treat a blocked artery in his heart ensures that the question of how old is too old to be president moves to the forefront of the Democratic contest.

    An uncomfortable fact for the party _ that three of its leading contenders are 70 or older _ will be impossible to ignore. If any of those candidates were to become the nominee, they wouldnt be able to use 73-year-old President Donald Trumps age against him. And perhaps most importantly to a party determined to defeat Trump, a septuagenarian nominee would have to work harder to present himself or herself as an agent of change, typically a key argument in any effort to defeat an incumbent president.

    Its a legitimate question to try to ascertain someones health, especially knowing how grueling presidential campaigns can be, said Donna Brazile, a former Democratic National Committee chairwoman and a veteran of more than a half-dozen presidential campaigns. It doesnt slow down if you win.

    Beyond Sanders, Joe Biden is 76 and Elizabeth Warren is 70. If any of them won the nomination, the general election would feature two septuagenarians for the first time in U.S. history.

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    Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer

    The path to the presidency famously runs through governors mansions, and Democrats looking for glimmers of hope say thats where most of the action will be in the midterms, including in swing-state Michigan.

    Whitmer, whos up for a second term in the fall, declined to discuss her potential 2024 prospects in an interview with NBC News this week, maintaining that shes focused on improving conditions in her state and keeping her current position. Polls indicate she is on track to win.

    She even went as far as to say she would offer Biden her support if he decided to seek the White House again. But the big question, of course, is if. Democrats have raised more concerns recently about Bidens age, leading some to urge him to step aside for a younger candidate to compete, placing Whitmer, 50, in the mix.

    Like Abrams, Whitmer got serious consideration during Bidens vice presidential search, with some in his inner circle angling for her to be chosen.

    He really identified with her, said one Biden ally. I think he came really close to choosing her.

    She became more widely known for implementing pragmatic safety measures during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, but has also been a favorite target of her states Republicans, who still maintain Trump won the presidential election over Biden and are eager to take her out of office.

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    According to a memo leaked to the Washington Post, private-jet-flying socialist Bernie Sanders has not ruled out the possibility of throwing his red beret into the ring for a third time.

    The memo, written by Sanderss advisor and 2020 campaign manager Faiz Shakir, read: In the event of an open 2024 Democratic presidential primary, Senator Sanders has not ruled out another run for president, so we advise that you answer any questions about 2024 with that in mind.

    The timing of this memo is interesting. Just days before the…

    Will Joe Biden be feeling the Bern in 2024?

    According to a memo leaked to the Washington Post, private-jet-flying socialist Bernie Sanders has not ruled out the possibility of throwing his red beret into the ring for a third time.

    The memo, written by Sanderss advisor and 2020 campaign manager Faiz Shakir, read: In the event of an open 2024 Democratic presidential primary, Senator Sanders has not ruled out another run for president, so we advise that you answer any questions about 2024 with that in mind.

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    The Vermont senator appeared on “The View” Wednesday.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders expressed disappointment in the first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, describing it as “not one of the great moments in American history,” while criticizing the president for lying about his record in office, particularly on health care.

    “I think what you have in President Trump is somebody who is a pathological liar, somebody who doesn’t believe that the rules apply to him, and somebody who is a bully,” Sanders, I-Vt., said on “The View” Wednesday morning. “And I know the moderator and certainly Joe Biden had a hard time dealing with that reality.”

    The senator took particular issue with Trump’s efforts to roll back the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act without proposing a substantive replacement, claiming the insurance of tens of millions of Americans was at stake.

    “The most important point to be made is that Trump lied and lied and lied again,” Sanders continued. “When asked whether or not he had come forward with a health care plan — we’ve got 90 million Americans today who have no health insurance or are underinsured, and the cost of health care is soaring — and Trump has not done anything, zero, except to make a bad situation worse by going to the Supreme Court … and trying to rule the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.”

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